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Lucifer/Draconians/Secret Socities

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posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 09:43 AM


From: Draculi-Levithon IV-0094736
Commander of the Alpha Draco Regional Contingent
Ephraim [Canada] & Mannassah [USA] sectors
Solar-3 [Terra] Infiltration force
Station-D, Level-VII

To: Rashtikarsh-Draculon IX-0006476
Central Commander
Alpha Draconian Galactic Intelligence Force
664th degree Terminal #3 - Central Nexus Command
Planet Typhon, Alpha Draconia

Glorious and Exalted One, I send you my humble greetings. Might and power be to your holy and majestic name, and to your service as director of Galactic Intelligence on behalf of his great and omnipotent highness, the
Lord Emperor of Alpha Draconis, and arch-regent of Lucifer.

Ever since our illustrious race in the most ancient of times joined in
alliance with the Luciferian gods, also known by the derogatory hu-man term "poltergeists", we have -- by reason of our advanced genetic sciences, our collective intelligence matrix, and the supernatural abilities which our Luciferian benefactors have themselves bestowed upon us -- enjoyed physical, psychic and supernatural dominion over the hu-man species.

Our father Lucifer was wise to bestow upon our supreme race the dominion
over this world that his arch-nemesis Adonai had so presumptuously given to the hu-mans.

True, it might seem that the hu-mans had ruled the surface realm of planet
Terra since ancient times when our species was driven into the subterranean depths of planet earth. However this perceived dominion and freedom is only an illusion [this history and the reality of our inner domain of course having been sequestered from public consciousness by our agents on the surface for our own protection].

We have, as you well know, inspired various elitist fraternities which have
been carefully designed and structured so as to initiate any hu-man who
might stumble onto certain technological secrets which otherwise might
upset the balance of our infrastructure of dependence and control through
which we keep the hu-man vermin in a state of submission. The purpose of
these fraternities also being to eliminate those who would betray these
secrets to the profane masses of hu-man cattle.

Yes, like cattle, humans do serve our purpose, and their purpose, as you
well know your excellency, is to serve our glorious race and to serve as
the milking-cows who provide us with a constant supply of the bioplasmic
fluids which we crave. So indeed you might say that it is in reality a
symbiotic relationship, with the hu-mans serving as the "hosts".

However, we can not allow the masses of hu-man cattle to leave this planet, otherwise the great plan of our lord and god Lucifer -- to conquer the cosmic realms which Adonai unjustly claims for himself -- might be put in jeopardy.

Only those who are truly loyal to Lucifer can be trusted to possess the
interplanetary and interstellar technology, as you well know most
illustrious one. And even through we have offered technology to the leaders of the military-industrial-banking elite of Germany and America [Terra or Solar-3] in exchange for "access" to various levels of their society, this technology was either obsolete to us or it was assured that the hu-man recipients were first under our psycho-emotional control, having received the psionic implants within the nerve centers of the brain linking them into the nexus. The nexus [which some hu-mans humorously refer to as the "hive"] will be strengthened all the more once we have fully infiltrated the Ashtar/Astarte psionic information matrix and have forever rooted out the last vestiges of individual thought and expression. In that the "Federation" places so much dependence on that particular cosmonet, as the hu-mans do on their so-called internet, the Ashtar collective shall be the common ground that we shall use to >proceed to 2nd post

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 09:48 AM
destroy and conquer our enemies within
the Federation, and ultimately shatter their futile blockade of Solar-3 and
its system.

This manner of assimilation through interventionist-collectivism, as you
well know your excellency, has been our policy for ages. It has also been
our policy that unless alien collaborators have been fully assimilated and
genetically integrated, that once their minds have been "bled" or "drained"
of any useful data, they have been eliminated once their usefulness has
been served, or in some cases their soul-energy fields have been removed
[into electro-magnetic containers and then sold on the metaversal galactic
markets as "energy food"], and replaced by one of our 5th dimensional
counterparts who have proven to be very useful to our 5th column agendas...
although some of the earlier "shifters" were rather indiscriminate in their
activities, giving rise to the ancient "vampire" legends among the hu-mans.
In these times however the shifters are far more discrete in their methods
of obtaining human bio-plasma in order to keep their host bodies from
decomposing prematurely. One of the most successful being the subterranean
"farms" where hu-man children, being strong in life-essence and free of
chemical contaminants, are bred for servitude and sustenance.

As you know, your highness, there is still the disturbing fact that some of
the hu-mans have in times past slipped through our claws and have acquired
hyperspace travel technologies and had established bases on Luna and Mars.
History will tell you of the glorious battles that have raged over and
within Terra, Luna, and Mars before the hu-mans managed to escape from the
system all-together, mainly to Orion and Lyra. We responded by establishing
our own imperial forces in Draconis and Bootes, and then in Orion once the
hu-man parasites were for the most part eradicated there, save for the
Nephel-Anakim who still maintain a considerable hold on the Betelgeusian
system. This left Lyra as our main target, and our vengeance was swift and
decisive once the great purge was ordered. In that mighty battle, our
glorious forces succeeded in wiping out most of the hu-mans in the Lyran
Alliance, save for a few resistors in Vega.

Many however escaped the purge, and spread like a virus throughout the
galaxy, in spite of the fact that we hunted down and eliminated a great
number of them. For instance the Zenatae Andromedans, the Tau Cetians,
Procyons, and even the female dominant Capellans who have betrayed our own
species and had taken sides with the so called "non interventionists".

Our former lack of commitment in hunting down, eliminating and enslaving
the entire herd of the hu-man scourge shall haunt us and be a lesson and
motivation for our species for ages to come. However, with the blessing of
our lord Lucifer, we shall prevail in the end against Adonai and all who
serve him. Because of our past lack of discipline, our hold upon Terra must
be strengthened, until our forces -- amassed within the Sol-ar system,
fortified beneath the crust of Solar-3, and within the localized alternate
reality singularities that we have generated within the grid matrix of
Solar-3 with the assistance of our human puppets within the Montauk network
-- finally have the hu-mans surrounded on all sides. The time is soon at
hand when we shall bring about the complete collapse of their society and
initiate the implementation of total electromagnetic control of all hu-man
cattle on Solar-3, and in turn all remaining hu-man rebels throughout the

Terra, unlike many worlds, holds a convergence of many of the ancient and
powerful meta-genetic characteristics, being essentially the galactic root
from which the hu-man scourge sprang. However our continued interference in
the hu-mans genetic lines has allowed us to keep them for the most part in
a state of docile passiveness, as we continue to >proceed to part 3

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 09:53 AM
rightfully take the
strongest genetic attributes of their race and integrate them into our own
glorious biogenetically engineered warrior lines.

And if factions do arise in rage, resulting from an overcrowded corral, we
shall simply influence the global merchants who have sold-out their own
kind for personal gain, and command them to use their economic pull to turn
these warring factions against each other, being extremely careful to
conceal ourselves, the ultimate "chess players", from the rest of the blind
pawns while they continue on the path of mutual annihilation.

Thanks to the gullibility of the military-industrial element of the
surface, we now have the means to "bleed" the outer world of its resources,
and our hu-man servants have bled these cattle even more to help expand our
underground empire, having constructed for us even more sub-networks with
the hopes that they will be allowed inside and given refuge by us, once the
chaos and carnage begins.

It amazes me just how easily these greedy little worms will sell out their
own kind and then trust US to follow through on our so-called "promises".
No harm done though, for these hu-man imbeciles provide us with a steady
supply of "hosts" for our 5th dimensional allies to incarnate, and a steady
supply of hu-man "soul patterns" to provide us with ectoplasmic sustenance.

Since technology on Terra has reached a critical mass and poses a threat to
our galactic empire, a project of massive depopulation through our fifth
column agents in the Terran United Nations Organization and other
eco-political global agencies -- who are expert in divide-and-conquer
tactics -- shall work to raise up the United States as the greatest threat
to the "socialized" world. Our agents in the economic infrastructure have
succeeded in polarizing the United States into the two fasocialist extremes
of left and right, unknowing in their ignorant blindness that both wings
are controlled by the same "dragon-lord", whose purpose is to breath "fire"
upon the planet and to flap its left and right "wings" in order to "fan the
flames" that would destroy the old eco-political boundaries that were
established by Adonai, and thus offer us easier global control.

Since all hu-man conflicts have an economic "fuse", we have made it our
priority, your highness, to infiltrate and control the most powerful
economic institutions of Solar-3. Eco-political collectivism in any form is
our desire, as it makes the hu-mans dependent, destroys
self-responsibility, and makes them all the more easily conquered,
controlled and manipulated towards our greater cause -- a planet and galaxy
and metaverse where all hu-man cattle are finally contained in a
perpetually controlled society of servitude, in which the "livestock" will
be tamed completely, tagged, and made to serve and to feed our superior
race. We must therefore seek to destroy eco-political boundaries and hu-man
self responsibility at every possible opportunity.

The left-right capitalist/communist machievellian polarities of a
Russian-Chinese-Arab alliance vs. the U.S.-Canadian-European factions, and
even more localized "civil" conflicts within each of these, will decrease
the rebellious surface population dramatically. Once the major forces
deplete each other and the ectoplasmic manna released from the untold
numbers of dying hu-man cattle is "harvested" and stored up for our final
battle with Adonai, we will continue to divide-and-conquer and debilitate
the smaller localized factions until they are too weak to resist
assimilation... and the only faction that shall be allowed to maintain its
size and organization will be that which is directly under our
electromagnetic control via psionic implantation and programming.

We shall also appear in the skies as "saviors" to "rescue" millions of
hu-man cattle from the so-called earth-changes created by our
electromagnetic weapons, and from the war and disease a

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 09:59 AM
and chaos and famine
also, but of course these "rescued" hu-man cattle will be redirected to
those areas of our empire which most need to be "sustained", and little
will they suspect their ultimate fate. Many who do not fall for this guise
will be brought to the point where they shall sell their very soul-matrixes
to us for their daily bread.

An economic cattle/slave society based on an illusion of freedom has it's
limitations. In the future all hu-man livestock must be "marked" and tagged
with sub-epidermal chip implants, which will be integrated with a
time-released virus to maintain the level of population on the planet that
we so desire. Every action and in fact every thought shall be monitored,
using our mainframe subspace microwave transceivers which are capable of
tapping the encephalographic and emotional signals directly from the nerve
centers of the brain, linking and assimilating those minds into the central
nexus, which will instantly through algorithmic programs interpret and
translate the neural-emotional energy signal-patterns and feedback the
conditioned assimilative responses that have been programmed into the
mainframes -- which are carefully guarded under miles of earth and rock.

This is the glorious plan and destiny which our lord and god Lucifer has
bestowed upon us, your excellency. The blessing of our lord Lucifer be upon
you and our efforts, for his greater glory and for the glory of our
expanding multi-dimensional empire.

The universe shall be ours!!!


Sorry for this very long post! What do you people think? Hogwash or reality?

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 11:45 AM
I don't know where you got this from but it definately doesn't sound like hogwash. The devil's greatest lie was the belief that he doesn't exist. The time is short. People need to chose a side. I am a faithful follower of Jesus and God the Father aka Adonai. There is only one God and Lucifer is not it. He wishes to be like him but he will never be. Everyone who follows him will be lost. My suggestion to you is to seek God. If you don't believe in him it is a good time for you to look into who Adonai is. May God be with you.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 11:51 AM
Some folks just have way too much time on their hands.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 02:08 PM
All myths and legends are based on some kind of truth. Yet people take them lightly and act as if they were a fairy tale. Tell me Masonic Light, who's side are you on? Do you believe in God or the Devil? If not who do you worship?


posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 02:28 PM
First of all you forgot to post your source.
or it could be

SubSpace transmisson? man you have to be joking. Do you really think this has any connection to reality other than some role playing game?

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by thugluv
All myths and legends are based on some kind of truth. Yet people take them lightly and act as if they were a fairy tale. Tell me Masonic Light, who's side are you on? Do you believe in God or the Devil? If not who do you worship?

I'm a Pantheist and Kabalist with Buddhist and Taoist leanings. I do not believe in a literal devil, and my God is the God of Einstein, Spinoza, and Goethe.

As for worship, I believe in the motto "To work is to worship". All true religious worship, in my opinion, takes place during helping and caring for others.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 06:17 PM


But seriously, this degenerate humanity is not worthy of interplanetary travel.

Samael Aun Weor wrote that from this planet, only a small group of Tibetans who are real Men, have the technology to travel physically to other planets with the technology of Hyperspace.

When the intellectual-animal mistakenly called Man, or the Lunar-Sahu Man acquires this technology; it will signify the final catastrophe.

The Divine Hierarchies will in no way allow the Anti-Christ to reach other Planets:

...The iniquitous one, of which Paul of Tarsus spoke in his Epistles, is certainly the harsh reality of our times. The iniquitous one is already here. It manifests itself everywhere; it certainly has the gift of ubiquity.

It argues in cafes, negotiates at the United Nations, sits comfortably in Geneva, conducts experiments in laboratories, invents atomic bombs, remote-controlled missiles, asphyxiating gases, bacteriological bombs, etc., etc., etc.

The Antichrist, fascinated by its own intellectualism, which is absolutely exclusive to know-it-alls, believes that it knows all of the phenomena of Nature.

The Antichrist, believing itself to be omniscient, is trapped in the decay of its own theories. It directly rejects anything resembling God, or that which is worshipped. The Self-sufficiency, pride and arrogance of the Antichrist are unbearable. The Antichrist mortally hates the Christian virtues of Faith, patience and humility.

Everyone bows before the Antichrist. Obviously, it has invented ultrasonic aircraft, wonderful ships, splendid cars, amazing medicines, etc. Under such conditions, who can doubt the Antichrist?

In this day and age, anyone who dares to speak against all the miracles and wonders of the Son of Perdition condemns himself to everyone's ridicule, sarcasm and irony; he condemns himself to be classified as stupid and ignorant...

On the technology of Babalon:

The Aquarian Message

The ships (rockets) of "BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" ascend and descend through this fragile and hollow tower which is deprived of Divine Wisdom.

In this day and age, this tower of Babel is represented by the hollow, superficial and vain science of materialistic scientists. God will confuse their tongues, and the tower of Babel will be fulminated by the terrible Ray of the Cosmic Justice. This fragile and hollow tower which is deprived of any type of spirituality is in these present times, as well as in ancient times, threatening the starry heaven.

The atheists, enemies of the Eternal One, want to take heaven by assault, and to conquer other worlds of space. But, soon they will be wounded to death. The terror of Love and Law reigns within the sacred space where the innumerable worlds only move and palpitate. The interplanetary voyages are only for divine humanities of the starry space. The human being of the earth is not yet worthy to penetrate within the starry space. Let us put a chimpanzee or any other ape inside a laboratory and observe what will happen...

When these human beings conquer the moon, when the atheists (enemies of the Eternal One) profane the sacred space, when the wise men of this Great Babylon, filled with pride and arrogance, prepare themselves to conquer other worlds, then the end will come. The tower of Babel will fall fulminated and from all of this, Great Babylon (humanity) will not remain not even one stone upon the other.

[edit on 31-1-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 08:52 AM
The legions of reptilian devils love to boast and make themselves out to be great warriors, but the outcome of the coming war is already known. It is inevitable. The reptilian devils, and all other devils such as the grays and blues and nordics etc. are doomed to defeat by the invincible Army of Heaven led by the great Prince Arch-angel Michael.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 08:58 AM
Holy Mary, Mother of God too.

She take a special interest in wrecking Freemasonry.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Viva Christo Rey
Holy Mary, Mother of God too.

She take a special interest in wrecking Freemasonry.

Not even a single stone of freemasonry shall be left standing when Our Lord and His Mother get through with all devil worshippers.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 09:10 AM
Yup. They're pretty much 'done like dinner now' anyways, and they know it.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 09:15 AM
Greetings all,

All myths and legends are based on some kind of truth. Yet people take them lightly and act as if they were a fairy tale. Tell me Masonic Light, who's side are you on? Do you believe in God or the Devil? If not who do you worship?

I agree with the above author in that we take myths too lightly. Most of the myths, hollywood movies and "games" actually have some basis in our reality but the majority of the people are probably too ignorant to acknowledge that! Anything that sounds to "weird" to believe normally gets the following reply: "I want to believe" but there is not enough evidence!

Lets not get too carried away in our accussations though! I didn't post this "alleged anonymous transmission" to attack any particular secret society eventhough Masonic Light was quick to get sarcastic! I merely pasted this from another site because I thought it was interesting and wanted some forumn feedback!

First of all you forgot to post your source.

I agree and apologize for that! My source

SubSpace transmisson? man you have to be joking. Do you really think this has any connection to reality other than some role playing game?

IMO, as I already stated above most "games" are either directly or indirectly linked to reality! BTW, could the transmission be referring to the infamous Dulce base or one the hundred's of underground bases in the USA and other countries world wide? Food for thought for some of you disbelievers!


I certainly find your views quite interesting although somewhat narrow-minded! I don't think there is only one way to heaven and that strong belief in only one particular religion is the only ticket to heaven. What I will say is that a lot of the scientists and scholars completely disregard religion and God in their arrogant pursuit of "everything"! I think that is very wrong. IMO, there definetly is a supreme being or grand architect of the Universe and why not call him God? At the very least there must be a multiverse creator if not a multiverse creator/controller! But this is just my opinion and not everyone has to agree.

In the last part of your post are you reffering to the Annukkaki of ancient Sumeria? I have read some posts here on ATS that a real stargate might exist in present day Iraq and that the real reason for the second gulf war might have been to acquire this technology. I am not sure but it does seem plausible.

Cheers everyone and keep the replies coming!

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 01:07 PM
That "subspace transmission" reveals the true intentions and hatred that the aliens have toward humanity. It's sad that some people are deceived by these devils into believing that they are extraterrestrials who are here to help mankind and prevent any kind of nuclear apocalypse. Actually, they would love to see humanity destroy itself but they like the thought of enslaving men and forcing them to pander to their every whim even better.

So the reptilian devils and all the other aliens are preparing in bases, some underground, for the coming war which is very near. When it breaks out it will create panic among many who are uniformed about the aliens and their true intentions. The deceived ones who actually expected the aliens to save them will probably be carted away in ufos to the place/dimension called hell. As they are loaded into ufos they will naively think that the aliens are saving them from the cataclysms on Earth but will actually be transplanted to a place even worse.

After the evil ones have been defeated and removed, and the Earth has been decontaminated by the Lord, the meek shall inherit the planet and a new era will era of peace.

[edit on 1-2-2007 by SkyWay]

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by SkepticGreek74

I certainly find your views quite interesting although somewhat narrow-minded! I don't think there is only one way to heaven and that strong belief in only one particular religion is the only ticket to heaven.

Nor do I believe that.

Where did you get that idea anyway?

Almost all of my posts have been showing that the Mysteries of all Religions lead to the same goal.

What I will say is that a lot of the scientists and scholars completely disregard religion and God in their arrogant pursuit of "everything"! I think that is very wrong. IMO, there definetly is a supreme being or grand architect of the Universe and why not call him God? At the very least there must be a multiverse creator if not a multiverse creator/controller! But this is just my opinion and not everyone has to agree.

To study Kabbalah, will show how the Divine is both One and Many all at the same time.

The Canaanite Gods, Khemetian Neteru(or Gods) and the Brahmin Devas, for example; are non other than the basis for the Elohim and the Angels of the Hebrew inspired Religions.

In the last part of your post are you reffering to the Annukkaki of ancient Sumeria? I have read some posts here on ATS that a real stargate might exist in present day Iraq and that the real reason for the second gulf war might have been to acquire this technology. I am not sure but it does seem plausible.

Cheers everyone and keep the replies coming!

The Anunnaki are also the Neteru, Elohim, Devas, etc.

Which are symbolic of aspects of our Inner True selves(again, see the teachings of Kabbalah).

What Samael Aun Weor is saying, is that the Divine Hierarchies will only allow Real Men to keep travelling physically to other planets(like the already-mentioned small group of Tibetans).

In other words, Men who are more connected to the Elohim, Neteru, Anunnaki, Buddhas, etc.

Because intellectual-animals will only spread their mental disease and sickness to other planets.

We have way too much to concern ourselves with on this planet, before we can even begin to worry about others.

A similar example is the Bush administration.

They won't fix the problems in this country, yet they insist on trying to fix the (usually made-up)problems of others.

Can you imagine what would happen if these imbeciles could reach other planets!?!

The Transmutation of Sexual Energy

...Medieval alchemists saw VITRIOL in the Sperm. The Word Vitriol is an acrostic derived from the phrase "Visita Interiora Terrae, Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem" ("Visit the interior of the earth, which by rectifying you will find the Occult Stone").

But to what Stone were medieval alchemists referring? The famous Philosopher’s Stone. That Stone has to be manufactured; undoubtedly, there are formulas to manufacture it. Certainly those formulas lie in us being able to transmute the "Sexual Libido;" that is, to transform the sperm into energy.

If with the Ens Seminis we can give life to a child, if with the Ens Seminis we can reproduce the species, if with the Ens Seminis we can fill a world with millions of beings; then - even if it might seem impossible - it is certainly true that with the Ens Seminis (the Entity of the Semen) we can give life to ourselves and become authentic Super-Men or Super-Women, in the full sense of the word

...If with the little part of the brain that is active we have managed to produce atomic rockets that travel to the Moon and the atomic bomb (with which cities like Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed), and if we have created supersonic airplanes that travel at an extraordinary speed, what would it be like if we regenerated the brain, if we should put all the parts of the brain into activity, if the whole of the encephalic mass worked? Then we could transform the world, change it, make it a marvellous place...

[edit on 1-2-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 10:21 AM

I'm a Pantheist and Kabalist with Buddhist and Taoist leanings. I do not believe in a literal devil, and my God is the God of Einstein, Spinoza, and Goethe.

I believer Lucifer initially was the "right-hand" arch-angel to God but eventually he got so powerful/arrogant that he challenged God. He lost and was doomed to perpetual dammnation. What do you mean by "I don't believe in a literal devil"? Both good and bad does not visibly appear to take any shape or form to us humans but we know both exist! These forces exist at higher dimensions which most if not all people cannot physically comprehend.

But seriously, this degenerate humanity is not worthy of interplanetary travel.
Samael Aun Weor wrote that from this planet, only a small group of Tibetans who are real Men, have the technology to travel physically to other planets with the technology of Hyperspace.

I think this is narrow minded! Why only a small group of tibetans? What about good Christians, Muslims and Jews? Shouldn't they be allowed inter-planetary travel? Also, why do you generalize all humanity as degenerate? I think there are good/bad people from all walks of life regardless of ones political or religious views!


I don't think all the aliens visiting us are evil. According to my sources(read cosmic conflict) the draconians, reptilians, instectoids and grays fall under the evil "hive" while the nordics(our ancient fathers) and perhaps a few others fall under the good "federation"! Krill papers are also a good read! Both are available on the internet.

Nor do I believe that. Where did you get that idea anyway? Almost all of my posts have been showing that the Mysteries of all Religions lead to the same goal. To study Kabbalah, will show how the Divine is both One and Many all at the same time.

The Canaanite Gods, Khemetian Neteru(or Gods) and the Brahmin Devas, for example; are non other than the basis for the Elohim and the Angels of the Hebrew inspired Religions.

Ok I agree with this!
Thanks for the link. I will check it out when I get a chance as it seems to blend all relgions/mysteries and perhaps this is what everyone should be reading! Focusing on just one religion is narow minded and misleading. Focusing on one religion normally leads to blind intolorence to other religions and thus we have wars!

The Anunnaki are also the Neteru, Elohim, Devas, etc. Which are symbolic of aspects of our Inner True selves(again, see the teachings of Kabbalah). What Samael Aun Weor is saying, is that the Divine Hierarchies will only allow Real Men to keep travelling physically to other planets(like the already-mentioned small group of Tibetans).
In other words, Men who are more connected to the Elohim, Neteru, Anunnaki, Buddhas, etc.

I thought the Annukakki where the fallen angels as in evil aliens? Didn't they enter earth through a stargate? Am I wrong? Anyway I dont know much about this subject so I will not comment any further.

We have way too much to concern ourselves with on this planet, before we can even begin to worry about others.

I agree eventhough the USA has already covertly established bases on the moon and mars. Have you seen the pictures? Go to the Ufo/Alien forum and check them out! Also, what do you think is stored at Area 51? Hint: It's not just f-117a's and auroras!

Shouldn't the USA and other wealthy/prosperous countries try to eliminate poverty in Africa and Asia before exploiting the universe and other species? It seems to me that the people that run the "show" only have one goal in mind...Get wealthy and powerful at everyone else's expense!!!


posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 06:19 PM

[edit on 2-2-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 06:38 PM

[edit on 2-2-2007 by Tamahu]

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