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Research: Degrees Of World Freemasonry

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posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 07:48 PM
Hi, I am documenting the degrees of World Freemasonry

I am looking for help, If anyone know of any degrees I have not found or any mistakes I have made, Please let me know, I would be very grateful.

I am also looking into some stories Ive heard of Esoteric Degrees, Apparently Esoteric Degrees are 34th-66th.

Some say Freemasonry has only 33 degrees, Other say it has 99 or 1000 degrees. I am trying to find the truth about those claims.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me


Degrees of Freemasonry

Symbolic Degrees

1° - Entered Apprentice
2° - Fellow Craft
3° - Master Mason

Ineffable Degrees

4° - Secret Master
5° - Perfect Master
6° - Intimate Secretary
7° - Provost & Judge
8° - Intendant of Buildings
9° - Master Elect of Nine
10° - Master Elect of Fifteen
11° - Sublime Master Elected
12° - Grand Master Architect
13° - Royal Arch of Enoch
14° - Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Master Mason

Historical Degrees

15° - Knight of the East/Sword
16° - Prince of Jerusalem

Philosophical Degrees

17° - Knights of the East & West
18° - Knight of the Rose-Croix de Heredom

Traditional and Chivalric Degrees

19° - Grand Pontiff
20° - Grand Master of all Symbolic Lodges
21° - Noachite/Prussian Knight
22° - Knight of the Royal Axe
23° - Chief of the Tabernacle
24° - Prince of the Tabernacle
25° - Knight of the Brazen Serpent
26° - Prince of Mercy
27° - Commander of the Temple
28° - Knight of the Sun
29° - Knight of St. Andrew/Patriarch of the Crusades
30° - Knight Kadosh
31° - Grand Inspector Commander
32° - Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret

Official Degree

33° - Inspector-General

ROYAL ARCH FREEMASONRY (2nd step of York/American Rite Freemasonry)

Symbolic Degrees

1° - Entered Apprentice
2° - Fellow Craft
3° - Master Mason

Capitular Degrees

4° – Mark Master Mason
5° – Past Master (Virtual)
6° - Most Excellent Master
7° – Royal Arch Mason/Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch

Cryptic Degrees

- Royal Master
- Select Master
- Super-Excellent Master
- Royal Ark Mariner

Chivalric Degrees/Orders

- Illustrious Order of the Red Cross
- Order of Malta/St. John
- Order of the Temple - Knights Templar
Degrees worked are:
- Order of St. Paul

The Chair Degrees/Orders

- Order of High Priesthood/Anointed Order of High Priesthood/Order of Melchizadek
- Thrice Illustrious Master/Order of the Silver Trowel
- Knight Crusader of the Cross
- Sovereign Order of Knights Preceptor
- Past Commanders Association

(Continued in next post)

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 07:50 PM
Unrestricted Invitational Appendant Bodies

- The York Rite Sovereign College of North America
- The Order of Knight Masons of the U.S.A
Degrees worked are:
Knight of Sword
Knight of the East
Knight of the East and West
Installed Chief (Chair Degree)
- Knights of the York Cross of Honour (KYCH)
- The Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon

Restricted Invitational Appendant Bodies

- The Allied Masonic Degrees (AMD)
Degrees worked are:
" Order of St. Lawrence the Martyr
" Knight of Constantinople
" Grand Tilers of Solomon
" Excellent Master
" Masters of Tyre
" Architect
" Grand Architect
" Superintendent
" Ye Antient Order of the Corks
" Red Branch of Eri and Appendant Orders (Honorary Degree)
" Royal Ark Mariner (separate Lodge outside the USA)
" Order of the Secret Monitor (separate Conclave outside the USA)
" Installed Sovereign Master (AMD Chair Degree)
" Installed Master (OStLM Chair Degree)
" Installed Commander Noah (RAM Chair Degree)
" Installed Supreme Ruler (OSM Chair Degree
- The Order of Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priest (HRAKTP)

Additional Masonic Organizations

- Research and Fellowship Bodies
- The Philalethes Society
- The Grand College of Rites of the United States of America
- The Society of Blue Friars
- The Masonic Order of the Bath
- The High Twelve International

Historical Invitational Bodies

- The National Sojourners, Inc.

Invitational Bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite

- The Royal Order of Scotland (ROS)

Invitational Bodies of Ultra-craft Masonry

- The Masonic Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis (MSRICF)
Degrees worked are:
" I Zelator
" II Theoricus
" III Practicus
" IV Philosophus
" V Adeptus Minor
" VI Adeptus Major
" VII Adeptus Exemptus
" VIII Magister Templi
" IX Magus
- L'Ordre de Chevalier Bienfaisant de la Cité Sainte (CBCS)
Degrees worked are:
" Scottish Master of St. Andrew
" Perfect Master of St. Andrew
" Squire Novice
" Knight Beneficent of the Holy City

Affiliated Adoptive Masonic Bodies

- The Order of the Amaranth
- The Order of the Eastern Star (OES)
Degrees worked are:
" Obedience (Adah)
" Devotion (Ruth)
" Fidelity (Esther)
" Faith (Martha)
" Charity (Electa)
- The Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem
- Social Order of the Beauceant (S.O.O.B.)

Masonic Youth Organizations

- The Order of DeMolay (IODM)
Degrees worked include:
" Initiatory Degree
" DeMolay Degree
" Degree of Chevalier (Honorary Degree)
- The Order of Job's Daughters (IOJD)
Degrees worked are:
" First Epoch (Jemima)
" Second Epoch (Kezia)
" Third Epoch (Keren happuch)
- The Order of the Rainbow for Girls (IORG)

Please reply to this thread with any help or email me at The Order Of Truth



posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 08:05 PM
Research!! By a first time poster no less!

Here you go.
The degrees of the Memphis-Misraim Rite

1º. Apprentice
2º. Companion
3º. Master

4º. Secret Master
5º. Perfect Master
6º. Intimate Secretary
7º. Provost and Judge
8º. Intendant of the Buildings
9º. Master Elect of Nine
10º. Illustrious Elect of Fifteen
11º. Sublime Prince Elect
12º. Grand Master Architect
13º. Royal Arch
14º. Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Master

15º. Knight of the East or the Sword
16º. Prince of Jerusalem
17º. Knight of the East and the West
18º. Knight of the Rose Cross

19º. Grand Pontiff
20º. Knight of the Temple
21º. Patriarch Noachite
22º. Knight of the Royal Axe
23º. Chief of the Tabernacle
24º. Prince of the Tabernacle
25º. Knight of the Brazen Serpent
26º. Prince of Mercy
27º. Commander of the Temple
28º. Knight of the Sun, or Prince Adept
29º. Knight of St. Andrew

Areopage and Tribunal
30º. Grand Elected Knight of Kadosh
31º. Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander
32º. Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
33º. Sovereign Grand Inspector General

34º. Knight of Scandinavia
35º. Knight of the Temple
36º. Sublime Negociant
37º. Knight of Shota (Sage of Truth)
38º. Sublime Elect of Truth (The Red Eagle)
39º. Grand Elect of the Aeons
40º. Sage Savaiste (Perfect Sage)
41º. Knight of the Arch of Seven Colours
42º. Prince of Light
43º. Sublime Hermetic Sage (Hermetic Philosopher)
44º. Prince of the Zodiac
45º. Sublime Sage of the Mysteries
46º. Sublime Pastor of the Huts
47º. Knight of the Seven Stars
48º. Sublime Guardian of the Sacred Mount
49º. Sublime Sage of the Pyramids
50º. Sublime Philosopher of Samothrace
51º. Sublime Titan of the Caucasus
52º. Sage of the Labyrinth
53º. Knight or Sage of the Phoenix
54º. Sublime Scalde
55º. Sublime Orphic Doctor
56º. Pontiff, of Sage of Cadmia
57º. Sublime Magus
58º. Sage, or Prince Brahmine
59º. Sublime Sage, or Grand Pontiff of Ogygia
60º. Sublime Guardian of the Three Fires
61º. Sublime Unknown Philosopher
62º. Sublime Sage of Eulisis
63º. Sublime Kawi
64º. Sage of Mythras
65º. Guardian of Sanctuary - Grand Installator
66º. Grand Architect of the Mysterious City - Grand Consecrator
67º. Guardian of the Incommunicable Name - Grand Eulogist
68º. Patriarch of Truth
69º. Knight or Sage of the Golden Branch of Eleusis
70º. Prince of Light, or Patriarch of the Planispheres
71º. Patriarch of the Sacred Vedas
72º. Sublime Master of Wisdom
73º. Patriarch, or Doctor of the Sacred Fire
74º. Sublime Master of the Stoka
75º. Knight Commandel of the Lybic Chain

Sublime Council
76º. Interpreter of Hieroglyphics, of Patriarch of Isis
77º. Sublime Knight or Sage Theosopher
78º. Grand Pontiff of the Thebiad
79º. Knight, or Sage of the Redoubtable Sada
80º. Sublime Elect of the Sanctuary of Mazias
81º. Intendent Regulator, or Patriarch of Memphis
82º. Grand Elect of the Temple of Midgard
83º. Sublime Elect of the Valley of Oddy
84º. Patriarch or Doctor of the Izeds
85º. Sublime Sage, or Knight of Kneph
86º. Sublime Philosopher of the Valley of Kab
87º. Sublime Prince of Masonry
88º. Grand Elect of the Sacred Curtain
89º. Patriarch of the Mystic City
90º. Sublime Master of the Great Work

Grand Tribunal
91º. Grand Defender
92º. Grand Catechist
93º. Regulator General
94º. Prince of Memphis, or Grand Administrator
95º.Grand Conservator
96º. Grand and Puissant Sovereign of the Order
97º. Deputy International Grand Master
98º. International Grand Master
99º. Grand Hierophant

The last 4 degrees are titles for the heads of the rite.

But the Memphis-Misraim Rite is not an "official" masonic rite to most masons.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 08:11 PM
Thank you Cug!

Thats a great help in a number of ways. It shows me that the possibility of the 33rd degree being the final degree is a slim one


posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 08:44 PM
You're right the 33rd is not the last one.. the 3rd is.

The rest are more like post graduate study program of the first 3 degrees. You might think of it as not going higher but going deeper into the first 3 degrees.

And remember most Masons would not call someone in the Memphis-Misraim rite a Mason. In fact some time ago a member of the Memphis-Misraim rite posted calling himself a Mason and he was treated just like an anti-mason would be.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by talib
Thank you Cug!

Thats a great help in a number of ways. It shows me that the possibility of the 33rd degree being the final degree is a slim one

The 33rd Degree is the final degree in the Scottish Rite. Other Masonic Rites have different numbers of degrees.

I would suggest "Encycopedia of Freemasonry" by Dr. Albert Mackey, or "Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia" by Henry W. Coil. Both contain complete lists of all Masonic Rites, as well as of their degrees.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by talib
Hi, I am documenting the degrees of World Freemasonry

I am also looking into some stories Ive heard of Esoteric Degrees, Apparently Esoteric Degrees are 34th-66th.

Some say Freemasonry has only 33 degrees, Other say it has 99 or 1000 degrees. I am trying to find the truth about those claims.

What happens when a mason dies?

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 01:24 AM
If the family requests it, the lodge to which the mason belonged may do a masonic funeral.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 06:01 AM
This post and the two subsequent replies are a very good example of how Masons on the internet spam useless and repetitive non-information onto discussion boards, usenet, and information websites to disrupt genuine research, useful facts, and discussion.

Internet Masons are know to increase these sorts of tactics in order to push down or bury information or posts they dislike.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

What happens when a mason dies?

They generally stop breathing.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 07:01 AM
Is bodily resurrection a 'Landmark' of Freemasonry?

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by Viva Christo Rey
Is bodily resurrection a 'Landmark' of Freemasonry?

No. Some Masons believe in bodily resurrection, but I do not.

One of Mackey's Landmarks, which are not accepted as official in Freemasonry, is "a resurrection to a future life". This does not necessarily mean "bodily resurrection", but alludes the general immortality of the soul.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 07:12 AM
Is bodily resurrection a Landmark of Freemasonry?

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 07:12 AM
Is bodily resurrection a Landmark of Freemasonry?

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 07:16 AM
With all due respect did you just become a born again or have you been one for awhile.

I would like to know why Masonry makes you so upset that you don't want to have a civil conversation. Instead of a quote then switching gears how about a dialog instead?

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 07:49 AM
Is bodily resurrection a 'Landmark' of Freemasonry?

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 07:59 AM
I guess we see what kind of person we are dealing with here.

How many times will you repeat the same question.

Someone answered you already

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by Viva Christo Rey
Is bodily resurrection a 'Landmark' of Freemasonry?

No, despite the false belief by some crazy fundies that Hiram Abif is literally resurrected in the 3rd degree ceremony. Which he isn't.

It's very sad for these people that they fail to understand the most obvious thing of all about freemasonry, that it is symbolic and deals in allegory. So much effort wasted on a pointless tirade, don't you think?

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 08:03 AM
Is bodily resurrection a 'Landmark' of Freemasonry.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 08:07 AM
There should be a question mark at the end of that sentence.

As I am sitting in front of an open book that lists the Masonic Landmarks used throughout Freemasonry I am awaiting your 'honest' reply with baited breath.

What are we up to now in number of evasive replies?

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