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Dems desparate for cash, they tap Canada!

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posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:04 AM
Can you believe this!
This is how low the mighty Democrats have sunk!
This cannot be legal or right nor morally defensive!

Read the article for yourself and tell me is this ridiculous or not?

How can they win if word gets out about this?

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:26 AM
This is not ridiculous. American foreign policy under the Bush administration has been viewed worldwide as detremental to the global populace (not my words, its pretty obvious from the news and here on ATS). If foreign policy is negatively affecting you, wouldn't you be willing to fund a change? Americas foreign policy affects foreigners equally if not more so than Americans themselves. is a good thing for the international community who feel violated by American politics. It gives other populations of people the chance to do something for themselves through an American election.

The thing I see disturbing is this websites embrace of the democratic ticket. Democracy does not = democrat lol. foreigners... (J/K i aint no racist)

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:27 AM
I don't like, which is the group doing it... but I'd have NO problem with any candidate accepting donations from any INDIVIDUAL, anywhere.

This is far less scandalous than the corporate donations to the RNC...of WHICH I AM FORCED TO CONTIRBUTE.

Every time I buy medicine or pay my insurance, I contribute to the RNC to re-elect Bush. We all do. And that's just wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Disgustingly wrong.

In fact, I'm sure in some part American pharmaceuticals are MARKED UP just to cover the huge annual donations to the anti-Universal Healthcare party.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by THENEO
Can you believe this!

Yes I believe it. I believe it and I'm not surprised at all. The are so desperate that they'll do ( or try to do ) anything.
If they had that option, I'm sure they would ask to foreigners to vote for them, even if it's again the American will to don't have a Democrat President anymore.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix

Originally posted by THENEO
Can you believe this!

Yes I believe it. I believe it and I'm not surprised at all. The are so desperate that they'll do ( or try to do ) anything.
If they had that option, I'm sure they would ask to foreigners to vote for them, even if it's again the American will to don't have a Democrat President anymore.

even if it's again the American will to don't have a Democrat President anymore.

Last time I checked, Bush was a Republican. If you gave the vote to all the other nations except the US. People would vote based upon the presidents foreign policy objectives and actions, not along party lines (you know, stuff that matters that the average American is too oblivious to care about). You can bet your azz President Bush would be following his fathers single term footsteps.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 09:57 AM
I don't mind what they do. If the U.S. seeks to play marco-world politics, why can't the world do the same?

We affect a great deal in the world recently, and each country worldwide has to react to us and our ever stretching reach.

I think a nice era of isolation would be key in the war against terrorism.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:51 AM
But, that is the calling card of everything Right Wing - no substance.
A "think tank" or "policy group" can be funded by three testical having Aliens if they want to - that's what Move On is.
Maybe a look to the record setting amount of fund raising trips & speaking engagements that Bush was on ( 42 trips by his mid term, yup, that's right, 42 trip on the tax payers dime while the country was in recession/war/and under fear of "terror" ) would be the better focus for Mr. Homosexual Gossip Monger - Matt Drudge.
( not that there's anything wrong with being gay, just that he's been very vocal in outing David Brock to all that will listen, since Brock stop drinking the Kool Aid)

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:54 AM
woah, I dont know it it's illegal or not, but it is definitely dirty-pool. Canadians shouldn't dictate who the next president is!

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 11:04 AM
It's quite legal. And Bout Time is right. A NON-STORY.

Although I prefer the term NONTROVERSY to describe most Fox News rhetoric and the like.

Example Question of the Day: Is Gore's endorsement of Dean the most evil, backstabbing act in history or just standard operating procedure for the forces of Satan?

I repeat: What SHOULD be criminal is MASSIVE CORPORATE DONATIONS like Pharmacuetical and Insurance companies.

If 'dictating' the President is a problem for people, I suggest we limit all doantions to $100 per entity, person or corporation.

posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 11:22 AM
No offense but what will happen next? The Democrats trolling for money in England or France or Germany?

This sets a precedent whereas the world figures it has so much to gain or lose depending on who is elected in the US that they feel compelled to get involved.

Is this fair if the rest of the world is left leaning and the US is one of the last bastions of conservatism in the world?

I don't think it is fair nor do I think it should be legal.

posted on Dec, 20 2003 @ 03:37 PM
Latest news is that someone has complained and has been told it cannot solicit funds from people outside the US and then funnel them to the democratic party in the US.

They have publicly admitted this on their website which I have read, go there for confirmation of this.

posted on Dec, 20 2003 @ 11:54 PM
Might want to check out the thread and the last post on Colonel's " Goes International".....


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