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"If you could ask a time traveler a question what would you ask?"

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posted on May, 8 2007 @ 12:50 PM
Hi, Solarskye and Cyber_Wasp!!

Solarskye, you asked,

Do we get to see the loved ones that passed away, like mom & dad etc?

To this specific question I don't know. I know that there will be famous personages that we understand are deceased, who will be present and very much alive at the concert, including Bob Marley, Princess Diana, Jesus, victims of 9-11 (those that have chosen to be present), and others.

As far as deceased relatives, when time travel is concerned anything is possible. I cannot, however, answer your specific question. I do believe, however, that you will see them again some day. We are eternal.

This physical life only appears limited and physical on its surface, but it is a swarm of conscious energy, and that energy never dies.

I am not able to answer your next question either,

Will they look the same as they left or completely different and will we reconize them if they're different?

I imagine when you see your loved ones next they will appear in a manner that you easily recognize. However, by the time you see them again, you may have a greater understanding of who you are, and who they are; and his may change how you look at yourself, as well as them.

You asked,

Also how did we come to be who we are?

Don't know. There seems to be a prevailing theory going around in paranormal circles that we were living as somewhat primitive humans on this planet and received a sort of upgrade by visiting ET races...Really don't know the answer to that one though...

You can check out
Zecharia Sitchin. He's done a lot of research and talks about the Anunnaki upgrading, or altering our race in some way thousands of years ago.

It has been said that we are descendants of Atlantians, and probably further back. I'm getting a picture of us as eternal beings, who have been on this planet, and probably others over millennia.

I wanted to point out on Zecharia's site a painting of The Last Supper by Leonardo Di Vinci. TD said that I may have been with him and others at the last supper.

He said that our likeness, as well as Mel Gibson's, may actually be on the existing original painting of The Last Supper, which may be in storage at the Vatican.

There is a "Bartholemew" on the far left in the painting that I highlighted. LOL Who knows...

It does occur to me that I know nothing of Bartholemew's life. Since TD is suggesting that I may be one of those present at the table, I can only assume that Bartholemew would be the best candidate...Going to do some background on Bart...haha

Finally, you asked,

And what was the deal with the dinosaurs?

They were big, man. Real big. LOL I don't know. That's a question for TD, or someone up on that period in our earth's history. As time travelers, however, these questions will be answered in our near future...

Hi, Cyber_Wasp! You said,

OMG the concert will be on the 07.07.2007

LiveEarth Concert with 7 Concerts in 7 Countries in 1 day.

What better place for all the above mentioned things to happen as the concerts are about climate change. Surely new technology will be shown here for us all to see.

Unfortunately, LiveEarth is not "the concert" TD and others are referring to. LiveEarth is the brainchild of, I think, Al Gore and flamboyant billionaire, Richard Branson.

That particular concert was created to bring attention to the pseudo-scientific phenomena known as "Global Warming".

I say "pseudo-scientific", because a lot of people are jumping the gun, both with regard to specifically defining what is happening to our planet, and further by extrapolating carbon emission as the cause of this warming.

There are another series of concerts, called, "Signal to Space Concert", that are actually more of an attempt at contact.

These concerts, created by Michael C. Luckman, author of "Alien Rock: The Rock 'n' Roll Extraterrestrial Connection", will take place in countries around the world this year. They will be beaming lasers and music out into space in the hopes of making contact.

These are also not "the concert" that we are indicating. That's why no mention of Slayer LOL Although, the timing of these two concerts is very interesting. And the theme of Signals to Space couldn't be more prescient as far as I'm concerned...

The concert that TD, win 52, and others are talking about will take place in Pennsylvania, during a cooler time of year (one can assume anytime between October and March). TD also says that there will only be a couple of days' notice prior to this particular concert.

And I will tell you that when (I said "when" not "if") TD's concert comes to pass, it will trump any concert any human being has ever attended up to this point.

Even if we aren't able to give out specifics very early on due to whatever protocols, I hope we are able to indicate, with complete conviction, more on TD's concert when TD makes the contact(s) he's waiting for.

Stay tuned.

[edit on 8-5-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 07:13 PM
Hello, Mr. win 52!!

I've read something on the first thing you said,

I have also felt I should sort of hide this energy so as to, not glow so brightly. That way I would not draw attention to myself.

I've heard about this (i.e., similar cautions). Probably a good idea in the past. At the moment, however, the earth and all of her gifts are yours.

What I am gathering now is that streamers are being hung up for the party, and the "good guys" are about to embark on a cosmic bash.

Whatever it was that needed to fall into place over the last ten years (taking us back to 1997) has done so, and we are starting to see the first arrivals at the dance. This seems to be kind of like the graduation dance in high school where the first arrivals get there and sort of wait for things to get going. This is the impression I'm getting.

In any event, you have nothing to fear. Whatever vestiges of the negative forces are left on this planet are soon to be expelled.

You indicated something to that effect,

That was one thing the fore message had for me. After reading most of that story, I am left with the impression the ET working there are not the ones with the final say.

What I'm gathering from all of my research, and definitely my conversations with TD, is that whoever is not acting in accord with the changes occurring now - and especially with the fair warning they've had - is going to meet an abrupt and very frightening end to their activities. IF, in fact, it hasn't happened already.

You also said,

Secondly, back to the Bible minus religion. There are warnings regarding miss use of PSI energy. There are a whole lot of texts warning about miss using the energy, but also many stories about the good that this PSI energy can do for people.

I hope to see an accurate translation of the bible with our future contacts. That work seems to be a combination of predictions, instructions, history, and of course misinformation. But we want it for the former three


You just need to throw out most popular religious views on the subject.

The subject of our "special" abilities seems to be lost in organized religion; and is definitely misunderstood with regard to religious scripture in general. We've had to come to realizations on our own, it seems, and then look back and apply this new knowledge to scripture...

You said,

It is my understanding the Bible is to be used as a guide to live by, not a dictator to force people into slavery.

Amen, brotha! LOL I think we're awakening; and this means, consequently, that we're moving ourselves away from a lifestyle of slavery; of mental acquiescence...And soon, physical...


It does say the truth will set you free…

If I could use an expletive to reinforce that thought I would. LOL How about absolutely, darn, effing straight!

The truth is a light. We have been living in darkness.

You said,

You do not need to be part of a religion to treat other people with respect, because that is what it is all about.

Yep. People don't have an exchange with another human being and have to stop and think about Christianity, or Buddhism, or religion, or the bible, or God before they smile at someone; or to see someone hurting and offer a kind word.

Religion is a way of explaining to us why we do that, but it isn't the reason we do it. Our nature is compassion. The realization of suffering is primal, and we react without thinking. But to create a set of rules that says we must act this way is putting the cart before the horse, and does not engender this behavior. It only confuses the issue.

You are love, and you are loved, before you set foot in a church. You don't have to have someone tell this to you, you just need to open your eyes and be aware. You are loved when you do the greatest wrong, but you keep that love from yourself by judging and punishing yourself. No one else can do that for you.

All religions should begin with the tenet that you are love; that you are loved; and that your neighbor is loved no more and no less - by the same creator who made you both.


ET out there who are abusing this basic trust….I am going to fire a warning shot across your bow, you had better start considering the fact this behaviour towards other beings is no longer tolerated by the ET group in charge. They are on the way, to put an end to the abuse going on here on earth.

I realize what you are saying. From what I understand, there is more than just one ET group who will put the kibosh on these beings. The smackdown, I am learning, will be swift and unforgiving. It's in the nature of some beings to behave a certain way, but the force they are reckoning with is fully capable, apparently, of cleaning house swiftly, and without mercy.


Earth people who have sold out humanity, for wealth, control and power, your time is short as well. It is never too late to change, but most of you are too far along for any change.

This is sad. And I feel like the things that are going to come to the surface are going to really turn a lot of peoples' stomachs. TD says, however, that he sees a lot of forgiving. I hope to see something positive come out of that, and not the too much of the negative, hostile response from people that TD says he saw happening.

You said,

I did ask about using my PSI energy, during an OBE I had in 2005. I was told to hold back a while longer, till I saw a group promoting sweeping changes in the way people will live here on Earth. I did find that in the TD story.

TD's story, to me, is extraordinarily unique. He has a lifetime of contacts with someone who continued to visit him during their travels, who claimed they were TD, and who shared the future with him.

The story is far out enough as it is, but if you were to have one visit over a lifetime from someone claiming to be you from the future, you might be able to write it off as someone "popping in" on your timeline, possibly by mistake, and then returning to their own.

In this case you have so many encounters. Not only that, you have an individual who apparently made a point of living near TD, we assume, to keep an eye on him.

All of this, to me, signifies that TD is right on track, and that we are going to see these changes on this, our, timeline.

You also said,

That brings us to another realization, these ET here now are somehow feeding off of our use of this PSI energy. They trigger it by evoking fear in the hearts of men and women.

Whatever reason, their time is short. I believe whatever agenda was in place was all for naught. Their agenda is known, and their involvement is quickly coming to a close. Ultimately, they will not be allowed to interfere, and they will be dealt with swiftly and harshly if they choose to continue to disrupt what is happening now.


I believe we as humans, have more power than we realize at the moment.

Yep. I wholeheartedly believe this too. And we are about to find out how much.


...we will take our proper place next to the ET we most resemble in the Universe. We will finally, after 10,000 years or so, become what we were created for.

I understand this is true. This earth did not jump several billion people in a couple of hundred years, and we are not experiencing all of the phenomena, growth, and awakening that we are just to see it die off and vanish.

There is a purpose to everything that is unfolding now, and it is much bigger than some paranoid agenda to create a police state on the planet. The push from the powers that be (the "controllers") is actually a reaction to the population waking up and wanting to take their independence back.

What they are realizing is that we're going to get it. And we have help.

[edit on 8-5-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 08:52 PM
In the spirit of the post with the last supper here is a picture that corroborates with my memories or visions or dreams, considering the descriptions of the satellites I described before I found this particular picture.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:30 PM
you know i have always wondered what kind of time travel is there and the limitations of it.

for example: lets say that in the past i had a choice between 2 cars, one was red and one was blue. I chose the blue one and over the years i just hated it. Now lets say i went back in time and told myself to pick the red car...would time be altered and would i forget about ever having the blue one or anything... or would i still have the memory of it.

also is there a sort of time travel were you can go back in time and actually take over yourself. I would love to go back to my childhood and relive it, see all the things that made me happy and what not maybe even redo the mistakes i made...not the little ones but the big ones...everyone deserves a second chance right...

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by ATSGUY
you know i have always wondered what kind of time travel is there and the limitations of it.

for example: lets say that in the past i had a choice between 2 cars, one was red and one was blue. I chose the blue one and over the years i just hated it. Now lets say i went back in time and told myself to pick the red car...would time be altered and would i forget about ever having the blue one or anything... or would i still have the memory of it.

also is there a sort of time travel were you can go back in time and actually take over yourself. I would love to go back to my childhood and relive it, see all the things that made me happy and what not maybe even redo the mistakes i made...not the little ones but the big ones...everyone deserves a second chance right...
awesome questions ATSGUY!
yes and no for the first question, depending on what point in time your at, with your example, yes, because you lived it as your older self with the blue car so the echo memory would remain since you advised yourself and altered the timeline to go with the red car, but the younger you has no memory of it of course going forward on his timeline, but there is still only one of you in the end that lived it all, no parallel demensions, I dont think anyway.

as far as take over, yes, cant believe you asked that, never mentioned it to bart further than reverse aging, you would merge all your saved memories, if of course you chose to do so, I guess you would be adding the older you to the younger as far as memories and that your brain can hold too, if you go back to 5 years old, you will forget the transfer.

[edit on 8-5-2007 by timedrifter]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:58 PM
I was thinking more of like in the movie Butterfly effect, when he goes back in time mentally and takes over himself at a younger it is basically the older 22 year old Ashton kusher in his 8 year old that would be sweet

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 04:00 PM
I wanted to expand on onthedeck's last post, to say that even if the "bad guys" or "controllers" try to commit suicide to escape the hands of those they harmed or those who are there to bring them justice, it does not matter, they will be brought back to life to face justice, death will be an option in the future, not as it is inevidable now.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:19 PM
With current technologies (stuff around us) are there ways to slow down time, in a literal sense, or stretch time, or stop it? Is it a matter of suspension of disbelief or mind power?

Is Sun a grand transportation device taking us to an ultimate destination? With the planets alignment critical for this to actually occur. (ie Mother ducking (Sun) Leading Baby Ducks (planets) to some great sun/planet destination (duck convention if you will)...

Is music a key to finding happiness on earth, critical in any way in terms of communication with aliens, or the evolution of our species to a peaceful one?

Is the number 8 an important number in the grand scheme of things? Does is have any correlation to the sun at all? OR enlightment, or a specific time?

Do aliens use our lack of understanding of the spiritual world, to conduct tests on us? (ie our experiences with ghosts can be equated to our testing on rats and rat mazes)

If time travel is possible, does each time travel event involving tampering of any kind create a parallel universe?


I have to add that most of these questions correlate with thinking I had a few years ago (during a specific three month time frame, and only during that time).

All of these events surrounding this thinking happened after I had a cluster headache episode (that first started with a vision of burning words that looked like Ancient Hebrew, that woke me up and started my first cluster headache episode, I know sounds crazy)...

The visions at this time involved:

Seeing the world change, literally into a very painting-like (in terms of perspective, distance, softer light, best way I can describe it, like a dream like ancient Greek-like Setting) place. The odd part about it was space, in terms of land, didn't really make sense in that what seemed to be the area of a few 100 feet, seemed to turn into miles within certain spots (i know doesn't make since). My thought to this was a possible heaven on earth scenerio, where everyone had ample land. (kinda forget my thinking then)

I also had the thought that with this "Heaven on Earth" scenerio, everyone turned into their youthful and healthy self.

For some reason I was also intent on the planets not only alligning but circling the sun on Earth's orbit. For some reason I can't really understand why I thought the way I did, nor chose to understand it. I also thought that the other planets were asleep, and once aligned and on our orbit, they awoke...

During this time I always saw fit to drive to the ocean, and try and signal with my highbeams onto the water, always trying to tell others of something or get an answer. Don't know why... It happened a bunch of times. The weirdest part about it, a girl I knew took me on a car ride one night, and did the same thing, without me saying it.. She was oddball, but how weird.

I was so sure the world was going to change, and time was going to stop existing and we were going to experience a new awakening of everything.

Odd stuff, when I think back to it. Never had happened before or since. I was so sure that the planets were going to align at that time Spring of 2004... I just thought, hey we all have nutty moments that was mine. Just odd that alot of the similar things have been covered here.

Still get cluster headaches every now and then for a month or so, but no longer the other stuff, which I am kinda glad about, it was alot of stuff to deal with.

Some would say maybe a manic event... Doctors said it was a result of medication I took for the cluster headaches (certain steroid)... They said with pain people sometimes encounter weird realities.. Like I said still get the cluster headaches (had a episode last year) without any of the other stuff...

[edit on 11-5-2007 by squidboy]

[edit on 11-5-2007 by squidboy]

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 11:02 PM
What...why was timeDrifter banned, was this all a hoax???

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 02:02 AM
Yes, I too would like to know why TD has been banned.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 08:02 AM
Hi, squidboy, ATSGUY, and Shadow!!

I'll first answer ATSGUY and Shadow. LOL

TD was not banned because his story is a hoax.

He was banned because he opened a thread to discuss the origins of two of the "seven words" we're not allowed to say. LOL Meaning the "S" word and the "F" word. He asked if anyone knew the origins of the words "S" and "F".

As soon as the thread was opened it was removed and he was banned. He thought he was within the T&C by using symbols in place of letters, instead of using the whole word, but there is a term that states we can't circumvent the censors in such a way.

So I may be answering for him for a while. I understand that TD has been explicit in his posts, so I can see how ATS would view this sort of a thread (the banned thread). LOL

You know what, in this case, it is what it is. haahaha

TD sent me a link to his thread and asked me what I thought. By the time I tried to get in I was just getting a blank page. It was removed.

That's OK. This topic could probably be discussed here (i.e., freedom of expression), but you would probably have to leave the spelling of the words out of it. That's fine.

ATS has reasons for their ban on explicit language of this sort. Prime among them is keeping discussion civil. And with past lapses on TD's part, I understand where ATS would feel he has been shown leniency prior to this. They have definitely been fair in recognizing when there was a misunderstanding.

It IS pretty funny to me that he can't help keep away from controversial material. Oh, well. That stuff may be for other boards.

He has an interest in asking questions about things we take for granted. When we take things for granted our attention is drawing from those things, and we sort of fall asleep. This is how sly maneuvers like "Free Speech Zones" and the reported "Hate Speech" legislation slip in.

I think the larger question TD was asking was why we aren't allowed to say certain words in the public, and in public media (OK, he was getting around to it. I know that was his intention. haah). And it's a good question. Is it because someone is offended by the "S" word? Should legislation be created that states someone cannot say this word in public?

Sure, some people think it's in bad taste, but they wouldn't make a law that says you can't say it. Speech - expression in general - artistic or otherwise, is protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution.

If you want to see a great video on this same subject, check out this Crossfire video from the late 80's.

Frank Zappa discusses the words - and only the words - as being at issue in this debate; and our protection under the Constitution to use words - any words, in any medium we choose.

I want to point out that the gentleman to the left of Frank in the debate uses Hitler's rhetoric, and by extension, the horrors of the Holocaust as a reason to censor Freedom of Expression.

Legislation should never be driven by emotion, but by sound reasoning, and a regard for the immutable and inviolable freedoms granted by the Constitution of the United States of America.

The commentator on the right calls Frank an "Absolutist" with regard to the First Amendment. I consider myself one as well. This amendment is not open to interpretation, as the wording is very clear. To concede this position is to begin the process of erosion; a process that is already occurring. This twenty-year-old argument is as valid this second as it was then.

As the author of the site states, Frank is the only true conservative in the bunch. He's conservative with regard to government involvement in issues related to the arts, and freedoms granted in the Constitution, and I'm right there with him.

Hi, squidboy!!

I'll answer your questions as best I can in my next post.

P.S. I wanted to add, and this should already be clear to everyone familiar with TD and his comments in these threads, TD is a regular person.

His experiences did not transform him into an equanimous sage, who sits and imparts the wisdom of the ages.

He's a regular guy from New York, who is very frank, and who has real questions. Just wanted to clarify.

It's pretty funny how someone can have such profound experiences, and the seeming contradiction with regard to his frank and forthright personality. It is what it is..ahahah

[edit on 13-5-2007 by OnTheDeck]

[edit on 13-5-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 07:23 PM
Thanks OTD.

So is it a permanent ban or is there a chance he will be allowed back after awhile?

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 11:04 PM
Ok, well if I ever met a time traveler, that is one from the future, which honestly I consider
to be impossible anyways, I'd only have two questions.

1. Did you choose to come back, or were you forced.

2. Give me one reason I should'nt kill you for breaking the highest of all laws.

I honestly consider time travel to the past to be the only crime that warrants an
immediate death sentence.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 11:07 PM
Hi, Shadow and squidboy!

First, squidboy, I am answering you, but I probably won't post it all until tomorrow morning. My apologies. I am answering though.

Shadow, the ban will last as long as ATS sees fit to keep it in effect. I understand why he started the thread that got him banned.

I also understand why ATS responded to the thread, but don't understand the severity of their response. It may be that they have a no tolerance rule of late, or that TD has used up his welcome...

I think even if he was unbanned, and he might read this and agree (and chuckle), he would probably be banned again. Most likely not on purpose, but it's clear the tracks he can get on can, albeit unintentionally, create waves. ahah

The first time he got banned he was really upset about it. I think he's learned that these are just message boards, and it's very easy to raise the ire of those running them. And there are a lot of people moderating here...

It's all good. They may see fit to let him back on at some point, but that's totally up to ATS.

The main thing, and this was said when he first came on here, and after, when he and I created these threads, is the message.

He experienced all of these things, had these strange lifelong encounters, and spontaneously started remembering his abduction experiences, as well as his time travel experiences, which brought him to our past and future.

The message he is coming forward with after all of that is for everyone to be prepared. This means taking these possibilities very seriously, and letting the reality of these things sink into your bones. Stand outside and look up to the sky and ask yourself how you would feel if it filled with craft.

Because of the possibility of several scenarios, from what I've gathered in my research, we need to be prepared for anything. A false second coming, ETs returning to take their place as gods by manufacturing a rescue, followed by placing their people in power, anything. We have to not be distracted by the myriad phenomena occurring everywhere, and be as strong as we've ever been.

It is said that there will be great chaos and confusion as time goes on, and in particular just before changes occur that it is said will occur. TD has said this, and it's important, but you need to "know thyself".

To me this means examining your belief systems, and clearly understanding how you came to have them. It means learning to stand on your own two feet; to use your gut instincts, your intelligence, to respect yourself and other beings, but also to recognize bs when you see it. Never give up your independence, or your power.

If there are social, religious, or political changes to come about as the result of a contact event, then it better *edit* well be for each being's independence, complete freedom, and choice in how our race proceeds. Anything less is a no deal. We deserve nothing less, and so much more!

Our reality is changing now, but it's going to change a lot more, and people will need to remain centered, with their feet on the ground, strong, open-minded; they need to use their intelligence, their heart, and their intuition, and they need to be prepared for anything.

Lastly, and this is actually the most important thing, and this is driving everything in this universe, not to mention TD's experiences - love is the answer. This is the realization he came to after everything he's been through, and remembers being through.

This part should be the easy part. Even if you don't love yourself, you are still loved. You only choose to keep that love from yourself.

Abductee, Alex Collier, was asked about a human-like ET emissary who had been guiding Alex during many contact experiences. The emissary was considered a sage by his own people, but in Alex's description, was somewhat staid with regard to his emotions.

The interviewer asked Alex what his most memorable experience was with this particular ET, and Alex recalled a meeting with this person that he had left in a depressed mood.

Alex was walking away from this person and something prompted him to turn around. I can't recall if it was Alex turning to say goodbye, or this individual calling after Alex. But the being said, the pain you experience is due to the love that you hold back.

This is the other half of TD's message. Be prepared. And know that love is what it's all about. Love to, and for every being in this universe, even the misguided ones. It doesn't mean you have to put up with what is going on, or that you concede your independence - none of that. In fact, this situation is going to change. But operating from love, and not from fear, is where it's at.

The negative energies on this planet are utilizing fear and confusion to keep people divided, distracted, and to keep them "off of their center".

All it takes is awareness of this, of recognizing the show for what it is from a place of compassion and love, and detaching from the spectacle. It's been said a lot for years leading up to this time in our history, but during these times, it is important to learn to turn within.

There is great power in ourselves, and in our connection with nature and the universe. Turn off your TV, and stop reading the newspapers. You know who's printing the papers, and you know who runs the stations that run the horror show everyday. It's programming. Unhook from the program, and get yourself up to speed on the Internet.

Leave the fear behind. It shouldn't affect you anymore. Spend some time outdoors under the sun. Breathe fresh air. And try to get some time away from the drama of chemtrails, earth changes, and anything else that might be causing you stress, or the loss of your peace of mind.

Trust in the universe, and trust in the process. TD and I were talking today. We were both saying how we feel like something's about to happen. I think a lot of people feel this way.

Someone said it's partly because everything that occurs, everything that manifests first exists in the void, or in the subconscious. Everything material starts in the non-material universe, and then is given birth. And because we are a part of the non-material universe, we are aware at a subconscious level of great events before they occur.

Regardless, we are both ready. And it is our hope that as many people can be informed, so that they can be ready as well.

TD's message is out. We talked about this today. We have been talking since November of last year (2006), and we have gone through as much as we can probably go through with regard to his experiences, and a lot of corroboration.

We are now both waiting for these events to come to pass. It's all up to the universe now. TD feels that my presence has answered some questions for him about his immediate future. He remembers he and I being involved in a lot of things.

I think we've talked through most of his memories and experiences, as well as the prevailing theories, the experiences of abductees, whistleblowers, and much more.

There is so much information, and so many predictions, but it's interesting to note that TD has stuck to his guns on his experiences, and hasn't been swayed much by other seemingly credible claims.

There isn't a lot more to be said as far as either of us are concerned. It's a waiting game now.

So that's where we are. I see, not only with TD, but many other places that the changes that are hardest on people are the psychological/spiritual, because so many aren't ready. It's not the physical changes. In fact, I'm seeing more about spiritual and evolutionary changes, than anything calamitous.

So the message is the same. Be prepared. Know thyself, and choose love over fear.


posted on May, 14 2007 @ 10:34 AM
I have a lot to say, but no time to speak.

War.....are we at war, right at the moment?

The only reason we fight amongst ourselves is because we don't know our brothers. If you look at the entire Universe, we are one small group amongst what could be thousands of other groups out there.

We do have a root race, wherein we came from. The mechanics of it is not presently available in our History books. The theory is sound and does consider our origins. Could it be that simple?

If we accept this, we would stop killing eachother on the basis of political differences. Right now, we are killing our brothers and sisters here on Earth, for what end? Is there a group, our enemies from the past, who are manipulating us for entertainment?

We are what appeares to be, the remnants of a group. We have lost our history due to a basic need to survive physically.

We are on the doorstep of finding out where we came from, and we are about to meet with others from our group of humans in the Universe.

Are we going to start killing them also? That seems to be the general concensus here on Earth.

There were other groups of us that survived, with the technology in tact. They were able to continue developing the technology we, here on Earth, lost. We went into a survival mode for the past few 1000 years.

This is what I believe, and have thought this way since childhood.

This "I am going to beat you up and/or kill you" attitude we seem to readily embrace, against eachother, has got to be curbed. I am glad that isn't my job. We are like a bunch of fighting siblings.

This all points to a time, in the near future, when we will meet our extended family. This Earth seems like a small place (neighbourhood) , all of a sudden.

This also gives new meaning to the words, "brought up to speed".

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 03:11 PM
Hi, squidboy!!

I wanted to reiterate that this is not a hoax. TD is not fabricating his experiences. And he is not embellishing for effect. His experiences and memories are shared exactly as they are, without exaggeration.

Not everything, including information, is a commodity that has to be bought and sold. TD is simply sharing his experiences and wishes nothing in return - not even attention.

If he wants any attention, it is simply attention to the message that he is trying to share. That we have an amazing future ahead of us, and he believes he has seen events that herald in this new age. There are many others who are corroborating TD's claims simply through their own personal experiences.

squidboy, thank you for your post and questions!! Your visions are pretty significant. I'll respond to as much as I can.

First, you asked,

With current technologies (stuff around us) are there ways to slow down time, in a literal sense, or stretch time, or stop it? Is it a matter of suspension of disbelief or mind power?

I don't know, exactly, what is considered current technology in the private sector. They may in fact have similar technology. TD might know. If he reads this and responds to me I'll pass it along.

TD did share technology that he believes his future self possesses, which was given to him by an alien race; possibly grays. He said it is a Hyperspeed technology, wherein the user can speed himself up to such a degree that he can move normally among people, but it will appear as though people are frozen in place.

If you saw the movie Over the Hedge, you would have seen this in effect, essentially, when Hammy the squirrel drank the caffeinated soda and everything around him stopped, he was moving so fast. LOL That's what I thought of when TD mentioned the technology...

TD said he remembers using this technology to replace the bodies of some famous personages, just before they died, with clones. This way it would appear that the person died, when in fact they were removed from the situation and transported.

I think TD said that Princess Diana is one such person; or possibly one such person. I had a conversation with TD about Princess Diana, whom he said was going to be at the concert.

I think he said he remembers pulling her from the car, and transporting her, maybe almost immediately, to the concert. There may have been a short time of acclimation before she arrives at the concert, but he did say it was very soon after she was taken.

He was clear on these memories, so we will see once the concert arrives.

You also asked,

Is Sun a grand transportation device taking us to an ultimate destination? With the planets alignment critical for this to actually occur. (ie Mother ducking (Sun) Leading Baby Ducks (planets) to some great sun/planet destination (duck convention if you will)...

These celestial bodies are connected and affecting one another. I don't know how to answer. I haven't heard anything specifically on this from TD.

I have read a lot about a galactic alignment, during which several planets, including our sun, will line up. I haven't spent too much time on that, because either it will happen, or it won't. And if it is going to happen, what can I do about it? hahah

You asked,

Is music a key to finding happiness on earth, critical in any way in terms of communication with aliens, or the evolution of our species to a peaceful one?

I don't know the answer to this. I can share what TD has shared with me, and what my own research and observations seem to suggest. I would first say that music is one of the great forces in life. Music is an expression of our soul.

TD said that, like all of the arts (and, in fact, I would suggest physical matter, and the contents of the mind; dreams, etc.) that music is one form of communicating truths. TD says that music and movies have muse messages that provide us glimpses of the larger picture.

TD has cited plenty of songs that ring true with him with regard to his experiences. Clutch has really impacted him as far as his experiences are concerned. Not only that, he has had paranormal experiences with members of Incubus, Clutch, Anthrax, Life of Agony, and others.

Many of these musicians and others will be at the concert he sees as happening soon.

From my readings, music is something (as are the arts) that is shared by many sentient species in this universe.

From our own experience here on earth, music is magic. Music has the ability to cross all borders and to strike straight to the heart of an individual.

Music, at a primal level, is communication from soul to soul. It instantly connects two beings who would otherwise think that they were worlds apart. It's a beautiful thing. You can hear music from any country on this planet, and immediately relate to what is communicated. It's a way of showing us we come from the same place.

TD sees this concert event as a prelude to much larger contact events. I think it's a perfect way to communicate a message to us in a very profound and impactful way. And that message could be conveyed through music, rather than an explanation of our situation now, and where we are headed.

You really have to think about how using a concert as a contact scenario would affect you. What the implications are.

It would be a profound, and very unexpected way to make contact. But it would be contact at a visceral level - the level of the soul - and not a "political" appeal. It would be sending the right message, instead of these beings engaging in some intellectual, diplomatic rhetoric about cooperation, etc.

Besides, as much as there may be cooperation, TD says these contact events are simply to help us back on our feet. They are positive interactions, but we will not see them placing people in power. No one will be placed in positions of power. That structure, which has been bred into us, is going to see its end.

There will be a more communal structure in place. A lot is going to change. The days of one group exerting force over another group will end. And, according to TD and others, the joy at seeing these changes will be overwhelming.

Music has deeply affected the beings on this planet. You can go anywhere on this planet and you will meet someone who knows the Beatles and John Lennon. All You Need Is Love. No doubt!

It's been said that beings such as Elvis Presley and John Lennon, etc., came here with a purpose. I see that as a very real possibility. John Lennon was shot dead, but his message got out; and the Beatles' message got out. Those messages are eternal. And they are the truth.


Is the number 8 an important number in the grand scheme of things? Does is have any correlation to the sun at all? OR enlightment, or a specific time?

I haven't heard anything on the number 8 specifically. TD can answer if he has (meaning he can email me his responses LOL)

You asked,

Do aliens use our lack of understanding of the spiritual world, to conduct tests on us? (ie our experiences with ghosts can be equated to our testing on rats and rat mazes)

I would say that some forms of ETs conduct all sorts of physical and psychological tests on us. For more on this, I've found some enlightening exchanges on a message board I've indicated in previous posts.

The posts I made a page or two ago about a poster named "fore" at lucianarchy(dot) include some of these enlightening exchanges.

You can Google "Open Mind Forums" and look for a URL for lucianarchy(dot), or just type that address into your address line.

There are a lot of exchanges by people who have had recent and very in-depth contact experiences...


posted on May, 14 2007 @ 03:12 PM

Hi, squidboy!!

You also asked,

If time travel is possible, does each time travel event involving tampering of any kind create a parallel universe?

I've read a lot about this, but I couldn't say for sure. From what I remember TD telling me, his experiences are on this timeline, and the future he sees he firmly believes is on this timeline.

Time travel may in fact alter other parallel universes; I think it's all connected. It's been said that what other parallel universes do also affects us, so it's probably a give and take.

Abductee Alex Collier has said that he believes sections of our government, you might call them a secret government, or black projects, have created a timeline where their sinister plans come to pass.

What Collier says, however, is that this - our - timeline is the one true timeline, and that as we approach the coming "events" (this can be anything from ascension to higher level, or any other myriad predictions) that these false timelines will crash back into our own timeline.

Collier says that we will see signs of these other timelines manifesting on our own timeline, (e.g., where the U.S. is more a militaristic, controlling power) as "bleed-throughs".

A good example could be the Halliburton "detainment camps" that don't seem to have a reason for being, and don't seem to be serving any purpose, or appear to potentially serve any future purpose.

This latter example is my own speculation, but it could be an example of a bleed-through from one of these other temporary, "manufactured" timelines, realities, or parallel worlds/earths.

All of that alternate universe, parallel timeline stuff is very involved, and I don't have any sort of enough grasp to answer with authority, nor have I heard much from TD on this.


I have to add that most of these questions correlate with thinking I had a few years ago (during a specific three month time frame, and only during that time).

All of these events surrounding this thinking happened after I had a cluster headache episode (that first started with a vision of burning words that looked like Ancient Hebrew, that woke me up and started my first cluster headache episode...

These events you describe are fascinating. I'll only note a couple of them below,

My thought to this was a possible heaven on earth scenerio, where everyone had ample land...

I also had the thought that with this "Heaven on Earth" scenerio, everyone turned into their youthful and healthy self.

For some reason I was also intent on the planets not only alligning but circling the sun on Earth's orbit...

I also thought that the other planets were asleep, and once aligned and on our orbit, they awoke...

I was so sure the world was going to change, and time was going to stop existing and we were going to experience a new awakening of everything.

These things seem to be echoed in other persons' visions of our future. What I find particularly interesting is your comment about planets aligning, and the awakening that occurs as a result.

And the part about "time was going to stop" I've heard before. Paula Throrneycroft shares an experience she had during one of her encounters where her ET contact told her that we (the human race) are going to experience the end of time as we know it.

If you read about the changes that are supposed to occur, they also speak about time, and our current monetary system ending. TD talks about the monetary/exchange system ending. Many contactees talk about other civilizations speaking of our unique reliance on money, and how that will end.

Others, who have supposedly done research on the Mayan calendar, Hopi prophecies, and other similar predictions, also surmise that these things portend the end of time at a point in our near future, as well as the end of our current exchange/monetary system...

Sorry for the delay in my response. Thank you for sharing your experiences. Hopefully, your personal experience with these things has opened your mind to the possibilities.

If you have any similar experiences to share please do. I am very curious to hear about them, and I know other people probably are as well.

I have to say that as of the last month or so, I have had an inclination to photograph the skies. I have paid close attention to my photographs, and I feel I am seeing anomalies in them that can't easily be explained.

I am waiting until I get more photos accumulated, but I think I'm capturing some interesting, airborne anomalies...At the moment I'm just sharing them with TD, although I did post a couple of them in this thread.

I am not willing to jump to conclusions just yet - they could be easily explained - but I don't recall seeing this sort of anomaly in any prior photographs with this, or my previous digital camera...

Will post any developments (haha pun) with this stuff...I just feel weird about these anomalies, and I think the timing is interesting...

Given that TD recalls a number of things, including traveling around in saucer craft, I wonder if he and I aren't doing flybys...BUT I digress...You never know hhaha

Thanks again!! It's clear that a message is being sent by ETs, and by the universe, that is reaching every person on this planet; in its own time of course. And this message is not being relayed by the corporate owned media.

This message, however, is also being broadcast, albeit indirectly, by the governments in power who would like us to believe that the jet streams criss-crossing overhead and filling the skies are the same streams that have been present for decades. OK, that's fine. But for how long have the planes that laid these streams been invisible? Come on!

The same government would also like us to be distracted by the terms "Republican" and "Democrat". People who have been following along realize what a scam this is, and that no matter what color is flying, Blue or Red, we still get the same result.

Are we being deceived? If you don't think so, then your awakening is going to be very abrupt, and very difficult to deal with all at once. I pray for you. hahha

The liars can only lie up to a certain point, and at that point they will be standing in their own filth with their pants around their ankles. It is my hope that their conscious will cause them great embarrassment at this. However, if they had a conscience we wouldn't be here.

That's OK though, because we are approaching that point, and when we get there, everything will be set straight...

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 09:24 PM
Hi, iori_komei. Welcome aboard.

You said,

Ok, well if I ever met a time traveler, that is one from the future, which honestly I consider to be impossible anyways, I'd only have two questions.

There are many things that we once thought impossible, that have become common place. I don't have a scientific background, but I would still use caution when using the word impossible.

I think Chris Angel and similar magicians are doing the seeming impossible. NASA has done, and continues to do the seemingly impossible. Everything is within reach, it's just a matter of timing...

You asked,

1. Did you choose to come back, or were you forced.

TD was born in New York in 1973. He is 33 years old, and is married with children. His time travel experiences were sort of thrust on him during a 6 day missing time/abduction experience that occurred in 1992, when he was 18 years old.

He recalls that he was more or less used as a human test subject, and was told to step into a time portal device. He was given several missions, the first of which was given to him by an alien gray that he believes was a future version of himself using a gray body.

After this initial trip, he said he recalls going on many, many missions. In all, he said that he may have traveled somewhere around 25 years or more. He said that before he was returned 6 days later, that he was age-regressed, his memory blocked, and returned on the 6th day.

All of this is detailed in this thread. TD returned without his memories. The day he returned he met an individual that looked like an older version of himself. This older version of TD told him he would be visited by a couple of guys, and not to say anything.

A moment later, a dark colored car pulls to a stop near TD and two older men step out and threaten TD, telling him that if he says anything to anyone about his experiences they will *edit* kill him.

It wasn't until 5 years later, in 1997, that TD remembered, clearly, everything that had happened to him during his abduction, including his time travels.

He suffered for almost ten years before being able to accept what happened to him, and the memories that came with it.

In late 2005, or early 2006, TD started researching the thoughts, memories, and visions he had resisted pursuing, because he knew that if these things were real it would scare him even more.

By the time he started researching, however, he had come to terms with these things, and he began seeing elements of his experiences in others' stories. These shared elements confirmed for TD that his experiences were real, and after that, he became determined to share his experiences, so that others might benefit from them.


2. Give me one reason I should'nt kill you for breaking the highest of all laws.

I honestly consider time travel to the past to be the only crime that warrants an immediate death sentence.

If you knew the horrible things that have been done by not only segments of our government and military complex, but some ET races, you would see that the larger picture is much worse than one guy being used as a test subject for a time travel portal.

People who share your anger are going to take out that frustration on those in power, those who were working behind the scenes, and those who assisted ET races take advantage of the human race when the truth of these things comes out.

TD was taken from his home, and facing what he thought might be his own death, was basically used as a test subject. The almost ten years of nighttime terrors were suffering enough.

There are elements in our government and military who have no regard for human, or any other form of life.

They are toying with space and time on this planet, are keeping lifesaving technology from the majority of people on this planet, have toyed with our timeline, and threaten to kill every human being on this planet through one form or another of experiment, or act of war.

It's important to be informed, and to see who is exploiting this and other technology for their own gain, who is controlling the majority of people on this planet through psychological and technological means.

Your frustration is misplaced if you're open-minded enough to believe in time travel, but don't see who would clearly be the first to obtain and use this sort of technology, to use it for selfish reasons, and at the detriment of mankind in general.

TD does not have a time travel device, and if he did, much would (and actually will) change for the better on this planet.

I should add that it's become clear to me that there are forces that actually control and regulate time travel technology on this planet, and this galaxy, and possibly the universe.

There are rules and protocols in place, and fortunately for all of us, ultimately, our future is one of peace, goodwill, and compassion. TD has already said that the baddies have tried to travel to our future to obtain information, or technology to assist them in their sinister plans, but they have been blocked.

Apparently to human beings on this planet in our future, war is a distant memory, and there is no place for that energy in our future. Any baddies that try to travel to our future are immediately detected and stopped. Their intentions and location are known in advance. I should say god be with them if their intentions are negative.

TD said he remembers some elements of the "controllers", or "secret government" actually just sending guys (soldiers?) into a rudimentary time travel device back when they were testing this stuff out. He said that some of these guys walked into the thing and never returned. He said he recalls retrieving some of them...

Anyway, there is a lot more going on. And TD's story is not like John Titor's, who traveled in his machine, made a website, and left. TD was taken, and he is sharing his experiences so that others can benefit; can be prepared.

When TD meets his future self, which he hopes to do any day now, you'll get to see exactly how much tampering has been done on this planet, and you will have a list of names of those responsible for misleading our race. When that happens, you will also get to vote on how these individuals are treated.

In the end, however, TD, myself, and others, hope that compassion and forgiveness rules. TD says there is a lot of forgiveness. We'll have to see...

Thank you for your post, iori_komei.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 10:11 PM
Hi, win 52!!

You said,

I have a lot to say, but no time to speak.

Well come back when you have time. LOL Always curious about your insights.

You said,

War.....are we at war, right at the moment?

I don't know. You could say there is always a battle of some kind.

Since we're talking about light and dark, etc., I guess you could say there is in that regard. And that is only manifested as "good guys" vs "bad guys"...From what I've read, it seems there may be conflicting agendas at the very least.

Fortunately, the prime agenda, a positive one, will win out. The creator/universe has the last say in that one.

You said,

We do have a root race, wherein we came from. The mechanics of it is not presently available in our History books. The theory is sound and does consider our origins. Could it be that simple?

This is very interesting. That we have a root race...The distinction between our physical heritage, and our spiritual source is very interesting.

We differ so vastly from cave men (and I'm not just saying modern man vs Neanderthal), and I understand that civilizations of beings on this planet died out, that I wonder if we were a primitive race that was born on this planet and tampered with, or if we were deposited here from somewhere else...It's a lot to ponder...

I am coming to believe that I was a being who spent time on other planets previous to this life. This sort of ties in with what you say next,

If we accept this, we would stop killing eachother on the basis of political differences. Right now, we are killing our brothers and sisters here on Earth, for what end? Is there a group, our enemies from the past, who are manipulating us for entertainment?

We are what appeares to be, the remnants of a group. We have lost our history due to a basic need to survive physically.

Those responsible for starting wars are not in touch with what it is they are doing. They are far removed.

Those that go to war for their governments are, in the case of China, forced into that life through their culture, or as in the case of the U.S., are forced into that role often as a means to escape the destitution this country has left them with. Sometimes there literally seems like no other way out.


We are on the doorstep of finding out where we came from, and we are about to meet with others from our group of humans in the Universe.

I'm actually knocking at the door. LOL We are on the verge. There is a mentality of hostility and fear with regard to ET contact.

This will have to be overcome, but the process that is unfolding is not going to wait until every last citizen is completely and fully in love with, and eager for, contact with our fellow universal beings.

Unfortunately, it's not a requirement. We send 18 and 19 year old kids out to kill other human beings without a thought. And the trauma that the atrocities of war can inflict on a human being - and in the numbers that it does - as well as the societies ravaged by war, and those back home who have lost their family members, far outweighs the stress caused by a peaceful intervention.

You asked,

Are we going to start killing them also? That seems to be the general concensus here on Earth.

I should add, however, that when what has been called the "arrival", the "swarm of bees", the "mass landing", the "contact event", or whatever comes to pass, a violent response will not be an option.

Partly, because these beings', according to TD and many others, are going to make their intentions known in advance - and clearly; and the response on the ground, although chaotic and confused at first, will ultimately be overwhelmingly positive.

That's not to say that a great number of people won't decide to "check out". This may be unavoidable. But the urgency of bringing our race up to speed, and to help us understand the responsibility we have, now that we are branching out into space, outweighs the unwillingness of people to accept the inevitable - that we are not alone, that we are actually part of a community, and as such, we carry a responsibility to ourselves, our planet, and those beings who share this universe with us.

The "consensus" is only shared by those who see movies like Independence Day and Alien accurately representing what's out there.

There are those who would like to shoot these craft down. I would suggest that the number is not as great as those who are fascinated by this phenomena, the phenomena of contact, and who would like to learn more about what is happening. I think more people are opening to the possibility that the things that are unfolding, and these contact events - the majority of them - are moving in a positive direction.

If it were to go south, it would have by now. This much is clear to me.


There were other groups of us that survived, with the technology in tact. They were able to continue developing the technology we, here on Earth, lost. We went into a survival mode for the past few 1000 years.

This is what I believe, and have thought this way since childhood.

Truly. What is our history? I hope to learn the truth of this soon. It just seems like we are a race disconnected from each other, from nature, from the planet, and from the universe around us. We're stumbling around in the dark. It's like we just appeared, and at some point we will just disappear into darkness.

This is apparently going to change. I'm ready for it.

You said,

This "I am going to beat you up and/or kill you" attitude we seem to readily embrace, against eachother, has got to be curbed. I am glad that isn't my job. We are like a bunch of fighting siblings.

All people have to do is to become aware of what they are doing. This awareness will lead them to ask questions. As far as I'm concerned, this violence is not our true nature. The energy of aggressiveness, yes, but not violence against another individual.

The military has to actually brainwash - psychologically breakdown and brainwash - kids into killing other human beings.

Fortunately, many are able to retain their conscience, but the irony is that when it comes time to kill, their conscience is what then makes them suffer. This is not how we are supposed to treat others. We are being fed this as a necessary means to an end. Unfortunately, the end they don't tell you about is the one where only those in power gain, and the populace is left with an illusory accomplishment; public relations.

I feel empty now about war. The lies we are told, through rhetoric, or through propaganda, have worn abysmally thin. If this planet isn't sick of war by now they never will be. I just tend to look at Bush and see the grim reaper up there smiling.


This all points to a time, in the near future, when we will meet our extended family.

I'm ready for it. I don't like relying on "outsiders" for help. But if there is a contingent of our ancestry; brothers and sisters, so to speak, that can "out" all of this stuff once and for all, I'm all for it.

You said,

This Earth seems like a small place (neighbourhood) , all of a sudden.

It's getting very crowded. You get that feeling when you see the photos and videos increasing every day.

I heard that human beings are going to become teachers after the changes. That we have gone through all of this and we are going to spread out and share our experiences.

I hear a lot about our race; that we are considered royalty, that we should be proud of what we're doing, and that we are here at this time to benefit other races "out there", in particular, by going through what we're about to go through...

Who knows. Someone, maybe it was you, win (lol) said that we were going to be seen as champions in our future. I'm just ready to have the truth. And to get our planet back...

Thanks, win! Peace!

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 04:24 AM
Hey there!
Are you able to give a more accurate date on when our currency system will be replaced?
There are some sweet no repayment deals at the moment until 2010 so it would be awesome if the system gets replaced before then.
At least we can live it up while we are waiting for the changes.

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