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Shut Up!

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posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by 2l82sk8

Well done. and thanks for the smile. I needed it.

Good to see your humor is intact 2l82sk8,point being,the things in your rant are best laughed at,there`s too many serious problems in the world that qualify to get ones blood boiling,and I`m not disqualifying myself from doing them the same.

I can see your above this

But I`ll expect the same from you,if/when I`m worn out and explode because of the trivial.So feel free to make me laugh anyway possible.

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by SpittinCobra
You may have come to the wrong place.
: bingo.

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by Royal76


Here's what you really want 2 pts for you

Are you kidding? Is that all you got?

Is this your sense of humor? Or did I hit a nerve?

Shouldn't you have been off watching American Idol or something instead of being here then? Or wait, continuing- or starting- a blog dedicated to your all time favorite heart-throbbing star and their daily news perhaps?

Or maybe you just go on your merry way everyday here on BTS/ATS making one lined comments and lines of emoticons on everyone's threads to gather points like berries off everyone elses bushes.

Well in that case, at least I guess I don't have to worry about you bothering to come back here. Probably a good idea for you anyway.

Maybe it's more up your alley to start a thread based on religion vs science or Christians vs know, something really NEW like that ageless arguement...they are always sooooo helpful and enlightening... and not intended at all for point accumulation. ATS/BTS needs more of those for sure... :shk:

My main point...
This was/is MY RANT-for my reasons- you don't get it-you don't like it? STFU and move along.

Or are you actually much smarter than you seem, and are actually attempting to use reverse psychology to help me vent more of my irritation by just feigning the ignorance you showed in your post?

Is that it? Boy, you are good then...almost had me going...thinking you were a real honest to goodness idiot. I fell for it. You are a very believeable as an A-class idiot.

Or was it your sense of humor? Just joshing with me? Hmmm....I don't get it-anyone else? Must be very subtle and intelligent humor for sure, for it to go over my head the way it has.

Or perhaps, it really is just proof you are one of the ignorant anoying idiots in the world, and on BTS/ATS, that annoy the unholy hell outta me.

Hmmm...I'm inclined to believe the latter.

So, you dare to think you know something about me, what I want, what my intentions are, huh? A spammer...looking for 2 points? You think you know me or my intentions-go ahead and enlighten me as to how you've come to your conclusions about me or this thread...I'm waiting...

But please, if it is at all possible for you, try to be more verbose in articulating your point instead of using lines of emoticons equal to monosylabic grunts.

Otherwise it just looks like you're going around making one liners for points...preceeded and punctuated by emoticons to imply you have more to "say" but are leaving it to animation.

But you accuse me of spam? grasping for the occassional 2 Points? I could quietly sit back and tag threads or go do a podcast if I really wanted to rack up the points.

Or didn't you know you could do that for points? see, I've made your life don't have to come up with your witty lines of emoticons, or rack your brain for those one liners to annoy people anymore. Now shhhhhhh....just go tagging...lets hear no more from you. Make the world...BTS/ATS a better place...

just STFU (In case I didn't get my point across) if you need a visual though....

[edit on 8-2-2007 by 2l82sk8]

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix

Originally posted by SpittinCobra
You may have come to the wrong place.
: bingo.

pssst Bingo Brain-WTF are you all
about Sun Matrix?
Did I hurt your screen worshipping feelings? WTH?

BTW, to clarify-SpittinCobra was joking with me to lighten up my mood. He did. He's cool like that.

I'm glad there are people like SpittinCobra and gps777 around on ATS/BTS

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
You see that's a perfect example of why I believe the intelligence level of most people in this country is not very high. This is the kind of crap they conversate about...

"Oh, did you hear that slamming new beat by, yada yada?" Who cares? I certainly don't. Yeah, it takes a lot of intelligence to discuss video games and record sales.

ARGH! I lost my post!

(Yes, SpittinCobra would tell me I should have written in notepad or word-then I could've spell checked as well...I know...I know...but I didn't! and now I lost my entire reply!!!!!! ARGH!!!!)

Anyway, SpeakerOfTruth, I have a confession: I do enjoy music-alot. I enjoy discussing it as well at times. I am guilty of posting about what I call compromised music and the road to it and rammifications of it, on a thread about Metallica. But I don't worship Metallica, I just enjoy music and discussing it at times.

I believe, and I hope I am right, that this would be different than the trivia of music-talk you speak of.

I actually envy musicians to be truthful-not wanting to be them, or emulate them- I envy their talent and venue of expession.

Anyway, that confession aside, thanks for understanding my frustration on the one aspect of trivial pursuits in my post.

It would have taken an entire day and 5 posts to encompass all I could have and wanted to rant about at that moment, or want people to shut up about...but I chose trivia pursiut in general because it was closest to the surface at the time.

Especially while coming here trying to escape my friends, and the world of trivial pursuits and find the refuge I expect here-and feeling ATS failed me-but I didn't want to do an anti-ATS or anti-ATSer rant and attack anyone in particular or ATS as an undeserved whole. I respect ATS and the 3 Amigos and Admin too much for that, so I generalized my rant more by specifying the trivial pursuiters in general in life.

It's just hard and annoying because besides going through deep and existential dielemmas in my life, and having them unknown, underestimated, or prioritized less important than the trivial pursuits of others- such as celebrity worship or obsession with the accumulation of wealth-both individual problems of the only two people I've chosen to allowed or sought to be my "friends" IRL...

there was the complete irritating hell of coming to ATS looking for intelligent and entertaining education and distraction as I have over the years...but instead finding the same trivial pursuits-even from those whom I respect here! Celebrity news and gossip even!

"ARGH! What has happened?" I wondered. Yes, I've just recently registered here, but I was led to ATS many a time doing a generic search or Googling a subject of interest, so I've read plenty here. I don't know, maybe I'm just touchy right now, or expect too much from ATS in general.

So, anyway, that discovery of the trivia here, especially by those whom I may have admired in the past, plus the annoying same old tired arguements happening here, by the same people, in the same annoying, baiting, thick-headed ways...ARGH!

Or to see new and different people begining those same threads using the same old tactics and approaching the same tired subjects in the same inflamatory ways...for points or for getting off on trying to "one-up" and discredit another for their personal beliefs-whatever they may be-It just set me off.

It pushed me over the edge. ATS/BTS is a refuge for me and I wanted to escape the usual trivial pursuits of the world in this refuge, but instead I found it here. It was so disillusioning. So irritating. Top it off with the ignorant arguements...and I just wanted to say SHUT UP to everyone, especially reading the rehashed regurgitated hateful baiting posts.

I admit, I've allowed myself to be suckered into posting on a few of those threads, but I'm not disrespectful/ inflamatory enough to keep up with it.

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 01:01 PM
You won't believe the quality of my new TV.

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 01:14 PM
you're a sick man.:shk:

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by thehumbleone
you're a sick man.:shk:

Why, because he wants to hear someone talk about something that actually means something and not just mindless chatter? In that case, I guess I am "sick" as well. It's not like it's the first time I have ever been called "sick" though, so it doesn't have any effect on me really.

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 01:42 PM
Yo speaker! what's up?!

I wuz just messin' wit him.


posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by thehumbleone
Yo speaker! what's up?!

I wuz just messin' wit him.


Not much... How have you been?

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 02:50 PM
Fine, glad to see you're still posting.


posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by thehumbleone
Fine, glad to see you're still posting.


Almost everyday. I haven't went anywhere as far as I know.

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Paresthesia
You won't believe the quality of my new TV.

Actually while home visitng my dying Dad their archaic projection wide screen died. What a fiasco. I took measurements, advised on what to avoid, what to look for in a new HD flat screen, but the worst part was that when my Dad designed and built the house 9 years ago, he designed a special place in the wall for their wide screen projection TV, with it's cabinet underneath, etc....trying to find a new flat screen to fit there now is nearly impossible!

Never fear though, they ran out and bought an old regular CRT boob tube for the Superbowl in the meantime...but damn! He could hardly see the game!!

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