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Do You Believe It...Aliens/Moon Base??

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posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 06:55 PM
Just trying to get an idea of what people on ATS think of the whole John Lear moon/alien/UFO concept???

In case you are a new member or just aren't sure what I am talking about, I'll give a brief synopsis of the idea.

Mr. John Lear claims that he knows (as fact and for sure from iron-clad sources) that the U.S. is mining and has extensive bases on the moon. He also says that every planet in our solar system sustains life just like us and that we are being lied to.

I have heard his testimony on Coast to Coast AM and read his stories. I want to know what you all think, do you buy it at all, do you think it is remotely possible, or do you think it is for sure happening???

I suppose anything is possible, but I am not claiming any stance on it for now..........................Peace, Mondogiwa

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 07:02 PM
I don't believe it, for 2 simple reasons. I haven't been shown ANY evidence that would lead me to believe it is true, and second. Mining on the moon, or elsewhere would be too expensive to make it worthwhile. What are we running out of here on earth that we have to go elsewhere to get it?

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 07:34 PM
I appreciate the response, yeah I am not really sure what I think of the whole thing so far....trying to gain some insight from you all though and will build from there I suppose! By the way, is your avatar a photo of you???

Peace, Mondo

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 08:01 PM
Like you said, anything is possible. However, I feel it is highly improbable, the biggest reason again is lack of evidence. I looked at his pictures and I saw nothing out of the ordinary except the huge leaps of logic that he takes. He seems to look at a few pixels and claim that it is some base or building. Also one of the biggest problems I have with Mr. Lears claims are his objectivity, he seems to accept the word of anyone that claims something even close to his core beliefs. I have trouble believing anyone who base all their claims on just that, faith.

I saw a burning bush once.

[edit on 1/21/2007 by JackJuice]

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 08:30 PM
I don't buy any of Lear's claims for the exact reasons given by sensfan and JackJuice. But the biggest problem lies in his contradiction of facts and theories that have been well established by the scientific method for some time. For instance, Lear claims that the moon is much more massive than scientists let on, which supports his absurd claim that the moon has a breathable atmosphere. The mass of the moon can easily be found using simple Newtonian Mechanics, but Lear chooses to ignore this and rely on his "faith."

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 09:35 PM
I also do not believe in what Lear claims. The moon pics thread is a huge joke of peoples imaginations running away with them. If I saw a undeniable, conclusive photo of a crane or of a tank or a strip mine on the moon I would jump ship in a second. What Zorgon goes crazy about and what Lear claims as fact are pixelated blobs that could be taken for any shape the imagination sees fit. 99.9% chance of what these pixalated blobs are? ROCKS!

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 09:45 PM
All I can add is I simply do not know. I haven't seen conclusive evidence that supports life on other planets and mining on the moon, then again I haven't seen conclusive evidence that it's not happening either.

For a very long time a few brave men were laughed at and persecuted for trying to show that the world was round and the Sun was the center of our galaxy. I try to remember the old saying,

"Todays mighty oak is yesterdays nut who held his ground."

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 09:46 PM
Basically, what we have is thousands of scientists that say it is not possible for life to be sustained on these planets, yet Mr. Lear would like you to believe otherwise. For this to be true all of those scientists would have to be involved in the conspiracy. Highly improbable, yet Mr. Lear still has his fun with some people, it's kind of sad actually.

[edit on 21-1-2007 by pompano]

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
All I can add is I simply do not know. I haven't seen conclusive evidence that supports life on other planets and mining on the moon, then again I haven't seen conclusive evidence that it's not happening either.

For a very long time a few brave men were laughed at and persecuted for trying to show that the world was round and the Sun was the center of our galaxy. I try to remember the old saying,

"Todays mighty oak is yesterdays nut who held his ground."

I just don't see "the earth being flat" arguement as holding water. I think we can all agree that scientific pursicution either Religious or otherwise is a bad thing. I also believe that we don't have that level of persicution in America today. While scientists may frown upon or look down at those with alternative beliefs they are also the first to jump on the bandwagon the moment that compelling evidence is released to support these beliefs. Had we a similiar system back when people thought the earth was flat, then well it would have never been the common assumption we like to refer to today. While we shouldn't, and don't, persacute Mr. Lear we should hold him accountable to substantiate his claims. This should not be mandated by any governing body but should be done on an individual level. Only education can give this to us, something you wouldn't of seen a flat earth subscriber ever say.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 10:00 PM
hell ya I belive it!!! Look at the pictures on

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