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Heaven Will Once Again Declare the Glory of God!

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posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 10:14 AM
Have you ever thought about why Stephan said what he said, and why he was stoned for it? And why he chose the quotes he did? His words were immensly hard to the Jewish elite to swallow, for they followed the Babylonian doctrines of the Talmud, instead of the Law of Moses. Let's look at the following verses:

Heaven is my throne, and the Earth is the footstool of my feet. What kind of house will you build for me? Or what place is there for my repose? Was it not my hand which made all these things? (Isaiah 66:1)

And when they stoned Stephan it went on like this:

But Stephan was filled by the Holy Spirit and directed his eyes toward Heaven, and there he saw the Glory of God, and Jezjuah stand by the right hand of God. Then he said: I see the Heaven opened and the Son of Man stand by the right hand of God. (Acts 7:55f)

Isaiah also says:

God has his throne above the circle of the Earth, and it's inhabitants are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the Heavens like a curtain and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. (Isaiah 40:22)

And in Job we can read:

Can you tie the bonds of the Sevenstar or loosen the chains of Orion? (Job:38:31)

And John says:

Noone has ever seen God, except the self begotten, who is God, and who is in the bossom of the Father, he has shown us who he is. (John 1:18)

And Jesus says in Matthew:

It is written, My house shall be a house of prayer, but you have made it into a den of thieves. (Matt 21:13)

In Revelation:

Then a war broke out in Heaven: Michael and his angels declared war against the Dragon. The Dragon fought with it's angels, and the Dragon was defeated, and they could no longer have a place in Heaven. The great Dragon was overthrown, the Serpent of the old, him who is called Diablos and Satan who seduce the whole world; he was cast down to Earth together with it's angels. And there was a loud voice in Heaven that said: "The Victory and the Power from now on belong to our God, and his King shall rule. For the accuser of the brethern has been overthrown, he who accused them for our God day and night. They have won over him in the power of the Blood of the Lamb and the Word they witnessed about; they didn't love their lives so much that they feared death. Therefore rejoice, Heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the Earth and the Sea! For the Adversary has come down to you, and his wrath is great, for he knows he has only a short time left."

What is all this about? I'll try to explain. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth, his throne and his footstool. He wrote his Name on the Heavens, signed his Name on the Earth, declared his Plan and set a limit between light and darkness, day and night, and he saw that the light was good. But many things have happened since then. And it all has to do with the constellations and how they are drawn, how it's boundries have been set and which names they have been given. What the worriors in the Army of God has been named and so on.

If you live in the Northern hemisphere, you can go out at night and look up towards the roof of Heaven, where the Northern Star is. Most of us would only see stars and nothing more, a couple of familliar constellations and that's all. But there is more. Find yourself a star map and see what the Babylonians have called the constellations in the top of Heaven, what they have called the throne of the Father with his Right Arm, and the Only Begotten in his bossom. The Father they have called Draco or the Dragon, and his Son, who is the Lamb, they have called Little Bear or Ursa Minor. And the Son's manger, they have called the Great Bear or Ursa Major. They have taken what belongs to God and given it to the dogs. They have made the House of God into the house of the Dragon. But it's not a proud and hungry dragon up there, there aren't dragons in the Heavens, it is a loving and caring Father with his child and a crib. It's the Law and the Gospel written in the stars. But Ba'al (Satan) worshippers has turned the Word of God into a name of a Beast (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Greece, Syria and Rome and this world which is all of these beasts combined) and filled the sky with names of blasphemy. Well I'm fed up. It is soon time the Serpent is caught and confided to it's place in the pit. Far away from the children of God. For the Dragon gives the beasts the power and right to abuse the children of God. And has given his throne and it's power to the Beast. If you don't see it's desception, and it's horrible ways you are all blind.


posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 10:32 AM
This should probably be on the BTS religion forum.

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
This should probably be on the BTS religion forum.

This is the complete conspiracy in Religion. The conspiracy that has been going on since day one. This is what has caused most, if not all of the wars in the world. And also what has brought about the laws and religions. It's the greatest conspiracy ever. I'm not preaching here, I'm explaining why Jezjuah and his followers were killed, why the Talmud is the synagogue of Satan. And how Babylon and the Vatican has fooled everyone into worshipping the Serpent without anyone noticing it. Get real. Can't you see the great desception here?

Don't you see what this is all about? Are you really that blind? Or deaf for that matter?


[Edited on 14-12-2003 by mikromarius]

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by mikromarius Don't you see what this is all about? Are you really that blind? Or deaf for that matter? Blessings,
Odd duality of tone, no? This still seems pure theological. Like I've been asking you in U2U, connect your obscure references to actual realities of current or near-current events and there might be reason for this to move from a "theology discussion" to a "conspiracy discussion".

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by mikromarius
Don't you see what this is all about? Are you really that blind? Or deaf for that matter?


Odd duality of tone, no?

The truth is odd, yes? The constellation Draco is in reality only part of a larger constellation. Draco is what the Babylonians call the right arm of God. By keeping this constellation as is, Jezjuah is proclaimed for all the world as having his power from the serpent which is a lie, for Jezjuah is standing by the right hand of God. And the right hand of God is not a serpent.

This still seems pure theological.

Like I've been asking you in U2U, connect your obscure references to actual realities of current or near-current events and there might be reason for this to move from a "theology discussion" to a "conspiracy discussion".

The fall of the Dragon, the fall of Heylel, the fall of the King of Babylon. Ba'al. When the Dragon, also called Satan and Diablos, has fallen he will run around the world and persecute those who keep the commandments of God, meaning the Jews and the Christian Converts who still live for the Law and keep the Sabbath and Passover. I am simply trying to warn people about what is soon to happen, hey, it's already happening! If you don't believe in the prophecies of the bible, how can you judge what is and what isn't connected to the conspiracies it warns about? The whole bible is about the war between good and evil. This is the major turningpoint. The final battle before the great victory of the Law and Jezjuah and his Word Rightious. Read Ezekiel 1. This is a prophecy about what I am saying, when God returns to his throne and the Glory of God is proclaimed in the Heavens.


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