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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny

Originally posted by muse801
Our human logic is off. We think therefore we exist....wrong...

Say what? Descartes narrowed it down to, "I think, therefore I am" (sic). Do me the favor and attempt to argue how that is wrong.

From a secular skeptic's point of view, all thought is simply the reactions of chemicals in the brain. If the chemicals are taken apart, or cease to react with one another, then there is no thought. Therefore the thought, "I think, therefore I am." cannot even arise. Nor can the thought that there is an entity there that exists to have a thought. Without the chemical reactions there is no one there at all. According to the secular skeptics.

Descartes was cool, when his chemicals were mixing.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 09:15 PM
Mr. Pennie,

I reckon ya' all did expose ma' edumacation deficites.

The baseball strike analogy shore did kick my butttt...

So I spose' I be just a takin' the next road out a town for ya.

Spect ya' ya gonna' kick some more butt on any ideas' and fools that be disagreein' wid ya', so I just gonna let ya be.

Please, massa' when ya find out what an A hole ya are down the line, don't ya be a blamin' any of us pooo folk..

A Big ignore strike out on you brother.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by zenfish
Therefore the thought, "I think, therefore I am." cannot even arise. Nor can the thought that there is an entity there that exists to have a thought.

So, are you arguing for the validity of the statement, or what?

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by muse801
Mr. Pennie,

Please, massa' when ya find out what an A hole ya are down the line, don't ya be a blamin' any of us pooo folk..

I reckon my point is made.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny
Correctly, your question should be phrased "understand the concept of my right and wrong"? Right and wrong follows the universal truths of light and dark, yes and no, off and on, ...etc. Have you failed to notice that everyone understands the concept of right and wrong?

Really? What world you liven in? They can’t build prisons fast enough to hold all those people who you claim know the difference between right and wrong

Most cities have their fill of gang members, perhaps yours is filled with choirboys?---

And don't bother responding. It will only be another one of your cute aphorisms. Or worse yet, one of your base insults that somehow "wows" your enthralled fans.

You follow my threads lurking for scraps you can bite into and then spit back out again---what’s that about? Are you not “enthralled”, I guess not, more like a stalker?

Do you enjoy stalking or are you trying to save all the people from falling foolishly into my hellish grip of “always do the right thing in every situation”.

There goes one more of my “cute aphorisms”

That should start everyone salivating---

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by sleeper

And yet point is made.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 11:05 PM
Hi sleeper,
OK, enough about right and wrong! Could you take off your tinfoil hat and ask Milton a serious question? How are souls formed, where do they originate? Who makes new souls? Are new souls recycled from old ones? Do 2 older souls get together and form a new baby soul? Tks!

[edit on 11-9-2007 by plumranch]

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny
reply to post by sleeper

And yet point is made.

Hi MrPenny,

Just out of curiosity, what is your "beef" with sleeper? Even though his experience was way out there, his message is something that we can all benefit from. His message is to be the best person we can be, and live our lives as if it's our last. So even if he is lying about his experience, I just don't see how this can negatively effect anyone.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny

Originally posted by zenfish
Therefore the thought, "I think, therefore I am." cannot even arise. Nor can the thought that there is an entity there that exists to have a thought.

So, are you arguing for the validity of the statement, or what?

Let's say Descartes has a moment in old age when the chemicals in his brain are no longer combining the way they used to and he has alzhiemers. Maybe he even has periods when he doesn't think at all. There are no chemicals combining to create the thoughts he used to have. Does he still exist? If some chemicals fired together in the correct combination and he remembered himself as he used to be, could he still claim, "I think, therefore I am." or would he have to consider who he was, or even if he existed at all, in those periods of non-thought? Or the periods of when he wasn't reflecting upon himself?

Does an animal think and therefore exist? Or does it exist even without thought? If so, how? Did you exist when you were a baby before you knew what language was and could form coherent thoughts? Before you could ask the question, do I exist?

I'm not saying I have the right answer, maybe, just giving an arguement to Descartes' assertion. Just something to think about because you did ask, amigo.

And you thought alien stuff was weird?

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 11:56 PM
Who left the door open anyway?
Didn’t we all agree the last one out would lock up?

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by zenfish
There are no chemicals combining to create the thoughts he used to have. Does he still exist?

It appears to me that your actually confirming Descartes by saying in effect, "no thought, no existence". It seems to me you are simply confirming, by the inverse, what Descartes declared.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by sleeper

You answered TheNetherlands question about his body-mind experience as follows: "For one it can’t be done alone, they are there but keep out of sight. It only becomes dangerous if you push passed the barriers they set up, and go to places you might not be ready for.

Most of the time they don’t let you go there---depends on who the guides are---and that’s the trick---are they evil, are you evil---evil people are fair game"

I am coming to the point quickly: I am a behavioral scientist and I believe such experiences have mentally explanations-causes. People who experience a body-soul disfragments can be very fragile and very open to what other people are saying. If they "believe" to some stories, the situation can be more complicated. Therefore I would always suggest not "believe" but try to "learn and know" about the situaiton that you experience. Sorry to disturb the continuation of your conversation.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by GeeGee
His message is to be the best person we can be,[...]So even if he is lying about his experience, I just don't see how this can negatively effect anyone.

The irony in what you've written is sublime. Apparently its O.K. to accept dishonesty and lies as long as the message is all sweet and nice? Who exactly is judging right and wrong here?

My "beef" is that sleeper cannot answer critical, searching questions about his viewpoints without turning to flippancy, sarcasm, insults, or more empty aphorisms. And, how does his earlier response to me translate to me having a 'beef' with sleeper? I specifically asked him not to respond, and in fact predicted the tone and content of whatever response he may make.

I will continue to ask probing questions in this thread whenever a comment or opinion nudges my curiosity. I will also continue to respond to inane illogic in the same manner.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 08:53 AM
Originally posted by MrPenny

The irony in what you've written is sublime.

I will continue to ask probing questions in this thread whenever a comment or opinion nudges my curiosity. I will also continue to respond to inane illogic in the same manner.

Talk about unctuous snotiness!. What do you do all day MrPenny? Sit around reading the dictionary? Let me respectfully suggest that if you want to try out your new vocabulary please select another thread. Thanks.


posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 09:37 AM
This last page reminds me (regretfuly) that its easier throwing stones than to build houses with them....

BTW. Sleeper, one question. some years ago I read a french book that was about a guy who contacted spirits while in trance and wrte down what they said, one thing that really struck me out is that in tha book the spirits tell the guy in trance that "they" could not give them proof of a previous existence, but he kept bothering the spirits for a solid proof for months, then they agreed and show them proof beyong all doubts, that he had been born like 50 years earlier and died in a motorcicle accident while going solo on a fun trip in the alps. Then after he was shocked and convinced about the things those "spirits" were telling him, he asked them why they had to be coaxed for so long to give him proof, and they told him that its forbidden and also because knowing for certain that info carries a burden, what burden? he asked, they told him, now that you know it all your wrong doings and bad responses will count twice,you will be rated accordingly because you have the advantage of information than most doesnt. !!!!

Now Sleeper do yuo think this is the case, that those that have higher info are more accountable for their wrongdoings? any info on that?

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
Let me respectfully suggest that if you want to try out your new vocabulary please select another thread. Thanks.

Well, you liked one of my phrases so much, you repeated it here.

Now you aren't actually suggesting that the regular readers of this thread may have trouble with reading and comprehension? No, of course not.....

I also, have the highest of expectations for this audience and expect them to have the mental accuity that is expected on the site that promotes "intelligent discussion of alternative subjects". This is as I recall, not Godlike Productions.

[Edit: swapped "also" for "however"]

[edit on 12-9-2007 by MrPenny]

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 11:53 AM
Any one said that UFOs are Nazis because they made them keep them
and told Truman Roswell was real.


OK then, lets come clean.

I checked in at the banter end so it must be over on what happened.

Is Aliens a code word for the N word ( like the one from Germany ) because
it makes it more real when the substitution is used.

Just asking.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 11:58 AM
"Inane illogic", "unctious snottiness"! The vocabulary alone is well, edifying and astonishing!

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 12:36 PM

Now you aren't actually suggesting that the regular readers of this thread may have trouble with reading and comprehension?
reply to post by MrPenny
I know that we have many participants here from places like Portugal, Germany, Holland and god knows where who must be struggling with all these big words and contorted ideas, however. Just try reading philosophy in your 2nd language! You do have one don't you?

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 12:46 PM
Hello Sleeper!

As you can see I am new here. I have been reading this thread for some time. I am normally a very shy person but I felt today was a good day to jump in and tell you how much I appreciate this thread. Thank You for all your time and effort. I'd like to thank a lot of the posters as well as they have been posing questions that have crossed my mind.

To MRPENNY, I'd like to Thank You for giving me the perfect user name to jump in here with!!!


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