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Nuclear event in Ukraine

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posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:42 PM
Can someone help me translate this? I don't speak Ukrainian, and there are no translaors that work well enough.

Radoaktív faszénen sütöttek saslikot újévet köszöntő kijeviek, anélkül, hogy tudták volna, milyen veszélynek teszik ki magukat. Ők az ukrán főváros egyik szupermarketjében vettek a tíz, illetve huszonöt kilogrammos, teljesen szabályos kiszerelésű faszénből, csak éppen azt nem tudták, hogy a tüzelőanyag illegálisan, az 1986-os csernobili atomerőmű-robbanás óta zárt zónának számító terület egyik erdejéből szerzett fából készült. A hatósági vizsgálat később megállapította, hogy már magának a faszénnek a radioaktív sugárzása négyszerese volt a megengedett normának. A meggyújtott faszén persze továbbadta a sugárzást a rajta sütött húsnak, de még azoknak is, akik a parazsas tál mellett ültek. A nyomozók kiderítették, hogy a veszélyes tüzelő a csernobili atomerőmű körüli zárt területen működő illegális műhelyben készült: az "oda se neki" szemléletű vállalkozók berakták a radioaktív fát az ugyancsak radioaktív kályhákba, majd az elkészült - természetesen szintén sugárzó - faszenet előírásosan 10-25 kilós zsákokba csomagolták, aztán irány a viszonteladó. Most végre büntető eljárás indult ellenük radioaktív anyaggal való illegális üzletelés miatt, aminek büntetési tétele öttől tíz évig terjedő szabadságvesztés.

It's listed here


posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:47 PM
can't translate but on that site you linked, it's two graphics one sitting on top of the other.

The first is "fires in slovakia"
the second is "epidemic hazard in hungary"

oh wait I found the "nucleur event in ukraine"

if i find out more or an exact translation I'll post. going digging now.

[edit on 1-10-2007 by worldwatcher]

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 06:16 PM
I can't read Ukrainian but the date in the article posted says 1986.
The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant had it's little melt-down on April 26, 1986.

Hopefully an ATS member that knows the language will reply to the thread.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 06:20 PM
I can't find nothing.

1986 would definitely be Chernobyl, but this page shows today date.

the only other thing relating to nukes is the energy situation that may come up due to this Russia withholding oil thing going on in that area.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 06:38 PM
Yeah, I saw that, but figured it may say something like "In an event remeniscent of Chernobyl in 1986" or something like that. Or, it may say something like "The radiation of the 1986 Chernobyl blast still remains". I just saw it, and couldn't let it just pass by without some investigation.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 06:40 PM
since I couldn't find anything I looked for translators
best I could do.....not sure if it right or not... I tried hungarian, not sure if it's ukranian, russian or another dialect.

Radoaktív charcoal roasted saslikot New Year congratulatory kijeviek , without , that tudták have , what danger work who themselves. They are the Ukrainian capital one szupermarketjében vettek the deca , or twenty one kilogramme , totally standard packaging charcoal , only full that not tudták , that the fuel illegal , the os csernobili nuclear plant - blowing-up since closely-knit zónának designing territory one erdejéből gotten wooden. THE authority exam posteriorly stated , that already reserved the charcoal the radioactive radiation quadruple it had been the supposed normal. THE struck charcoal sure transmit the radiation the on it roasted húsnak , but yet those also akik the fire-pan next to set. THE inquirers elicited , that the dangerous shoot the csernobili nuclear plant towards closely-knit its territory working illegal manufactory I was made : the " there neither for him " picturesque undertakers store the radioactive fát the as well radioactive stoves , then the made absolutely too radiating dowel formally 10-25 kilo pounds packaged , after that direction the huckster. This time long lasting penalty way started push-pull radioactive substance truly illegal stores because of , of which punishment installments öttől deca évig spreading szabadságvesztés.

I think it's about radioactive products????

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 08:00 PM
Google search shows:

Radiation situation in Ukrainian capital stable

ITAR-TASS, Russia - Dec 20, 2006

A wave of alarming rumours about an outburst of radiation during an operation at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) swept Ukraine on Tuesday. ...

But the page comes up blank for me. ???

Also, this:

Emergencies ministry denies report of leak at Shelter facility at Chornobyl NPP

Kyiv, December 19 (Interfax-Ukraine) - Ukraine's Emergencies Ministry has denied reports that there has been an accident at the Shelter facility at Chornobyl NPP.

According to the ministry's top spokesman, Ihor Krol, there is no truth to rumors posted on the Internet on Monday that the Shelter facility has been partially destroyed, releasing a cloud of radioactive dust and raising the background radiation level in Kyiv.

Krol said that the reports were complete disinformation. He said the radiation situation at the plant was normal.,20061219003

[edit on 1/10/07 by makeitso]

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