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The PR campaign to rid of us cash money

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posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 03:36 AM
There is a new ad campain out there to make us feel bad about using cash money. Broadcast on major television networks is a series of commercials intended to bring about the end of a cash society.

The commercials show an endless smoothly running line of folks buying stuff (one commercial is in a cafeteria) all using a Visa Check Card. Suddenly one foolhardy individual dares to slow down progress by using cash ! Of course everyone looks at this person as though he just shot someone. Afterwords, the line continues to move on quickly as the smart folks use their Visa cards.

As someone with a BA degree in Advertising and Public Relations, it was obvious the intent this commercial was designed for. The folks who own the Federal Reserve and the other central banks of the world want total control of this planet. And this PR campaign is the start.

They dont want us to have cash folks. They took away gold from us and cash is next. And once they get us to accept an implant its over. A cashless society means if we decide to protest against international bank control, they'll simply turn off your implant/card and you cant buy food or pay the bills.

Next time you see these ads watch closely. The message is clear, cash is bad.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 03:54 AM
A rather paranoid outlook.

You in the US may not be allowed gold, but there are other people in this world other than you guys.

For all intents and purposes, cash (at least in the UK) is merely a "cheque" or promise from the Bank of England to pay the bearer that sum in Gold, on demand. Anyone can go down to the BoE and claim their gold with their cash.

From what I understand, this is generally how things work around the world. The paper money you have is, in itself, worthless as it is merely a promise and has no intrinsic physical value itself.

It is different for coins, which is true currency as it does have value attached to the coin itself, rather than a promise to give you a precious metal as in paper money.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 04:19 AM
Paranoid or not, I have done extensive research in this area. The powers that be ironically originate from your homeland.

The Rothschilds are part owners of the Federal Reserve.

Oh and by the way, you are mistaken. The UK like most of the world is NOT on the gold standard anymore. This is a mistaken belief the banking cartel love to promote. Your country gave up gold during World War 2. Your money like mine is technically worthless. Your central bank, the Bank of London can print as much of it as they like...pretty nice trick for a privately owned corporation (owned by th Rothschilds). This is also why we have inflation, the hidden tax because there is NO limit to how much money they can print now.

Coin money no longer has value. The metals its made from are worthless. The United States stopped making coin from silver in 1964.

The international bankers goals are a one-world monetary system with them in control of it.

These folks are already financing implants to use as a debit card. I have seen them at medical conventions, the most recent last year in Las Vegas.

Soon you will see the next series of commercials...the 1st with medical data and will be sold as a savior for lost love ones (as you can be tracked by it). Eventually the next pr campaign will show us how wonderful it will be to enter a Walmart, have your implant scanned and just walk out with whatever you wish to purchase (being automatically withdrawn from your account).

No offense, but people like you scare me. Completely unaware that money is worthless paper. Completely unaware of the power these banking clans have over us.

This whole website should have just one category because all of the conspiracies, new world order, cfr, ufo's all come under the control of these banking families.

Folks wont realize the nefarious purpose behind the cashless society. And make no mistakes, there is one. The banking cartel want total power and control and if people dont wake up soon, they will have it.

[edit on 3-1-2007 by admriker444]

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 04:35 AM
an example of the power these bankers have.

On June 4th, 1963, President Kennedy signed a presidential document, called Executive Order 11110, which further amended Executive Order 10289 of September 19th, 1951. This gave Kennedy, as President of the United States, legal clearance to create his own money to run the country, money that would belong to the people, an interest and debt-free money. He had printed United States Notes, completely ignoring the Federal Reserve Notes from the private banks of the Federal Reserve.
Our records show that Kennedy issued $4,292,893,825 of cash money. It was perfectly obvious that Kennedy was out to under mine the Federal Reserve System of the United States.
But it was only a few months later, In November of 1963, that the world received the shocking news of President Kennedy's assassination. No reason was given, of course, for anyone wanting to commit such an atrocious crime. But for those who knew anything about money and banking, it did not take long to put the pieces of the puzzle together. For surely, President Kennedy must have had it in mind to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and return back to the United States Congress the power to create Its own money.
It is interesting to note that, only one day after Kennedy's assassination, all the United States notes which Kennedy had issued were called out of circulation. Was this through an executive order of the newly installed president, Lyndon B. Johnson? Was President Johnson afraid of the Bankers? Or was he one of their instruments? At any rate, all of the money President Kennedy had created was destroyed. And not a word was said to the American people.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 04:46 AM
another good link..

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by admriker444

Oh and by the way, you are mistaken. The UK like most of the world is NOT on the gold standard anymore. This is a mistaken belief the banking cartel love to promote. Your country gave up gold during World War 2. Your money like mine is technically worthless. Your central bank, the Bank of London can print as much of it as they like...pretty nice trick for a privately owned corporation (owned by th Rothschilds). This is also why we have inflation, the hidden tax because there is NO limit to how much money they can print now.

Something quite different. The Gold standard is gone, that I know. But that doesn't stop you going down to the BoE and getting what you have been promised. The notes actually say on them "I promise to pay the bearere, on demand, the sum of X Pounds".

I guarantee that you will get your Gold in the UK and we are not "banned" from having it like you Yanks.

Obviously, with the current price, you may have to take down several thousand pounds in cash to get a worthwhile amount of actual Gold, otherwise you get back just coin.

As for your other points, I will come back to them..

EDIT: Also, it is not THE reason for inflation. There are many factors and anyone with a simple understanding of economics knows that.

No offense, but people like you scare me. Completely unaware that money is worthless paper. Completely unaware of the power these banking clans have over us.

What did I just say? I KNOW it is worthless paper. It is a cheque, a promise, to give you real money (ie, metal) on demand.

[edit on 3/1/07 by stumason]

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 05:06 AM
In London, for public transport they want everyone to use these cards called Oyster cards. On Jan 2nd the raised the price of a single-way bus pass to £2, that is $4 US whereas if you have an Oyster card, they know your name, address, etc and you check in everytime you get on bus, use subway, etc, it is cheaper.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 05:22 AM
There will always be some sort of currency around. If they completely eliminate paper money someone will come up with something else that is of value to everyone and that will become the means of barter.

Lest we forget that there is a huge black market arround the world. If paper money goes the way of the dinosaur do you think those that deal in a cash buisness, IE drug dealers would stand by and let it happen? Nope. There would almost imediatly be a new type of currency to which to barter with.

In parts of Columbia. Paper money is completely worthless and people actualy have taken to buying goods and services with a certan substance used instead.

Paper money may someday be outmoded but would be replaced by another form to which to barter with.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by stumason
Something quite different. The Gold standard is gone, that I know. But that doesn't stop you going down to the BoE and getting what you have been promised. The notes actually say on them "I promise to pay the bearere, on demand, the sum of X Pounds".

I guarantee that you will get your Gold in the UK and we are not "banned" from having it like you Yanks.

I thought the pound was for sterling silver. not gold. Is there sterling gold? This came up when I was in the royal muse. The lady at the till gave me a scottish note, I was aghast! "wait" I said "I need British money not scottish" She explained to me that it is still sterling and that was what was inportant not the origin of the note.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 06:11 AM
Gold standard actually went years ago, just after WW2 as a condition for receving a loan from the US.

The name, "sterling", comes from that the pound was originally the value of one Troy pound of sterling silver, hence "pound sterling".

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by stumason
The name, "sterling", comes from that the pound was originally the value of one Troy pound of sterling silver, hence "pound sterling".

So basicly you could go in and demand your silver. Not your gold. To be literal you would go in with your paper and demand your silver then trade that silver in for gold.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 06:54 AM
The Silver Standard was dropped in favour of the Gold Standard in the 17-1800's..not sure of exact date. Complicated story as to the what nots, good read though.

It's only where the name comes from, mind you.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 07:28 AM
There is much more to this "evolution" than simply controlling the money supply. Controlling a person's economy leads to control of the person. In a true free-market society anything of value is easily bartered for either goods or services. An example would be a simple agrarian formula - I will trade you a dozen egss for a loaf of bread. There is no middleman in the equation collecting usury charges on the transaction as it is not logged. Obvioulsy the banking cartel cannot simply sit by and watch this happen.

Solution, eliminate all means of off-record transactions by eliminating paper currency which can easily change hands void of the cartel. How to do that? Computerize EVERY transaction thus ensuring that taxes or other usury is collected on each and every exchange. Furthermore, another end is achieved through the same mean - control. If the banking cartel has complete and total control over your "economy" then they have complete control over you! They can literally track every transaction you make, regardless of how mundane this may seem to you - this information is very useful to them.

Databases are built, behaviors tracked and controlled etc. An excellent example is the one offered by another poster regarding the "Oyster" cards in the UK for transit. You agree (for now) to provide your personal information and have each transaction logged and you receive a reduced rate for transit, refuse and you will pay a much higher rate. Whereas on the surface this appears to be "reasonable" (Appears to be only because PR campaigns brainswashing you into accepting it as such), it is clearly much more nefarious. Everyday folks will ultimately be forced to acquiesce to this control as their economies are being controlled, however, the more wealthy, those likely to be a part of the problem - not the solution, will continue to be free as they can afford to live outside the system of controls placed upon society. Anyone see a dangerous trend forming here?

We are slowly being programmed into accepting these methods as "progress" and advances in technology. However, I and many others, see it for what it truly is - a mechanism of control. I hope people wake up soon and understand that you own NOTHING! You have ZERO wealth! Your rights are nothing more than words that can be readily redefined by the Oligarchy at any time (Patriot Act anyone?)! Acceptance of such "Progress" is nothing more than a complete surrender of your privacy and your rights as an individual. May God help us all is any of this is allowed to happen.


posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by stumason

EDIT: Also, it is not THE reason for inflation. There are many factors and anyone with a simple understanding of economics knows that.

Hi stumason

I think I have a simple understanding of economics and I know that there is only one reason for inflation, and that is the increase in money supply.

This ATS thread covers alot about this subject. On page 4 I give out a lesson called "Inflation 101 Mwahaha" *grins* anyway here is the gist.

Source - PDF

Today, our money is fiat (essentially costless for the government to produce) and not limited by our stock of gold. So how does the issuer of money, the central bank, know when it has produced too much money? The answer to this question is relatively straightforward: If the central bank oversupplies money, the purchasing power of money falls, or in other words, the money price of things rises. That is, inflated money will reveal itself when the prices of things in terms of money rise. So the central bank must monitor the behavior of prices as a way of detecting inflation. But over time, people have blurred the distinction between how inflation is measured with what inflation is. Indeed, today one often hears the word “inflation” used when what is meant is simply “price increase.”

To recap, inflation is caused by the increase in money stock. Everything else, such as wage increase or price increase, is just the effect of inflation.

Want to know something else? Inflation is a form of taxation...

Inflation is caused by increased money supply which is then countered with deflationary fiscal policies which can include: Increasing the level of income tax, reducing government expenditure or increasing VAT and other indirect taxation. Source

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 10:08 AM
Ok, but what about, say, Oil Price increases which are as a result of lack of supply. This in turn bumps up production costs and hence, the cost you or I pay. You cannot say that the money supply has anything to do with that, as it is a result of lack of supply of Oil reaching the market.

In fact, a decrease in supply of an important resource such as Oil can affect the purchasing power of your currency. Currency oversupply then exasperates the problem.

You theory assumes that as a result of Fiat money there is inflation, what about when the currencies where backed by Gold, for example? There was still inflation then. As I said, inflation doesn't just have one cause.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Dae

Originally posted by stumason

EDIT: Also, it is not THE reason for inflation. There are many factors and anyone with a simple understanding of economics knows that.

Hi stumason

I think I have a simple understanding of economics and I know that there is only one reason for inflation, and that is the increase in money supply.

This ATS thread covers alot about this subject. On page 4 I give out a lesson called "Inflation 101 Mwahaha" *grins* anyway here is the gist.

Source - PDF

Today, our money is fiat (essentially costless for the government to produce) and not limited by our stock of gold. So how does the issuer of money, the central bank, know when it has produced too much money? The answer to this question is relatively straightforward: If the central bank oversupplies money, the purchasing power of money falls, or in other words, the money price of things rises. That is, inflated money will reveal itself when the prices of things in terms of money rise. So the central bank must monitor the behavior of prices as a way of detecting inflation. But over time, people have blurred the distinction between how inflation is measured with what inflation is. Indeed, today one often hears the word “inflation” used when what is meant is simply “price increase.”

To recap, inflation is caused by the increase in money stock. Everything else, such as wage increase or price increase, is just the effect of inflation.

Want to know something else? Inflation is a form of taxation...

Inflation is caused by increased money supply which is then countered with deflationary fiscal policies which can include: Increasing the level of income tax, reducing government expenditure or increasing VAT and other indirect taxation. Source

good post and quite correct.

Inflation is the worst kind of tax because its hidden and completely misunderstood.

Here's a wonderful story an old economics professor of mine once told me to explain inflation....

1500 - 500 years ago you could take a 1 oz gold coin and buy a nice suit, attend a show, and get a great dinner.

2000 - present day, that very same 1 oz gold coin will also buy you a nice suit, attend a show, and get some dinner.

Now lets compare dollars for just the past 90 years...

1910 - a dollar will buy you dinner and a show at the local theater.

2000 - a dollar wont buy a dang thing lol.

As you can see, precious metal like gold hasnt lost its value even after 500 years. The prices are different yes but the PURCHASING power is the same.

The same certainly can NOT be said for the dollar. The 1913 dollar today is worth 4 cents. Thats a seriously harsh tax all thanks to the federal reserve. Its also why just 50 years ago most american families could live comfortably on one income. Nowadays both parents work and make less money than a one-income family did 50 years ago. Sad really.

And to further hide this hidden tax from americans, the federal reserve just announced last year that they will no longer tell us just how much money they create.

The solution is simple, take the power away from the federal reserve, the bank of london, and other privately owned banks to print/create money and give it back to the people. And of course back the money with precious metal so it has intrinsic value and protects against inflation.

The problem is taking away such power is dangerous. We've seen what the bankers are willing to do...kill presidents if necessary to protect their power.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by admriker444
The problem is taking away such power is dangerous. We've seen what the bankers are willing to do...kill presidents if necessary to protect their power.

admriker444 I agree completely and the minute I saw your thread title, I thought about that commercial you mentioned. When I first saw it, I thought exactly the same thing you are saying.

The commercial shows a line of people, and has the "factory music" like from WB cartoons, as everyone hums along efficiently using their plastic cards for money. THEN some stupid sod pulls out cash, and the whole line halts. The whole room looks irritated because he is slowing them down.

Total, blatant mind control away from using real money (which the dollar actually is NOT, as it is a debt note, i.e. colored paper). And the funny thing is that this type of influence is designed to work on fear. Fear of others, fear of peer pressure.

Anyway, good post because that commercial caught my attention. We have to stay awake to catch the lullabye.

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 10:21 AM
You know when I first saw that commercial that was the first thing that came to my mind also. In fact I was practically apalled. Anyone not wearing magical fantasyland glasses (very few in the world) could see it for what it really was. Look around, everyone doing what someone else thinks they are supposed to be doing. Perfect little parts of the machine in progress, happily using a form of currency which can be altered if they ever became serious dissenters.

The only thing I can do about it though, IS START A BUSINESS AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT WOOHOO!!!

Those cards make it so much easier and efficient to handle business. IT makes it quite difficult, if not impossible for a corrupt accountant in league with your attorney to hide money or blatantly steal it and take off. It was all accounted for, unlike cash assets. All I need now is one of them thurr wireless card machines and my mobile mechanic business is going to get rolling.

Lets just accept it, and exploit it for ourselves!

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 10:30 AM
I love it. Getting rid of cash is long overdue. I am one of those people who get impatient when someone tries to pay with cash or a check, (Checks are much worse however). Debt cards are fast and easy and I do not have to worry about carrying or having the right amount of cash. Takes about 10 seconds or less to pay. I guess I am a person who welcomes change and is not afraid of it or try to blame it on some large banker Jewish conspiracy. This is just the evolution of business.

[edit on 3-1-2007 by zerotime]

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 10:38 AM
Agree with zerotime. I have been using a debit card almost exclusively for all of my purchases for going on 10 years. It's quick and convenient and for the most part universally accepted. I very rarely carry cash.
Just a few weeks ago I went into a small local store and attempted to buy a christmas present for my wife. I was told they only accepted cash/check and given directions to the nearest ATM. Needless to say, I didn't go back to that store.

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