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The NWO, Illuminati, Templars, Bankers, Masons, Hitler & 9/11

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posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 05:21 PM
In this discussion I will show how the Illuminati was responsible for some of the most infamous acts in history.

The Illuminati whom many believe to have been the Knights Templar, were said to have been the protectors of pilgrims en route to the Holy land & more so Jerusalem,
The so called “Poor knights” were in fact amassing a grand fortune,use your imagination as to how they done that, they had in fact created a banking system which allowed pilgrims to deposit currency in England, France almost anywhere in Christian Europe occupied by the Templars, which allowed the Pilgrims to travel to the Holy land (Jerusalem) and gain access (through documentation) to their fortune when they got their.

Yeah? So what? Seems like a good idea?

Whilst In England King Edward 1 was in the process of exiling Jews from England, The Jews seen as moneylenders were being exiled because they were seen to be draining an ialready very poor English “Crown”, this was due to the heavy “money lending” they themselves had made to the French King Louis who apart from being King of the whole of France was a devout Christian who had the Vatican presently occupying his Kingdom, the Vatican had asked both England & France to represent them in the Crusades, France had basically funded English participation, tensions then rose when England was unable or unwilling to pay back this money.

I believe the Templars fit into this by having gained knowledge of an impending Vatican “Templar purge”, (which probably came from the English) and with the guaranteed backing of the French army they sought to ally with the English who were in an economic depression, (and simply dissolve into a corrupt Monarchy) telling them that they will put money into the “Crown”.

So the Templars were bankers eh?

A passage of timepassed before the advent of the “Mason” or rather “Free-mason”, The discovery of the “new world” was available to anyone who wanted it, England established as a rising power was keen to get their share.
The Freemason fraternity was also keen to establish itself in this land, which it did, very successfully.
Dotted all around the modern US is Masonic Lodges, just like in Britain.

“The fraternity of Freemasonry uses the allegorical metaphors of operative stonemasons' tools and implements against the backdrop of the building of the Temple of King Solomon,

“The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon”

This is a piece of text used to describe the Knights Templar. See the connection?



These Bankers (as they are now known) who had successfully built an unequalled economy,effectively crippled it, The 1929 crash was to last almost quarter of a century, though at an early stage in 1930 after an initial revival to the stock exchange shares once again plummeted to its lowest point in 1932, then again “they” had already created a contingency plan, they were responsible for the appointment of the most famous man last century, Adolf Hitler, Adolf who was a member of the German military was ordered to infiltrate the German workers Party, it was here that he met Dietrich Eckhart a member of the Thule society, the two became very close with Eckhart exerting much influence over Hitler, It was he who taught Hitler how to speak with such conviction & introduced him to a “wide range of people”, you get what I am saying? No?

The Thule Society was founded August 17, 1918 by Rudolf von Sebottendorff, a German occultist, as the Munich branch of the Germanenorden, a secret society a.k.a. the "Order of Teutons"

Its interesting to see that this secret society was a branch of the “Order of the Teutons”, Teutons? Where have I heard that before ? Teutonic knights..or rather Knights Templar.
Two different names for the same thing. or you could even say one is a branch of the other.

Hitler gained power in Germany in July, 1929 a few months before the crash.
It details here that on May 1928 that the Party Hitler was to head had received just 2.6% of votes in all of Germany, a year and a bit later, after the “financial crisis” this party now led by Hitler had 18.6% of the vote and by 1933 had 43.9% allowing Hitler to become Chancellor. quite a turnaround would you agree?
Nothing would stop him now, He regenerated the German economy through employment in factories for arms production.


The mighty German army with superior arms somehow lost?

I am not going to go into detail on that aspect.


The American economy achieves the same level of share value pre-crash.

Just like in Germany the Americans now used a war machine to recover the economy, after Pearl harbor Americans were scared, they feared attack from any angle, whilst the people in control of their Gov. were hardly trying to allay their fears the dawn of the Cold War was thus not going to ease them, so no questions asked when the Governments policy of building nuclear warheaded ICBM’s was made. Well apart from the hippys.

All the way up to the Present decade were we all witnessed another crash, there is many conspiracies regarding 9/11 many indeed are plausible and not to hard to imagine,when you look at the facts, the people of America weren’t scared enough anymore,their was no reason to continue putting money into Arms, their was no Vietnam, no Cold war, they had to find something to get that old war machine kicking back into action.

To blame for this ? The American Government. Riddled with corruption, you want the New World Order, you already got it.

"New-World" Order.


Hitlers road to Power

Knights Templar

Thule society

Adolf Hitler

[edit on 26-12-2006 by marcopolo]

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 06:57 PM
Is this an attempt at some Grand Unified Theory of Conspiracies?
You've still gotta get Aliens into the mix.

Some of the logic is a bit dodgy... just because Templars were Bankers, doesn't mean Bankers are Templars.

I guess the Teutonic Knights were of a similar origin to the Templars, along with the Hospitallers. An Order of Military Monks in the times of the Crusades. But not the same group.

And I'm unsure of why these Bankers keep on deliberately crashing the US economy? Just out of general meanness?

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 07:51 PM
Good topic. Not sure if the Templars are still in banking. I do believe that they are still around though. They are very secret to say the least. As for having the stock market crash. When that happened many rich people were able to buy up American companies for pennies on the dollar. The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Du Ponts bought America right up. The banking companies of America and other countries rule the world. Now before everyone here starts flamming me
Just think how many people in the world are in debit to the bank. Once you think about in these terms the bank owns everyone. Unless your Bill Gates or have a ton of money. The banking system has so much cloat with the world today.

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 08:50 PM
You made a good point Andy,and I agree 100%.Do you think another stock market crash is in our future?Not trying to hijack the thread,just curious on opinions.

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 10:57 PM
Well looking at the current trends and downsides....oh hell yeah. It's coming. The stock market is taking a huge hit. They predicted the holiday sales were going to save it. But no they now have cut prices even lower because sales are actually down. Oil prices fell a little helping it some what. We had a good day on Tues. But all this talk about sending more troops, war with Iran, and Korea. This definatley takes its toll on the market. So in a long speech. Yeah it's just a matter of when the Illuminati wants it done. I just heard Shepard Smith from Fox News talk about how the French are buying up everything in New York. This is a coincidence either. Another big thing if you remember of the summer when all these other coutries were buying up ports are New York. This isn't just because. It's selling out American companies to Foreign companies. Another instance here is the NAFTA Superhighway that NAFTA wants built. They want foreign construction companies to do this. And did you know that most foreign companies own and get most of the toll money on toll road highways. All these little things that most people don't realize is what's hurting the American economy. Look at what the dollar has been doing latley. Did you know this Christmas season that many people for Europe were coming over here to shop. Why? Because the Euro is worth more then the dollar. Much more then the dollar. Many people from Europe were qouted as saying,"This is great I can save so much getting my Christmas shopping done in the U.S." The exchange rate is really good. For them not us. Also since we are talking about banking. Bush not too long ago told the Federal Reserve to start printing more money. Do know what happens when the Reserve floods the market and consumer with more money then needed. It drops the value of the dollar big time. They are making it so we need to be more dependent on foreign currency. Why? So the American people will support a total make over and except the Euro as our new currency. Also pay attention to what happens when the Fed. says it's thinking about hiking interest rates. The stock market takes a huge hit, huge hit. That's why they need to get rid of the Reserve. All it would take is for the Fed to hike a huge interest rate and BAM! Instant depression. That's what happened in the first depression When the N.W.O comes around their will be one religion, one curreny, and one gov. Well I guess I should have majored in economics not accounting
Son of a *****
Honestly though pay attention to what's going on all of you. We need to educate people on what's happening. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.

posted on Dec, 27 2006 @ 06:00 AM

Some of the logic is a bit dodgy... just because Templars were Bankers, doesn't mean Bankers are Templars.

Yeah I do realise that, sorry for the confusion.

I guess the Teutonic Knights were of a similar origin to the Templars, along with the Hospitallers. An Order of Military Monks in the times of the Crusades. But not the same group.

Definately, perhaps the use of the word "branch" is a little strong but I do believe that these groups were closely connected.

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 06:57 AM
WOW,I could see people accept the NWO if the stock market did crash.I am really frightened for my kids.

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 10:49 AM
I think this would fit into the topic at hand. If what scares you then what Haaas says will really get you going.

"The near monopoly of power once enjoyed by sovereign entities is being eroded ... states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies ... Globalization thus implies that sovereignty is not only becoming weaker in reality, but that it needs to become weaker ... The goal should be to redefine sovereignty for the era of globalization, to find a balance between a world of fully sovereign states and an international system of either world government or anarchy."
Richard Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations, Feb. 21st, 2006

Lets see remove the H and one a and you have my exact opinion of Haass

You can contact this guy at I'am going to let this guy know what I think about the statement made. I think that everyone on this board should do the same.

[edit on 29-12-2006 by Andy Warhol]

posted on Dec, 29 2006 @ 09:29 PM
just a few notes..

The first being.. the illuminati is dead.. and has been for over 150 years.. if you mean the NWO then say it, refering to it as the illuminati makes you look foolish and poorly researched. This is not yet my opinion of you, but thats how alot of folks will react to the use of the term.

Secondly, Tueton is the name of the earliest gemanic tribemen, and in the case of the Order of Tuetons, it is merely a title to signify them as german nobility and aristocracy.. tueton and templar have no relation in the sense that you are suggesting, they just happen to both start with the letter T.

Now the questions..

What evidence (And i do mean REAL evidence) do you have that hitler was put into power by american bankers? and to what end? war is costly.. and it wouldnt help an already weak economy to go to war.

And hitler was defeated because of poor strategy on his part, and superiour strategy on the part of the allies.

Now these things having been said, i do not disagree that there is much corruption in the american government.. nor do i disagree that banks and isurance companies control pretty well all the worlds finances.. but isnt that what banks are suppose to do?

oh and it wasnt king louis that had the papacy moved to france, it was philip the fair, and it was he that started the templar inquisition, which he did solely to acuire their lands and money.. the pope didnt even know it had happened for sometime after as philip had used the chief inquisitor of france do the deed.. and btw.. though it went unpublished.. the pope later cleared the templars of the charges against them, the document was found in the vatican a few years ago.

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 06:01 PM

The first being.. the illuminati is dead.. and has been for over 150 years.. if you mean the NWO then say it, refering to it as the illuminati makes you look foolish and poorly researched.

Hey, Yes I agree that my use of the word "Illuminati" is perhaps a little queer regarding word choice, the reason I used the word illuminati was down to the way I started my research, it was inspired by a video which talked about the illuminati & various other factions, and something clicked (thats why further on in my post that I do not mention the word "Illuminati"), but no I do not mean the NWO. The whole NWO take over the world thing is still something I havent decided on yet, when I wrote of the NWO you may notice my wording explains that.

"New-World" Order.

"New-World" Order as in the New-World e.g. North America. Im more of the belief that it could just be misconstrued wording. And as far as Im concerned (dont know about you) the NWO only came into existence at the time the "New-world" was being discovered. What I have explained is that the wheels began turning way before that.

What evidence (And i do mean REAL evidence) do you have that hitler was put into power by american bankers? and to what end? war is costly.. and it wouldnt help an already weak economy to go to war.

The evidence? their is none, If their was indeed hard evidence out their I certainly believe I wouldnt have been the first one to find it & it would have been on every news network in the world, no like many topics on this site it is based on a rational conclusion due to some good research (Id like to think so)

Your opinion that war is costly and would not help an already weak economy is totally disproved by the fact that right after Hitler decided he wanted weapons of war he had virtually guaranteed work for thousands of Germans for the next 10 years, people had jobs again in the factories building tanks & planes etc. I aint saying war doesn’t cost nothing, but when you look at pre-Hitler (very poor) Germany to pre-war (Hitler empowered) Germany through WW2 to the modern day Germany is still one of the richest countries in Europe.

The governments will put money into Defense contractors who then pay workers thus economy benefits. Funnily it tends to Happens every few years in America when the economy needs

The movie Lord of War explains (pretty well) how much money is involved with war and how much is made.

Oh cant forget Michael Moore too.

Secondly, Tueton is the name of the earliest gemanic tribemen, and in the case of the Order of Tuetons, it is merely a title to signify them as german nobility and aristocracy.. tueton and templar have no relation in the sense that you are suggesting, they just happen to both start with the letter T.

No, the Teutonic Knights, Teutonic Order were not like you said the name of one of the “first Germanic tribes” or the name given to “signify” ,“german nobility and aristocracy.”, no they like the Templars (for some time) were involved with the political situation in the Holy land. (helping pilgirms etc.) The Teutonic Order was formed from “knights and priests in 1190” and was not as you suggest a mere title for aristocrats.

Apologies I should have included this before;
Teutonic Knights

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 06:08 PM
.. the illuminati is dead.. and has been for over 150 years..

It ain't necessarily so. An organization named the Illuminati was put out of business by the Bavarian authorities when a document describing their plans for political skullduggery was discovered on the body of a dead guy dressed as a priest.

The demise of the organization that called itself the Illuminati was not the end of the Illuminati.

Illumination is a status, also known as enlightenment. Illuminati is a Latin word, plural, describing all who are Illuminated. The end of one organization calling themselves the Illuminati was not the end of all who have reached Illumination.

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 06:12 PM
Read the works of Godfrey Higgins, Hargrave Jennings, Eliphas Levi, John Yarker, H.P. Blavatsky, Manly P. Hall and Samael Aun Weor.

The Knights Templar and Assassins were vehicles of the Ancient Universal Gnosis until they became corrupt.

Then the Brothers of the Temple withdrew from them and started new groups as to spread the timeless Secret Doctrine.

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 06:33 PM
Also, A. Hitler opposed Zionism(not Judaism) at first(in other words he was a 'good guy').

Then the Zionists manipulated him and caused him to commit horrible atrocities.

The Zionists who worship Javhe/Yahweh hate the Jews who worship Jehovah/Yahowah.

A. Hitler fell into the hands of the Synagogue of Satan(Zionists) and was converted into a demon.

Hitler and the Black Lodge

A Western Buddhist who is a translator for H.H. the Dalai Lama:

[edit on 30-12-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by xenu brings order
Illumination is a status, also known as enlightenment. Illuminati is a Latin word, plural, describing all who are Illuminated. The end of one organization calling themselves the Illuminati was not the end of all who have reached Illumination.

i agree with your definition and assesment of the term Illuminati, but i was refering to the classic bavarian order. The use of the name Illuminati in the context of the so-called secret masters of the world borders on laughable, as if such agents of tryanny and evil do exist.. they could hardly be considered "Illuminated", as they are darkness incarnate.

And all that i have posted on this thread does not mean that i totally disbelieve in the concept of the "Secret masters" theory, but i do think that people are to quick to start throwing every group such as the masons and the templar into the mixing bowl.

i honestly belive that the masons more then any of the so-called conspirator groups have been given a bad name, and i belive that it is because they are a convenient scapegoat. Any serious investigation into masonic teachings, and not just the anti-mason hype, will show that despite the occasional rogue mason.. or those claiming to be a mason, the order is composed of decent men who believe in decent things.

And i say this as an outsider, i am not a mason.. but when i first became aware of them, it was because of the anti-mason propaganda. So i began to read on their teachings.. as you get a more accurate idea of what a group is about by studying what they say.. and not what is said about them.

In my studies about them, i have found nothing in the foundations of their teachings to be sinister or nefarious. While not everything in masonry falls in line with "Revisionist" christianity, it should be noted that christianity is very exclusionary.. NOTHING but christianity falls in line with christianity, not buddhism, not islam, not even judaism.. which is odd as Yeshua was a jew. Hell christians even war with other christians.. calling each other heretics and blasphemers.. whats that tell you

posted on Dec, 31 2006 @ 05:13 PM
"you get a more accurate idea of what a group is about by studying what they say.. and not what is said about them"

You might try reading the works of Manly P. Hall, Foster Bailey, C.W. Leadbetter et al. The ones where they say Freemasonry is part of the Great Plan of the Ages, bringing about a New World Order on behalf of the Prince of this World.

Straight from the horses ... aft anatomical orifice.

posted on Dec, 31 2006 @ 05:49 PM
I own several books by both Hall and Leadbeater, i have found nothing sinister or nefarious.

Hall more then anyone speaks of morality and virtue, and the expulsion of ones sinfull nature.

and if as you say, they say freemasonry is anything to do with the new world order of satanic conspiracy, then start quoting or step down. if it is straight from the horse.. from which ever end, then i expect to see you list the pages where the horse let this information out

posted on Dec, 31 2006 @ 09:03 PM
believe that Weishaupt was betrayed and set up for persecution because he ignored the rule that the word "illuminati" or the existence of the Brotherhood would never be exposed to public knowledge. His exposure and outlawing accomplished several goals of the still-hidden and still very powerful brotherhood. It allowed members to debunk claims of its existence on the grounds that the Illuminati had been exposed and outlawed and thus was no longer a reality. It allowed members to deny allegations of conspiracy of any kind. The Brotherhood of the Snake is adept at throwing out decoys to keep the dogs at bay. Weishaupt may have been a fool--or he may have been doing exactly what he was told.

Weishaupt said, "The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation."

posted on Dec, 31 2006 @ 10:26 PM
thats certainly a valid speculation andy, i would not discount the possibility that Weishaupt was just a tool, and that he was either removed by those who put him there, or that he knowingly played his part as ordered..

but i must again state that i dont believe that any group who were true agents of evil would use the name illuminati.. i think it is a smoke screen, as Weishaupt said, "Let it never appear in it's own name".

posted on Dec, 31 2006 @ 11:13 PM
I myself don't think they call themselves Illuminati anymore. But I do think that they are still around. Not using the Illuminati name anymore but still using the doctorines/teachings of Adam. Control of money, gover. and media.

[edit on 31-12-2006 by Andy Warhol]

posted on Jan, 1 2007 @ 02:42 AM
and thats cool.. i totally agree that they wouldnt call themselves illuminati.

but we seriously need to get off the idea that the secret masters of the world are the illuminati or the freemasons.. because quite honestly... it's foolishness!!

both the illumintati and the masons have been made easy scapegoats.. and if you cant see that then you are to focused on one single note of that which is the eternal symphony that is the cosmos.

wake up and see the entire orchestra.. note just one bar of the sheet music

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