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Rape in Oslo

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posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

Originally posted by gallopinghordes
Wake up people it's a violent crime not a crime of passion.

Could it be a violent crime of passion?
Nope Grady as one rapist said in his classification meeting at the pen I work at and I quote" It aint about sex; it's about keeping you bitches in line."

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

Originally posted by gallopinghordes
Wake up people it's a violent crime not a crime of passion.

Could it be a violent crime of passion?

No, it isn't. It's about power and subjugation.
Oh my gosh intrepid we agree again. Twice in the same thread. Wow. Great minds and so on.

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 03:53 AM
Any immigrant who commits a crime should be expelled from the country that he/she is a guest in. A part of the problem is the declining birth rates and aging western populations unless Europe and other countries take a hard line against Muslim extremists local cultures could be swamped by these extremists.

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 05:34 AM
What has the name of the author got to do with it? Is he a white supremist or something?

I'll add my two cents about rape. It's nothing even resembling a crime of passion, unless you define passion as a hatred of the victim. It's all about control and as my sister Gallopinghordes so eloquently quoted "It's about keeping you bitches in line." There is only passionate hatred there.

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 06:16 AM
This is not a muslim problem it's a problem that exists within the muslim community but is shared by many other cultures and their attitudes towards women, even now in our so called enlightened western democracy it exists. I'm no apologist for Islam, I think some of the attitudes propogated and condoned by it's followers and leaders are terrible and vile but it stinks of an agenda to be singling them out specifically.

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
"Most of these rape charges involve an immigrant, and most of those immigrants are muslims." That statement is pretty skewed imo. .

It's also a fact.

However, did you see that when I posted the article I did say this -
The article said 'rape charges' and not 'rape convictions'.

What really got me irked was the fact that men in Oslo were telling the women that it was basically their fault. The women weren't being 'sensitive' to the cultures of the immigrant men. That is sickening! The immigrants are supposed to assimulate into their new culture and laws and NOT RAPE WOMEN just because those women aren't dressed from head to toe in what their old country called for.

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by intrepid
"Most of these rape charges involve an immigrant, and most of those immigrants are muslims." That statement is pretty skewed imo. .

It's also a fact.

However, did you see that when I posted the article I did say this -
The article said 'rape charges' and not 'rape convictions'.

What really got me irked was the fact that men in Oslo were telling the women that it was basically their fault. The women weren't being 'sensitive' to the cultures of the immigrant men. That is sickening! The immigrants are supposed to assimulate into their new culture and laws and NOT RAPE WOMEN just because those women aren't dressed from head to toe in what their old country called for.

FF even in the old country so to speak women are raped. It doesn't matter how women dress. Blaming women or the victim is an excuse period. I know of cases where the victim was 80 years old. Rape is a crime of violence meant to subjugate the victim and render her under the control of the rapist. I understand your anger about the blame game it tends to raise my blood pressure too. I tned to think the victim gets blames because it's easier then to believe that kind of violence exsists.

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
That statement is pretty skewed imo. "most rape charges involve an immigrant". OK, that may very well be. NOW add the second part, "and most of those immigrants are muslims."

This smack of propaganda. See?

if a district is inhabited primnarily, by say, Algerians, or Morrocans chances are they ARE exclusively Muslim. it's not a myth, ghetto-ish clusters are very real and it's not just the host nation's fault either.

The facts aren't swaysed by politics, you may doubt that an overwhelming portion of these rapes are commited by Muslim Men but for all we know they are. if reporting the facts will earn you comments like 'propaganda' and 'racism' we've ventured way too far into civil war territory to ever dream of peaceful recovery. today's discussions and struggles are no longer about life as we know it but about power - the best 'entry point' to a game of reshuffling the cards.

The anti-racsim crowd will still be shouting their drivel at the top of their lungs when people start being gunned down in the streets, while gov'ts look away, making press statements. after all, it's their job and it's all they know.

one thing is certain, though, before too long, bureaucrats in europe will predicably make the redlist of endangered species, no-one, absolutely no-one can foll all the people all the time and their rampant idiocy made this bad dream a reality.
see also

i guess i'm a racist now, becqause i see a pattern. what gives, if one religious authority openly proclaims their agenda he's only a deluded individual, if something is attributed to neo-nazis, we are all cast in bad light right?

sometimes i wonder if Euro governments have their own fake 'neo-nazi' squads ready just in case the guilt racket is no longer profitable enough.

but wait, i know already:

Imho, these rapists are just the elites' tools, the real perps are politricksters and ffs, i sincerely hope they will get their fair share in the end. it's all too sad that people mistake stupidity for support and will shout down anyone trying to talk shop. it will be very costly, not just in terms of blood (lives) but in terms of trust.

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 04:06 PM
Blaming a woman's clothing for getting raped instead of blaming the rapist is like blaming a murder victim for walking in the path of a bullet his murderer fired. I think the only fair thing to do is for a mob of people to bit the living crap out of this fool and say, "Don't blame us, his words provoked us and were insensitive to our culture."

The only way I can see a woman's clothing influencing the chances to get raped are that rapists, like most other criminals, want to commit their crime as easily and quickly as possible. Women that wear easy to remove clothes (not necessarily immodest clothes) may be more likely to get raped just because a rapist may think "I'll go for that girl over there with the long skirt, because all I have to do is throw he down and lift up her skirt. I am not going for the girl over there with the skin tight jeans and the belt , because that will be hard to remove."

So the moral of the story is do not wear long skirts, and please wear more skin tight pants.

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

THIS is the part that has me really ticked off -

According to Unni Wikan, a professor of social anthropology at the University of Oslo,

“Norwegian women must take their share of responsibility for these rapes” because Muslim men found their manner of dress provocative. The professor’s conclusion was not that Muslim men living in the West needed to adjust to Western norms, but the exact opposite: “Norwegian women must realize that we live in a Multicultural society and adapt themselves to it”

Once again, women and rape victims are just uncovered meat and are asking for it.

We will not allow this to go on forever.

There will be some kind of event, people will snap and these bastards will get sent back where they came from. Immigrants that go to another country just to commit crimes DO NOT deserve all the rights of citizens. We have the exact same problem with the Mexicans here.

Not all immigrants are bad, only maybe 5% .. but if they ruin it for their people then so be it.

I know for a fact if a bunch of Americans or Brits or Norwiegins went to say Iran or Saudi Arabia or Nigeria and acted like animals as they do in our countries they would murder us. And rightfully so.

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
i love how the original post implies the idea that it's the fault of islam...

just like all those rapes that were supposedly committed by african americans meant that african americans were more likely to rape people....

and i did look at the author of the article
intrepid, you're right, wow
just wow

Islam does actually give the man far more rights then women. It helps control them. Of course, Christianity is just getting over this in the past century so it is not their fault that religion assist in destroying peoples rights and keeping masses ignorant.

However, the muslim culture is to blame not exactly the religion. In the Middle East and other Muslim nations in Africa, the men are dominant. Your women gets out of line, you beat them, rape them, put them down, lock them up and throw a towel over their heads. Then these scum go to Europe where a women can do what ever she wants, dress how she wants. The muslim man no doubt thinks these nasty little whores need to be put in line by a real man, and so they offer their services to society.

I don't like it when liberals nit-pick at everything and avoid issues to defend a criminal.

posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Was I the only one that took the time to look at the author of this source?

Check it out before you go any further. I'm sure many here will like what he has to say.

I'll go and iron my sheet now in preperation. :shk:

Can you just throw me a bone here and show me what you want me to see? I have read the linked page and do not see anything obviously out of whack there?

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
Can you just throw me a bone here and show me what you want me to see? I have read the linked page and do not see anything obviously out of whack there?

the author is named "fjordman"
which is obviously an indicator that he is the paragon of journalistic expertise and reliability

sarcasm is infinitely less effective in textual form

let me just say this, looking at his other articles, the guy just has a vendetta against islam, the middle east, and middle easterners

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
the author is named "fjordman"
which is obviously an indicator that he is the paragon of journalistic expertise and reliability

sarcasm is infinitely less effective in textual form

let me just say this, looking at his other articles, the guy just has a vendetta against islam, the middle east, and middle easterners

how does shooting the messnger change anything? hte might use alarming language, exaggerate or hide facts which would put the issue in perspective, but i hope you'll agree that he did not make it up.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
the author is named "fjordman"
which is obviously an indicator that he is the paragon of journalistic expertise and reliability

sarcasm is infinitely less effective in textual form

let me just say this, looking at his other articles, the guy just has a vendetta against islam, the middle east, and middle easterners

how does shooting the messnger change anything? hte might use alarming language, exaggerate or hide facts which would put the issue in perspective, but i hope you'll agree that he did not make it up.

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