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Fate of the world: Doom inevitable?

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posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 04:28 PM
When reading the topic on 'Do you ever wonder if the Roman Empire had never fallen how great the world would be right now?....' I got thinking about the fate of seemingly everlasting epochs of civilisation, the Greeks, Egyptians and Romans etc believed that their way of life would last forever. It is a mark of a civilisation's advancment when they begin to move away from war like outlook and look to culture and the preservation of that culture. It seems that we are fighting a losing battle to save our way of life. My point is this, by looking at history and recognising the flaws of our apparent arrogance towards loss of our way of life, can we prevent the inevitable. Are we on the brink of a new dark age?
Or will an essence of our culture remain in some future societys upper echelons in the form of an indoctrinated secret society?
Just a few philosophical thoughts and I am intrigued as to the thoughts of the members of this board.

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 04:29 PM
There will be a brief dark age soon, or maybe not soon, but when we least expect, but it will be followed by at least 1 millenia of a glorious peace on this world.

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 04:33 PM
I highly doubt that if our civilization falls that there will be no influences of ours left.
The Greeks may have fallen, but they left us with many things.
Though I do think a dark age is drawing near, the civilizations after us will be able to grow and learn from our mistakes.

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 04:37 PM
Iv think civilization has always been falling.
I think we went through diferent phases, Majic, Relgion, Science( now) and we are about to start this cycle over again.
Well maybe not, maybe so, im not sure what the next phase is.

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 04:41 PM
I see from your replies, that the general feeling is its hard to know, but I think that if we learn from historys mistakes and addressed our own fallibitiy then perhaps it is avoidable...

Perhaps the New World Order will be our greatest defence against an inevitable decline, no group has ever exerted such unique power...

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 04:42 PM
I don't believe our civilization( U.S.A.) will be around 200 years from now. Only because history proves that no republic has lasted longer than 400 years. we falling into the same trap as the Romans- cockiness, belief that we are better than everyone else, trying to ":americanize" the whole world, and overextending our borders, bringing us into conflict with everyone and everything.

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 04:50 PM
Can we learn from the mistakes of the past?

Will New World Order Prevent it?

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 04:56 PM
You know IV always though that, maybe the Nwo is trying to help humanity and their is some other force out thier that is against humanity.

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
There will be a brief dark age soon, or maybe not soon, but when we least expect, but it will be followed by at least 1 millenia of a glorious peace on this world.

I agree with you. There is pain in growth and with the coming "growth spurt" we are about to experience, there's likely to be some pretty sharp pains. But, like childbirth, although it is painful, is highly rewarding.

Peace to ALL


posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 05:05 PM
its like john nash said on his economic theory that to get the best for your self you need to look after the ambitions of other people... IMO the NWO has more to gain looking after the interests of our civilisation, I am not saying they look out for each individual common man though...

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 07:10 PM
I do think that our dark age is inevitable, our country's arrogance will eventualy shoot itself in the foot. It happens to every civilization. As for our doom, after us another superpower will come and go, our doom won't come for awhile. I agree the NWO could be the only thing saving our planet from killing itself, perhaps they are trying to help us rather than corrupt us.

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 07:44 PM
Rome fell because of its power hunger its glutony its lusts. will we soon follow . arent we becoming a little power hungry are we lusting for riches and oil??

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 03:41 PM
Even after earth will be destruyed by our super weapons and nano technology the life in the universe will proccede.



posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 03:55 PM
U.S. empire has just started to expand (territory) so it will take a while for it to colapse but I'm preaty shure it will happen in my lifetime.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
There will be a brief dark age soon, or maybe not soon, but when we least expect, but it will be followed by at least 1 millenia of a glorious peace on this world.

Well wasnt that about the most specific prophecy I have ever heard. Sounds like something that you would read in a horoscope. Just had to chime in on offense!

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 04:17 PM
I tend to think that if there really is a group planning a NWO that while we may see them as misguided, that there is some sound reasoning behind what they are doing - eventual overpopulation of the world and . However, I think that what many of us fear, is that they are very elitist and only intend to save themselves and those that they feel would be of any use to them in the future - most likely in the form of slaves or cheaply paid labor.

As for a the future of mankind - I do see doom in the future, but as for a timeframe, who knows.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 04:26 PM
Of course doom is inevetable...or not...doom can be stopped just as the Romans could stop their empire from falling, but greed drove them past redemption.

Things like war are just our humanity...without it we are not human. In other words, humans are always fighting something, whether it be aliens or other humans. It is unfortunate that it be like this, but it is true, there have always been wars since civilization first started.

All it would take to turn this country around is a strong leader. Not another president, I'm not talking about that kind of leader, somebody everyone can look up to.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 10:19 PM
I believe doom is inevitable. Humans are so... human that they will totally destroy themselves. Okay, not totally.

I see it this way. I think the New World Order's attempt to come to power will be stopped, but this will lead to Judgement Day. Except in this Judgement Day, life will ALMOST be totally destroyed. The world will experience massive amounts of destruction and annihilation, but there will be survivors. A short Dark Age will follow, and after struggles, anybody who can find technology and money will bring the world to a new light. The vestiges ot the NWO and all that causes doom will be gone forever.

In this post-end, there won't be another beginning, just a result and we'll live like that forever, in a dystopian society. But at least it will be much better than the world today or under the NWO.

I think that total destruction, where the world ceases to exist, was averted in 1991, when the Soviet Union fell. Doom in inevitable, but the way we're going, we can survive it. Some, at least.


posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 10:52 AM
If the whole world doesn't change, then doom will happen. I think the OA is partially justified, but there's many things wrong with it. If I was in charge, I would make sure that everyone in the world is free.

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
You know IV always though that, maybe the Nwo is trying to help humanity and their is some other force out thier that is against humanity.

dark age, drawing near? yes.
will we suffer massively from this? yes.
this other force is a skeptic being, willing to run all to our limits of endurance..

it's called god..they just got the description wrong

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