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Are aliens crappy pilots?

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posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 01:39 PM
Here is something that has bothered be for a while, aliens some how got to earth, from god knows how many light-years away, just to crash in New Mexico? and they only start crashing in 1947 (or maby 1936 in Germany)? I read something that said there was like 16 wrecks we (U.S.) have recovered. How can they build craft that go from 0 to 20,000mph in 3 seconds, but they can't keep them from running into the ground? I read that they got hit by our radar, but if they work with fiber optics and some sort of electrogravidic or electromagnetic dirve, then the pulses from the radar shouldn't have any affect. Anyone have any ideas?

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 01:43 PM
I always wanted to ask this.
You would think with such advanced tech, that they would be able to fly those like butter of bread.
Thier always crashing here and thier, im not sure why.
Unless thiers something thats making them crash in our atsmosphere, or by goverment intervention.

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 01:44 PM
Good topic, I have said the same in the past as well.

You have technology that makes us look like cavemen, fly lightyears through space, and can't get around earth without crashing?

Very strange, Maybe they have short attention spans and get distracted by the wiildlife.

Or maybe the "crashes" are the result of battles?

Or maybe they are intergalactic banned drivers, who are only allowed to fly around our solar system instead of back in "civilization".

Next time you see a UFO look for a large L sign (learner) on the back.....

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 01:44 PM
If radar is the culprit in bringing some down (they could also be getting shot down), I cannot exactly say how its possible as I don't know the true workings of UFO nor their early reactions with man-made radar.

I would say that if there is only 16 crashes, then thats a fairly small number if hundreds or thousands of them come here every year. I suspect most of them have been felled by radar or by being shot down. Probably not error on the side of the pilot.

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 01:48 PM
Unless they have been drinking and driving, im sure they must have some intergalactic law against, drinking and flying through wormholes.

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 01:50 PM
If UFO's are visiting us, then there could be a whole lot of reasons they crash. For instance, there is nothing at all that says anything about their world is even close to ours. They may have technology that surpases ours in some ways and not others as a result. If they are not violent at all, having no violent thoughts for instance, they would have no reason to expect us to be. They would not even know they had to defend themselves. So they could get shot down. Or, maybe the technology that runs their crafts is affected by certain tiny airborn organisms in our atmosphere. Coming from a different world means not knowing what to expect. Thats one of the reasons I question "greys". They look too much like us. Considering all the possible outcomes of an evolving life with different conditions. There would most certainly be a wide array of life forms that we would never think of.

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 02:00 PM
The more advanced equipment there is to operate an aircraft, the more advanced equipment is required to keep the aircraft in the air and the more problems can occur.

Just like diseases:
The cure of the worst diseases are in the future, if we are in the future then there are new diseases because population has grown so more diseases can bind and make other diseases, and the cure to those new diseases also are in the future.

Technology isn't an exeption, more technology to keep the aircraft in the air, but also more technological devices which can brake down.

(simply said).

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 02:09 PM
Leen's right.

The auto pilot and safety override systems should protect ANY space craft that can fly intergalactically.

Maybe they are all powered by a homocidal (alienocidal?)HAL 9000?

As they seem to be able to wander around earth freely I would assume they come from a similar system to our own as well.

Maybe they are just planet-trash who like to drink and buzz the lifeforms on earth. (as in that famous cartoon where the aliens go "Yeehaa!" whilst drinking some aloholic substance)

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 02:10 PM
Who told them to drink Fosters??? Guaranteed death!!!

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 02:47 PM
Bu tif we shot them down then dont you think they would retaliate? or maybe they know that we are stupid and scared so they deal with it instead of destroying us

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 02:56 PM
maybe they didn't plan for the gravity on earth and they just fall right out of the sky...

oh oh no... I know...
there was a female alien in the backseat telling the pilot how to fly and next thing you know...

CRASH !!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 02:56 PM
If they wanted to fool us they would also put F.A.A. regulation red and blue lights on their craft. We would see them blinking and not give it a second glance.

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by weeman
Bu tif we shot them down then dont you think they would retaliate? or maybe they know that we are stupid and scared so they deal with it instead of destroying us

Maybe they never had any reason to have a defense mechanism. Mayby their worls is so different from ours that there was never any violence. So why would they have any idea what self defense was for or how to accomplish it. Again, these are all things that are relavent to our lives. Thats why I have trouble believing in all these claims of extra terrestrial visitations. They all relate to us and how we percieve things here on earth. Other planets surely have other atmospheres, gravity strength, composition, speed of spin...yada yada yada. Some planests are almost completely made of gas. Life that would and surely does exist on some of these would have no reason to be anything like it is here.

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 03:00 PM
at first i thought the name of this post was funny. any whoo. the only ways i could see that something like this would happen is if there was some sort of human involvement, like being shot down. maybe their technology wasnt for our reality like some 1 already said. they might have known about us and decided we were like them. then again that would make them idiots assuming we were like them. hmm im stumped, definetly human involvement. ooo or maybe its like that commercial where the kids are in the car getting high at the drive through and hit the little girl. the aliens where hitten the bong a lil to hard tried to scare some farmers and cattle and crashed. hehe.

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 03:31 PM
i did it.....

Alot of the crashes around australia have been because the aliens fly over uluru and are amazed....or bewildered

"We the hell is that big rock over OUT!!!!! arrrrrgggghhhh ... bink


posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 06:42 PM
Thats it!!

The crashes are owing to all the space-Roos, that jump out from behind asteroids and get hit by the spaceships.

Intergalactic roadkill.....

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 06:46 PM
I think the reason why they crash so much is because they're travelling in a alien atmosphere.

If they were ontheir own planet, which might have to atmosphere or air at all, they could travel perfectly. Once they get to earth's atmosphere, which is like flying through oil to them, things can get rough. Maybe their prolpulsion systems aren't suited to earth. If we took a F-22 and sent it up into space, it wouldn't run. Why? Because there's no air!

Maybe their atmosphere has something that's needed to run (oxygen for us) that ours doesn't have.


posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 10:18 PM
There is a theory that aliens are fighting with eachother in the sky (good vs evil). So maybe those crashed ships are actually casualties of war?
Just a guess......

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 10:40 PM
I really don't think aliens would be fighting each other this close to earth if they have been attempting secrecy for this long. Though it could be man made UFOs vs alien ones at this point.

posted on Dec, 2 2003 @ 11:39 PM
Nah, all wrong, they were too busy laughing at our stone age techonology that they did not see those power lines. Ooops, too late, another bites the dust.

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