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Awareness of a gift...

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posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 06:46 PM
For some reason i cant talk about my gift; and when i think about it; i almost burst into tears... thats odd..

I'll be doing something and i'll just see flashes of what is goign to happen. They are usually VERY fast, and very confusing, and i cant really tell what happens. Ill usually only catch one or two seconds out of the whole thing.. But i can tell what the situation will be like by my body.. Ill be cold and scared, or happy and warm after its over (only a second or two, but it seems like more).. It's very wierd..

For example, we were all sitting in my buddies SUV while going to the shore, and i was talking to my friend next to me, i got this flash, got cold, and just said "oh no" within 5 seconds we were involved in a serious car accident. All i remember of the flash was broken glass and an ambulance light's flashing. Then i remember a tear drop falling for what seemed like an eternity. Turns out someone died in the accident, in the car that hit us.

I also have good ones, but the bad ones are stronger and "angrier"... I'm getting better at controlling it; but i still usually only have a 10 minutes at the most before a "flash" happens.

I wish i had a more subtle gift, such as aura reading. Unfortunately mine hits me like a brick, and usually people are lookin at me goin
wtf just happened to you.

That and my ability to sense presenses. I can feel when something else is in the room, and that scares the crap out of me. I'm still terrified that i may feel a presense and get a flash of it, and end up seeing it. For some reason i am terrified of the thought of seeing spirits. Im not sure why.

[Edited on 9-12-2003 by intrigue]

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 04:42 AM
I have had a curse or talent that has dogged me for all of my life, I have had the ability from just one touch to tell some ones past, present and future, also seen the death of friends that I haven�t seen for many years, including exactly how they died, but for the most part I can touch someone and get no revelling flashes from them.

As I have got older I have had less and less of these experiences but this I think this is from choice as I try to block any �flashes� but as I have tried to block them the head aches start and I can suffer for days afterwards and sometime I get a really bad migraine I was tested in the army for any phys abilities and was never told the results, but was put into another unit for �special� treatment which meant getting more injections for which no-one was told what they were for and that we never saw the regular doctors and informed that we had to see certain doctors when we felt ill.

Since leaving the army and having changed my doc�s a few times I have had to go to an army run hospital for �check ups� every two or three years but the only thing they want to check if I can read cards that they hold up, and seem pleased that I am getting at predicting the card they hold up, the last time they held up a blank card that I couldn�t match and told them so and they got excited about this but still let me home and back to my job with no explanation as to what they have been checking for.

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 10:10 AM
They seriously checked you for psychic abilities in the army? wow, that kind of makes you wonder...

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 10:33 AM
Iv had a thing going were i would know somthing 1-24 houres before it happend, but it was so vega that i often couldnt use it to my advantige

this gose on and off maybe 2 or 1 timea a year and last for 2 months its realy wierd, This happen to anyone els?

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 02:18 PM
I had my abilities surface in full force after I hit puberty. I know that happens to a lot of people; thy have some psychic abilites in childhood and when they hit puberty they come on really hard.
I have a lot of ability in empathy and things of that matter, and I get random visions. For the most part, you don't really learn them, or at least I didn't. They just sorta came....sorry...

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 06:24 PM
Eh, comes and goes, ya know.

I get this feeling of like pressure and a little pain and it goes deeper into my body, kinda works its way down. But before I figure out what its trying to tell me, I have get to the bathroom really quick

c'mon just kidding

Ok seriously......
I feel thru practice I have developed an amazing ability to recreate perfect images in my mind, of places things people.
This is important in meditation, thinking intently while attempting OOBE.
I feel if remote viewing is possible, I WILL achieve it soon. My OOBE skills have increased dramatically thru this exercise of visualization.

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 06:36 PM
I used to be a lot better with whatever "power" I had when I was a little kid.

Kinda gotten quieter over the years.. occasionally when I really need it though, itll pop up.

For instance, recently at school, we were playing with fire in the theater (haha BREAKINGLAWSWHAT) and if we had got caught, we wouldve probably had the police called.. Anyways, they were spraying hairspray and lighting it on fire.. Everything was going fine.. Then my ears started ringing and I could feel the hair on my face (sideburns mostly) stand on end.. I said "Put up the lighter!!" and right after he did, about 2-3 seconds later, a security guard opened the door and was like "...?"

Used to happen a lot more though.

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 06:52 PM
i dont know if its a gift or if its even paranormal at all, but i seem to be able to save things from falling.

It happened to me three times today. i cought a plaque that fell from the wall, i caught a glass bottle of malt vinager(sp) that fell from my food closet, and i caught a small porcilian(sp) figure that i knocked down from a shelf.

I wasnt paying attention, or even facing both the figure, and the plaque i didnt look to watch it fall, i just knew it was falling, and reached out behind me, caught it and put it back like nothing happened. This has happened most of my life as far back as i can remember.

posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 12:04 AM
I can see Auras.....but NOT on everybody, and not ALL the time...its VERY STRONG when under flourescent lights, even though FLO lights seam to make me wanna take a nap (they BOTHER me in a wierd way)...........this 'seeing aura' ability developed as an adult.

I am very empathic, and this has always been so for me. No matter WHAT drivel someone may be telling me I can see BEHIND the words. This was quite problematic for my Teachers in grade school........and problematic for me in having friends I actually trust....(my REAL friends know I cant be decieved easily and dont even TRY)

OMG! the streetlight thing! SOMEBODY HELP ME TO UNDERSTAND THIS? ......I blow those things out whenever I happen to stop near one, and the one outside my house NEVER works, though they fix it almost every other week....I dont know why I think it is ME doing this somehow, but I swear it me.......its almost annoying.
I to, go through vast amounts of light bulbs in my house.(a 6 pack a week at least)....and if I am getting EXITED about something the lights will brighten and then dim....again and again untill they burn out..........My step brother wont let me TOUCH any electrical switches at his house, because when I turn on lights they LOVE to blow out instantly "POP"....Id like to find others like me this way, and figure out the WHY........and maybe even learn a bit of control over would be cool if I had the oposite effect on lightbulbs and the burned FOREVER...but alas they have a short lifespan around me.......(I wished I could have dated Nicolia Tesla)

The only times I show telekenetic power is by accident.....and I try to NOT point at objects when talking anymore cuz it disturbing when things get broken...Ive TRIED to do develpoing exercises but end up with a serious migrain, and I am NOT prone to headaches as a rule....

I am clairaudiant....and can hear folks on the other side talking, crying or calling out......I keep this blocked for the most part, and have learned through meditation how to OPEN or CLOSE my ears when I want this kind of thing to take place........

No I dont think I was aware at a young age that I was in anyway 'special'....I was and am, just an adult I have found that NOT all people are like me, and differant people have differant "gifts" "abilitys" as well as opinions

posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 12:24 AM
I just large acurate cases of dejavu 2. I would be presented with a stuation and know exactly what was going to happen. I kind of remembered it as if it were a dream or just a very faint memory. I can also sense if someone I know is approaching. Iv'e done that on several occasions now. Iv'e never really tried to take control of it. I'm not entirely sure how.

posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 12:16 PM
Any "6th sense" ability will become weaker with time and use. So if you have "it" use it wisely.

I personally knew from a very young age that I was different. I can tell you how most things work, without knowing anything about them. I have a favorite past time of taking something I know nothing about, and recreating the "inner workings" of the object on paper and then I go research the object and 9 times out of 10 I have the mechanical systems or process almost to the T. I have the ability of Precongnition, ESP, Telepathy, Remote Viewing and electro magentic interference (by a process that I do not fully understand yet). I ALMOST never try and activily use any of my "gifts" nor do I seek to refine them or increase them. I have taken about 3 or 4 Psionic apptitude tests and have scored 80% or higher on all of them, but only on the absorbtion/ recognition profile. On active manipulation, I only score a 10 or 15% correct. So my "gifts" are classified as Passive.

I also have the some what annoying habit of noticing the street lights go out as I get near them. Although it does not happen all the time to every light.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 07:46 PM
I'm a little bit clairvoyant. I have psychic dreams and visions, but most of the time they are over pointless, everyday stuff. But sometimes they can be useful. I had a recurring dream about tires blowing out, only to have a mechanic tell me later that my tires were about to blow and I had to get new ones. I wish I could control this ability but I can't.

Spirits also like to follow me everywhere, mainly the poltergeist and shadow ghost type.

I'm also empathic, but it's not a "special" ability. It's just something you develop when you've spent a lot of your life in a tough neighborhood full of gangs and druglords; it helps you survive.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 07:54 PM
I don't know if I would be what you call aware of gifts but certain things do stand out in my mind that have happened with no other form of explanation.I can remember as a child that I was in the bathroom one nite and my parents had this cabinet that had a small glass bottle on it,like a shot glass,the thing started spinning and would not stop and I was petrified,I know I was in that bathroom forever afraid to move.

Another thing happened as a teenager when I got a sign that my boyfriends dad died before he told me,but the things that stand out the most have happened to me as an adult.Within the past 2 years I have had premonitions in my dreams,I always tell someone when I have a weird dream and I told my mother about 1 and she told me that it had already happened and believe me there was no way for me to know this,another dream is of a family member dying and I wanted to forget all about that but it was so vivid that I cannot shake the feeling that something could happen.

The really weird one was when my father and I had not talked in about 6 months or more and I had a dream where my uncle came to me in the dream and told me to give my dad a call.This uncle was my dads brother and they were very close and the weird part was that he had been deceased for over 2 years,but he came to me in my dream but it wasnt really like a dream because he was hovering over me as clear as day and talking to me like he was really there.This stuff freaks me out and I'm thinking what the lleh is going on. Sorry for the long post.

[Edited on 28-4-2004 by Oleander]

[Edited on 28-4-2004 by Oleander]

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 04:56 AM
Hmm...always been aware of something, not sure what. Seeking my own answers. Meditation helps.

The only thing I can do on command involves some other friends. We make a circle and hold hands and can raise the temp in the room by a lot and make objects in the room rattle and wind blow. We usually all feel tired afterward, but we are still amazed every time it happens.

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