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Laser gun already developed?

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posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 11:04 PM

I haven't had the time to look up more on it, but seems like the government could already have laser guns in the making. Didn't really understand the whole article either.

When do you guys think the military will convert to using laser guns? Are they even worthwhile or are bullet guns just as effective?

Personally, I think its just cool to have a laser gun

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 11:12 PM
good find

interesting info

posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 09:37 AM
One advantage I could see right off the bat over standard weapons is the accuracy of a laser weapon. You would not need to adjust your aim based on distance with a laser weapon like you do with a bullet. Gravity doesn't affect light the way it affects a bullet. That would make the life of a sniper A LOT easier. I'm not sure about the noise factor either but I'm sure it's probably less than a standard weapon. I could be wrong about that though.

posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 09:38 AM
very good post and great information.

posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 09:40 AM
Is it just me, or does that thing look exactly like the blasters that the Stormtroopers in Star Wars used?

posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 09:46 AM
Here's the problems, as far as I can see. The first is in the inherent nature of a laser. Thick fog or gas will reduce its effectiveness, as the particles disperse the beam. The second is that it takes a hell of a lot fo energy to create a laser, so ammunition and clip size might be an issue. Third is the fact that laser fire is *ahem* not terribly subtle. The final problem I cna see is that then entire apparatus would be fairly fragile and not take the hits too well. might work better as an SSW rather than a standard issue weapon.


posted on Dec, 1 2003 @ 10:00 AM
A couple books on Tesla. Do, if I use that information, haven't we already had lasar guns, death rays, and the such?

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 10:53 PM
yea, thats what I'm wondering...maybe the government already has the technology and a coupe prototypes.

although it'd be just freakin awesome to have and shoot a laser gun like those star wars guys, it'll just make killing even easier. Can you imagine another Columbine accident but with a laser gun?

yea, and I think it would make deaths a lot "cleaner," with less sound, no bullet.

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:18 PM
Wow, to think people are trying to ban hand guns,
Next you think your gonna know your gonna have Triads, and other gangsters running around with Laser Guns.

posted on Dec, 3 2003 @ 11:56 PM
Now if we can only figure out a way to make the "good guys" fire one color laser while "bad guys" fire another color....
But isn't there a possibility that a laser may be a bit too precise? Think about it...if someone gets hit in the leg with a standard rifle, there's going to be a lot of tissue damage, blood loss, bone shards, etc. A laser might just leave a small, self-cautarized hole. Besides, doesn't the bullet's bouncing around inside the body cause more damage than a "clean" entry and exit would? I'm no ballistics expert, someone correct me if i'm wrong.

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 12:12 AM
At this point I believe we are a long way from conventional use. According to Stavatti Corporation's own document, "TIS-1 gasdynamic laser weapon system maintains a high degree of technical risk, mainly consisting of the development of a system architecture for the Po-210 power source." Actual development is a long way off.

Then you have the fact that Po-210 which, "although poses no threat via radioactivity (it is an alpha emitter), is chemically toxic." That could raise some eyebrows regarding its toxic nature. Would thousands of these be made and then distributed to the field?

"Furthermore, the TIS-1 design results in significant heat energy transfer which must be insulated from the user while the weapon is in use." Better insulation in the weapon and on the bearer must be created. This statement indicates this has not been designed yet.

"Additionally, residual Po-210 thermal energy must dissipated while the weapon is in a storage mode-in essence the system produces 104 kW of heat energy which if harnessed through a RTG generator, could be used to provide significant electrical energy." Problem and potentially large issue with storage?

"Although a compact weapon due to the use of the gasdynamic laser process, Stavatti estimates significant weapon weight increases as the system is developed for field use." Significant meaning? Fifty or a hundred pounds?

"A significant development and per unit cost is also envisioned for the TIS-1 as the weapon system is composed of significant quantities of exotic materials uncommon for a small arm, in addition to the cost of Po-210, the cost of which in pound quantities is yet to be explored due to its current absence of commercial applications." Significant cost increase?

"Finally, it is estimated that the weapon will deliver a recoil force of approximately 90lbs in the forward direction upon discharge, thereby requiring the employment of a recoil alleviation/mitigation system." And finally this needs to be addressed, designed, a built.

As I said, a long way off. Were we not to have flying cars by now?

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 12:13 AM
yeah..but figure it this way...

that thing can fire 170 times in 1 second....

holding down the auto button and running the + of the aim across thier body....and u should be able to cut them in half no? ;p

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 01:48 AM
So you mount it on a humvee. 90% of the problems disappear.

Sounds a wonderful weapon to use. I am suprised at recoil though, how can light cause recoil?

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by prevx

Personally, I think its just cool to have a laser gun

I want one for Xmas.
So I will zap all my neighbourhood.

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by Netchicken
So you mount it on a humvee. 90% of the problems disappear.

Sounds a wonderful weapon to use. I am suprised at recoil though, how can light cause recoil?

It's not the light that causes the recoil...It's the heat that is generated that makes the recoil so large.

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by Netchicken
So you mount it on a humvee. 90% of the problems disappear.

Sounds a wonderful weapon to use. I am suprised at recoil though, how can light cause recoil?

Recoil is from the gas, "Initially contained at a state of thermal equilibrium at a high temperature (2173K) and pressure (272 atm) within a gas reservoir heated by a Polonium-210 power cell offering a high energy density of 141 W/g, the gas mixture is permitted, upon release of the weapon trigger, to enter a restrictive nozzle throat annulus whereby the gas will achieve local sonic velocity (Mach 1.0). Exiting the annulus, the gas is permitted to enter a supersonic expansion nozzle, consisting ofan inverted aerospike configuration. Within the expansion nozzle, the gas temperature and pressure will be significantly reduced (to 288.1 K and O.1122 atm respectively) resulting in the onset of a hypersonic gas velocity of 1998 m/s (Mach 5.98)."

In a sense, a large gas an heat generating weapon. I suppose a smoke/chaff grenade and a heatseeking rocket would cause an uproar.

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 08:42 PM
I'm prett sure that also, the laser will be completely invisible? correct?

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 08:52 PM
As Net said it would be a perfect weapon for a hummer or APC also this weapon(slightly redesigned) would be a perfect special forces sniper weapon in an urban envirorment.

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 10:35 PM
"The Asgard would never invent a weapon that propels small weights of iron and carbon alloy, by igniting a powder of potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulphur"

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 12:39 AM

As I said, a long way off. Were we not to have flying cars by now?

heh, thats funny, I actually made a flying car thread a while ago. We already do have a somewhat effective flying car.

You're right though, we might have trouble just having a laser hand gun, but as the guys suggested above, i can definetely see them being able to mount one on a tank or some sort of vehicle.

wiergraf mentioned the laser being completely invisible...I skimmed over the article again and I couldn't find it. Maybe I just missed it. But if thats true, that be soo weird. It'd be more effective as a weapon, but then no cool effects

Edit: heres the flying car link if you're interested

[Edited on 6-12-2003 by prevx]

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