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Your Truth?

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posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 08:15 PM
This site time to time seems to recieve many preachers, stating thier opinion on how we should live our lives, and what path we should follow in life.
Though these different views bring some critizism, at times it brings people together on this site.
Everyone has a different bias on the path to God.
What exactly is the path you believe we should follow in order to be redeemed if lets say, the day of judgment were to come.

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 08:19 PM
Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess.

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 08:23 PM
My knees shall never bow, nor confess.
Everyone makes mistakes in life, and everyone must confess to themselves the mistakes they have made to feel reasured that they have a purpouse in life.

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 08:25 PM
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
And, allowing each 'soul' to walk his or her own path.


posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 08:35 PM
I think everyone will be judged their TOTALY diffrent (all according to the bible of coourse) , but I don't think God will judge everyone the same way. For instance, if your not playing with a full deck, and I am ( I can actually say I'm not ) but for hypothetical perposes let's just pretend. And we commit all the same sins, I think I will be judged more harsh than you will. Maybe not the best example, but at least you get the idea.....or do you?

I think the most important part of being following God's word, and NOT MAN'S. There is soooo many man made religions that follow man's way, and not God's. If I was in a church and they said we are going to do things this way because it's easier for example communion many people think it should be done this way or that way I personally think it should be done on the first day of the week.

1 Corinthians 11:23-30 23 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: 24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. 25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. 26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.

This is VERY controversial.

But the bottom line I think is, don't depend on yourself to save yourself, depend on the Lord Jesus Christ, follow his word, do your best, and I KNOW the Lord will deliver me.

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
My knees shall never bow, nor confess.
Everyone makes mistakes in life, and everyone must confess to themselves the mistakes they have made to feel reasured that they have a purpouse in life.

EVERY knee will bow

Philippians 2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 08:45 PM
i beleave everyone should beable to beleave what they want to, and practice how ever they want..

as long as there not hurting, there sleves, annimales, or people

and not to get in anyones face becouse they dont agree with what other people beleave i can go on and on, but ya get the idea

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 08:45 PM
Among numerous testimonies of the future Judgment, the most complete description of it we find in the Gospel of St. Matthew, 25:31-46: "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory.

All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.
And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left �" See also: John 5:22-29, Mt. 16:27, 7:21-23, 11:22-24, 12:35-42, 13:37-43, 19:29-30, 25:31-46, Acts. 17:31, Jude 14-15, 2 Cor. 5:10, Rom. 2:5-7, 14:10, 1 Cor. 4:5, Eph. 6:8, Col. 3:24-25, 2 Thes. 1:6-10, 2 Tim. 4:1, Rev. 20:11-15).

Through this pattern in Matthew one can learn about some particulars of the Last Judgment, namely, that it will be universal, extending to all peoples � both living and dead, of both good and evil � and will extend to fallen angels as well, as inferred by other scriptural indications.

This Judgment will be solemn and open, as the Judge will appear before the face of the whole world in His Divine glory, surrounded by innumerable Angels.
It will be stern and fearful, being accomplished in the entirety of God's justice, and it will be "the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God" (Rom. 2:5).
It will be final and decisive, determining for eternity the fate of each individual. Its results will be perpetual retribution � either blessedness and bliss for the righteous, or rejection and torment for the condemned sinners.

Portraying in the brightest and most joyful details the eternal life of the righteous following the Universal Judgment,
the Word of God speaks just as emphatically and assuredly about the eternal torment of sinners: "Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels," will say the Lord on the day of Judgment. "And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life" (Mt. 25:41-46).

The place where sinners will be condemned after the Judgment is graphically represented in Holy Scripture as a place of horrible sufferings from unquenchable fire and the undying worm.
The Lord called this place Gehenna, reminding the Jews of the dreadful valley to the south of Jerusalem in which evildoers were executed and in which the city's rubbish was constantly burnt.
Similarly, St. Paul speaks of the "flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Thes. 1:8).
In the book of Revelation this place of eternal sufferings is called the "lake of fire" (Rev. 19:20). Evidently these and other similar vivid descriptions in the Scripture symbolically portray the severity of the punishments.
In considering these and similar arguments we should remember that it is not for us to determine the boundaries between the unutterable mercy of God and His absolute justice.

We know the Lord "wishes that all will be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth." However, man, through his own free will, is capable of rejecting God's mercy and all His means of salvation. St. John Chrysostom, explaining the depiction of the Last Judgment in the Gospel of Matthew,
remarks: "When the Lord spoke of the Kingdom, He said: "Come you blessed ones, inherit the Kingdom," and added, "Which was prepared for you from the beginning of creation. "But when He spoke of the fire, He didn't use the same words; instead He said that it was prepared for the devil and his angels.
Thus He made the Kingdom for you, but the fire not for you, but for the devil and his fallen angels." (From the sermon on the gospel of Matthew). In the book of Revelation St. John calls the condemnation at the Universal Judgment the second death.

Then death will lose all its power over the righteous: "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death �
So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: "Death is swallowed up in victory," states St. Paul (1 Cor. 15:26 and 54).
The book of Revelation predicts that then time will cease to exist.
Apparently in that eternal spiritual world not only will the sensation of the flow of time disappear, but also the very concepts of space and time will be drastically different from what they are now.

Chapter 21 of the book of Revelation vividly depicts the blissful state of eternal life: "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, as the previous heaven and earth have gone, and the sea is no more." In the Kingdom of Glory all will be spiritual, immortal, and holy.
Most importantly, those attaining eternity in communion with God will become partakers of that perfect union with Him Who is the ultimate Source of all life and happiness.
In particular, the new members of God's Kingdom share with the Angels the honor and happiness of seeing their Creator and Benefactor. They will contemplate His glory, not as if through dim glass, not conjecturally, but face to face � and not only contemplate but also partake in His Divine Life, shining like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father.
They will become co-heirs with Christ and will share with Him His glory (Rev. 3:21; 2 Tim. 2:11-12). As the book of Revelation describes: "they shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any heat; for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of water.
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." It will be as the prophet Isaiah summarizes: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him" (Rev. 7:16-17; Is. 64:4; 1 Cor. 2:9).

That's what I believe!

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 09:04 PM
You started the journey of your life and you shall be the one to continue that journey.

I Believe that there will be distractions in your way of the path you want to go, just like there is here. The path may be heaven or hell or what ever you what you path to be. I don�t believe that there will be someone or something there to judge you and to tell you what path you take..

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by deathdragon
You started the journey of your life and you shall be the one to continue that journey.

I Believe that there will be distractions in your way of the path you want to go, just like there is here. The path may be heaven or hell or what ever you what you path to be. I don�t believe that there will be someone or something there to judge you and to tell you what path you take..

I AGREE that there will " be somone or somthing to judge you and tell you what path", but when the END is here WE ARE OUT OF TIME TO CHANGE OUR MIND. It's NEVER too late unless it's judgment day, but it's up to YOU to make that decision to change paths.

[Edited on 26-11-2003 by glan]

[Edited on 26-11-2003 by glan]

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by glan

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
My knees shall never bow, nor confess.
Everyone makes mistakes in life, and everyone must confess to themselves the mistakes they have made to feel reasured that they have a purpouse in life.

EVERY knee will bow

And if a person disagrees?
Will he be damned to an existence in a firey eternity?

What if what deep says is right?

What if seekerof's view of " Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And, allowing each 'soul' to walk his or her own path." is right?

Is it possible that there are many paths?

I'm just curious.


posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 09:57 PM
link big of a hypocrit are you anyway? How dare you stand up and preach and witness or whatever and have a satanic avatar? You have an pagan symbol as your representive on this board? According to the religion you so blindly follow, you are going to burn in hell. You have a symbol of black magic and satan dripping in blood in the same area you are quoting the bible. Give me a break!

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 01:48 AM
I believe that people should turn away from their gods and rely on their damn selves and use science to explore what really is going on.

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by Garon big of a hypocrit are you anyway? How dare you stand up and preach and witness or whatever and have a satanic avatar? You have an pagan symbol as your representive on this board? According to the religion you so blindly follow, you are going to burn in hell. You have a symbol of black magic and satan dripping in blood in the same area you are quoting the bible. Give me a break!

How dare YOU preach when you live in Los Angeles.

See, I can judge too! It's not just for Christian fundamentalist idiots!

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 02:15 AM
Life here is Life Everlasting or not.

It is Inexplicable (and this is why there's arguments about it)... you choose, you pay consequences whether it be good or bad consequences, positive or negative, ying or yang, or even right and wrong... but REMEMBER... ... ... ... it is always a choice of one or the other. Dig down deep and see the truth of it.

You cannot feel two things, bottom line. You cannot be this way and that way too. There is no cake and pie eating here. Start at the source.
ohh.. and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here!

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by pacman
Life here is Life Everlasting or not.

It is Inexplicable (and this is why there's arguments about it)... you choose, you pay consequences whether it be good or bad consequences, positive or negative, ying or yang, or even right and wrong... but REMEMBER... ... ... ... it is always a choice of one or the other. Dig down deep and see the truth of it.

You cannot feel two things, bottom line. You cannot be this way and that way too. There is no cake and pie eating here. Start at the source.
ohh.. and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here!



posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 03:01 AM
The aliens showed me how they control humans' minds and make the humans do anything they want. Humans are only puppets, little more. You have no choice and will live the life assigned to you, being a victim of circumstance, a leaf in the wind so to speak. Head in the clouds crushing flowers at your feet, millions dying around you while you worship your mickey mouse gods.

The aliens are high high high tech. They aint going to give some puke bellied pea brained midgets free choice to fock the world up if they want. Uh Uh , no way. Gates is their puppet, Bush is their puppet, we all are. But guess what, the aliens are okay, really okay, and are just doing their jobs maintaining this virtual reality zone for the education of souls; which are the same souls as alien souls believe it or not.

No my brothers sisters and hermaphrodite siblings, there is no Judgment Day, No blame for fuccing the world up just by going to the mall, no menacing psychopathic god with angels waiting to roast your ass in hell. And no devil with his retarded philosophy. That's just part of the illusion our brains are forcibly held in by the aliens. We can't see multidimensional reality so the aliens perform a few tricks with energy and mind control, and bingo we have a religion which the frightened ignorant people will follow to their grave.

But if you didn't have that program in your heads then you wouldn't have any program at all, or there would be millions of different programs clashing with each other.

There is a God force, but it is high tech and runs this world like a perfect computerized program. So don't ever beat yourself up over things you think you've done wrong. You were made to do them just as the things on your screen do as they are directed.

Basically I feel that truth is better than illusion, and my path is to uncover the truth and dissolve illusion.

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 03:08 AM
I too believe illusions must be put to rest.

Far too many illusions that could be easily dissolved with a little hydrochloric acid in a sense.

[Edited on 11-27-03 by pacman]

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 03:14 AM
I think that the path each person takes toward (God, Enlightenment, Truth, etc.) is unique to each person who decides to travel it, just as each person and their existence is unique to some degree. What's important is if one is really in search of (God, Truth, ect.) that they stay dedicated and honest in doing so while keeping in mind the WHY behind their WAY they've chosen.

Buddhism has thousands of known paths toward enlightenment, Hindu's have even more and also believe that each path may be as individual as the individual itself as no two people are exact in every detail. Even when two individual paths seem to be in opposite of each other both are still accepted as valid as it's not their place to judge such things. Brahman in Hindu is essentially the same as God in Christianity.

The supreme Godhead, beyond all distinctions or forms; ultimate Reality

So even when what seems to be opposite paths toward (Truth, God, Brahman, etc.) really may not be opposite at all in the sense that ALL paths eventually lead to Brahman eventually since Brahman represents all that was, is and will ever be.....and then some!

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
This site time to time seems to recieve many preachers, stating thier opinion on how we should live our lives, and what path we should follow in life.
Though these different views bring some critizism, at times it brings people together on this site.
Everyone has a different bias on the path to God.
What exactly is the path you believe we should follow in order to be redeemed if lets say, the day of judgment were to come.

"Say: We believe in God, and in what was sent down to us, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs; and in what was given to Moses and Jesus, and all the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them. To Him alone we are submitters " Qur'an, 2:136

This is what I have been talking about in one of the previous topics, all religions come from the same source and are inspired by the same Holy Spirit, thats why the basics are the same, only the ways of worship are different.

"Indeed, those who earn sins and become surrounded by their evil work will be the dwellers of Hell; they abide in it forever.
As for those who believe, and lead a righteous life, they will be the dwellers of Paradise; they abide in it forever. " Qur'an, 2:81-82

What is good and what is evil is the same in every religion or spiritual philosophy. The path of righteous life is a path to God, the path of evil leads to Hell.

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