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Who owns you? Some disturbing facts that affect everyone!

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posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 10:04 PM
I agree with what you say...If your too dumb to know your rights then you dont deserve them...

but..many people know thier rights...even if those that know thier rights are in the minority...should we suffer due to the ignorance of your average american??

But I dont know the answer to that..if the public is to dumb to stick up for thier rights..and the government cant be counted on...whats the answer???

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 10:48 PM
Great post Jezebel, you do some fine research, always good to read something with some meat to it.

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 03:57 PM
We are beginning to see the alternative. The government becomes bigger and bigger, and the ignorant masses not only do not rise up against it, but welcome it.

The Nation was founded upon the rights bestowed up on the people by the Creator. The Founding Fathers said this themselves. Then, the government created "civil rights", many of them mirroring the God-given rights. Along the way, they add more "rights" that aren't really rights as can be defined, but the whole scene gets murky. Then they eventually take away your "civil rights" for your own collective security and well-being. They do not take away your original rights, but because by this time the society has been molded in a way to have forgtten their original rights, nobody knows or does anything.

posted on Mar, 8 2004 @ 03:47 PM
We are beginning to see the alternative. The government becomes bigger and bigger, and the ignorant masses not only do not rise up against it, but welcome it.

The Nation was founded upon the rights bestowed up on the people by the Creator. The Founding Fathers said this themselves. Then, the government created "civil rights", many of them mirroring the God-given rights. Along the way, they add more "rights" that aren't really rights as can be defined, but the whole scene gets murky. Then they eventually take away your "civil rights" for your own collective security and well-being. They do not take away your original rights, but because by this time the society has been molded in a way to have forgtten their original rights, nobody knows or does anything.

I guess the luxuries of life blind even the smartest of us into believing that we are free.

Maybe thats why France hates us.

posted on Mar, 8 2004 @ 04:12 PM
or a better question- do you have ideas, or do ideas have you?

great find

and to the statement of "if youre too dumb to not knnow your right you dont deserve them"

well what about the rights that we have, but are hidden from us, never spoken about, the act is brought down and down and down, and we dont even realize that we are scotch free until we are in court?

a right may not necessarily be stated, it might just be a law that doesnt exist

posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by dunkleskates

If this is all true, what are - 'we the people' going to do about it...

I would like to see more facts/ sources posted.... a lot of this is stuff I have thought / believed for a long time now. figured out by myself....
but if we all just talk and do nothing, nothing will change. We the people - of the world - not just the united states, need to all put aside our differences and unite - instead of allowing them to keep us divided and fighting amoungst and against ourselves....'divide and conqueor' is an old maxim, never truer...

It is time we the people take this world to be ours and share the wealth equally, so that no-one starves, freezes, fries, dies of unnecessary disease, or in unwanted wars - fighting media and propoganda created enemies...

we are all the same, we all have the same basic needs and desires, hopes and live life free and happily, loving one another, helping one another......not hating one another, trying to compete with one another..........accepting the differences but focussing on the commonalities.

We have to unite and come together to free ourselves from the invisible chains that bind us all - so that our children may live in peace and happiness. It is time to bring an end to all the unnecessary suffering and death that comes from this evil and corrupt system - within which we are born and subjected too... are there any honest people left?
Are we so far gone in the west that we want to get to the top at any cost and have more than we need by 'screwing' someone else? Have the powers that be won - because we are all 'individuals' now - looking out for only ourselves and / or our own? If we do not unite and see all as our brother / sister, we are doomed!

Wake up fellow men and women, or they will own your souls, not just our lives....

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by Byrd or

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 05:23 PM
here's a great little article i stumbled across, that mentions IRS publication 6209:


[edit on 19-10-2008 by adrenochrome]

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 05:30 PM
also, i think this video really fits in well here... from what i've viewed thus far it all checks out..

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 11:51 AM
i was emailed this info by a family member and i found it very interesting, ive just started to look into this stuff, but man its really ticking me off, we get taxed everytime we get paid or buy something and the person who sent me this has more info that is even scarier!!!

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Thorfinn Skullsplitter

i agree although i think that we shouldnt do this violently, but im not so naive that i believe we ccan do this as completely peaceful, though all this has to stop we cant allow our rights to be slowly sapped until we end up in chains

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

i totally agree with what youre saying this world is controlled by corrupt politicians who care more about money than their fellow man, this must end.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 12:08 PM
this nation has tried to make their system foolproof but, and i quote

nothing is really foolproof, because fools are so ingenius

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by dunkleskates

Hi ds, I'm interested in any info you can provide on this matter. Since I am new to this board, I cannot u2u you, but you can u2u me. I would be able to provide my email address to receive the info.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 02:50 PM
Hi ds, I'm interested in any info you can provide on this matter. Since I am new to this board, I cannot u2u you, but you can u2u me. I would be able to provide my email address to receive the info.

Originally posted by dunkleskates

Originally posted by jezebel

The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)

A 1040 form is for tribute paid to Britain. (IRS Publication 6209)

We are Human capital. (Executive Order 13037)

a friend of mine's father made himself a muli-millionaire by taking advantage of these facts and some legal loopholes to never have to pay taxes, and recieve the compensation from his own human capitol. something about birth certificates representing a human investment, with interest each year. now he owns a company that teaches people to do this. when i was growing up with this kid, he lived in a trailer park. now they have the biggest mansion in the Seattle area short of bill gates'

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by dunkleskates
i really dont know enough yet, but he just started me up. they take advantage of loopholes in the legal system that allow them to legally get large sums of money from the gov. if you are really interested, u2u me in a month or so, and i will probably be able to extend an invitation.

Are they still helping people with their knowledge?

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 05:07 PM
OK, I feel compelled to respond in some manner to all this ridiculousness. Having read all of these quotes I find it is overwhelming, which leads me to believe that whoever posted this intends to demoralizes, otherwise they would have posted the solutions as well. If you’re not part of the solution than you are part of the problem! At this point I still see the solution is simple. The first step is to hold accountable those that have sworn an oath of office. Since all of those that are in positions of presumed power have sworn an oath to support the constitution for the united states of America, and since they do not know and do not follow the constitution, whether it is valid or not makes no difference because they get paid and have sworn an oath to support it. Therefore, they are committing fraud, sedition, acts of treason, embezzlement and any other number of offenses that are suitable both in criminal court as well as civil courts to our benefits. I am in that process myself right now. It is common sense that if we get those that have sworn oaths of office to know and obey that oath of office then a great deal of these problems would and will not exist. Once we have bodyguards in place that will do due diligence to protect us and our rights then we have a chance of moving on to the bigger problem at hand if it exists with all of this King ship and Britain stuff. This is something that each and every one of us can do without having to read study or know anything except one simple concept that they have sworn an oath and must abide by it. If they don’t know what it says, then arrest them. File charges against them. Do something to hold them accountable. Require a trial by jury in all cases. Do not waive your rights. If it is unconscionable to you then it is unconscionable and therefore unlawful. You are the law; they are merely the law enforcers. Hold them accountable to their job.
One other thing, I find a very important document has failed to be mentioned here, and that is the Declaration of Independence, which clearly states that, it is self evident that we were all created by a creator (not a King, a government, an agency, or anything made of man or by man), created equally and endowed with unalienable rights. This is irrefutable as it is “self evident”! It is also irrefutable that we were all created unique and different and free to be that which we were created to be. To attempt to enslave to control to administer to govern to rule or any other impositions is as ridiculous as telling all birds that they must saying the same song, the clouds must be the same size and same shape, the stars must remain in the same place in the sky, that the grass shall not grow any higher than 3in., that one man is the King, that rape is acceptable or that might makes right. Personally I am so sick and tired of corruption, corruption, corruption and the acceptance of it as if it is acceptable. I am also sick of people creating problems as well as those that so diligently point out the problems with out a solution thereby becoming part of the problem. One solution that comes to mind is that if the King or the queen or Britain or the Pope, the church or whatever entity you want to call it, can proclaim itself then it is equally reasonable that each one of us merely needs to proclaim ourselves superior to them and subject them to our rule. In other words what’s good for them is good for us or as I’d like to say as you do unto others it shall be done unto you. So therefore anyone, any entity that proclaims itself above any other automatically subjects itself to being the servant. Since the creator does not impose its will upon us, by example we have no business imposing our will upon. Since none of us created this earth this solar system this universe, not even one grain of sand or one blade of grass, we cannot lay claim nor take credit for and therefore have no authority, jurisdiction or rights to dictate. Not one can determine the years, days, minutes, seconds, or microseconds of our lives, nor have any comprehension of where we come from or where we are going, since we may not presume to have any authority over our own lives, certainly can not concerning anyone else. Therefore, all these words, all these proclamations, all these rules, laws, codes, treaties, agreements and so forth are merely posturing and have no validity in truth. A contract by its definition is a meeting of the minds and agreeing to a mutual benefit. No contract is valid if it is to the demise of any other and all words are forms of a contract, And any promise made is based on the hope that by doing our due diligence we may fulfill our promises by the grace of our creator that allows us to have such audacity.
So until somebody steps forward and proves to me that they created me, then they have no authority concerning me! Therefore, I am a living soul and breathing spirit beholden to none other than myself and my creator! Any questions?
Please also recognize the responsibility as described in the Declaration of Independence, whereby it says “when ( not if ) a government misuses its powers to have control over the people it is the right, it is the Duty of the people to throw that government off and instituting a new one that protects their rights.” Notice the word duty. Notice that it says that having control over the people is a misuse of power! How much clearer can it be? Know therefore that anyone or anything that would attempt to impose upon you or anyone is unlawful, by the creators’ law, international law, constitutional law, state law and common sense weather common or not. Any objections? Now I have made a proclamation, let it be law superseding all other for all time and time again.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 01:18 AM
just bumping this thread. I've read a few articles recently about the IRS and its tie to the UN and am interested in in furthering knowledge on this.
thanks. this thread is OLD!

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by jezebel
Seeing as how the military alone "lost" 2 trillion dollars, and have no explanation for what happened or where it went,

Why repeat a much debunked "truther" lie?

All what the OP posted is just made up nonsense.

It has also been posted before,
edit on 7-10-2011 by spoor because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 09:56 PM
I thank the OP for the detailed post. I got all of it. You are where I am going. I was slowly putting the pieces of the puzzle together myself but I think you just accelerated my progress. It was actually very depressing to read what you wrote and to see the magnitude of it. But the big thing I got from your post is this: We have all been fearing a future NWO coming to pass, but if what you say is true then the NWO is already here. There are no countries anymore, only illusions of countries to fool the gullible masses. It's depressing beyond belief to realize its all been one big lie from the beginning.

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