posted on Nov, 23 2003 @ 08:30 PM
I am not sure as to the validity or even the signifigence of this
So I toss it out for dissection
much more on site....
HARTSVILLE, TENN - Newly released documentary and eyewitness evidence now links an apparent July 6, 2001 electronic warfare attack on a radio station
and weekly newspaper in Hartsville, Tennessee to a nearby unacknowledged secret access project (USAP). This secret project, eyewitnesses say, includes
the U.S. Air Force as paymaster, U.S. government aircraft as transportation and security craft; military troops in black uniforms; and black unmarked
triangular aircraft. The project may also include a secret electronic warfare unit capable of disabling nearby media outlets with destructive
electromagnetic energy.
Although the nuclear facility has been officially closed for some time, eyewitnesses now testify to clandestine activities going on at the site. These
include sightings of tractor-trailer trucks entering and leaving the former nuclear power plant at 2 or 3 AM; sightings of C-130 military aircraft
flying over the facility as if to land; sightings of unmarked black helicopters monitoring the area; sightings of military troops in unmarked black
uniforms; and - yes - multiple witness reports of black triangular craft hovering over the former power plant. Civilians venturing near the site have
also reported being aggressively ejected by a private police force of about 30 plain-clothes men.