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The "other" questions for survivalists.

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posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 11:11 PM
The first question a survivalist asks is, "what could go wrong?"

This the source of the survivalist impulse. I suspect most of us go through a mental checklist, thinking up various catastrophes and imagining how well equipped we are for the various trials. Sars, Avian flu, dollar collapse, or terrorist attack, we prepare ourselves by asking that perennial question.

But there's another question every serious survivalist should be asking him or herself:

"What if I'm wrong?"

No survival preparations can be considered complete until you've answered this question. It's not enough to merely question the dominant society--you've got to question your own preparations and motives as well.

I have met a lot of survival enthusiasts who have planned excessively for a single "situation x." It seems almost everyone has a single pet theory, whether it's one world government or race riots. But only a few of my fellow travelers actually prepare themselves to be wrong . . .

This is the theme I've been aiming at, in the "low intensity survival preparations" thread. I think it's critical to not ruin your life preparing for the apocalypse that may not come in your lifetime.

It would be a tragedy to be evicted from your home, because you can't pay the rent, because you've spent all your money on silver bullion under your mattress; especially if silver is not going back to $15 dollars in the next decade (not that I'm making any predictions here.)

It would be a tragedy to freeze to death in a blizzard, clutching your assault rifle, but unable to call for a tow-truck when your vehicle runs off the road into a snowbank.

My point is simply this: how will your preparations serve you, if there is no collapse, if civilization DEFIES your predictions, and rolls merrily along for another 50 years? Will you feel ripped off? Or are you putting your plans to use NOW, before the end?


posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 07:34 PM
I have a simple philosophy "plan for everything". Or as close to everything as you can think of. Lack of planning is the door to death. Now I know it gets expensive thats why I cut corners when ever possible. Such as on non life dependant stuff buy military surplus I know ime gonna get beat down again for saying that but I don't care! the stuff is there its perfectly usable with life left in it, and most impotently its cheap. This allows you to keep a little more of your hard earned money, to spend on more varied supplies. Ime not saying buy stuff like gasmask from surplus. but things like clothes Back packs tents stuff like that. Essentially before you buy ask yourself if your life would be over if this item failed such as a gas mask. if the answer is yes buy new with warranty. If the answer is no buy cheap surplus.

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 08:20 PM
Flexability is a watchword in my book

I consider hand tools to be "survivalist" in my book; hacksaws, augers, miter boxes, etc. are critical in the hours before the "big storm hits. I have a large selection of plywood sheeting in my garage for "kids projects." They could also board up windows or patch the roof.

cast iron cookware is flexible. So are my kids' walkie talkies.

and they all answer my "other question:" what if you never need them for survival?

Well, then I have handy tools for when the tree falls on the house, I've got walkie talkies for when we play spies, and we have camping cookware, and can roast chestnuts in the fireplace this Christmas.

What if I'm wrong? I still have a nice life, that's what.


posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 09:54 PM
I am preparing for the worst and praying for the best resolution to the problems in the world. If nothing happens extreme, then:

Rotating food items will decrease my food shopping necessities. I have not reached my goal, but, each month I purchase something on my Emergency Preparedness List. Some items have a 25 or 30 year shelf life and the can items 3 to 5 years. Rice and dried beans are indefinite as well as hard candy.

Items I am unable to use within the expiration date will be donated to a food pantry or other charity. The Post Office has an annual can drive also. So there is no waste.

The only items I have had to throw out were two over the counter meds that had expired.

Most items will come in handy in case of a major storm, or if unexpected family visits.

I firmly believe it is better to be safe than sorry. If it all gets destroyed, I will probably be gone as well.

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 09:59 PM

how will your preparations serve you, if there is no collapse, if civilization DEFIES your predictions, and rolls merrily along for another 50 years? Will you feel ripped off? Or are you putting your plans to use NOW, before the end?

Great question.

As someone who is a "preparer" rather than a survivalist, I am prepared for loss of food supply, loss of water supply, loss of medical assistance, and for loss of power. It could be for any number of reasons those things occur, so instead of a "pet" theory, I'm just overall ready for things.

In the worst case scenario, I can't eat all of my put aside supplies before their expiration date (which I don't always follow...), and then the local homeless shelters get donations. The rest - candles, et cetera - can be used on an as-wanted basis; should I want a nice candlelit dinner? Well, I've got candles and matches to spare. LOL.

And I even though I'm a "preparer", I live life happily and with honor. Should the worst come to pass, I'm somewhat ready. If the best should come to pass, the worst that I can say is "I've eaten well."

Do I expect the SHTF? Dunno...some days yes, other days no. But in the meantime, I've got a life to live and I'm living it.


posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 10:05 PM
That's an excellent description. I too am a 'preparer' more than a survivalist. thank you very much.


posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 10:19 PM
I love these survivalist discussions. Everyone has their checklist of essentials necessary to survive. I saw one guys checklist and on the rather lengthy list was "case of toilet paper". He also thought that "roughing it" meant Motel 6 without cable tv. He called himself a survivalist because he owned an assault rifle, 2 boxes of ammo and several shelves of canned vegetables.
Ask survivors of Auschwitz what they had with them when they were rounded up and how much of it they were allowed to keep. Ask the survivors of Katrina how much of their stuff made it onto high ground with them.
I have nothing against planning for a rainy day and survival plans can come in handy in a variety of unforseen circumstances. Unemployment, natural disasters, etc. but "survivalist" is a frame of mind and being a survivalist isn't about getting "stuff". It's about being prepared (mentally, emotionally, physically). If you're 50 pounds oveweight, smoke like a chimney, drink like a fish, sit around the boob tube watching ECW and think you're prepared because you have a nice collection of guns and fishing equipment, you're seriously deluded. If you think you're going to "head for the hills" when SHTF then you're in good company-so does everyone else. You might have survived if you hadn't gotten caught in that pesky traffic jam of an entire city trying to also head for the hills. Got a trailer (or house) full of survivalist gear? Hope you kept that little secret to yourself because all the neighbors who didn't prepare are going to want what you have. Have you ever stayed out in the woods for 3 days without packing in your own food supply? There's not a bounty of edibles just lying around out there and hiking burns a lot of calories.
At some point, my friends, it comes down to trusting in your Maker because no one can reasonably prepare for every emergency that might befall them.

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 10:37 PM
Call me a preparer as well. I never actually called myself a survivor, I always equated that word with being alive after the situation comes to pass.

As for stuff, I too just live my life as a normal working class, buying what I need and having enough of it to last a month. The initial investment was a pinch, but bumping it up as used costs no more than living w/o a stash. My tools are all used and replaced as needed as well.

I don't mind being prepared and being a bit more cautious of my surroundings than most, because that is how I am hard-wired. If I weren't I probably would have passed ATS by way back when I first discovered it.

I think we are all like minded in a sense that we want to be the best provider and protector of our families. I think I have 'evolved' a bit since joining here.

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