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O'Hare Airport UFO Sighting -- UPDATE: Photos & Analysis

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posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
The risk of discovery (relatively easy at this point) would be catastrophic to any theoretical "bottom line" you're thinking of.

With all due respect SO, hypothetically speaking, if ATS WAS in on it, what would be the risk of discovery? We rely on you to tell us if something is legitimate or not. Once again hypothetically speaking, if you wanted to get over on us it would be quite easy even with all the speculation.

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
So why support a baseless accusation of "ATS" creating an eyewitness account of what is perhaps the most important UFO-related event since Roswell?

Not even in the same league as the Phoenix Lights. No evidence about O'Hare, just hearsay and an anonymous eyewitness.


[edit on 2-2-2007 by Dr Love]

Originally posted by Springer
Number two, that is a direct and libelous accusation that is patently FALSE and offensive.

It's hardly libelous Springer. It's a conspiracy forum.


[edit on 2-2-2007 by Dr Love]

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 12:54 PM
Its simply not rude and hostile to question the veracity of an anonymous witness/poster. The manner of doing so may or may not be rude/hostile, but the very act of doing so is extraordinarily relevant to the topic at hand. Eyewitness herself, with a news background, would corroborate this I believe .

Specifically Springer, very few of the regular posters to this thread understand what you guys are putting into this investigation, so don't think anyone is undervaluing the contributions, don't attribute to malice what is a result of simple ignorance.

[edit on 2-2-2007 by Mainer]

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 12:56 PM

How good is your camera phone? Does it pick up objects on an overcast day that are hard even for your eye to see? I wouldn't be surprised if there are only two or three decent shots out of 100 different cell phones shooting this thing.

I don't know. The photo we have now seemed to come out good enough.

And then... how many people do you suppose looked at the shot on their phone, figured they didn't get anything, then deleted the shot?

I'd say a low percentage of them.

I'm don't support the 'ATS eyewitness creation' theory at the moment.
That's just pure conjecture.

However, you have to agree that something isn't right when there are no pictures of 'perhaps the most important sighting since roswell'.

How many people so far have testified to have seen this thing?
One or 2 people that called the Tribune, 2 ATS members and a MUFON report. Is that right?

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 12:58 PM
Okay let me clarify. I did not agree that ATS created Eyewitness. Simply agreed that she seems too good to be true.

And yes i come from another forum. A forum that does discuss the "hoax" of Serpo in a positive light. But if you read any of my posts there (and obviously you have) you must be aware that i am not a big believer in that story having ANY basis in fact! In fact I have stated repeatedly that i dont believe it is anything more than a fairytale (but enough about that story)

I also have defended Eyewitness on that forum in several PMs to the Admin and Mods (I will gladly post those PMs here if you so desire)

So excuse me for speaking my mind......I came to ATS to follow this story in the forum that seems to have the best discussion of the facts going on. No other reason and no other agenda!!!

Finally, yes good things do happen. But we are dealing with the internet here.....and lets face it....the internet is full of fraud, fantasy and fantastic tales. Being aware of this i pretty much a skeptic of anything that seems too good to be true.


posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Ace_SD
I don't know. The photo we have now seemed to come out good enough.

So says you.

I'm not so convinced... but am convinced there are more to be had, and feel we need to find them, wherever they are, whoever gets credit... they need to come out.

One the other hand, we've been in contact with a full-time UFO investigator who's tracking this thread and has told us that picture accurately captures the accounts of the eyewitnesses he's spoken with personally.

It's a toss-up at best.

However, you have to agree that something isn't right when there are no pictures of 'perhaps the most important sighting since roswell'.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

I'd dislike being pulled back into UFOlogy (had some bad experiences), but this is "feeling" more and more important.

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by TheShadow
Okay let me clarify. I did not agree that ATS created Eyewitness. Simply agreed that she seems too good to be true.

Hrm... I thought you "smelled a rat"?

And yes i come from another forum. A forum that does discuss the "hoax" of Serpo in a positive light.

And they also spent a lot of time discussing ATS in a very negative light and continues to speculate that ATS is an organized disinformation effort. So forgive us of being skeptical of the motives of people from the OM forum.

.I came to ATS to follow this story in the forum that seems to have the best discussion of the facts going on. No other reason and no other agenda!!!

Excellent... then let's spend effort moving forward, not spinning in circles.

But we are dealing with the internet here.....and lets face it....the internet is full of fraud, fantasy and fantastic tales.

Indeed. Which is why we need as many intelligent people focusing on facts, not speculating on incorrect rumors born of a year-ago banning grudge.
The more people are involved, the quicker hoaxes, lies, and disinformation are discovered.

In fact, you may recall that when the "cell phone" image surfaced, we were skeptical and Mark speculated on live Coast To Coast AM that it may be part of an organized disinformation effort to discredit the O'Hare sighting. I'm still not completely divorced of that original reaction.

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
With all due respect SO, hypothetically speaking, if ATS WAS in on it, what would be the risk of discovery?

We're helping to connect this witness with a state MUFON director (among others not connected to ATS). I think if anyone is able to discover UFO-related decpetion, it would be such a person... and if MUFON determined ATS created false testimony... well... it would be very bad.

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
So why support a baseless accusation of "ATS" creating an eyewitness account of what is perhaps the most important UFO-related event since Roswell?

You can't be serious. This O'Hare incident is not even close to the Phoenix lights, much less Roswell. Phoenix was witnessed by thousands of people over different states, and included video that has been much debated. Roswell is the start of the modern Ufology movement that included an admission by the military that a disc was recovered, though later retracted.
Even if every photograph we have witnessed in this thread were to be legitimate, what do we have? Blurry photos of something in the sky over O'Hare. No military involvement (like Roswell), a limited mumber of witnesses, and questionable photos. And where will this O'Hare sighting lead? No where but to a footnote in the pages of Ufology. If you want to compare something to Roswell, try Rendlesham Forest of December, 1980. Well documented and military witnesses. And where did that lead?

I will only believe a photo of the O'Hare UFO that is accompanied by a separate photo of the remnant hole left in the cloud deck. I'm sure anyone who was fortunate enough to click a photo of the disc surely clicked more than one, and in all likelyhood, photographed the hole that it left behind. Why wouldn't they?
And a hole in the cloud deck over O'Hare is going to be next to impossible to hoax. So until I see some realistic pics, with a shot of the remnant hole, I am of the opinion these photos are bogus.

And since the FAA is not interested, and the US government is not interested, and ORD is not interested, where do you think this O'Hare incident is going to lead? No where but to a giant thread on ATS, with more eyewitnesses than even the Chicago Tribune can find.

I wish ATS luck in this endeavor, but it already seems to be a moot point as far as Ufology is concerned! Even if the most awesome, realistic photos surface, they will be nice to look at and thats about it! I doubt it will cause the Whitehouse to schedule a press conference!

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by TheShadow
Okay let me clarify. I did not agree that ATS created Eyewitness. Simply agreed that she seems too good to be true.

Fair enough.

Originally posted by TheShadow
I also have defended Eyewitness on that forum in several PMs to the Admin and Mods (I will gladly post those PMs here if you so desire)

No need I believe you.

Originally posted by TheShadow
So excuse me for speaking my mind......I came to ATS to follow this story in the forum that seems to have the best discussion of the facts going on. No other reason and no other agenda!!!

Fair enough again, and I believe you. I ask that you excuse me for jumping up and down over this bollocks then. It's gets disheartening (to put it very mildly) to work your butt off only to be accused of scamming. I understand the internet is FULL of scams, that's why ATS is here. Scams don't last long here. Oh we've had a couple that got some traction but in the end they were busted and sent packing.

I honestly believe THIS ONE holds the possibility of being something VERY IMPORTANT, I wouldn't be working this hard if I didn't. That may be my own stupidity working against me but there it is. I really think this sighting was something important. WHAT, I have no idea, that's why I want to get all the data we can get on it. I REALLY want to know WHAT it was.

PEACE and TRUCE to all.


posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by TheShadow
Okay let me clarify. I did not agree that ATS created Eyewitness. Simply agreed that she seems too good to be true.

Hrm... I thought you "smelled a rat"?

And yes i come from another forum. A forum that does discuss the "hoax" of Serpo in a positive light.

And they also spent a lot of time discussing ATS in a very negative light and continues to speculate that ATS is an organized disinformation effort. So forgive us of being skeptical of the motives of people from the OM forum.

.I came to ATS to follow this story in the forum that seems to have the best discussion of the facts going on. No other reason and no other agenda!!!

Excellent... then let's spend effort moving forward, not spinning in circles.

But we are dealing with the internet here.....and lets face it....the internet is full of fraud, fantasy and fantastic tales.

Indeed. Which is why we need as many intelligent people focusing on facts, not speculating on incorrect rumors born of a year-ago banning grudge.
The more people are involved, the quicker hoaxes, lies, and disinformation are discovered.

In fact, you may recall that when the "cell phone" image surfaced, we were skeptical and Mark speculated on live Coast To Coast AM that it may be part of an organized disinformation effort to discredit the O'Hare sighting. I'm still not completely divorced of that original reaction.

LOL I feel famous! The three Amigos are quoting me! Yes i did indeed say that. But I also had some private conversations with the Admin and Mods of that forum shortly after that statement was made where i stated if she is fake she is DAMN GOOD.....and told them i personally feel she is legit.

I too have on several occasions heard and agreed (and maybe even made) such statements. But S.O. I am an open minded enough person, (that spent very little time here before the first photo appeared) that will gladly admit when he has spoken out of ignorance. So allow me to apologize publicly for any statements I may have made about ATS in a negative or uninformed light.

Agreed lets move on!

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Jeddyhi
You can't be serious. This O'Hare incident is not even close to the Phoenix lights, much less Roswell.

Yes, I am serious, and it comes from a aged involvement in UFO issues.

I said it was a "UFO-related event", not "UFO sighting". I think the two are very different. And I did condition it with "perhaps".
(and I said since Roswell)

I think the importance of this event is multifaceted, and as such, has the potential for this to rise above run-of-the-mill sightings... not the least of which is the post-9/11 lack of security reaction bemoaned by one of the apparent "witnesses" in this thread. While I may not like the credibility of the rampage witness, his message of concern over the non-response of security adds a different dimension to this event. A dimension that smells like cover-up, and paves the way for disinformation.

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 01:53 PM
I think it bears mentioning that it appears some members think this case is going to provide instant gratification, It isnt. No case I've ever looked at has.

The idea that a witness is more or less suspicious because theyre "too perfect", is a bit over the top. The witness said there were many standing around with cameras and cell phones shooting the UO, and because none have surfaced...we somehow find it upon the witness to account for that? Absurd.

And people wonder why more witnesses dont come forward?

I dont mean we shouldnt be critical thinking about witness accounts, but when someone has made themselves available for questions and has answered them as best they can, what exactly more do we expect? For them to alter their testimony to fit a preconcieved notion we have?

I guess it's a by-product of the age, and instant gratification is demanded regardless of the situation. Well, not everything happens as we want, nor does anyone's desire make it happen any faster.

I can say as an ATS outsider (in the sense that I dont work for ATS or anyone else) that ATS folks have been nothing but forthright and honest with me, and the witness has done nothing but avail herself for questioning by me personally. She's also given me descriptions that havent been publicly detailed to any great extent, and locations of the sighting that coinside with a photo. I believe she really would like to get to the bottom of it as much as anyone else, and based on questioning I can only conclude she's truthful as it gets. The idea that ATS would concoct the witness is again rather absurd all facts considered.

It aint an X-Files episode and it doesnt wrap itself up in an hour. This is gonna take time.

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 02:35 PM
I just read this on the Anonymous board about footage does exist, but Dan Aykroyd has the scoop.

This anonymous post is in response to ATS thread: O'Hare Airport UFO Sighting -- UPDATE: Photos & Analysis

Dan Aykroyd Says O'Hare Footage Exists

Its funny though, they also have those two pictures on that page that are known to be chopped.

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 03:06 PM
Hey, Great Find !

Thats really interesting. I've seen one of Dan's (I'm not sure if he has more than one?) documentaries on UFO's and Aliens. It wasn't bad, but if he really has true video footage of the O'hare sighting - that would be BIG news. I wonder if Dan is smart enough to have his photo's and video's analyzed before he outright claims it's real footage.

Can't wait to see what happens.....

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by zeeon
Hey, Great Find !

Thats really interesting. I've seen one of Dan's (I'm not sure if he has more than one?) documentaries on UFO's and Aliens. It wasn't bad, but if he really has true video footage of the O'hare sighting - that would be BIG news. I wonder if Dan is smart enough to have his photo's and video's analyzed before he outright claims it's real footage.

Can't wait to see what happens.....

sure dont wanna wait a year to see it though!

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by TheShadow

sure dont wanna wait a year to see it though!

Yeah, I can just imagine him and David Sereda getting back together and we won't see any of it until we purchase it...........a year from now.



posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 03:22 PM
I''ll ask the State Director of MUFON and see if he knows anything about all this business with Dan the Man.


posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Springer
I''ll ask the State Director of MUFON and see if he knows anything about all this business with Dan the Man.


Sweet - I can't wait to find out about that either !

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 03:42 PM
You know, I just can't shake this feeling that this is the start of full disclosure.

This is a subtle incident, which happened months ago and should, imo be pretty cut and dry. Yet more evidence surfaces and to my surprise the O'hare Indicident carries on, fed by more and more 'subtle' evidence and observations and witness accounts.

I can't help but feel like this is how our government, over a long stretch of time is going to 'acclimate' (if thats the proper term) us to the existence of UFO's/Aliens. I do believe that our government has knowledge of UFO's/Aliens and *could be* trying to 'acclimate' us to their existence without causing any massive widespread panic/hysteria.

Just my thoughts on the subject, but I am rather amazed on how the O'hare Sighting keeps carrying on.

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 03:44 PM
Video of the event would be sweeeet. If he indeed has some footage I wonder how it reached him instead of showing up on the internet somewhere.
Also, out of all the supposed people taking as many photos of the object as they could you would think some of them would have captured a few seconds of video on their camera phone. But Nooo-ooooooooo...

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