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Islamofascists are at it again!

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posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
Um, hate to break the bad news to ya, but Fox News is a VERY reliable news source. You may not agree with some of their editorial opinions, which is fine, but when it comes to reporting the facts they score VERY high. I guess that when "God woke [you] up" he forgor to impart a sense of logic and reason in you.

Holy Crap!

I can't believe that there are still people out there that don't understand that Fox News is little better than a propaganda engine for Corporate Interests.

You, kozmo, need to watch this: OutFoxed: Interviews

Better yet, find and watch "OutFOXed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism" in it's entirety. Home Page

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 01:40 PM
i know, lets call them foxmuslims!!!

siriously, having met lots of muslims in my life i cant help but be amazed at this crap

...i just dont know, am i amazed at the nonsense media spits out these days, or the ammount of people that fall for it

its probably prescription drugs thing, i try to understand, i really do.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 01:48 PM
It's easier to believe in the mass-media message than to think for yourself and us Westerners are getting very intellectually lazy.

This is a big part of why canceled my cable over 6 years ago. I simply couldn't stand the constant bombardment of brainwashing. Yeah, there's a few shows on TV that I like to watch, but thanks to modern technology I can watch them in other ways (sans mindcontrol too!).

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by 11Bravo

Originally posted by XphilesPhan

Like Karl Marx, people have taken a great idea and HORRIBLY warped it.


Karl Marx had a 'great idea'? What was it?

I was refering to the idea of equality among all classes of people. I dont agree with the means he proposed to accomplish this however.

Communism was what I was refering to when I said, "hooribly warped the idea."

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 01:58 PM
So why didnt you say Martin Luther King Jr. had a good idea?
Are you a closet communist or were there no better examples of 'good ideas'
in your book?
What about Abe Lincoln?

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 02:05 PM
Communism does have some good ideas.
Unfortunatly, they can't work because people are too damned greedy.

People also tend to forget that we have never seen actual Communism enacted as a nations governmental system. Soviet Communism was only the first step towards enacting the system... but it stalled out and was corrupted.

Now people have this irrational fear of Communism.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by BitRaiser

Holy Crap!

I can't believe that there are still people out there that don't understand that Fox News is little better than a propaganda engine for Corporate Interests.

You, kozmo, need to watch this: OutFoxed: Interviews

Better yet, find and watch "OutFOXed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism" in it's entirety. Home Page

An what news agency isnt funded by a major corporation? better yet, who do you prefer to the "corporate propaganda machine?"

Al-jazeera perhaps?

they are simply propaganda as well.

I propose that we accept that ALL news sources have a biasedness to them and that we as a people choose to filter it out and take our own opinions from it.

you need to get off your intellectual goosesteping and begin to open your mind to other opinions and viewpoint, not just the ones you deem valid.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 02:15 PM

You sir, have NO right to level that sort a accusation at anyone else.
It's very clear by your posting habbits that you are in lockstep with the agenda.

My News Sources are ultra varried. I buy newspapers. I surf the net. I'm open to all forms of News, research, and information.

Then I think. I logically compair the information I take in and form jugments. When one source consistantly regurgatates irrational fearmongering and mis-information, I write it off as a valid source. When Fox News got off the hook by having a court rule that since they habbitually lie so much, they cannot be expected to report the truth, I am sickend.

When people refuse to understand why Fox is bad, it scares the hell out of me.

We're a doomed species.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 02:37 PM
There are a billion Muslims spread all over the world in all different types of countries, just like you have a billion Christians spread all over the world in different types of countries. Some muslims live in rich countries, some in poor countries. Some live in democracies, others in theocracies and dictatorships. Some muslims are educated and are among the world's leading intellectuals, others are backwards and ignorant. This is not to say that every single one of the world's billion muslims is a good person, or that many Islamic countries do not have a lot of problems, but we should be careful not to paint all muslims with the same stroke. There are some wacky Christians out there too, and it would not be fair to lump all Christians in with those Christians.

posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by BitRaiser
Communism does have some good ideas.
Unfortunatly, they can't work because people are too damned greedy.

People also tend to forget that we have never seen actual Communism enacted as a nations governmental system. Soviet Communism was only the first step towards enacting the system... but it stalled out and was corrupted.

Now people have this irrational fear of Communism.

It's not irrational. Just look at Cuba and you'll understand why they hate communism.

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