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Something to think about....

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posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 01:45 PM
In less than 100 years, humanity has gone from horse and carriage to putting men on the moon and we have sent probes to the edge of our solar system...

Could it be possible that some of the ancient people of our past could have developed such technology just as quickly as we have?

Modern man has been around for a couple million years now... If we could go from horse and carriage in less than 100 years, it should be very probable that our ancient ancestors have done the sane.

There are manuscripts from india written thousands of years ago that tell of advanced technologies and some history of the world pre-dating the ice age... Perhaps, because of the ice age itself, could be one reason why alot of there technology doesn't remain laying around for us to find...

There are also countless myths throughout the world that talk about people having to hide underground fron attacks from the skies. There are just as many myths that talk of people who live underground that possesed advanced technologies...

If we take all these myths as factual accounts of an ancient people's history being recorded as it happened despite the rewritting of them over thousands of years, we end up finding out that before the ice age, man was once more advanced than we are today.

Every ancient civilization talks about obtaining there knowledge from there god's, whom came from the heaven's/skies. Every civilzation has this myth, there are no exceptions... If there were survivors from the pre-ice age world, these very people could be the very god's our ancestor's mentioned...

Recently (historicly speaking) we have lost alot of knowledge and technologies during th dark ages. The dark age itself was nothing compared to the ice-age... Considering such a mundane event like the dark ages could set humanity back like that...imagine a technologicly advanced civilization having to deal with an ice age.... Should be quite a devestating event, especially if they could find no way to stop it...

After the ice-age was over, there should have been a flood... which just about every civilization has there own accounts of the flood event.

Both the ice-age AND the flood could have wiped out a considerable amount of evidence of a highly technological race before these event's happened...

If the myth's of an advanced people living underground are true, these people may have been those that survived the disastrous events that destroyed te world they new. Maybe they 'hid' themselves from the unfortunate survivors that got thrown back technologically. The one's that are our ancestors. This would give the subsurface people thousands of years to develope on thier own, unhindered... Could this be where alot of our ufo's come from?

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by JamesG
Could it be possible that some of the ancient people of our past could have developed such technology just as quickly as we have?

In a word, "no."

The speed of progress is created by the sophisticated tools we have. Their civilization would have had to have had better tools and better power sources -- and this would have left traces. Techstuff uses different resources than primitive stuff.

(and if you don't believe me, spend a few days playing "Civilization" or "Age of Empires." That will hammer the point home.)

There are manuscripts from india written thousands of years ago that tell of advanced technologies and some history of the world pre-dating the ice age...

They're faked. Go read the original sources (translated into English.) You'll find out that someone made that stuff up.

There are also countless myths throughout the world that talk about people having to hide underground fron attacks from the skies. There are just as many myths that talk of people who live underground that possesed advanced technologies...

Sources? There's no such myths in the Greek mythology, Roman mythology, Norse mythology, Hawai'ian/Polynesian mythology, Egyptian mythology, Babylonian mythology nor any of the AmerInd myths I've studied. It's certainly not Biblical, either.

Where are these myths from?

If we take all these myths as factual accounts of an ancient people's history being recorded as it happened despite the rewritting of them over thousands of years, we end up finding out that before the ice age, man was once more advanced than we are today.

None of the mythologies I mentioned have any such evidences in them of ancients "making miraculous things."

Recently (historicly speaking) we have lost alot of knowledge and technologies during th dark ages.

Only in Europe. The Middle East did NOT lose this knowledge and continued to develop it further.

The dark age itself was nothing compared to the ice-age... Considering such a mundane event like the dark ages could set humanity back like that...imagine a technologicly advanced civilization having to deal with an ice age.... Should be quite a devestating event, especially if they could find no way to stop it...

No offense, but there's some things you need to consider here -- the first of which is that during an ice age, the overall temperature of the planet cools by only 8 degrees or so.

Now, I'm living here in sunny Texas and a drop in our yearly temperatures by 8 degrees would be a nuiscance but it's hardly going to destroy our technology or anything else. Canada's agricultural areas would be hard hit and many other areas would probably have to change their crops to allow for a shorter growing season. Rainfall patterns would change, but we'd just move in irrigation systems as needed.

If the weather for the whole year was 7 degrees cooler next year (and the year after that and so on and so forth), could YOUR hometown survive? Mine sure could. Heck, I bet Netchook might not even notice the difference!

After the ice-age was over, there should have been a flood... which just about every civilization has there own accounts of the flood event.

No. It's a GRADUAL warming. No flood. And not every civilization has accounts of the flood. There's none in Norse mythology, Greek mythology, Roman mythology, Egyptian mythology, AmerInd mythology (with a few exceptions), Polynesian mythology, and I don't believe the Australian Aborigines had such a legend, either -- though I could be mistaken.

Both the ice-age AND the flood could have wiped out a considerable amount of evidence of a highly technological race before these event's happened...

No. Plastic is forever, for one thing. Secondly, we've had lots of floods around the world before and everyone picks up and rebuilds with the same tech they had before.

...and let's not go into the engineering and logistical problems (and the bunches of evidence that would be around) for large underground civilizations.

Underground is the least likely place for them.

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 02:17 PM
I have studied mythology in school, and none in Greek, Norse, Roman, Egyptian, island myths. Plus there is nothing in the Bible about that.

Those Indian books are fake. My brother studied those.

Yes only Europe lost technology in the Dark Ages.

But still if there was a highly advanced race long long long ago. I would think that there would have been something written down i.e. a myth.

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 02:28 PM
"But still if there was a highly advanced race long long long ago. I would think that there would have been something written down i.e. a myth."

How about Atlantis???

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 08:31 PM
There have been many accounts of things like that Bandit, just as there are dragons, or other sea creatures, its just that they have been mistranslated so poorly throughout the years, it distorts the true point of the myth.

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 08:49 PM
Found this...

Will have more in a few days...

Can you provide any further information relating to the ancient indian manuscripts as being fakes? All sites I have seen before claim they are very real...

The above link is something I just found now... Thought it might help prove my point if I could 'show' some form of physical proof that mankind was much more advanced than currently thought...

If ancient man had not advanced far enough to discover aviation, then why have archeoligist discovered AND dated a model 'airplane' shaped object discovered in an ancient egyptian tomb. This artifact is on display at a museum in Ciaro, Egypt...

There are many more artifacts and ancient anomalies that tell of a different history much older than the one taught in school's today...

Many ancient 'myths' come from many retellings over many thousand's of years. Eventually, these 'myth's' become so twisted, we can hardly believe them... unless you look past certain things, and at certain evidences...

In Plato's descriptions of Atlantis as well as the ancient indian manuscripts, the technologies of the past, while still advanced did not match up with our own...

We have skyscraper's... They had megalith's.

We have the space shuttle...They had vimana's/vilixi/many other different craft...

We have electricity, so did they...

Or I could be entirley wrong and unaware to the true fact that the earth is flat and resides on a gian turtle's back...

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 08:52 PM
Forgot to point out that the indian text's talk of the 7 Rishi cities and the 'atomic' war that happened there...

Atleast one of these cities were found and do contain high level's of radiation...

I will have everything possibly by monday...

We'll make this my little project

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 09:47 PM
JamesG... the stories are not in there, as others have also confirmed.

I looked at the site, and there's a lot of repeated disinformation:

No, there's not a city of the Rishi that was found to be ultra radioactive.

The "bridge" is a natural formation.

The "abadyos" shows not ufos but scribbled out text that's been photoshopped till it looks like something else.

Egyptologists didn't discover an "airplane" in a tomb. It's a bird... a flying toy. You can see it very clearly here:

The only reference to Atlantis ancient manuscripts is in Plato. There's no other reference in ancient manuscripts. There's no surviving legends about it, as scholars (the ones who can read the original Greek) keep pointing out.

Vimana (etc) is the the word for "temple roof." It is not the name for "aircraft" or "thing that swoops through the air." When the texts talk about demons on their Vimanas, it talks about them sitting on the temple roofs.

We love to think that such things are true; that we've fallen from such heights and are on the way back up. But that's disinformation and hides the REAL stuff that's going on.

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 09:53 PM
Ahh but there are two small craterish like lakes south of the Dead sea but very near it, that are indeed slightly radioactive.

As well as an area in the sinai peninsula that has a large area of broken rocks that is also radioactive.

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posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 10:05 PM
The most hillarious thing about "did we have technology before?" is that it is obviously not true...let me tell you why.

During the Christian inspired dark age...(there were others) but I'm talking of the christian one from 500 AD to 1600 AD...much information was lost....and the 18th//19th century English scientists though that they were the first to do anything. Such as gears...our whole civilization of computers and space crafts still is dependant on gears.

English thought they devised the proper mechanical workings of gears that sparked the industrial revolution, however this is not so.

The Anti-Kythera device was discovered in about 1907? somewhere around that time, and it was a Greek box, made of gears, that was EXTREMELY accurate in predicting where stars will be at what was a celestial clock made in about 80BC

The design of the clock showed that the Greeks knew of how to work the gears as the english "discovered" and just didn't advance it.

What makes the fact that they didn't have "Great" technology before we ever the fact that NOW we make the improper assumption that you can disinvent technology.

Meaning that you can start with a space craft, and end up with a box full of gears.

The logic is not there....unless human civilization began many tens of thousands of years before we think it did (which it didn't unless everyone lived in a few places we haven't found, highly unlikely considering as technological, they'd be EVERYWHERE, like we are today) then technology had to be somewhere during written history.

The reason people think maybe there was more advanced technology in the past, is because they found seemingly advanced stuff for the time, and postulated that "before this was made, they had even better technology".

The fact is, if they ever had space travel or airports...we'd find them....if only the roads...any technological society capable of flight HAS to have transportation systems already available for the large scale communication and sharing of ideas, that is provided by industrialization.

They have not one peice of Rail-Road track or anything else...although in 64BC Hippocampus? Not sure of his name, did invent but not make a steam jet and a steam engine.

The fact is the imagination was there, but the means of production was not...there could be some kinda "helicopter" like picture in a cave, but if it is legitimate it is just a cavemans insperation running amok...a drawing, and nothing more. It is the same as someone a million years from now saying we had an interstellar empire, and all its technology and existance was lost in a great war, because they saw a movie made by us called "Star Wars"

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posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 10:27 PM
Your absolutley right... in the two or more million years modern man has existed, it is ONLY possible that in the last 70-80 years we can go from little technology to putting men on the moon, creating machines capable of storing the whole of our knowledge and capable of doing man's work...

During the previous 1,999,920 years, NON of this was possible... Sorry for being so ignorant....

Funny how someone can have so much pride and belief that in 80 years we can go from nearly nothing to putting man on the moon. The way you make your point is that it's only possible the way we did it... It's our way or no way, right?

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 12:42 PM
There is a battery in a museum that still holds a charge, it's 3,000 years old.
The egyptians (so is believed) built pyramids and the Maya built fantastic cities, using (so we are told) primative stone tools, yet we can't match them.
A strange, partly eroded, machine, containing gears has been found that is supposed to be a 'primative' computer. It's thousands of years old. The Maya, so we are told, didn't use the wheel, yet Mayan toys have been found WITH WHEELS.

Sodam and Gomora were destroyed 'by God', so the bible says. Read it in detail and then read the information of the Hiroshima bomb, the descriptions sound the same. I once read a report of ancient people (I can't remember which one) where they described a city with 'floating lights' at night. Try looking at a city when it is lit at night and you can also see 'floating lights'.

Don't think that we are the be all and end all of technology on this planet just because the ancient people were different to us. They may have had the technology, it just didn't look the same as ours...

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 01:27 PM
I still can't find ANY refrence to the vedic texts (the indian manuscripts conscerning flight/space travel) as being fakes... The sites say some of the texts are hidden or lost, but NONE say they are fakes...

If you have come to the conclusion after reading these texts in there translated form, that they are fake, then that is your conclusions, not those of the hundred's of sites on the internet that concern these manuscripts...

The Egyptians, Greeks, North american indians, Aboriginees(SP?),Chinese,Mayan,Incan, etc... etc.. all have myths, both oral and written that concern maned flight as well as visits from other beings...

I for one cannot understand why anyone could reject such an idea. We've been here 2 million years, yet our level of technology was and is only possible withing the last 70-80? Does that sound like a very logical assumption? Man is not nor has never been a stupid species, don't assume that becuase we are how we are today means our 1,500,000 year old ancestors were nothing short of morons that roamed the plains of africa...

Our 'true' history has been recorded by the ancients, unfortunatley, we call this history as myth as it 'undermines' our society....

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 01:40 PM
I'd also like to point out of a worlwide myth that concerns the flood. Though the story may vary from culture to culture, there still exists a flood account in nearly every early civilization...

The similarities in architecture in different parts of the world, namely the pyramids...

The fact that the sphinx is now known to be atleast 10,000 years old... Yet once again, stone, wood, and copper was supposedly used to build this 10,000 year old structure... Wooden logs and buckets of water used to transport these 1 or more ton blocks... yet we have trouble with MODERN technology to achieve the same thing....

Ancient history is full of 'oddities' that simply cannot be explained away because you don't have the desire to see them as what they are...

How would you feel if you were the inventor of something great that was completlety ignored by archeologists 100,000 years from now? Personally, I'd feel a little cheated, since I was the one that discovered something before them....

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by JamesG If ancient man had not advanced far enough to discover aviation, then why have archeoligist discovered AND dated a model 'airplane' shaped object discovered in an ancient egyptian tomb. This artifact is on display at a museum in Ciaro, Egypt...

However, Egypt did not have the engineering or manufacturing neccesary to turn such a *toy* into a man-sized, usable aircraft. You don't need anything more than some basic understanding of how air flows & a piece of paper to make an airplane...But there's a *big* difference between making a paper airplane & making a *man-usable* aircraft. They had the *knowledge* but they didn't have the *precision tools* to make that big jump in scale.

Originally posted by JamesG We have electricity, so did they...

Again, it's a matter of the lack of engineering & sophisticated *tools* to go to the modern-day level. I've seen examples of the "ancient batteries"...But they were only used on the scale needed for electroplating items of jewelry. They did not have the level of technology needed to be able to use electricity to supply power for anything larger & they couldn't produce enough electricity to make it worth creating anything *useful* that would use electricty for power.

Originally posted by JamesG
We have skyscraper's... They had megalith's.

Again, it's a matter of the level of sophistication in engineering that makes the difference...Did people *live & work* inside of those megaliths? No, because they were never designed to contain people...Only to serve as monuments.

Originally posted by JamesG
We have the space shuttle...They had vimana's/vilixi/many other different craft...

Could this be that our modern-day minds, with more sosphiticated levels of background knowledge, may have *misinterpreted* what those ancient people were actually trying to describe? Mistranslation abounds in order of magnitude in porportion with the lapse of time between the old descriptions & the new interpretations. Try thinking about those translations & interpret them after you can "force" yourself to forget all of our modern technology...Difficult to imagine being able to do so, isn't it?

Originally posted by JamesG
Forgot to point out that the indian text's talk of the 7 Rishi cities and the 'atomic' war that happened there...
Atleast one of these cities were found and do contain high level's of radiation...

But if I remember those stories correctly (Even discounting that those stories have been proven to be false), those ancient people weren't the ones who *invented, engineered & manufactured* those items. If those items were what we *think* they were, then they were merely using "borrowed or stoled" ideas...They didn't actually *develop* those ideas on their own. How & where they got a hold of that kind of stuff, I'm not willing to conjecture at this point...

There's a very big difference between using your imagination to "invent" something & having the resources & capability to *make* it on any scale sufficient enough to make it *usable*.

Shall I go on?

Still, there *are* large gaps in several periods of history: The destruction of the Alexandria Library for one notable example, as well as the fact that conquering nations (or religions) are wont to destroy records of the conquered after their victory. What of Galileo's inventions that never got farther than the drawing board until centuries later? Who knows what was actually lost before we had to "rediscover" for ourselves after those times?

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 04:58 PM
Can you atleast show me something that proves the vedic texts are fakes? I've been searching and cannot find ANYTHING that says they are...

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 05:11 PM
You are trying to state something is factual when there isn't even the slightest element of truth behind it that can be found....all we found is "myths" of people flying, and that somehow makes them space travellers?

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posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 08:06 PM
it's not so much the myths themselves, but the descriptions given, of the details of HOW the flying ships were built. HOW specific manuals were written regarding the control and flight. (Vedic texts)

It's not so much as me 'claiming' these things, but more of showing the beliefs of other's as well, as you seem to be overlooking. You say the vedic texts are fake, I can't find any refrence on the internet about them being fake, yet despite asking for refrence, you won't provide any. Atleast I've tried my damndest to show you that the ancients weren't stupid as history depicts them today.

Look at troy, used to be considered a myth, a fancifull tale, untill we discovered the whole (or most) of the 'myth' was true. Sometime's myth's are actual account's of history. Myth's can also be misunderstood accounts for history. Sometimes something can be so incredibable, we simply refuse to believe it.

For example, if god were real, that would be something incrediable, yet I refuse to believe it. The possibility that our great civilization wasn't the first great, nor last civilaization to exist on this earth, yet you refuse to believe it.

posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 08:49 PM
But then a good question is WHERE did all this civilization go? There would be archaelogical evidence of it, reguardless of what ever happend...Sure CDs and Glass things of that nature wouldn't survive...but metal would....especially metal...the electronics would....because most electronics are not exposed to elements...they can't be....there has to be irrefutable proof somewhere.

And so far all these things like "ancient computers" and batteries and robots...yeah they existed, but they were SO primative that they show no signs of actual use in civilization. The battery was about the most useful, but what good is electricity without being able to use it?

Which actually is a good did those ancients know they had a battery? IF they even knew that's what it was....I'd need a light bulb or something yes? Or did they just get a buzz from touching both ends to their tongues?

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posted on Nov, 10 2002 @ 09:16 PM
Our 'kind' of technology is not the only way to go about the same achievments. Metal does corode, and coroded metal pipes and other 'oddities' have been found before.

You assume electroics, namely our kind are required for computers, this is not so. Look at the tinker toy computer. If I could remember the name of the people I'd give you another link describing an ancient computer system of ropes and pullies. This was no simple computer, but very advanced for the people who made it..

If the ancients made the battery, they obviously had an understanding of electricity and what the battery could be used for, like electroplating...

I'm not saying the technology was the same and exact things as ours, but they were still just as advanced. It's a matter of culture and society that makes the difference.

You say there has to be irrfutable proof, like something we would have made. Yet I'd piss off a religous person if I said there HAD to be irrefutable proof that there god exists. The myths themselves are proof, the out of place technology that survived the disaster most of these myths talk of is proof, it's your limited mind that doesn't see them as they are. You see a myth, I see history.

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