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Islamofascists shut down 944 Thai Schools !!

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posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 08:03 AM
The former PM was disconnected with reality. That's why he was ousted.

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by laiguana

Not many...but there are several hijacking incidents involving islamofacsists.
But I suppose it’s okay since they’re ‘freedom fighters’ according to a terrorist sympathizer.


Are you just looking at arabs on that list and automatically linking them with islam?

First of all the majority of millitant groups in palestine and Syria are actually secular natiolaist groups that are opposed to islam. For example PFLP is mentioned in that list but they are secular arab nationalist that hate islamic Sharia and Islamic governments and most of there members are even atheists :

Please read more :

Also the same with other of those hijackings like arab groups that where linked to Abu Nidel which is once again secular nationalist movemnets.

Please actually read who hijacked the planes rather then jumping to automatic conclusions when the word arab is mentioned and linking it to islam. Arab Muslims are not the only people who make millitant groups.

Originally posted by laiguana
On topic: The excuse I see here is that because Thailand's authorities refuse to recognize the Malay dialect spoken in the Muslim-majority far south as an official language it justifies the acts of terrorism that are being committed against schools and their instructors. Wonderful argument you got there.

Thailand’s people and government should have the right to legislate a single official language if they choose to, but according to the terrorist sympathizers they do not, and they should put up with terrorism until they do.

No they shouldn't. You call these people Facists but with an attitude like yours it makes you facist.

The locals do not recognise Thailand as legitimate owners of there land. Why should they. The locals can speak whatever language they chose without others telling them on how to live there lives.


posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by RedGolem
I did a search for media independence and received about five and a half million results. A few were about media watchdog group which advocates independence and criticism in journalism. Others talk about how the media has lost its independence. If the government controlled the media, why would such a wide range of ideas be free to flow?

There is a very wide range of choice on opinions on a wide range of subjects. This gives the illusion of freedom. However, on the subjects that matter most, debate and information is greatly restricted in the mainstream media. You searched the net, on the other hand, and got millions of results (not all of which would have been much use, of course). Why do you think this board is so popular? Why do you think so many posters here scour the hinterlands of the net for choice tidbits to bring to the boards?

The best work on the business of media management is Manufacturing Consent by Chomsky and Herman, which demonstrates the subtle loading and censorship involved very well.

And the point is, it's not just the government controlling the media. The corporations also exercise a great deal of control about what doesn't get reported. See the film "The Corporation" to get a fuller picture: there's a nice segment about some people who were hired to be "investigative reporters" for Fox, and given carte blanche. However, their very first programme never aired because it was about Monsanto, who made legal threats and pulled strings to ensure that the programme segment, which was about the use of Bovine Growth Hormone and its leakage into cows' milk, was never broadcast.

Of course, the Government, particularly in the US, has a lock on how things are reported, or rather, spun. Reporters who ask particularly difficult questions are marginalised and don't get preferential treatment. There is also the question of influence from the CIA, which has an enormous PR budget; and then there are the PR pieces that masquerade as news items - glossily produced puff pieces with no independent editorial control, which are sold to news networks and repackaged with local reporters doing the links.

Another excellent book is McChesney's Rich Media, Poor Democracy, which details many ways in which media mergers hurt the flow of information in a democracy.

One indicator that the media are out of step with the public is that surveys on certain issues show public opinion to be way, way out of step with the way those issues are discussed in the mainstream media, particularly those media which purport to be "papers of record" or "opinion-forming". The war in Iraq, 9/11 conspiracy theories, and UFOs are three issues on which the public take a sharply different view than the mainstream media.

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 10:35 AM
You know why he changed his view from bandits to terrorists?
Because he was told to.

In the past 5 years Thailand had more high official visits from Washington, probably than any other country on this globe except for Iraq.
Why do you think they had that?

Whatever discussion those visits subjected, I cannot know. But as hypothesis I could come up with a number issues. Anyway it's not the topic for this thread.

Except for one possible agenda: the high prominent neo-con visists to Bangkok could be for the metamorphosing of a local conflict of cultural autonomy into a branch of Al Queda insurgency.
A rather advanced spin it would take, so they need coaching.

It seems like I have to do an essay on the situation and history of insurgency in the deep South to spell it out clear.

Well, it's gonna be a very brief one.

As I've stated earlier, the insurgency BEFORE the rule of the now ousted despot, was in a ratio 1:50 or more what it all at sudden became, picking up freuquency with the night of the assasins, 1/4/2004.

It was followed by the bloody Wednesday in Pattani, 4/28/04, where 112 young men who had sought refuge in a the Keh Seu mosk, a world heritage site dating back to the 15th century, was killed.

Unfortunately in the pursuit of their elimination the mosk was ruined.

On the 10/24 of that year a peaceful (and lawful registered) demonstration in the village of Tak Bai was bullied by agent provocateurs, so it ended up in riots with 6 fatalities and the arrests of about 1300. 78 out of out of an unknown number were during transport on a military trucks, stacked like timber logs, suffocated to dead. It was .

The official number is the ones presented to the coronor. The real number are never to be known. But be grateful the incident came to the knowledge of the world at all. A non-corrupted coroner didn't take the xx millions offered. How many times things like that actually has happened is to guess only. But be sure, more often than you would think.

These events took place within 10 months, so don't say they don't have reason for anger. If it really was Al Queda instigated, do you then think they would use amateurish bombs, that seldom - if they kill any - have killed more than one or two people? Wouldn't be a real Jihad fighter worthy.

Also note not one suicide bomber have yet emerged. Substaintial prostitution, also in the South, doesn't make it necassary for them to go heaven.
No, actually I don't think they believe in that BS. Contrary to many other Muslim communities, the Thai one is well-educated and pre-dominant secular.

What is most remarkable and a very obvious case for CT, is the fact that no one, no local Jeramaya Islamah branch, or others for that matter, have taken responsibility for one single case of bombing.
Usually they're standing on their necks to do that.

This very fact has lead to widespread speculations of conspiracy among wel-considered scholars and highly respected observers. Choice of pick is free, from US to wealthy rich locals, generals etc with interest ranging from oil to worse.

The geo-facts are that undisclosed deposits of natural gas in the Andaman Sea has just been started to be exploited.

The timeline-fact are, before the insurgency seriously took off, the ousted despot run his so-called drugwar for 10 month. Its main purpose was the destruction of an underground economy and more significant its network. By all means he must be said to have succeded.
That the deathtoll in a place like Thailand doesn't mean very much makes the true number unrecoverable. Some say 5 to 10 times more than the official.

To that you can add the classic and legendary role Thailand played in the Indochina wars as the hinterland for not oly logistics, but in particular for the drug-funding of secret covert operations of the CIA.

So sure something is cooking - and it's much more than Tom Yam. And let me repeat Beachcoma's words, for the people of the South it's about cultural autonomy. Period.

For the forces who we don't know (no indication they should be the ones you think), except they are sinister and dark, it is much more.

Much worse than islamic tom yam kung stall-holders, much more dangerous.

We can't know what or who they are, but being openminded we can come up with some suggestions detached from our fears, doing some unprejudiced research.

This post has outlined some of the elements to be included.

[edit on 30-11-2006 by khunmoon]

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 04:17 PM
Rich23 I have been to Gibraltar, so don't feel all cool and superior. Spain would like it back from the the UK. But it isn't going to happen.

To say the USA planned to lure the USSR into Afganistan is a joke. The USA siezed the oppurtunity to get back at the Soviets for what they did to them in Vietnam. After they invaded. Yawn.......

And you still gloss over the Soviet Union supplying weapons to the opposite side to any USA action. If the USA was in the right or wrong (and they have been wrong a bunch of times.)

The anti America lies are so cool to read I laugh and laugh at the spin.

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 04:59 PM
So I guess peacekeepers, internationall mediated diplomacy, and handing out books is pure garbage? Does anyone even want to hear or discuss a solution, or is it more productive to just keep the blame game going?

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 03:31 AM
khunmoon, excellent post. You've briefly covered pretty much all there is to cover about the insurgency.

I'd just like to add more emphasis that the insurgency is definitely, primarily, because they want cultural autonomy. I say primarily because there may be other secondary reasons that I'm not clearly aware of.

But cultural autonomy is definitely the main cause. Us Malay's are exceedingly proud of our culture and heritage, which is thought to have emerged around the 7th century AD or so. So proud that there is even a popular Malay saying, "tak akan hilang Melayu dari dunia ini," which roughly translates to "the Malay's shall never disappear from the face of this world."

You gotta admit, that's a very proud statement. They say that at rallies all the time, along with "Hidup Melayu!" which more or less equates to "long-live the Malays". They're also very proud of their traditions, so proud that they have a saying (which I don't agree with) that says "biar mati anak, jangan mati adat" which roughly means "the children may die, but never the tradition/culture". I personally think it's a silly saying, but a lot of Malays hold on to that.

So you can imagine, when they're not allowed to practice their traditions, their heritage, their culture -- they're gonna fight back. They will become mengamok. That is, run amok.

By the way, that word, amok, it's Malay.

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by sbob
Rich23 I have been to Gibraltar, so don't feel all cool and superior.

Well then you'll have noticed that everyone there speaks English with a British accent. You might even have noticed that this has been the case for the past 300-odd years. And you're right. It isn't going to happen. The arguments for it happening are pretty weak. So why bring it up?

To say the USA planned to lure the USSR into Afganistan is a joke. The USA siezed the oppurtunity to get back at the Soviets for what they did to them in Vietnam. After they invaded. Yawn.......

Lazy, lazy, lazy. No wonder you're yawning. I saw Brezinski on CNN after 9/11 and he claimed credit for sparking off the Soviet invasion! The CIA actually bought Soviet arms from corrupt Soviet sources because they didn't want to appear to be openly aiding the Islamists. And here's something interesting:

The prime minister, Hazifullah Amin, tried to sweep aside Muslim tradition within the nation and he wanted a more western slant to Afghanistan. This outraged the majority of those in Afghanistan as a strong tradition of Muslim belief was common in the country.

Thousands of Muslim leaders had been arrested and many more had fled the capital and gone to the mountains to escape Amin's police.

Amin was trying to Westernise Afghanistan. The US supported the militant Islamists who didn't want that. But that's ok because of the cold war, so the US could justify doing all kinds of foolishness if Russia was involved.

And let's look at the Wiki article...

The former director of the CIA and current nominee for Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs "From the Shadows", that American intelligence services began to aid the opposing factions in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet deployment. On July 3, 1979, US President Jimmy Carter signed a directive authorizing the CIA to conduct covert propaganda operations against the revolutionary regime.

Carter advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski stated "According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise." Brzezinski himself played a fundamental role in crafting U.S. policy, which, unbeknownst even to the Mujahideen, was part of a larger strategy "to induce a Soviet military intervention." In a 1998 interview with Le Nouvel Observateur, Brzezinski recalled proudly:

"That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Soviets into the Afghan trap..." [...]"The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter. We now have the opportunity of giving to the Soviet Union its Vietnam War."

So let's just look at that again. You said:

To say the USA planned to lure the USSR into Afganistan is a joke.

Brzezinski said:

"That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Soviets into the Afghan trap..."

I trust you're clear on this now.

And you still gloss over the Soviet Union supplying weapons to the opposite side to any USA action.

The rationale for arms dealers is "if I didn't sell them these weapons, someone else would". Well, this is what happens when you block off other avenues of supply. The US used its economic might to cut off all other sources of supply, so the Soviets stepped in. It's not rocket science. That's why I posted the link about the Nicaraguans getting only 20% of their weapons from the USSR until the US intensified its campaign to drive it into the Soviet bloc.

You might have noticed that Russia now supplies weapons to Venezuela for exactly the same reasons. The US recently stopped Spain from concluding a lucrative arms deal there - but they can't intimidate Russia the same way. However, the propaganda machine has moved from the Cold War to the War on Terror, and therefore it's passed almost without comment.

The anti America lies are so cool to read I laugh and laugh at the spin.

But you never seem to do anything more than laugh... like, for example, counter the points I make with actual examples of how I've spun things. I give you all these examples and quotes... It's part of denying ignorance. Please feel free to show me where I've lied.

I've noticed that some people on these boards prefer to celebrate it rather than deny it.

[edit on 1-12-2006 by rich23]

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 09:37 AM
Thanks for the praise, Beachcoma, yes, I'm engaged in the country so to speak.

Now I have to tell my girlfriend when she go market:
"If you buy tom yam kung, be careful the police not see, they might take you for a terrorist supporter"

I hadn't heard that one, but it sure is funny - and deeply tragic, cause the ordinary Thais, or far too many of them, will believe any word authorities tell them.

Still after six years a majority believed the now ousted PM, and as you know but for the record, he was elected on a promise to uproot corruption. For Thais lies are not to be blamed as long as they cannot be proven. In fact they're ok to if you get along with them.

Yes it's deeply tragic what arrogance can do to people, what they can be made to believe when they lack education, and that's what it comes down to - poor education.

Will you believe I've met Thai English teachers, who wasn't able to speak English, but they could translate any English word I asked them. Shyness and lack of practice can be reasons - though it shouldn't be that hard to find practise with 1-5 million foreigners staying in the country.

May I in that respect compliment your excelent English, and allow me to ask if you are native Malay? In that case your language skills are truely impressing. I myself is Scandinavian, so my skills are not all perfect.

It can seem a little chauvinistic, but none the less a fact, that one of the (few) positive things colonialism left behind was that the people learned English.

Only fluent speaking Thais who do that are those who have spend time abroad.

Sorry for getting off topic. I really would like to do a thread on Thailand, but as it eventually couldn't be without criticism and blaming certain aspects of their culture I have to give it second thoughts.

Back to the Islamophobia of the Christofascist.

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 10:02 AM
Nope still laughing at you
You said
"Lazy, lazy, lazy. No wonder you're yawning. I saw Brezinski on CNN after 9/11 and he claimed credit for sparking off the Soviet invasion! The CIA actually bought Soviet arms from corrupt Soviet sources because they didn't want to appear to be openly aiding the Islamists. And here's something interesting: ?".....................

I have read all of your sources. wooooooohhh....So the USA sent in those Russian Troops into Afganistan. Uhhhhh yeah......The USA had decison making in the Kremlin to actually send in troops to Afganistan show me that. You can not.

Russia sent in troops to Afganistan. That is called an invasion. The Soviet Union sent in troops in Afganistan that is an invasion. Yep I am repeating myself, because it is simple. This whole Afganistan invited several divisons of troops on Christmas is lame. You know it.

I can read wikpedia too. The Soviet friendship treaty was signed by their puppet in Afghanistan. So invasion justification is so weak, and you know it. But keep on your spin.

Even if a trap of politcal intrigue was set by the USA, and the Soviet Puppet government. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Whose troops were in Afghanistan at that time????????? Soviet troops in Afghanistan is an invasion. I guess it was USA troops in Russian uniforms.

You can not be serious that a country sends troops into Afghanistan and the USA is the evil doer. The USA wanted to stick it to the Soviet Union at every chance and vice versa. But who sent in the troops.

ha ha ha ha

And with Gibraltar.

People in New Zealand, India and South Africa have English accents doesn't mean Britian should still re-control them in the old evil world domination empire does it? Hold on to some pride of the past.

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by sbob
Nope still laughing at you

How nice for you.

I have demonstrated that your claim that

To say the USA planned to lure the USSR into Afganistan is a joke.

was incorrect. You affect not to be able to grasp that. That makes you look either foolish or dishonest, your choice. You haven't been able to refute it, other than through rather childish and ineffective rhetoric. The US destabilised a client state of Russia, which, as expected, and demanded by the terms of a treaty they'd signed, sent in troops. It's not rocket science, but you can't, or won't see the historical facts of the situation. Nor will you post facts to refute what I'm saying.

This whole Afganistan invited several divisons of troops on Christmas is lame. You know it.

I was corrected about this on the thread earlier on, and I took the correction in good humour, because the poster actually linked to something, and was polite. I didn't have time to research it particularly, and looking again, I see that his link was actually very much a thumbnail sketch of what happened, leaving out important details... but look what the Wiki entry says:

The Soviet-Afghan Friendship Treaty

In December 1978, Moscow and Kabul signed a bilateral treaty of friendship and cooperation that permitted Soviet deployment in case of an Afghan request. Soviet military assistance increased and the PDPA regime became increasingly dependent on Soviet military equipment and advisers.

...Prior to the Soviet deployment, up to 400 Soviet military advisers were dispatched to Afghanistan in May 1978. On July 7, 1979, the Soviet Union sent an airborne battalion with crews in response to a request from the Afghan government for such a delivery.

...With Afghanistan in a dire situation during which the country was under assault by an externally supported rebellion, the Soviet Union deployed the 40th Army in response to previous requests from the government of Afghanistan.

I can read wikpedia too.

Apparently not.

The Soviet friendship treaty was signed by their puppet in Afghanistan. So invasion justification is so weak, and you know it.

I think it's stronger than the justification for invading... oh, let's just pluck a name out of thin air... Iraq.

Can you demonstrate that Amin was the USSR's puppet? Sharing an ideology does not in itself guarantee puppethood. You've also ignored (there's a surprise) my point about Amin actually trying to modernise the country. The US supported, even created, the Islamofascists. How about that?

You can not be serious that a country sends troops into Afghanistan and the USA is the evil doer.

Kabul and Moscow signed a treaty that Russia would send troops at Afghanistan's request. Legally, it wasn't an invasion and it actually had more legitimacy than the US' (and the UK's, curse it) invasion of Iraq. Moan about how lame it was all you like, historical facts are facts.

ha ha ha ha

Yes, makes you look very grown up. And an intellectual giant.

People in New Zealand, India and South Africa have English accents doesn't mean Britian should still re-control them in the old evil world domination empire does it?

While you were in Gibraltar, did you ask any of the residents if they wanted to become Spanish? The ones I spoke to (there was one of the periodic Anglo-Spanish spats about it going on at the time) were not happy at the thought that Blair might abandon the Rock. And, I know this is an obvious point, but it needs to be made... the examples you quote are large and prosperous enough to survive on their own. Gibraltar is not. The people who live there want to stay British. They don't want independence because they know they wouldn't do too well out of it.

And you might not be able to tell the difference between a British accent and the others you quoted, but I certainly can. But then such wilful, even gleeful ignorance is characteristic of so many posters here. Mostly Americans, it seems, although some Brits do share this regrettable characteristic.

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 01:32 PM
Back to the topic...

Great post, khunmoon. And Tom Yum.... mmm! Tom Yum Gai, my favourite!

Originally posted by khunmoon
What is most remarkable and a very obvious case for CT, is the fact that no one, no local Jeramaya Islamah branch, or others for that matter, have taken responsibility for one single case of bombing.
Usually they're standing on their necks to do that.

This is interesting, and usually signifies outside involvement, possibly by an agent provocateur.

...from US to wealthy rich locals, generals etc with interest ranging from oil to worse.

The geo-facts are that undisclosed deposits of natural gas in the Andaman Sea has just been started to be exploited.

Well, look what we have here.

Gas hydrate, a naturally "ice-like" combination of natural gas and water, has the potential to provide an immense resource of natural gas from the world's oceans and Polar Regions.

The expedition was conducted by an international team of scientists led by the USGS and the Indian Directorate General of Hydrocarbons. Scientists explored four offshore Indian Ocean basins, including... the Andaman Islands, to conduct scientific drilling, well logging, coring, and shipboard scientific analyses of recovered samples. Their goal was to further define the energy resource and to gain insight into the potential availability of gas hydrates for use as a viable energy product.

The science team was led by USGS scientist Dr. Timothy Collett, who believes, "this was a great opportunity to work with some of the world's best researchers. It was one of our most ambitious, complex, and comprehensive gas hydrates field ventures yet." The expedition's scientific highlights to date are:
* Discovery of one of the thickest and deepest gas hydrate occurrences in the Andaman Sea, revealing 600 meter deep gas-hydrate-bearing volcanic ash layers.

How about that? And what about this?

Agence France Presse: Thailand eyes Myanmar’s natural gas reserves
Mon 31 Jul 2006
Filed under: News, Business / Trade

Thailand’s largest energy firm PTT Plc Monday said it has joined the race against China and India in a bid for exclusive rights to military-run Myanmar’s northwestern natural gas reserves.

“We have expressed interest to buy gas from Myanmar’s A-1 block,” Chitrapongse Kwangsukstith, PTT senior executive vice president for exploration and production, told AFP.

Neighboring countries have been jostling to take advantage of Myanmar’s abundant natural resources, despite international condemnation of the junta’s human rights record and calls for the release of detained pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Hmmm. I don't really have the background to delve into this the way I'd like. But it rather reminds me of East Timor, scene of shocking genocidal attacks by Indonesia, who were backed by the US. At the time (mid-seventies), the US ambassador to the UN had the task of preventing East Timor's plight being discussed in the forum there, and he apparently did rather well. The Timorese wanted independence, but that might have jeapordised some lucrative oil deals between the US, Indonesia and Australia. The whole legal basis of those deals might have been undone.

I can't find the provinces on Google Earth, they don't seem to be marked, and I can't find any town names involved. But if the south of Thailand did want to go independent, it would certainly prevent Thai access to the Andaman Sea.

To that you can add the classic and legendary role Thailand played in the Indochina wars as the hinterland for not oly logistics, but in particular for the drug-funding of secret covert operations of the CIA.

Does make you wonder why Bush has been so keen to visit, doesn't it? The combination of oil and drugs must be just too much to resist.

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 06:17 PM
We don't have to get "back to the topic" if we stay on the topic:

"Islamofascists shut down 944 Thai School".


posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by khunmoon

May I in that respect compliment your excelent English, and allow me to ask if you are native Malay? [...]

Yeah, I grew up in the capital Kuala Lumpur. I was born in the States, but my parents came back to Malaysia when I was barely 2 years old, so I don't really have any memory of that.

My family speaks English half the time at home, the other half would be a very basic form of Malay. Sad but true, I ace any English language test I'm given but barely pass Malay exams. A lot of Chinese people speak better Malay than me

Anyway, this bit of news from the local daily is pertinent to the thread:

Sonthi to talk with rebels

KUALA LUMPUR: Thai army chief Gen Sonthi Boonyaratkalin will hold talks directly with leaders of insurgent groups in southern Thailand in an effort to end the unrest.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said Gen Sonthi disclosed this when they met on Tuesday during his brief visit to Malaysia.

“Gen Sonthi is basically happy with the state of relations between Malaysia and Thailand. He briefed me on some of the initiatives that he is taking to mediate, to ensure normalcy in southern Thailand. He is of course trying to talk directly to the parties concerned in the South,” he said after the soft launch of Pekan Fest 2007 here yesterday.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

This is very good. At least there's some effort to open dialogue. Hopefully sometime next year all will be well again. Then I can finally undertake that backpacking trip I had planned such a long time ago.

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 11:46 PM
For you folks more interested in conspiracy than indignation I've started a new thread, where we can discuss rather than bicker.

About the Insugency of Southern Thailand - without the risc of getting off topic.

Please join!

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 06:55 AM
Some more evidence showing this is just another case of Islamofascism, just on a larger than usual scale,but we are becoming increasingly used to this behaviour worldwide !!


YALA, Thailand - Thailand's Muslim insurgency has prompted hundreds of Buddhists to flee their homes in the restive south, creating refugee-like communities of Thais in their own country.

Buddhist monks have been beheaded, Buddhist teachers slain, and leaflets distributed around Buddhist villages warn that raising dogs and drinking alcohol are offensive to Muslims.

Oh no the crime of Raising a pet Dog and Having a Beer after work !! Cant wait till we all get to follow " The " rules huh ??

Unite against the Islamofascists fellow Earthlings !

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 07:20 AM
Yeah, theres nothing facist about sharia law!!???

posted on Dec, 23 2006 @ 05:49 PM
They strike again Gunning down an Innocent Buddhist Teacher !!


BANGKOK, Thailand: A female Buddhist teacher who was attacked by suspected Muslim insurgents in a restive southern town was pronounced dead Friday, officials said.

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