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The truth about native Australia

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posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 03:44 PM
This is a touchy subject, and one im going to try and be very sensitive about.
So bare with me, and apologies if I come close to the RACIST label here.

If you live in Australia, your going to know what im talking about.
Theres no pictures, but I can assure you, its horrific.

Last night on the news, there was footage from an attack in northbridge on a man.
Fights happen every day yes...

but this one is just a typical example of the absurdity of political correctness this country endures.

a PACK MOB of aboriginals started attacking this man.. punching, kicking this poor fella for doing NOTHING.
A female transit guard ( who isnt a cop or anything like ) came over and tried to help him, defended him and proceeded to remove the PACK MOB that was needlessly attacking him.

There are sickening photos of 6-7 aborignal youths punching and kicking this female guard, and the man on the ground..
when one of them grabs a 2m long piece of wood, comes running in and takes an all mighty swing with this wood into the womens body..
amazingly she sustains the hit, continues to hold her defensive position.. trying to save this man..

all the while these aboriginies are JUMPING on this mans head, laughing and screaming.


Out in Mt Lawley there was a gang mob attack on a asian couple waiting for a train.
A group of aboriginal childeren, younger than 15, some girls some boys started BASHING these 2 people for NO APPARENT REASON.
there's also footage of this floating about.


I too have been approached by a pack of aborigines in the streets.
Walking to my car, 4 of them approach me
telling me they heard I said something something about their mother.

Of course I never knew they were in the vacinity, yet they preceeded to push me to the ground and give me a thumping.
I remmebr in my bloodied daze on the ground them laughing, spitting and cursing as they walked off cheering and applauding each other.

This is not the actions of a countries respectable natives.

This happens too frequent here in Perth.

When you go out to northbridge our nightspot with clubs, if your an outsider you will be amazed at the amount of YOUNG ABORIGINAL childeren walking the streets, hanging in dark alleys, screaming abuse at people trying to enjoy their night.

This is not the place for childeren, its not the act of childeren its not what decent humans do.

so the government passed a law, a curfew in northbridge that all aboriginal childeren will be escorted HOME, or to the police station to be picked up by parents.

Of course, this was met with an astounding backlash from the aboriginal community of RACISM.


Looking at this footage, its not WHITE people group bashing women and men and asians...
its not WHITE childeren screaming abuse from alleys and hanging in groups intimidating people.

Last year 3 aboriginie childeren, some as young as 6 or 7 stole a car... went screaming through the streets.. the police took chase.. the childeren ran a red light and slammed into a power pole.. killing one of the kids.

the aboriginal commuinity went ballsitic and screamed of suing the police force for casuing this tragedy.

3 aboriginal childeren as young as 6 or 7 STEAL A CAR and its the POLICE FAULT?

Now, I love al people.
I can go out into the bush in australia sit with a group of aboriginies and enjoy their company, they are amazing people.
But the city folk, who sit in parks all day drinking, abusing, fighting, smoking... your bringing so much attention on your RACE, that when people call for laws banning you from being in your own enviroment... you accuse us of being RACIST.

Sorry for this but this just gets under my skin soooo much.. and seeing this poor man horrifically beaten by a pack mob for no reason... isnt civilised behaviour.

If these people want to be treated in a civil manor, they need to send their kids to school, they need to get jobs, enjoy life, contribute to this country.
then we will treat them as a civil member of our community.

But when they sit at home, while their childeren are stealing cars, group bashing young foreingers, or people simply for standing in the street, they better believe we will not sit here and praise them.

If a bunch of white people had of walked up to an aboriginie minding his own busines.. they would of been made an example of..

but police are to scared to do that to the aboriginal community, because they are blasted as being racists.

[edit on 16-11-2006 by Agit8dChop]

mod edit: title grammer

[edit on 20-11-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 04:01 PM

Good post mate, and yes some idiots will see this an attack on a specific race of people. I see it as a truthful post and to those who scream "Rascist" take your politically correct #$s onto the streets of Northbridge and the train system and lets see how your treated.

I live to the south of the city of Perth and its no different here in Mandurah as the young aborigines are running totally amok stealing bashing showing zero respect to anyone they cross paths with. They roam in gangs and even the police cant do anything because of the fears of being tainted a racsist by the Aboriginal Legal Service which seems to want these criminals to roam around causing chaos.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 04:07 PM
Mandurah I love it.
I grew up in Mandurah.
Halls Head, greenfields, dudley park,

Good to see some locals on here!

Mandurahs not AS bad as Nbridge.. mandurah u gotta be ware of the bikies who feel entrance is bashing some unsuspecting person in the pub to prove your allegiance..

but its getting worse, and with that train coming in.. its gunna get a hell of a lot worse.

[edit on 16-11-2006 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 04:28 PM
Man, that is really sad. I would have never thought that things were that bad "down under". I mean we in America are not exclusive in the enjoyment of "gang" violence, but I did not know that the severity was such anywhere else.
I mean I live in California and have witnesed, and been victim to similar occurences. I shake it off as the norm. It is NOT a race thing either, yes MANY of these incidents are incited by Latinos, African Americans etc, as well as Caucasians ( remember our Columbine, or the KKK )

It sounds liiek things are getting out of hand down there, it's sad, I feel that WE Americans are responsible. As western culture has infiltrated almost everywhere, we glorify and tolerate gangs in our music, movies, and media, even video games !! I don't really know what point I am trying to make, just that it is amazing to hear something like that. I would've never expected it.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 11:58 AM
its not just australia it happens everywhere. i live in a very poor community.
the teens don't really have any kind of outlet so they hang out at our one convience store harrassing any one who walks by including me which is a big mistake i am 250 pounds military trained and i always wear steel toe boots. after a coulpe of minutes they get the picture. but everyweek there are new ones there.
they all just need disipline.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 01:03 PM
Thats why its always a good idea to be armed (legaly), I honestly would have just shot one of them in the face but I dont know Aussie gun laws.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 05:34 PM
I can't say anything about the westcoast but here in Sydney there are little pockets that attract these people (around Central and Redfern) They are usually the older ones and they are always drunk and begging off people around the station. They smell of vomit and they are dirty, they call people names and yell abuse. But I do feel sorry for them in a way. I always feel sorry for those less fortunate. But at the end of the day they choose this lifestyle. Just like some drunken whites do.

As for the younger indigenous people, well I hear about things in other places but I have not seen for myself or close to where I live (Central Coast). I tihink that is because we do not have a community of them here, rather we have a few families dotted around the place. In NSW they seem to be further up the coast in Taree and other places out west like Dubbo and other places. We never hear anything about them but If we lived locally maybe we would be in the know, I guess.
My niece lives in dubbo and she says they are a real big problem. They burn down the government housing they are given, the older ones drink and young ones sniff petrol and glue.

I do, however, see and hear about lots of white and other ethnic background youth bashing, maiming and killing people. They steal cars and think the world owes them. ALL OVER SYDNEY. Think Macquarie Fields...these people are no better than the indigenous people you describe. They have houses given to them at cheap rates, they get repairs to their property courtesy of the taxes we all pay and I reckon most of them are on welfare. There maybe some Aboriginals mixed in there as well. And then there are the Pacific Islanders especially out near Liverpool and Campbelltown...not to mention the Middle Eastern gangs around Bankstown.

I agree the episodes you describe are really bad and frightening. It just beggars belief that human beings can do this to others.

I think perhaps it is a bigger problem where you live due to the geopgraphical area, specifically not enough manpower to effect enough police patrols. The Aboriginals in your area are perhaps still living on the land... I mean that perhaps they are on the fringe of suburbia and the outback? maybe I am wrong...they may be in a conflict living in their traditional life combined with the age of technology. This does not mean they are stupid...far from it. They use this as an excuse. They use alcohol as an excuse. The parents can not look after their children properly because of the "white man's firewater" That is NO EXCUSE to hurt people and run amok. The children are learning how to behave from the negligent parents. The behaviour becomes entrenched.

I know an Aboriginal family in my local area and they have a lovely home and their kids are all bright and do well at school, play sports and the parents are fantastic role models. They drink socially and do not smoke, they are active in the
community and are on the Aboriginal Land Council committee ( we have lots of sacred Aboriginal places on the Central Coast).

Bottom line is that people are able to make choices as to how they will manage their lives. These people we have all described in our posts, I feel have made bad choices.

Hope you can understand what the hell I just wrote!!!

In Peace Always

[edit on 20-11-2006 by resistancia]

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 06:51 PM
I get ya resistancia.

And ya right..
You got 50kms outside of Perth.. your in bush..
lots of it.. for almost the entire continent until u reach fringe coastal area's north, south or eastern cities.

I know theres a lot of race riots, and stuff like that over their..
I rmemeber being in Brisbane a while back, and I never saw 1 aborigianl.
Fair enough I was their for 1 week, and stuck mainly to cities...
but not 1.
I Was walking over bridges, streets at 2am.. nadda nothing..

The thing that pi55e5 me off..
is as soon as we confront the issue..

all the minority groups jump up and down, declare the government racist and dicsriminating.

Are these people blind?
Do they not leave theyre houses after dark and see the people roaming our streets.. smashing bottles, screaming abuse at people and mob bashings?

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 07:14 PM
GREAT post.

That is the problem with political correctness and the allowing of radical 1 race or "minority rights" groups, because while it is great they can help in some cases where discrimination actually happens.. for the most part it installs a sense of - self pity and the whole world should feel for me and I can do anything I want because you all are racist - attitude, which actually does the exact opposite these groups where created for.

I doubt it was because they where Aborigine alone that they do these things, many social problems combined and no one should think you racist for addressing a problem.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:47 PM
Just consider this comment an “offering”, and one from the native point of view, as that is what I am; but Native American. Granted, the problems are somewhat different, but the “somewhat” I refer to is mostly a matter of Geography. The crux cause is still the same, and that is Colonization by Western Europeans, and that boils down to Culture Clash. For Native People, the ramifications of the fact of it are unimaginable (to “whites”) and continuous, and have proceeded for better than 500 years. This really isn’t a “gripe” on my part; it is just a fact—the way it actually is—and something for you, and “us”, to accept and work with.

Thursday, we celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday in the US. Native people in America, at least those of us who are of the Eastern Tribes, consider this a Black Day, and that because of the way the celebration was initiated. For us, “Thanksgiving” coincides with Ripe Corn, our harvest festival and feast. The Pilgrims celebrated this time, as well, but, the particular celebration that led eventually to the declaration of the National Holiday was preceded in that year by the burning to death of 120 (approx) Wampanoag People. I cite this only because of the ensuing Holiday, and as an example of the kind of perpetual bitterness such past events can cause. Another travesty was Wounded Knee, which resulted in the total banning of our Religious Freedom for nearly 100 years. This was only restored recently; in 1978, and that as a direct result of Wounded Knee II and the American Indian Movement. AIM is still active, but our move for social and political equality has been overshadowed by the Black Civil Rights Movement and that of the Hispanics. Understand; these are examples, only 2 of millions, of “why it is the way it is”.

I am no advocate of violence as either a reaction or a solution to Social Issues, as there are better ways, but at the same time, I fully understand why so many resort to it. I also do not believe open Bigotry, on either side, is acceptable. What is, or would be, acceptable is for all sides to take “time-out” and do some serious thinking, and eventually, restructuring, to produce amenable solutions.

This process can begin only when we are able to “accept” each other’s Diversity. We live in a totally diverse world where that diversity is the Law, and not the “rule” or the exception to it. Any hope at moving forward must be based on the acceptance of our broad differences racially and culturally, or nothing will work. There are too many differences in Social and Cultural Values for things to be otherwise if any solutions are to be found.

Now, one more thing. This Thread is like hundreds of others on ATS. Other than the CT discussions which attempt to reveal possible conspiracies that affect us all, the Social and Political threads tend to decay into an agree/disagree/anecdotal writings. This may be ok, but, with the level of Intelligence, and hopefully compassionate concern, displayed among the membership, it would serve not only to reveal the problems, but seek thought and ideas toward their solutions. Just an observation.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Ed Littlefox
, it would serve not only to reveal the problems, but seek thought and ideas toward their solutions. Just an observation.

Thumbs up, thats probably one of the best suggestions ive heard on this board in a long time.

Native american, Awesome.
There's something about your culture i find fascinating.
such humble and respectable people in the face of such a horrific past.

ITs decent natives like your self we need to pull some of the out of control members into line.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

Originally posted by Ed Littlefox
, it would serve not only to reveal the problems, but seek thought and ideas toward their solutions. Just an observation.

Thumbs up, thats probably one of the best suggestions ive heard on this board in a long time.

Native american, Awesome.
There's something about your culture i find fascinating.
such humble and respectable people in the face of such a horrific past.

ITs decent natives like your self we need to pull some of the out of control members into line.

Well Thank You, Sir!

I am positive that there are a number of Native Elders in Oz who are just as concerned as I am (here in the US) about the situation with their Youth. Trust me, we have similar problems here, and it is all very sad. But, there are workable solutions, and on the native side of that, a part of it is Cultural Education from within, and opportunity to openly express the Heritage in urbanized areas out of the bush. This helps immensely with the Identity side of it.

Here in the US, we have what is called “pow-wow” both on and off the Reservation, and many in large Urban areas like New York, Dallas-Ft, Worth, and Atlanta. Though a lot of these events we sponsor have become commercialized, there are still many that are pure gatherings that are traditional and non-commercial. All of the above proliferated in the US over the past 30 or so years and have served to further the “acceptance factor” through education and cultural demonstration. So, even though this has had good results and made inroads to understanding, the overall situation is such that generations, rather than years, will be required to solve all of it.

Even though we do things like this here, and involve ourselves as Educators in the Public Schools, as well, we still have many social problems and frustrations. But, it is by far NOT as bad these days as it was when I was growing up. In that Time, there were 2 kind of people in the US—White and “Colored”, and I was “colored” and subject to the same segregation policies as any other non-white.

Even so, nothing at all stands a chance of getting better until some positive steps are taken toward addressing the problems –all without laying Blame on the other side of the issue. Blame is always counterproductive, and, so, useless, and too often used as an excuse for failure to achieve progress on any affected front.
For myself, I am (I feel), a bit more fortunate than many. My own tribe has been agricultural for millennia, and I was raised under the auspices of self-sufficient farming and old traditions. I still do that, growing many of the same cultivars, and raising Horses as a profession, on a full time basis, as well as maintaining a ministry. It keeps me busy, yes, and also in contact with my Culture and it’s traditions even though I live in open society and no longer on the Reservation. This has afforded me the opportunity to go a bit further with cultural understanding regards those who know me personally. No, I no longer wear leggings, etc, unless I am dancing at a pow-wow, but my hair is still long and I keep it braided, whether I’m working Horses or in a business suit. A Leopard, after all, cannot change it’s spots.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 10:52 PM
Great post

I live in Sydney now but am originally from New Zealand. One of the things I have noticed is that the Aboriginal youth seem to have no respect for their own culture.
I know this is a broad brush but the Maori race in New Zealand celebrate their culture, and although there are issues with rights etc, the integration with white New Zealand (Pakeha) anglo society seems to be workig well.
The Maori Elders have immense power in there communities and are respected and listened to by their youth.
New Zealand is proud of its heritage and celebrates it all the time - check out The Haka when The All Black Rugby Team play -
I also see the same pride in American Indians so I don't understand if there is a quick fix for these issues here in Australia but the average anglo Aussie seems to be prepared to just keep throwing tax money atr this and just hopes it will go away.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 11:17 PM
I think you are describing a 'class' issue rather than a 'race' issue per se. These groups being described are typically trapped in the lower class cycle. This induces anxiety and depression, which leads to drug abuse and crime.

The bigger picture is that our society is out of balance with the natural order - we place far too much emphasis on the material rather than the mental and spiritual. Class warfare is a manifestation of this path. Violence and aggression will plague us until we address the imbalance.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
These groups being described are typically trapped in the lower class cycle. This induces anxiety and depression, which leads to drug abuse and crime.

This is the biggest lie in the history of man.

We do need to place more emphasis in our society on the intellectual and the spiritual, but in a free society with the built in mechanisms for upward mobility, the idea that class warfare is a given is nonsense.

Australia is different than the US, but I don't believe that it is that different.

[edit on 2006/11/23 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 12:22 AM
i never noticed that problem in perth when i was there or in fremantle either, but i was only there for 4 days. i went to alot of clubs, just seen the normal bar fights outside, people argueing. no aboriginies i noticed. i took the train, that train is fast. i liked it over there. i never had any problems. but all you people on here are right, this activity has got to stop. people beating on people just for fun. the police should just arrest their asss and have thier parents pay for the damages their kids do and if they don't arrest them too. make em pay or do service to the community. like pick trash off the streets all day for a year. that will make the parents heads think if you make em pay for the damage their kids do. don't the aboriginees parents watch their kids. what is wrong with them the parents .

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 12:24 AM
I dont even consider this to be shocking. Quite typical really. This is not an attack on the " White Man" or Anglo-Saxon Imperialists directly. This is an attack on what We represent, which is Civilization/ Saxon culture, well its one in the same. In a sence it is man versus beast you could say. Literaly and metaphoricly as in representing the inner struggle of human nature. I am however not at liberty to give them the benifit of the doubt since these occourances are both statisticly and demographicly consistent. Sadly these instances will continue to occur in the future, The situation will become more intence and violent as they are emboldend by the media and the guise of political correctness to the point where we become afraid of persecution in the event we need to defend ourselves. In the Us there is always a guilty overtone when it comes to past dealings with the Native americans. Make no doubts that there where great atrocitys in the US dealings with the Indians. When two worlds collide there can be no middle ground. there is either civilization or tribal anarchy. History proves that a native population must be thouroghly desimated or wholely subjugated and assimilated for there to me any success in long term Imperial rule over any given region. If either of these two are not achieved your country ends up Like MEXICO. A great example of Imperial Spains weakness and ignorance. The prouduct is a vast sesspool of human sadness, people caught in the middle, the victims of a half ass job. Ultimately the most practical and humane thing to do would be to sterilize the native populations to curtail the suffering on both sides. Please understand I speak only from a historical standpoint in reguards to the Building and managing Empires. Along with the social and moral conflicts encountered during and after Imperial rule.

Well I wish you luck with your country, Dont end up like South Africa!!
Remember we took the world by Force and it will take a certian level of brutality to maintain it.

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by Jaypeth
I dont even consider this to be shocking. Quite typical really. This is not an attack on the " White Man" or Anglo-Saxon Imperialists directly. This is an attack on what We represent, which is Civilization/ Saxon culture, well its one in the same. In a sence it is man versus beast you could say. Literaly and metaphoricly as in representing the inner struggle of human nature. I am however not at liberty to give them the benifit of the doubt since these occourances are both statisticly and demographicly consistent. Sadly these instances will continue to occur in the future, The situation will become more intence and violent as they are emboldend by the media and the guise of political correctness to the point where we become afraid of persecution in the event we need to defend ourselves. In the Us there is always a guilty overtone when it comes to past dealings with the Native americans. Make no doubts that there where great atrocitys in the US dealings with the Indians. When two worlds collide there can be no middle ground. there is either civilization or tribal anarchy. History proves that a native population must be thouroghly desimated or wholely subjugated and assimilated for there to me any success in long term Imperial rule over any given region. If either of these two are not achieved your country ends up Like MEXICO. A great example of Imperial Spains weakness and ignorance. The prouduct is a vast sesspool of human sadness, people caught in the middle, the victims of a half ass job. Ultimately the most practical and humane thing to do would be to sterilize the native populations to curtail the suffering on both sides. Please understand I speak only from a historical standpoint in reguards to the Building and managing Empires. Along with the social and moral conflicts encountered during and after Imperial rule.

Well I wish you luck with your country, Dont end up like South Africa!!
Remember we took the world by Force and it will take a certian level of brutality to maintain it.

Another example of "Manifest Destiney", in both attitude and statement. I thought maybe that we lived in a time that is a bit more enlightened than the Dark Ages, but, I see that there are still a few around who subscribe to it's mandates and mores.

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 02:15 AM
While these are unfortunate occurences to hear about, they happen in all parts of the world, and are initiated by all groups/classes of people...white, black, yellow, etc...although I do agree that it has mostly to do with lower class than it does with "race". The stuff about the law being politically "correct" to a point where it ceases to be just law, reminds me of an interesting story...

A friend and I were walking in a parking garage, minding our own business, when a car comes tearing down the levels of the garage, nearly getting in a wreck. We just look at it and laugh, wondering what these idiots are doing. They pull over and start talking # to us about "why are you laughing...?" , yelling insults. These guys are clearly of "middle east origin/arab", etc, and one of them calls my friend "white trash". He responds by calling the guy "Osama". So of course they get out of their car and come over to fight, with 4 people against the 2 of us, me not caring about any of this, but finding it rather entertaining, as they didn't look like they could fight anyone...they were obviously drunk and out of control which would explain their driving. The initial guy (driver) who started yelling at us, walks right towards my friend, who hits the guy in the face...which would certainly be self defense, as we had nothing to do with starting the conflict, and felt threatened by their being aggressive. Needless to say, a small skirmish breaks out, and the cops arrive...

After hearing the initial stories, they are of course on our side, until they hear that my friend called the guy "osama". When we told the cops the story initially, we left out the parts about "white trash" and "osama" specifically, as we didn't realize the "race" issue would play a part. Once they found out my friend said "osama", the cops accused us of lying, and "going out and looking for some guys to hassle", etc etc, even though we were completely innocent. The cops even concluded the guys were drunk, and they admitted to having been drinking...and obviously driving, as their car was still sitting in the middle of the garage. The first guy was guilty of DUI and assault (during the fight, he even ran back to his car and got a wooden ice scraper to hit my friend with, which broke over his arm, drawing blood), and yet the cops charged the driver and my friend with "fighting", and even were all friendly to the guys in the car about how they should "buckle up, be safe driving out, have a nice night" etc, even though they were DRUNK, and started a fight. Of course the charge against my friend was dropped once he got a lawyer, but it was truly enlightening just to see how the interpretation of the crime immediately changed in the minds of the cops, all because of a couple words that were said...

[edit on 22-11-2006 by Shoktek]

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by Slaine01
Great post

I live in Sydney now but am originally from New Zealand. One of the things I have noticed is that the Aboriginal youth seem to have no respect for their own culture.
I know this is a broad brush but the Maori race in New Zealand celebrate their culture, and although there are issues with rights etc, the integration with white New Zealand (Pakeha) anglo society seems to be workig well.
The Maori Elders have immense power in there communities and are respected and listened to by their youth.
New Zealand is proud of its heritage and celebrates it all the time - check out The Haka when The All Black Rugby Team play -
I also see the same pride in American Indians so I don't understand if there is a quick fix for these issues here in Australia but the average anglo Aussie seems to be prepared to just keep throwing tax money atr this and just hopes it will go away.

its beautiful isnt it?
im a pakeha myself.
The treaty introduced actually means something.
Maori's and white kiwi's agree on the terms and managed to live in harmony.
just look at how many white kiwis stand up and mimick the haka during the rugby?
ITs that empowering to see our natives front and centre with our white troops.. performing this cultural war cry.. and they all do it so well, and with so much passion, color or race means nothing..
your a NEW ZEALANDER, and that is the proudest moment when you have a country where both colours and cultures perform as one.

Yet the Aboriginals?
Made the australian government RENAME ayres rock.
Its now Uluru.
They go to court and declare rights over the land..
and in perth last month.. THEY WON.
our beaches are legally under noongya rights, or something as such.

As a white kiwi, I feel safe walking through a group of Maori's..
I know if im ever in trouble, they will help me.

But here in Australia?
The White australians are almost scared of their own natives..
and its not the fault of the white australians.

Now dont get me wrong, the lost generation deserves to be brought to light.
But this doesnt mean todays generation should shun the world, for something their great great grandparents had to endure..
they are beign given the chance to make the most of their lives, and become as succesfuly as a white Australian.
Yet choose not to, because they'd rather smoke, drink and fight.. then blame the white man of a few hundered years ago.

Something you never hear of in Australia.

Deep in central australia, there are small aboriginal communities.
My brother works for a company that builds housing for them in these communities.
The aboriginals , one these houses have been built FOR FREE for them..
rip up the wood floor boards and use them as fire wood.
they smash these houses up, let the dogs live in in them.. while they light bonfires in the loungeroom floors.

Whats worse?
Aboriginals walk around, during the day.. with a tin can, IE baked beans can.. full of petrol.
its tied around their necks.
so its convenient that they only have to tilt their head down, to get a wiff of petrol... so they can walk around in a daze for the next few hours.

What a disgrace.

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