posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 03:43 PM
Hold on a second.....Are you trying to say the United States of America, is developing "Biochemical" agents?
Are you trying to tell me that the U.S. Government, known for it's Time Honored Dedication to Upholding the Constitutional Freedoms and Civil
Liberties of All People are currently developing possible "Weapons of Mass Destruction!!!"
Well I suppose somebody better alert the "Savior of Nations"....Mister "War on Terror" G.W. "Bring em on" Bush about what's happening! Sounds
like we've finally found solid evidence as to who's making WMD's this time! I guess we should start Carpet Bombing North America and Overthrow
thier Maniac Terrorist Leader and it's Government before something bad happens, huh?!?!?!
Or is it only for the battered 3rd world countries with proven financial rewards for the Elite that are subject to such policies???