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The Reptilians and Greys already rule the world. It is foolish to resist.

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posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 12:17 PM
indeed,a friend of mine says we're mold that got out of controle,maybe they just left a sandwhich here 1 day .

wonder how long b4 we can do this stuff,terraform a planet sit back and watch or poke around a bit and wait our pets to stare bk at us.

Yeah Ive seen a few of phills talks,one of the most if not thee most convinsing guys to ever talkabout the whole subject.RIP phil.

[edit on 6-11-2006 by ashwhy]

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by masqua
...Any links for that, dave_54? I'd even settle for an account of a grey being killed by a .357 if you can't provide proof of that claim. I've never heard of it ever happening before you mentioned it....

That was a tongue in cheek remark. I didn't realize anyone would take it seriously.

There are several accounts of greys retreating in the face of resistance, though. Two that immediately come to mind is the woman in Quebec who awoke in her bedroom during the night evidently just as a small group of greys were surrounding her bed. She instinctly lashed out, hitting one in the face with her fist knocking him backwards, then the rest grabbed their unconscious friend and left. The second was the two men in Georgia(?) that were camping in the forest, when they noticed several greys approaching their camp with what the men described as 'weapons' in their hands. One of the men grabbed a large limb, threw it at one of them, either closely missing or just a glancing blow, and the whole group scattered like quail into the night.

I am certain other readers here will recount other instances of greys backing down when confronted. They don't seem to be interested in a struggle if their methods of inducing paralysis fail to work. And whatever device or method they use must have a high failure rate, if even a fraction of the accounts are true.

Do not be afraid of the greys. They only have the power your fear gives them. As I mentioned in my previous post, many have speculated the greys are not true biological lifeforms at all, but artificially created biochemical 'robots' with little independent intelligence and operate only under the remote control of another entity.

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 11:05 PM
im glad there are some members here who feels the same way as me abouth this whole thing on reptillians.

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 01:18 AM
i am locutus of borg? resistance is futile.

anyway, i am somewhat inclined to believe th shadow government everyone talks about is also the alien presence so man people claim to exist. humanity is nothing more than a genetic experiment, and earth is the petri dish.

[edit on 11/10/2006 by prototism]

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by dave_54
Greys are easy to kill, a single .357 magnum drops them immediately. I am not certain they are a sentient being, but merely a synthetic android-like drone.

Haven't had the pleasure of taking on a reptiloid. They might be tougher. I look forward to the chance to see.

I agree with everything you said. They are robots most of them but I'm told they are a lot stronger than they look all the same. But they are not the real problem for us.

The lizards are primarily the problem and I believe they bleed too if shot. I also got a tip that they don't like water too much... kinda like the wicked witch of the west in Wizard of Oz? Can't wait to try.

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 02:24 AM
It's intresting to hear people like Phil come forward and tell his stories. What he was saying in the clip seem's plausable and you can see that he does clearly have fingers missing so who knows?

But I believe he could give more evidence to front his case. If the Alien did shoot a blue bolt at him and"opened him up" then we need to see evidence of scars on his body. I don't know if he does this later on in the documentary as I haven't seen the whole lot.

Also does anyone happen to have a copy of the picture he produces at the end, as it's not very clear. I'd love to see what "Val" looks like.

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 03:04 AM
Realanswers, you are correct! The non-terrestrial rulers are competent and humans are not. If humans were to rule this planet they would have destroyed it long ago.
Let me tell you humans this, greys are the ones that control this planet now and manipulate the course you humans take. Reptilians have only occassionally impacted the evolution of your specie. About every 2000-5000 years they return to earth to pass their 'knowledge'.
As far as I'm concerned the Nordics have been the only ones that have created hybrids on earth while greys only prefer to genetically manipulate your specie for reasons I cannot determine at this point.
Both greys and reptilians are interdimensional beings...Humans are still confined in that aspect...

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 06:53 AM

im glad there are some members here who feels the same way as me abouth this whole thing on reptillians.

Everytime I mention them I get wave after wave of negativity! Oh well! Here's a great site with regard to the whole exopolitics thing...


Huge resource...

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 07:43 AM
I don't know which is more dangous, the alien grey threat or lack of belief in this very real threat. The greys are destroying our culture. They aren't speaking our language. They aren't paying taxes. They are flooding our schools with thier children. They abduct our nerds and mutilate our cattle. They are destroying our crops with thier silly circles. Why don't you realize that this is a real threat. We need to defend our planet and put up defenses now. A shield and orbital photon topedo platforms. Arm yourselves for it will be a long battle with many casualties but Jesus will prevail and we will eliminate the alien grey threat once and for all.

And--->They are taking our jobs

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by realanswers
...There have been fights between humans and the aliens over control within the Dulce underground base. Here is an example of what happens when humans foolishly attempt to fight the ruling aliens...

I think Philip Schneider is a man with balls, not like you, you're giving up already? don't be a fool, get out there and kill some aliens for christ's sake.

firstly why do you think they are hidding from us? all this time without coming out? well there's on simple reason, we out number them by quite a few,so they work secretly and using puppets i.e. the Illuminati. and why do you think they abduct people at night and in their sleep? because it's easier to control them and implant masked memorys so that if the person wakes up while in the middle of the adbuction they can mask it so that in the morning that person won't remember what happend, but you see it's not common that an alien abduction happens between lots of people or at day time, they know they're scared. (i got my 22 eagle and a shotgun waiting for their melon shaped heads.)

There is a way to stop them,but we have to work together, otherwise we'll end up all in the same grave yard.

Originally posted by 7Pan7cho7
Why fight back you ask? Because no matter what anybody does to this body of mine, they will never have my soul. Technology is in no way superior to love.

i had to quote this,it's exactly what i've been saying for the last years. the rest of your post is very guiding and i agree with all of it, thanks for your words pancho.

Jesus will come back for us,you just wait.

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 09:14 AM
Hi ConstantlyWondering & All Interested Parties,

The Zetan Empire (consisting of the Reptilians, Preying Mantises, Greys, Nordics, and Hybrids), is not omnipotent but they do have a clear advantage militarily. They have a much greater industrial capacity for the manufacture of battleships, armed probes, and high-tech weapons in general; this includes antimatter missiles and bombs which are much more powerful than the traditional nuclear variations - as is explained in this documentary. Additionally, they have larger armies at their disposal and more intersteller battleships in operation.

The aliens which stem from the Zeta 2 Reticuli System will not hesitate to use their advanced weapons on a nation or world that they feel is no longer under their indirect control. There are indications that Atlantis was destroyed not because of "normal geological occurrences" but by being on the losing side of a nuclear war with the same space race empire that we face today

I agree that resistance is the right thing to do. We should all arm ourselves and make practical preparations within the legal limit of the law.

But to truly defeat an empire that holds all the cards in armaments and mobilization, one must seek victory through that which they have no defense against.

Namely, through advanced telekinesis.

The best way to do this is by striving to live by The Golden Rule, by serving others, and by using on a daily basis the same innovative approach that The Original Creator (who orchestrated The Big Bang with The Light) utilized in order to evolve into rarefied God Consciousness - that of Heart Chakra Radiance.

Then when we return to the Primary Reality of Spirit we will have the stability, energy, and telekinetic deft in order to use The Light of God to stop space race subjugation completely and end the Zetan tyranny of this, the Sol System.

That is the ONLY WAY that the Zetan-aliens can be TRULY DEFEATED.

Carpe Diem!

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 09:31 AM
In reality we have no idea wether these things exist or not. Who are we to say these things do or dont exist based on the influential beliefs of others. Please take your time to read my reply. I mean humans used to think the world is flat, OK .. well I like too think of reality as inwards and outwards. If we look so far in we see organisms then solid matter, when we look outwars we see stars and the universe which tells you how small we are and how small we know. For all we know the whole reptillian thing could be true you dont know that, but it could be false. How can you define whats supernatural just because we dont know about the unknown we dismiss it as phenomeneon, its because its not acustomed to our nature and we would thing its somthing supernatural. I thought i might give you people somthing to recosider about before just flat out saying what you think. Although some of the stories on here sound ridicules and alot of its for entertainment we cant say if its false or not

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 06:51 AM
Both the reptilians and the grays were told not to interfere in your evolution and the evolution of other primitive life forms, but the reptilians did not abide by the rules of the Cosmic Federation and have always believed that the role of advanced sentient life forms is to share their knowledge of the cosmos and beyond with lower life forms such as you. Well the reptilians did that nearly 5000 years ago and have since then left. The grays however decided to follow in the steps of the reptilians with their approval, but for alternative motives. They view humans as you view lab rats. You are confined and given 'conditions' that have been artificially implanted by the grays. It could be anything. They are also the ones who have genetically altered some individuals of your specie by means of collecting vital information. It’s almost a form of translation.
The grays and reptilians were united under the Cosmic Federation to determine if you were ever to pose a threat by the moment you entered into a higher state of sentience..this is still undergoing. And though you have all been under the supervision of the grays for several thousand years now, the reptilians will be returning in 2012, as told by the Mayans, to give their final judgment.

On another note…I would like to add that ‘reptilians’ and ‘grays’ consider humans as a cousin (though not in high regard esp by the grays)… Because all are part of the same galaxy and believe to share a common ancestor that may have gone extinct.

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 08:16 AM
Reptilians (Annunaki) exsist, they have been ruling earth for as long history can remember. When people first start talking about reptilians it was redicilued, then denied. Like all Truth goes through. Just because in your mind grey aliens are HOW you think aliens show look like makes you kinda closeminded in the aspect of what exsist. The greys have "allied" with the Anunnaki to be able to abduct humans to do DNA testings etc. Reptilians are the most powerfull beings in the galaxy, beside beings of the Light. And the reptilians are evil, and they will screw everyone over to get to there new world order, they lie to the greys etc.

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 01:14 PM
link we have varied opinions in this thread.

Originally posted by InSaneTK
Reptilians (Annunaki) exsist, they have been ruling earth for as long history can remember. When people first start talking about reptilians it was redicilued, then denied. Like all Truth goes through. Just because in your mind grey aliens are HOW you think aliens show look like makes you kinda closeminded in the aspect of what exsist. The greys have "allied" with the Anunnaki to be able to abduct humans to do DNA testings etc. Reptilians are the most powerfull beings in the galaxy, beside beings of the Light. And the reptilians are evil, and they will screw everyone over to get to there new world order, they lie to the greys etc.

I have to agree with what is stated above, with the minor exception that the Reptilian rule has been mainly an indirect one.

The Greys, Nordics, and Hybrids, serve under the Reptilians and Preying Mantises which stem from the Zeta 2 Reticuli System. This is evidence by abductee testimonials.

I don't agree that there is a Cosmic Federation or Confederation. The Zetan-aliens are not like the Vulcans in Star Trek. They represent an empire, not a federation of planets. I have seen only evidence of imperialism and subjugation, not diplomacy, goodwill, and spiritual ideals among the Zetan-aliens. Perhaps I missed the episode on Trek when they kidnapped humanoids against their will and used them as slaves, for medical experiments, dissection, and to use their glandular extracts as vitamin supplements.

To state that the Reptilians are the most powerful beings in the Milky Way Galaxy - outside of the future Ascended Beings of Light - is probably right on the mark

[edit on 11-11-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by laiguana
The grays and reptilians were united under the Cosmic Federation to determine if you were ever to pose a threat by the moment you entered into a higher state of sentience..this is still undergoing. And though you have all been under the supervision of the grays for several thousand years now, the reptilians will be returning in 2012, as told by the Mayans, to give their final judgment.

Again, I see no evidence of a benevolent Cosmic Federation.

Only an empire that harvests worlds and peoples selfishly.

[edit on 11-11-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 01:16 PM
My apologies for the duplicate post.

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 03:18 PM
Well humans don't have evidence of being benevolent either. Which is why it is very important to determine what the outcome of your evolution would result in. You keep saying the grays and reptilians want to harm your species. This is a misconception. The grays have been injecting your specie with the conditions to make assessments based on your responses to them. And I'm speaking about the human race as a whole. What the reptilians did was that they introduced the humans to a higher state of consciousness.
Now I will tell you that the grays have also taken interest in the resources of your planet as have other sentients. So it is to their interests to have you develop in a non-threatening way in order to salvage your planet. The reptilians on the other hand already have settled in other worlds. But they also have interest in your planet's resources.
The Cosmic Federation or Order, believe it is very important that earth is not destroyed.

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by laiguana
Well humans don't have evidence of being benevolent either.

Speak for yourself. Perhaps this is your first life as a Homo sapien. Or perhaps ATS has a broader membership than is assumed.

There are many people here who do not agree with the Zetan approach of using sentient life forms for medical experiments, slavery, etc. Many Terran companies now list on the label of their products that they do not conduct animal testing of any kind

Originally posted by laiguana
Which is why it is very important to determine what the outcome of your evolution would result in.

The outcome of our evolution is our choice. If we choose not to decide, then we have still made that choice.

Originally posted by laiguana
You keep saying the grays and reptilians want to harm your species. This is a misconception.


The Zetan-aliens do not want to harm us, they desire to continue to harvest us, i.e., they wish to continue to farm the peoples of this planet selfishly.

That is not destruction; that is subjugation.

Originally posted by laiguana
The grays have been injecting your specie with the conditions to make assessments based on your responses to them. And I'm speaking about the human race as a whole. What the reptilians did was that they introduced the humans to a higher state of consciousness.

All that the original Zetan-Reptilians (Anunnaki) did, hundreds of thousands of years ago, was to mix their DNA with the hominids here in order to come up with Homo sapien slaves to work the mines. They did not create our souls. That is beyond their technology. Actually, they didn't create anything. Then, as now, they just manipulated the genetic material that was already available.

If they were gods or Ascended Beings, then they would be able to create what they want with The Light. Their inability to do so and their kidnapping of people points to them not being gods at all.

The Reptilians, Preying Mantises, and their subordinate Greys, Nordics and Hybrids, all represent a Service-To-Self or STS focus. As opposed to a spiritual Service-To-Other or STO focus. They are likened to leeches or parasites who target those who are too weak to defend themselves. They have no higher consciousness to offer anyone. The Zetan mindset is mechanistic and spiritually indifferent. To them, Science is God, which is representative of a spiritually retarded civilization.

Many Terrans who do not wish to follow a path of spiritual retardation will strive to alleviate Zetan imperialism and subjugation, here and in other systems. Our deaths would only accelerate that process but it is wise to continue to prepare for that for as long as possible.

Originally posted by laiguana
Now I will tell you that the grays have also taken interest in the resources of your planet as have other sentients. So it is to their interests to have you develop in a non-threatening way in order to salvage your planet. The reptilians on the other hand already have settled in other worlds. But they also have interest in your planet's resources.

As stated, the Greys serve under the Reptilians and Preying Mantises. They are all part of the same empire that harvests peoples for their own selfish interest.

Originally posted by laiguana
The Cosmic Federation or Order, believe it is very important that earth is not destroyed.

See the above comments. There is no benign Cosmic Federation. That notion is the product of Zetan propaganda.

Thousands of years ago, Atlantis challenged the Zetan-Reptilians (Anunnaki) in their own attempted War of Independence. The Zetan Empire retaliated with a nuclear strike which annihilated the Atlantean civilization, caused global earthquakes, and also The Great Flood which is documented in various ancient cultures.

The Anunnaki will not hesitate to use their antimatter weapons on this world (again) if they feel they are once again losing control.

This points to the need to be swift in dismantling their weapons and in ousting them from the Sol System.

Which isn't as difficult on the Other Side as it sounds on This Side.

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