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Can one be conscious enough to re-program their own dna?

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posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 09:47 PM
Maybe you think it is possible, maybe you do not.

i do.

Is it possible enough to attain a level of consciousness, a level of self awareness, that permits one to alter their own cell's genetic code?

i'm not neccesarily talking about re-sequencing their own dna all together.

i'm talking about a person taking information that resides in each and every cell of their body, and simply deleting it, like a computer file into your trash ben.. . .

humanity has an instinct of "Self Pre-serve".

which means what?

Self = self / me
Pre = before
serve = to serve, aid, help, assist, etc . . .

so, every cell in our body tells us that we are:
"me first before i serve, aid, help, or assist **anyone or anything"

i say: "**anyone or anything" because there is no end to that command, it is open ended . ..

but what if that prevent us from cognitively being capable of perceiving certain aspects of reality.

what am i saying?

what if the overwhelming majority is delusional, thinking with a frationalized mind, only because of this instinct of "self pre-serve".

i know there is some level of truth to this.

but, as always, i look forward to other peoples input on the subject.

do you think it might be possible to self aware enough, and conscious enough, to alter one's own dna?

i thank you all in advance for your contributions.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 10:26 PM
wouldn't altering dna mean shapeshifting in a way???
If you change some dna them your body will change some way, I dont believe we could do it but its an interesting thought.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 10:38 PM
Of course it is possible - remember the "suicide" gene discovery? It is a "what comes first the chicken or the egg" situation. I think the "suicide" gene is mutated by the person's consciousness, NOT that the gene causes suicide, which seems rediculous - totally insane given that survival is programmed into the organism, not individual self-destruction.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 10:53 PM
I'm not going to say that i necessarily altered my DNA so to speak, but i did hear about this DNA reprogramming thing on the internet a few years back. The person writing the article said that he focused his mind onto altering (reprogramming) his DNA so that he wouldn't get sick anymore, a few months after that he couldn't get sick, not even if he tried.

I decided after some contemplation that i would give it a shot. That was about two years ago, and i haven't been sick since. This could just be my strong willed nature giving me a boost in white blood cells, i'm not really sure what it is. All I know is that i tried the DNA reprogramming not to get sick and i haven't been sick since i did it.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 07:52 AM
I fully believe we can rewrite the basic program. In fact, I think we do it on all levels of consciousness. I've even tossed the idea around my brain that all memory aquired by we the observers gets scripted in.

The following will be hard to read, so please be patient with me. I often find it difficult to transfer whats in my brain to prose (DYSLEXICS OFF THE WORD, UNTIE!!), but for some odd reason I feel I must comment on this subject. Rest assured that when I swerve in and out of the on-topic lane, I'm just trying to get the words out. I'm not drunk, just influenced by (mal)function....

I was 8 years old when I first constructed this belief. I remember it like it was 22 years ago.. I was in Grade 3, it was when we first started learning about genetics. My teacher told us that chromosomes carried with them a program that was used to create people. I almost immediatly made the connection; if program makes person, person makes program. When I asked my teacher if we could write to this program, he said no and proceeded to explain that God writes the program and so forth. Even back then I couldn't accept the, "God did it, thats all there is," line. In fact I used to get in trouble for saying that God must be the best scientist in the universe..

Needless to say, I held on the belief that we could in fact write to our dna. Although I haven't spent any time in my life researching this or even talking about it with others, I've concluded that it doesn't possibly happen. It DOES happen. I'm convinced that every synaptic event we provoke will in some way be cataloged in our personal genetic makeup. I know this is true because I see myself in my father and mother. I see my grandmother in me and vice-versa. I was born with habits formed by my parents. They are the same habits, or more accuratly, "way's of being," shared by virtually everyone in my immediate bloodline. It's not what we do with our lives that is similar, but how we live.

My Grandfather on my Mothers side lived his life fixing and building things. By trade, he was a mechanic. There are many mechanic's in my blood.

Before I can even remember, I would take things appart. (Mom didn't like that sometimes!
) When I was 5 I took apart a 1cyl, 5hp motor off my gocart and put it back together. HOW!? Because it's in my blood. It's me, I'm mechanically inclined. People who are not mechanically inclined are born from the dna of mechanically uniclined parents. And I welcome anyone to show me evidence to the contrary! (after all, I've already stated I've done no research on this subject)

Now I know my personal experience doesn't make me an expert on life all around. But if we as self aware beings could not imprint our own personal experiences onto our genes, why then do our children act/think/behave similarly to us?

Envronment? Possibly, but that doesn't explain why children seperated from their parents at or near birth share identical personality traits with their biological parents...

All of my rant say's to me, that our experiences do get passed down the family tree. Which means our thoughts do write to our dna.

Is it possible enough to attain a level of consciousness, a level of self awareness, that permits one to alter their own cell's genetic code?

Why not? There is a path from the conscious mind to the genetic mind. I suppose in order to use the genetic mind, one only needs to think like a cell...


posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 12:15 PM
That could be very true Pollypeptide. but, again the chicken & the egg comes into play. Is it a case of that mechanical inclination(Or physical craftiness) already being there & it's not a learnt trait so to say. In genetics, some genes lay dormant. When something is newly learnt, for example, a musician in a family with no musical abilities or inclinations. Is that a dormant trait that was already there & has now manifested itself? But then again, everything learnt, or everything that we are inclined to do does not necessarilycome from a personality trait. Understood, so something learnt & something that is carried forward to the 2nd & 3rd generation can very well be genetically controled due to the trait that was learnt is now programmed into the DNA. But what if the trait is learnt & is not present in any other generations? That shows that genetics did't have much part to play in it.

Now, I'mnot disagreeing with you Polly, but just stating a suposition. What if it's not?

However, I agree that genetic traits can be programmed into our DNA due to a certain extent. As for the example of the strong immune system functionality, I'm not sure if it's a genetic altering or what. But in someway it is, because I read somewhere a long time ago, that you should talk to your body. Converse with it's sytems. I've tried it, and it does seem to work. Maybe it's a mind of matter thing, but the point is, it works & if it does alter any part of the body's systematic functions, it then has to alter the dna to a certain degree. About 4 years ago, I spoke with my immune system, about being stronger & I've found that I get sick rarely. And when I am sick, it's usually for a very short period, about 2 days or so. This year I've been sick once. Last year, never. Year before that, once I believe. So I think that works.

It's something science should do more research into.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by sdrawkcab

Now, I'mnot disagreeing with you Polly, but just stating a suposition. What if it's not?

No worries
Disagree with me, it will help further my knowlage.

I actually agree with your argument, who's to say thoses genes don't just lay dormant for a few generations and then pop up for another few, and so on. I like this particular topic because, until science can prove/disprove the mind's ability to reprogram dna, we can all be correct!!

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 07:31 PM
The human mind cannot change the genetic code. Someone else said its like shapeshifting. Everything we are is in our genetic code. We change one thing wrong we will die and no longer exist. Like you said human nature is self preservation.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 07:42 PM
Yes. It is possible and it is happenning every second of every day. =) Speaking of consciousness, we must first be aware that our genes are a product of our realities and our realities are a product of our thoughts, and our thoughts produce our actions, as the actions inside our nuero net produce our thoughts. An infinite connectedness. There is no limitation. All things are possible and are already occuring.

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 12:51 PM
Pepperslappy, to give you a better idea of what they are talking about I suggest you start reading quantum physics/mechanics...All possibilities are occuring at one time. Therefore, I am everywhere in the universe at one time as are you...Whether you want to be or not

The movie "What the Bleep Do We Know" may also provide you with some useful information without you having to go looking around on the net...hope that helps someone.

[edit on 19-10-2006 by biggie smalls]

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 01:31 PM
I know that if you consciously decide to lay out in the sun, eventually the radiation(?) from the sun will alter your dna.

I've also been told (don't know how true it is) that if the male determines the sex of the child.. so in theory, if he consciously concentrated really hard... he could decide that the child will be this or that.

I know that's not quite what we're talking about, but is (I think) akin to the topic.

There's a lot about dna that we don't understand. Like all the so-called 'junk' dna... it's obviously not junk, since when it runs out, we start falling apart. Can we alter that? Not sure...

I read a book about a guy who, over the span of 25 years, re-trained his brain to memorize things. (I don't remember the exact details, but he was hurt in war and lost that part of his brain. Couldn't see more than 3 letters at a time, couldn't remember the meanings of words, couldn't even look at an object and remember what the word for it was.)
Is that, in effect, consciously altering the dna?

Likewise, if we can alter the dna, then we should also be able to consciously pull up whatever memories lay dormant in the dna. Be it memories of how to do this or that activity, or actual memories of previous people (whatever 'clips' are stored in the dna that we have).

I'm curious -- 7Pan7cho7 -- how did you 're-program' your dna? meditation?
(I hate referring to the brain/dna as a computer.. unfortunately, that's the only apt analogy that we've got to explain how some functions seem to work.)

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 01:49 PM
OO interesting topic! I am actually currently taking a genetics course and I find it fascinating!! I think that it may be possible to do given the right circumstances. As another member pointed out we dont even know all there is to know about DNA much less if there is a mind-DNA connection. Certainly, our personality and so on are coded somewhere. I think if you were to meditate on a certain change taking place you could possibly be successful, however, you would need to first understand ALL the complexity and mechanisms that make mutations occur. Not sure we have enough knowledge yet.
Maybe in a few more centuries

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Diseria
I know that if you consciously decide to lay out in the sun, eventually the radiation(?) from the sun will alter your dna.

I've also been told (don't know how true it is) that if the male determines the sex of the child.. so in theory, if he consciously concentrated really hard... he could decide that the child will be this or that.

I know that's not quite what we're talking about, but is (I think) akin to the topic.

There's a lot about dna that we don't understand. Like all the so-called 'junk' dna... it's obviously not junk, since when it runs out, we start falling apart. Can we alter that? Not sure...

I read a book about a guy who, over the span of 25 years, re-trained his brain to memorize things. (I don't remember the exact details, but he was hurt in war and lost that part of his brain. Couldn't see more than 3 letters at a time, couldn't remember the meanings of words, couldn't even look at an object and remember what the word for it was.)
Is that, in effect, consciously altering the dna?

Likewise, if we can alter the dna, then we should also be able to consciously pull up whatever memories lay dormant in the dna. Be it memories of how to do this or that activity, or actual memories of previous people (whatever 'clips' are stored in the dna that we have).

I'm curious -- 7Pan7cho7 -- how did you 're-program' your dna? meditation?
(I hate referring to the brain/dna as a computer.. unfortunately, that's the only apt analogy that we've got to explain how some functions seem to work.)

1stly, I won't say memories lay in our dna. Memories are formed in a part of the brain, due to the collection of data by certain cells/neurons. I won't say it's a genetic thing so to speak(The accumulation of thoughts). What is genetic however, is how well one's ability is to remeber those memories.

Now, with training your memory to become stronger there's a possibility of you passing that ability to your children's genetic code, enabling them to have better memory functions. So that may be something that one can alter in their genetic make up.

As for the male determining the sex of the child, it is not thought related. It is genetic, and cannot be controlled with thoughts. Ofcourse their is strong will & that may play a part in it. But what determines the sex of a child is by the genetic make up of the spermatozoa that enters the females' egg. So, in those terms, it is the male, or sperm rather, that determines the sex of the child & not the ova.

As for radiation changing genetic make up...Yes, it does. Exposing yourself to unnatrually large amounts of sun light can change your genetic make up, but it can also kill you, causing ailments such as skin cancer, etc. So I doubt anyone has ever tried such an experiment. Maybe with rats, or pigs or hamsters.

But this discussion is definitely something that should be looked into. After all, the mind is a very powerful thing.

[edit on 19-10-2006 by sdrawkcab]

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

Is it possible enough to attain a level of consciousness, a level of self awareness, that permits one to alter their own cell's genetic code?

i'm talking about a person taking information that resides in each and every cell of their body, and simply deleting it, like a computer file into your trash ben.. . .

i looked up the human genome project @

they lay out some info....there are 20-25,000 genes in human DNA
they also state...there are ~+3billion chemical base 'pairs' in human DNA

it took mega computing & many many labs dedicated to finding base-pair sequences all of 13 years to actually 'read' the whole DNA sequence of+3Billion pairs of C,A,T,G chemicals which make up our DNA sequence=genome

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 02:51 PM
"...afterall, the mind is a very powerful thing."

The mind is everything, literally. Only a sentient of the omnisentient until recognized to be omnisentient. We are currently making this transmutation of our reality... well... a reality

♥~Infinite Love and Eternal Peace~♥

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 03:09 PM
OOPS!............i hit the Post tab in error!


[i will try to pick up the post i intended...]

well, after seeing that extreme number crunching about DNA,

i kinda doubt that a mere mortal human could "Will"
or by Force or Desire or Intent or actually
change or manipulate their internal DNA sequences

I do suspect that some individuals have enough conscious desire/intent
to alter higher systems of the body.
Yogis & Fakirs, intentionally alter their heart rates, blood pressure & such,
the also can achieve a state akin to hibernation with the slow shallow breathing
the metabolic rate decreased to a 'life maintenance' state, and other seemingly
impossible only their force of will/intention.

but that stage, somewhere about the larger 'life' systems; respiratory, circulatory, digestive, endocrine,...
Seems the limit to mankinds conscious interaction with their bodies,

gene or DNA sequence manipulation, has not been studied enough scientifically to
say that 'unseen hands' are not at work on some level.

It may be that consciousness, or faith may be the driving force behind the changes which we term 'chaos' or 'mutations'

[edit on 19-10-2006 by St Udio]

posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by sdrawkcab
As for radiation changing genetic make up...Yes, it does. Exposing yourself to unnatrually large amounts of sun light can change your genetic make up, but it can also kill you, causing ailments such as skin cancer, etc. So I doubt anyone has ever tried such an experiment. Maybe with rats, or pigs or hamsters.

But this discussion is definitely something that should be looked into. After all, the mind is a very powerful thing.

Okay, I'm supposed to be doing homework, so I'll keep this short:

Radiation is a form of energy, right?

And the brain and spinal cord are, in effect, an antenna for giving/receiving various forms of energy, right? (sitting in a sac of salt water, highly conductive, the brain itself works via electricty constantly firing.. et cetera)

So, in theory, if the brain radiated enough of whatever kind of energy, couldn't it feasibly alter dna that way?

The thoughts, themselves, are not causing the changes, but the energy patterns given off by the high levels of conscious concentration...


posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 11:05 AM
hey 7pan ive recently tried this too

i have a load of mp3 hypnosis files like paul mckenna,theres one for radient health

on holiday this year i picked up the worst cold of all time of my folks,andhated them 4 it,

so id be trying these hypnosis mp3 and realy enjoying them.

Im not sure that they reprogram dna but they deffianatly alter consiousness,
little things like anxsiaty - now when i think a negitive thought its replace by 2 positive ones, and so on

Now the radient health one,i used to fight this illness, and i think i helped,
it told my brain that it had the power to get rid of any thing in my body that should be there,

im only just getting the hang of meditation,but i do think its possible to reprogram ur own dna,ive just not masterd my own consiousness yet

posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 11:36 AM
I don't think you can physically change yourself at a DNA or cellular level. For one thing, you have no idea what you are even doing or looking for. If you could, if you make one little mistake you will die or at the very least simultaniously develop Downs Syndrome.

However, I think that you can trick your body into autonomically changing itself. Just look at how placebos and things like that work. If you could change various chemicals in your brain, you could fix or improve a lot of stuff. But you cannot conciously say "Ok I'm going to conciously release epinephrine now". But you could freak yourself out and make yourself think someone is coming to kill you, and your body will automatically do it for you. You're better off finding out what general stimulus causes your body to secrete various horomones and stuff like that, rather than meditatively go down to a cellular level and somehow try and fix yourself. Because in that case you are just using another form of placebo, and tricking yourself so badly into thinking that you are actually doing something that your body reacts, when in reality you are just imagining it.

[edit on 20-10-2006 by Yarcofin]

posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 02:00 PM
Heres the thing , if you don change all your dna and cells you will most likely kill yourself. Dont try o change anything by thought. Thats impossible you cant change anything by trying with thoight. You have to know, becuase if you know that something should be then that something will be. Knowledge IS power. It is becuase I say it is.

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