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Proof Positive of Alien Comms

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posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 07:04 PM
Well i have been trying this method for quite some time now. and i have not got really anywhere ...i have the pattern down perfect to. all i get is a high pitch buzzing sound in my left ear. i guess i could say i see small little bright colors but i dont believe its anything. any help AA since i haven't gave up yet?

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 07:11 PM
Yes I told you you'd not accept my interpretation, but I stand by it. The being will appear in many forms.

I'm sorry you think I tried to create a drama! What gives you that idea?

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 08:32 PM
I am so glad the Lord is returning soon because the devils are really starting to play havoc with people. The demons are putting forth a strong last push to deceive as many as they can for they know what's about to happen. Don't open your minds up to the delusions that deceiving spirits try to cast into them.

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 09:32 PM
AA, I'm wondering what has happened to to information that you were going to post about your dealings with your eldest that you maintained would change our understanding of reality. Have you sent it to a mod to be 'verified' as you initially stated (although I did get the impression that you had decided against this and were just going to post it)

This is a long thread so apologies if I've missed something about this already.

Thank you.

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 10:57 PM
An interesting read this topic specialy the dynamics of the discussion.

To Alien Agenda i'd like to say that, if you state that this communication is with the gray's but the only evidence(proof) that you present is your strongest beliefs.
Than it is understandable that some people will find it harder to belief than you do.
To only say that this is true because "you" know so is hard to accept for people who don't "know" so.

If some one offers me some unknown substance and is telling me this is realy good but not telling me what it is but i only can know if i try, than i get a little suspicious.
Doesnt mean that you are not right in what your saying.

I think to that hypnosis, meditation and maybe something like contacting ghosts, demons or aliens is not always without any risk.
My experiences are mostly with meditation and hypnosis, but from there i know it is very wise to realy know what you are doing before putting subliminal sugestions in your own or some one else his head.
These subliminal sugestions can be very powerfull and with out proper knowlegde you can put sugestions in your head that can have a whole diffferent meaning to you subconsiousnes than to your normal consiousnes.
Be carefull with this, there where allready some people having bad effects from it in this subject right.

When i look with an open mind to the subject i know that there are many people saying that they have contact with some kind of beeings, some say demons others aliens and others angels etc etc.
I remeber terrence mckenna saying

... and there is a sound like the crumpling of a plastic bread wrapper or the crackling of flame and a tone. A mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and there is this....... There is a cheer. The gnomes have learned a new way to say hooray. The walls, such they be, are crawling with geometric hallucinations. Very brightly coloured, very irridescent. Deep sheens and very highly reflective surfaces everything is machine-like and polished and throbbing with energy but that is not what immediately arrests my attention. What arrests my attention is the fact that this space is inhabited.

People see and hear a lot of things how can you be so sure of what this is alien agenda, to feel in every bone that you are right doesnt allways mean you are right and that counts for all of us i think.


(sorry about my spelling errors)

posted on Nov, 18 2006 @ 10:57 PM
Alien Agenda
I want to thank you for bringing this method to my attention and making it a lot easier for me to get into the zone and concentrate.

Even If you don't have an experience with the method it is still a nice way of getting into a deep sleep. I know someone has been having nightmares but I have had nothing but great dreams sometimes multiple dreams that I just can't describe.

The only proof you will get out of this is the experience you have, and that's only for you. It's like trying to explain to someone that's never been in the air what it's like to go sky diving. Experience is really the only thing you take with you when you think about it.

...What I wanted to ask was has anyone else been hearing music while doing this? Sometimes i hear a conversation but I can't make out the words, but other times it's quite clear music and it's music i've never heard before. I just find it quite strange and would like your opinion.

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 12:16 AM
I'm skeptical if it is indeed Grays we are in contact with, if anything. But, yes, doing these exercises I have heard unknown music as well. I have also felt heat for no apparant reason. At first I thought it was due to the breathing. But, I know it's not anymore. The furthest I have gone with this exercise is recieving messages at the "speed of light". 10 words can be said in a split second. The voice is eerie to say the least. Also my visualization has approved along with a telepathic spike. Not much of a spike, since my telepathy is not something I can do at will. But it was def. more prevelant throughout the day.

[edit on 19-11-2006 by GovernmentPawn]

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 12:43 AM
Interesting thread, I tried it for a little, nothing happened, plus I am very impatient, I dont exactly see the logical reasoning behind "communicating" If you even can, with the Grey's. Theoretically wouldn't a superior species that travels through the universe easily take our minds over, or "triangulate" on our positions for abductions? (The Forgotten) By the way, could you enlighten us on the Grey's Data Streams, or whatever they are. What do they look like? Whats the Feeling, What Are they?

[edit on 19-11-2006 by nastalgik]

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by probedbygrays
Yes I told you you'd not accept my interpretation, but I stand by it. The being will appear in many forms.

I always consider your input you make to my dream and take them as a possibility. It's interesting and I thank you for the input. Honest.
But you know believeing and agreeing in something is another topic.

What I wonder is what makes you so sure about your interpretation of a dream of someone else?

I see this as a very crctical thing.
It's more than difficult enough to interpret one's owns dream. But you are interpreting dreams of others from a small protion of text they present/post.

The dream the info it self is distorted. The memory of the dream of the dreamer is distorted. What he or she will write is distorted and incomplet again. And not at least when you read it you read some setence different then what the writer wanted to tell.
There is a large chain of distortion/inaccuracy and preinterpretation of the most part of the writer but also on the reader side here and out of that you create your explanation/interpretation.

If you don't have another direct channel as source with more and accurate information. The chances that it becomes improper becomes very high, also when you as interpreter could be right judge of what was presented it still can be wrong interpretation of the original dream. Don't you think so?

I at least take every dream interpration including my own as a more or less possibility only and never as something I believe as the one true. True for me is what I self experienced as true in heart and mind. When every cell in me calls that is the true and there is no contradiction no manipulation no setup ..then i belive it.

If she is my guardian then I will see her again. I will simple ask here then.

[edit on 19-11-2006 by g210b]

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 07:08 AM
What I do is look from outside the box at the sparse details of concepts the person recalls of their dreams or experiences and see where they match the framework of the reality the aliens exist in at different levels.

Dreams and experiences are very often just concepts that the aliens are trying to get across to the human. I'll look for where the aliens concepts match the reality that the aliens exist in and give some type of interpretation based on that, even though there may be more information that I'm missing which could expand the interpretation to include other concepts and meanings.

I don't mean to imply that your dream experience meant solely what I interpreted it as and nothing else. I'm sure there is a lot more too it that only you can know. I just wanted to point out where the concepts you shared with us fitted into the greater reality.

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 11:18 AM
My dog dreams? Do the aliens give him his dreams? I highly doubt it.....

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 11:37 AM
Intrepid never responded if I got his cartoon character right...I'll give my second and third guess, then that's it.

My second was that it was a dog, like Deputy Dawg or Droopy Dog. My third and final guess was Casper, although if you admit to that you might get beaten up and your lunch money taken...

Anyway, my absolute sense about this technique is that it definitely effects POSITIVE CHANGES in your system; whether you connect with anyone/anything immediately or not.

This meditation has prompted an undisputable response in me mentally, and for lack of a better term, vibrationally/spiritually. I've felt nothing but positive effects from this meditation - and it is so with ALL meditation.

This is a natural, effective and profound way to experience the subtler, lighter and higher energies that not only form us, and everything around us, but allows us to bring ourselves in tune with those energies. This only proffers a positive, beneficial effect on our system.

When you are physically sick (with a cold or flu) this is an example of discord with the energies in your your body. Sometimes stress, or unresolved personal issues can cause discord and physically manifest as a sickness, and this is simply discord. But the body naturally brings itself in natural accord again after time, returning to this natural state.

There is nothing dangerous about this. There is nothing dangerous about calming oneself, slowing our thoughts, and experiencing the higher, subtler energies of which we are composed. If you were in a monastic, or Eastern religious order you would be doing far deeper and more profound meditation exercises. This goes without saying. The ultimate benefit of which is a relinquishing of the drives of the ego, and the well of compassion that opens as a consequence - not as a goal to be attained.

These monks and lamas are lighthearted people. And they are profoundly compassionate people, and they got there by doing meditations such as this. Meditations bring your mind and experiences above the physical, to the subtler world of which we are composed, and through that experience, changes your perspective - and yes, brings with it various "experiences"; and this can include astral, or higher communications.

Danger to this physical body and mind only comes when our vibrational level lowers (mentally, physically, spiritually - although there is only a nominal separation and not physical separation). When you fog your mind and body with drugs and alcohol, become depressed, fearful, hateful, etc., these energies lower your vibrational level. Lowering your vibrational level in this manner leaves you open and susceptible to energies on that same level. This is were people should be concerned. Although you are always protected - always.

The only conseqeunce of meditating in this way, or the myriad other ways prescribed, is levity (in both senses of the word), profound calmness and openness, a broader awareness, sensitivity, mental focus, groundedness and clarity. You raise your vibrational level and become in tune with those higher vibrational energies.

Thinking about colors in some particular order is not a switch to either invite good if done one way, or bad if done another. When you sit and calm yourself and bring your mind into focus - you can only reap positive rewards. You are meditating and raising your vibrational level. Period. There is only one way to go and that is up. You can't sit and meditate your vibrational level lower.

If you sit and focus on hate, fear and evil etc., that is not meditating. That is simply focusing your attention on negative energy. And if you focus on that long enough, it simply agitates your mind and body. But I'll tell you, it's very hard to do - because our natural state, our essence, is light. And that light will allow you to focus on those things, or whatever you want to focus on, as long as you want, because that light is you. However bad, eventually you will naturally bring yourself in accord with this light, because that is your natural state.

To imagine otherwise is only a play of the mind. The agitation you feel is simply a discord of your natural state. Once you begin to realign with this state you will feel calm, happy and open. This is what's great about the universe, and that is when you are in your natural state - who you really are - you are calm, happy and open. If you don't feel this way, then you need to find out why. Our source is this state, and if you don't feel in line with it, then understand why and work toward correcting that.

There are further benefits that are only to be discovered by the meditator. In this case they could be communication as indicated by AA, but that is for the persons trying this out...

Fear and misunderstanding of this technique, and other meditation, is purely, purely due to lack of understanding of what it is. The very worst that can come of this is that someone's expectations aren't met. Period. And that will happen a lot unless you really understand what this is and what it does. First and foremost, it opens up an awareness in the meditator. It also raises your energy level (vibrationally and possibly physically).

This is not occult. It is not demon worship. It is not alien worship. The semantics are creating more devisiveness here than is necessary, and this is partly (purposely or not) AA's doing, as he hasn't fully defined what gray's he is speaking about, or given a fuller understanding or background on these beings. He could mean that these are spiritual, or higher energy beings that are more in line with something of a higher vibrational level. The word alien has a lot of stigma attached to it, and as a result has created a certain level of apprehension expressed by people on this message board.

Whatever you want to call the energies that you connect with when raising your vibrational level, all you have to do is know you are protected. And if your instincts and senses are telling you you're off track, then find out why and correct it.

I'm still having very strange dreams as a result - which is cool. So, I'm still doing this...I will say though that anyone reading the thread title who hasn't had experience meditation, and who are just now mustering up the patience to try it, may be disappointed. Although there are some that have come who admit not having done anything like this who experience something...

You'll just have to try. Everyone was drawn here for a reason.

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 11:56 AM
i dont think meditation is dangerous but communicating with unknown things might be.

I would not just connect my mind with any possible ghost, alien or demon without finding more out where this might come from.

Not everything around us has the best intentions for ourselves, somethings might but when can you be sure that what you re communicating with is positive.

There are stories around of communication with unknown beeings but there are plenty of stories about possesion.

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 12:01 PM
Apologies OTD, the answer is nope, nope and nope.

BTW, he's still there and I sent the answer to another member, I won't cop out.

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 12:05 PM

To Alien Agenda i'd like to say that, if you state that this communication is with the gray's but the only evidence(proof) that you present is your strongest beliefs.
Than it is understandable that some people will find it harder to belief than you do.
To only say that this is true because "you" know so is hard to accept for people who don't "know" so.

Humans are naturally skeptical about everything they could not possible understand, everyone reading this thread in ATS is looking for Proof Positive about more than just Alien contact. The fact is and will always remain not matter what form the proof comes in people will ALWAYS try and debunk it and not believe. The sad fact of the matter is when the human mind cannot understand what is happening to them they will think its fake, snake oil, garbage, no way its real.

If ET walked up to you and said hello you and EVERY OTHER PERSON NOT MATTER HOW READY AND WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE would crap their pants on the spot, some would suffer a metal collapse that you could NEVER EVER bounce back from plain and simple.


Shhhh I let you and humanity in on a little secret that I happen to know about ET, most of the infinite amount to species visiting and observing earth are what science would consider 4th dimensional beings. Now the world that you and me exist in has a physics model of 3rd dimensional space now this is really cool so bear with me….

What do you think happens when an unconditioned and unprepared 3rd dimensional human mind comes in contact with 4th dimensional ET….

Its ugly you cry like a baby, you crap your pants…. Hey Sleeper help me out here bro….

ET will not come down out of the sky and show themselves to humanity because we humans or the vast majority simply can’t handle it. No proper training no high VL level, it would be ugly.

Now back to the exercise, it will help condition your mind, body and being for first contact in the safest way possible. It take time and practise to raise your VL level to the appropriate level for the stream and first contact.


posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 12:44 PM
Alien Agenda

I am not trying to debunk your case.
Like you say people are sceptical and so am i.
It is only healty to be a bit sceptical.

If i thought this topic was pure BS i wouldnt be writing in it.
Of course it is good to expand and explore that is our nature to.
We went into spece but we go there prepared, and looked into the case from all angles before going there.
If you go there unprepared you die.

The human brain mostly needs to be convinced more than 100% before changing its point of view, that is usualy our nature to.

Asking me not to be sceptical is like asking a scorpion not to sting.

It is good to hear some people seem to have positive effects with this meditation technic.
But i am still not convinced that you are communicating with alien greys.
I am not saying you are not, i am just sceptical.

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 12:49 PM

What do you think happens when an unconditioned and unprepared 3rd dimensional human mind comes in contact with 4th dimensional ET….

Its ugly you cry like a baby, you crap your pants…. Hey Sleeper help me out here bro….

ET will not come down out of the sky and show themselves to humanity because we humans or the vast majority simply can’t handle it. No proper training no high VL level, it would be ugly.

Now back to the exercise, it will help condition your mind, body and being for first contact in the safest way possible. It take time and practise to raise your VL level to the appropriate level for the stream and first contact.


How do you know this, i think it is just assumptions on your part.
And could you give me any information about why this experience will be good for me, and how do you know it is SAFE ?

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 12:51 PM
As far as I know those who are devoted to meditation and have become proficient at it, such as Buddhist monks, have never recommended seeking contact with aliens. In their many years of meditating, they have never reported contacting aliens, nor do they pursue such contact.

One would think that if contacting aliens were a desirable thing, those who are so well-practiced and knowledgeable in the methods of meditation would describe such encounters and recommend them, but they are completely missing from the lessons of monks. Anyone who is considering such contact should ask themselves...Why is it that those who are expert at meditation do not contact the aliens?

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 01:38 PM
First, intrepid, I took a stab at it, several times. I'm obviously not in any stream - at least not one with access to your pad. I have to say I'm thankful for No offense, I mean I don't need access to people's personal lives...However, I know someone with experience with remote viewing might be accurate with this...

Anyway, moving on. jaamaan, I share your interest in this thread, and the idea of a technique that could open higher communication. I can't say either way, without experience, if this technique leads to communications with the alien grays. I also can't say what the alien grays are, and if the so-called grays AA speaks of are the same scary ones that are suggested to have kidnapped and operated on people...

The difficult thing is, there is so much information and disinformation on this topic that it's hard to confirm the intentions of these beings and the hazards they pose - not to mention what the h*ll they are. Truly. Even people who have had contact confess how terrifying and confusing contact is, while at the same time many say how profound and positive contacts have been. This seems in line with what another poster, sleeper, as well as AA say about how contact would go; i.e., it would be profound, terrifying, confusing and life changing.

Physicists have already proved the existence of other dimensions, mathematically and scientifically. The question was posed, what would happen if a 4th dimensional being appeared before a 3rd dimensional being. I would tread lightly using terms like 3rd and 4th dimension, because the names can be distracting. The larger question is - what is really happening here? The answer so far is - we just don't know.

jaamaan, the questions you're asking are valid. But I wonder if you're asking the right questions. I also wonder if the questions are worth asking without trying this out first to see what is really happening. If the fear is that you might sit and meditate on this and open a terrifying door that can never be closed again, my response is that countless others for thousands of years have done just the same and we don't have evidence that meditation in any form has harmed one person. I think this fear is unfounded.

Given that, I would suggest really giving this technique the college try and then thinking of questions to ask. You may be startled to realize that you begin answering your own questions, or further you might think of other more significant and profound questions to ask.

I think approaching this from a physical, material, skeptical point of view is fine, but only to a point. If you really want to know, you should just do this and really try. I just wonder if the people asking more and more questions would do well just to try it.

I was sitting again late this morning/early afternoon (Sunday, Nov. 19) and at one point I felt like my awareness just opened up and out. I felt an anticipation, like something was about to happen. I actually felt a slight apprehension, like I was on the verge of something. I mentally said, "I'm ready". Nothing abrupt happened, but I felt things went to a different level. This technique is definitely preparing my mind and body. I can feel it. And I think I'm getting closer...time will tell.

Skyway, from my reading research you could be correct that Buddhist monks proper - I mean the Tibetan, Korean, Eastern Indian, etc. - may have never recommended seeking contact with "aliens" per se, but that's only because they use different terminology.

You should really research before you come to this conclusion. The ancient Vedas speak in different terms about alien wars and crashed ships, but they use different terminology. And Tibetan Buddhism in particular talks about various races and level of beings that exist on different planes. This is fact. The terminology is different, but all of these beings are accounted for and experienced in this religion. If you are curious, read up on this subject.

Here is a great link on my previous post that correlates the discoveries of Einstein with the pronouncements of Buddha. Great read.

The article at the site is toward the top and has a blue background. It starts,

According to general relativity, the concept of space detached from any physical content does not exist.
-Einstein If there is only empty space, with no suns nor planets in it, then space loses its substantiality.
Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world.
-Einstein All such notions as causation, succession, atoms, primary elements...are all figments of the imagination and manifestations of the mind.
Time and again the passion for understanding has led to the illusion that man is able to comprehend the objective world rationally by pure thought without any empirical foundationsóin short, by metaphysics.
-Einstein By becoming attached to names and forms, not realising that they have no more basis than the activities of the mind itself, error risesÖand the way to emancipation is blocked.


[edit on 19-11-2006 by OnTheDeck]

[edit on 19-11-2006 by OnTheDeck]

[edit on 19-11-2006 by OnTheDeck]

[edit on 19-11-2006 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Nov, 19 2006 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by SkyWay
As far as I know those who are devoted to meditation and have become proficient at it, such as Buddhist monks, have never recommended seeking contact with aliens. In their many years of meditating, they have never reported contacting aliens, nor do they pursue such contact.

One would think that if contacting aliens were a desirable thing, those who are so well-practiced and knowledgeable in the methods of meditation would describe such encounters and recommend them, but they are completely missing from the lessons of monks. Anyone who is considering such contact should ask themselves...Why is it that those who are expert at meditation do not contact the aliens?

There are a few remarkable cases of Walk-Ins or people who have been taken over by the spirit of another person, and one such case was Lobsang Rampa. He claimed to be a Buddhist Monk from Tibet who had walked in to an Englishman's body and taken over it due to the fact that the Englishman was about to commit suicide. He details precisely how walk-ins do this feat.

He wrote 20 books about spiritual practices and aliens. He explained roughly where there are alien artifacts in caves in Tibet, including an actual spacecraft and some alien bodies held in suspended animation. He taught extensively about astral travel and was the most advanced mystic of his time. He died in 1982.

He wrote a great deal about Tibet and the life that the monks and lamas live there. He said some lamas are in telepathic communication with the aliens, and he also said we become the aliens after we die.

Also he taught extensively about the human aura and how to see it. I tried all his teachings and they all worked just as he said. It was while practicing his form of meditation that the aliens made telepathic contact with me. I started a thread about his method of meditation yesterday and it was moved to the paranormal section where it will possibly be more useful.

And yes I know most of you are staunch atheists who cannot believe in Walk-ins and I can hardly blame you, but nonetheless his teachings did ring true with me and millions of other people and I only met the aliens because of him.

Lobsang wrote a great deal about the aliens and how they have been interacting with monks for thousands of years. He describes the Tibetan caves where alien artwork is depicted on the walls. It's very plain to see that the advanced lamas were in contact with the aliens regularly.

Lobsang Rampa called the aliens 'The Gardeners of the Earth', because he said they planted us here and tend us like we are their crop. I can't say enough good things about the man and I recommend people read his books if they can. Of course being a walk-in means many people will not believe he is genuine, so it takes a leap of faith right from the start to appreciate this guy's teachings.

Also the Hopi Indians have legends which tell them that they were brought out of the earth by the ant people. Beings that look similar to the grays. They also have ancient cave art showing spacecraft carrying humans I believe.

Personally I speculate that the mantra 'OM' came about after spacecraft arrived near ancient humans. When the craft with their gods flew away the humans learned to chant om, om, om, as a way of reminding themselves of the sounds of the spacecraft engines and the gods that came from the sky.

ps] also Lobsang taught that cats are the eyes of the aliens. He said that cats relay information straight to the aliens through their eyes. He wrote a book about the telepathic abilities of animals. So that person wondering if the aliens give his dog dreams could find out that 'yes' they do give his dog dreams.

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