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Proof Positive of Alien Comms

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posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by jwater88
Im just curious, but has anyone had a "negative" experience in any way? Im now thinking twice about what AA is presenting to us.

There are plenty of people who have had terrible experiences during encounters with the gray aliens, and that is who this exercise is designed to put them in touch with -- the grays. So, just put two and two together.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 09:33 PM
I understand that. But Im talking about with this method he is telling us to "contact" them if there has been anything bad?

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 12:27 AM
I had a bit of a strange experience with this exercise. I was doing it for the first time about a week and a half ago, and ended up dozing off. I had a dream/vision that a tall and scary looking alien was in the room with me, looking at me on my bed. I could not wake myself from the dream; I panicked and tried to scream but couldn't. I then forced myself to relax and everything sorta faded... then I woke up. This experience felt like sleep paralysis, which I've only experienced a couple of times in my life. The first time I experienced sleep paralysis I dreamed that I saw one or two aliens. It was a very strange dream, almost like a dream within a dream.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 12:55 AM
Strange coincidence. So I was watching the TV show Heroes tonight on NBC. There was a scene in the show where the boy picks up an out of order payphone to call his mom. When he picks up the phone and puts it to his ear, the sound was almost identical to what the "stream" sounded like. You could then make out voices on the other end, and it clicked over to his mom. No, Im not claiming that this is some secret shout out to the aliens. . . it just startled me and I had a flashback to my last experience. If any of you watch the show and saw it, and are having trouble getting to the stream, thats what it sounds like. Only louder.

Ive decided to start trying again tonight, and hope to get some answers to what the symbols and face I saw last week. I'll report back. . .

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 03:23 AM
wow, they are some weird happenings, i am definatly going to try again tonight, lets just hope that it will work

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 12:39 PM
yeah i agree..hopefully i get to try it out tonight and come back to repost my findings...

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 01:04 PM
The more you attune to the stream the more senses you are going to awaken. What you are experiencing now is only the beginning once you meet your eldest you will be taught how to awaken your own senses.

Remember the higher your VL goes the more your experience in the physical will be, the more unexplained occurrences with you will encounter. This of course is only until you know how to control it….

For those of you who have entered the stream…. Try and put a thought into someone head…. For example KNOW that you can control a conversation with a friend or family member and “WILL” the conversation to go the way you want it too…. watch what happens…

Life is like a box of energy… you never know what color the energy might be….


posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 01:08 PM
I just read through this entire thread. Very interesting.

I've been meditating for years on white dots, third eye, Om, "I am", "Who am I?" (J. Krishnamurti suggested that last one), etc., so I'm game for a different one.

I've never had anything but pleasant sensations from these meditations and clarity of thought, but not much more.

I've read about individuals who've gone to meditation getaways, or Buddhist or Zen temples and experienced dreams of past lives, surges of energy, etc., so we'll see.

I will begin tonight, Tuesday, November 7, 2006, and see what happens. I will go as long as I can. If I experience anything I will post it here.

I would suggest anyone attempting this to read on meditation, especially eastern or Buddhist meditation, remote viewing, telepathic communication, and maybe some Robert Monroe out of body stuff to anticipate and understand what you may experience.

[edit on 7-11-2006 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 02:11 PM
I've been trying this technique while I do my regular meditation. So far, the only thing I have managed to contact is an ant colony that moved into my couch. They met Mr. Vacuum cleaner, so my apologies if I just screwed up contact. (they were dumped outside, but had to find a new home.)

I'll keep trying this, but so far no amazing contact through the Simon in my head.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by SkyWay

Originally posted by jwater88
Im just curious, but has anyone had a "negative" experience in any way? Im now thinking twice about what AA is presenting to us.

There are plenty of people who have had terrible experiences during encounters with the gray aliens, and that is who this exercise is designed to put them in touch with -- the grays. So, just put two and two together.

Okay, the first point we have to make is if there are aliens (my beliefs are not being represented, just making a few points) then the liklihood that the government has known about them for some time now is high. If this is the case then it means that THEY HAVE BEEN LYING TO US. In our best interest? Seriously?

From what? The mean and terrible aliens that, if they are visiting us, have FAR advanced technology over ours and could SQUASH us in a matter of minutes? I mean, seriously people. IF these Grays were so terrible do you think we would have a chance against them?

If any non-terrestrial race wanted to start a war with us do you really think we could win or hold them off? What, are we going to nuke them? Where would the nukes go off? HERE! Who would the nukes hurt? US!

I'm just trying to point out the obvious. IF these non-terrestrial beings were aggressive AND were actually causing all of this pain to people then what the hell is preventing them from just saying, "sorry, we'll be in charge from now on." Unless of course you believe that they already are.

Our common sense, when you truly utilize meditation with a good intent, will tell us that such advanced races would most likely be of a peaceful nature. Because if they weren't we wouldn't be here right now.

The options are this:

a) They are warlike and have already beaten us down and are controlling us behind the scenes. We produce products that they need behind the scenes. We provide human subjects so they can continue their studies and gene splicing.....blah blah blah.

b) They are warlike and we beat them. Yet, somehow, they keep slipping by us and torturing people....blah blah blah.

c) They are peaceful and want to make contact with us because they feel we truly are approaching a point in our evolution where one of two major roads can be taken. Yet the government and the NWO are trying to hide this fact for fear of losing their control over all of the world's resources. All of the BAD Gray experiences are actually perpetuated by the government or black ops in an effort to SCARE people into thinking the Grays are bad...blah blah blah.

There are so many different scenario's that could be true if in fact the non-terrestrial races do indeed exist.

Personally, I would be leaning more towards the last option here. We all have had experience with money. Most of us should know how powerful an addiction power and money can be. Those that have most of the power and money simply would HATE a new world in which a message of love and peace would be predominant. That would mean that they would have to stop hoarding the world's resources and start sharing them for the betterment of all of mankind. That would just go against their basic principles of life. Give me more and screw everyone else.

Okay, it's been a while since I have posted. New classes and a new business are taking up too much of my time. I'll post and update soon on my experiences.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by jwater88
I understand that. But Im talking about with this method he is telling us to "contact" them if there has been anything bad?

Oh, yes.

My dreams are completly messed up in a very bad way when I am trying the methode before I go to sleep!! This was the third time I had a bad dream after and the dream yesterday makes me really reconsidering if I shall continue trying it.

And at this point I really want to ask the same question.

Who else has bad dreams, or bad things happen in reality, when trying this methode?
Who was abducted afterward? Oh ok that's too soon to ask..sorry.

(Byway are you two still here? I mean the 2 that made it to the loud noise once, I read nothing anymore. Did you gave up or continued?

Ok to my 'bad' dream yesterday:
You should know one thing: I usually have very pleasant dreams and very very sledom a nightmares. I was once a very active lucid dreamer.
(Lucid = beeing aware in a dream that you are dreaming and mostly then even have the full controll of it). Once you get through that, you become a different view of a dream also in a subconcious level which has impact of your nonlucid dreams also.
In short, the lucid dreaming experiences, helps you to reduces nightmares very drastical and turns dreams into a for you very enjoyable 'reality'.

So my dream yesterday was just a normal dream, and not a too vivide one.
Now in the dream I was in my sleeping room in the dark. And a number of shadow body beeings (can't descripe that better) where passing by my bed. I tried to aktivate my night-desk-lamp, but it didnt work. Usually this anomali would wake me up lucid but not so this time. I 'rewoke' in the same situation multiple times.
Always shadow beeing close to my bed, and I was fighting with my desk-top-lamp.
Finnaly I gave up with the lamp and concentrated on a forward tactic, trying to catch such a shadow beeing. Indeed I was able to 'catch' one of this beeings before it left through my back wall/window. That beeing took shape/manifested in withim my arms. The size got reduced and I was holding something of the size of a baby/child It was human like but had more an adulted look. The conversation was strange such as that it was more a pointless conversation but not unpleasant and I thought I've broken that 'reawakeining cycle'. But it repeated. Again beeings passing in the dark. Then there was that bright lightend beeing. One that emittes light from inside the whole transparent like body. (you find such in the astral worlds, they emitts light and intensive love usually .. I had a very enlightened enconter once with such)
I recognized this beeing as a 'grey'. It did not have the same light/love intensity like my astral world experience but in the dark room I was in this was like the 'sunshine' if you get what I mean. I want to let out what happend then. No worry, nothing bad, but it also was not that 'intelligent'.
The scene 'resetet again' after that encounter. Again shadow beeing crossed my room in the dark. It was like a dark prison I was in although it was my room!
Again I went after such a beeing. Before I could catch it it disapeared. through my window/backwall. At that moment my window changed into a mirror and I saw my self as you see you, lightened but the background in complete darkness.

That's where tha anomaly triggered my lucid awakening.

...will just continue in the next post.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Alien Agenda
The more you attune to the stream the more senses you are going to awaken. What you are experiencing now is only the beginning once you meet your eldest you will be taught how to awaken your own senses.

Remember the higher your VL goes the more your experience in the physical will be, the more unexplained occurrences with you will encounter. This of course is only until you know how to control it….

For those of you who have entered the stream…. Try and put a thought into someone head…. For example KNOW that you can control a conversation with a friend or family member and “WILL” the conversation to go the way you want it too…. watch what happens…

Life is like a box of energy… you never know what color the energy might be….


The thing about this statement is that I do this all of the time. However, I have learned to stop doing this once I realized what I was doing. It is NOT a good thing to practice. In essence you are manipulating the free will of the people you are having the conversation with.

Here is an example of what I am talking about. Normally, when I truly focus with intent, I can get people to agree with me or to do things that they normally wouldn't do. When I was younger I had gotten myself into trouble a few times. I will not go into the details of the crimes because I don't want to divulge too much information. Anyway, I have learned lessons from them and everything else I have done in my life. That is afterall what life is about.

One of the crimes was a minor felony but a felony nonetheless. I even signed a confession to it. When I went before the judge I was confronted by the prosectution. My intent was to get them to drop the case and I would NEVER do anything like it again. This guy was not budging. He wanted the max for some reason and was being persistent. The judge's statements seemed to be along the same line of thought. I was screwed. When I was questioned on explaining myself I started to spin the story. Before I was done one of the weirdest things I have ever heard of in a court situation happened. The prosecutor stopped and walked up to the judge. Before I knew it the judge turned to me and said that I was free to go. That the incident would be stricken from my record and it was. I have an absolute clean record.

Okay, now am I saying I can brainwash people? No. I am simply saying that in many cases I am able to get people to agree with me regardless of their belief on a subject or their stance. I realized it was not a good thing to do so I truly try to not do it anymore.

Also, I have noticed that my children try the same thing on ME all the time. Half of the time I am walking to get something for them before I realize I TOLD THEM NO!

Our brains all rely on and work on electromagnetism. Isn't it funny that our world is based on the same principle? That much of what we know as life is also based on it? We are all linked together and I am starting to realize just how much the more and more I go into meditation.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 02:41 PM
Okay, here is an update from me.

I have had a few more experiences. No actual valid contact as far as I am concerned. I have yet to get completely into what AA is describing as the stream. I would assume that the stream would be more like the akashic records (probably the same thing) so it has always been a goal of mine to get there. I have felt as though I have come in contact with something on MANY occasions.

During this last attempt two nights ago I had asked about contact. When would I receive physical contact OUTSIDE of this higher vibrational level?

As clear as if someone was sitting right next to me I heard the words "Soon. We are all coming soon."

Okay, this could have been my imagination. However, I have not ever once experience such a clear and concise voice within my head. Thank God I'm taking psychology right now! LOL Maybe I'll have to admit myself. (Just kidding...)

So, I cannot give enough input to state that indeed I am making any type of contact. I can give my impression on some of the bad experiences some people are having.

Initially I had a bad experience during meditation with a 'shadow' figure. What I have come to find out is that this figure (if it existed) was not a non-terrestrial. It was most likely either a lost soul that was attracted to the energy I was exhibiting or it was an evil based entity that was attracted. Or it was simply in my mind (as I have said, I have a good imagination so I will never dismiss this possibility).

If you harbor fear inside of yourself it will be used against you. You have to learn to get rid of ALL of your fear before you really go into good deep meditative states. Especially if your intention is a form of contact. Because truly, if your intention is intercepted by the wrong entity and you really have no idea of what you are doing then you can attract the WRONG kind of attention. You will then need to rely on your faith in God in order to force these things away.

So, just be careful with this stuff. It is not for everyone. I feel like I am making progress and am starting to give AA the benefit of the doubt on this. I say giving him the benefit of the doubt because I cannot say I believe in what he is saying fully. However, I have swayed from the skeptical stance more than I was when I first started reading this thread.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 02:49 PM
the continue ...

In the same moment I summoned a pencil and stick that half way through the mirror then I drag it aide and ripped part of my backwall. This was to ensure I'am in a dream. (I always do a check when lucid to ensure I am indeed in a dream)
I turned and 'put' a little light into the dark room, took off the ground to fly a little and then I wanted to get out of that prision-house as fast as possible. I tried to go to the other end of the house where except my bedroom the house looked different then in reality. Then from nowhere there was a very big and big headed animal beeing hunting me. Had something of a wolf but a complet different difficult to descripe here. I rammed my pencil in it's head. Stopped it.
Then I was at the other end of the house and stepped out of the roof which was height, ready to jump. (I like to jump out of buildings when lucid. Sometimes even through the walls and windows. Now you see why I always do a double check if I am really in a dream.)
A voice hold me back. It was my mother (she does not life in my house).
She warned me not to jump.
'Do not jump, this is real!'
My mother never lied to me. And that was one of the only thing that could make me think I was mistaken. So I stopped and turned back to into the house. And with that I lost the lucidity and fall back into a dream state. Not much later I have no more memories.

Nighter my mother nor 'wolf' nor the house nor all this beeings were dream characters I created. That were all elements from 'outside'. Hmm hope some get want I want to saay with this.

What shocked me most about the dream was that someone outside tricked me back not only into the house but back to a normal dream!!

Also I am pretty sure the light emmitting beeing I recogniced as grey, wasn't really what I recogniced it but an from outside introduced dream character. This actors were all prepared and it was done through accessing my memory. Even my astral experience was accessed.
Onlyt the shadow beeings the one I hold in my arms I somehow I identify as 'honest' and not created.

Take out of that what you want. But that was the dream. I did not invent that. It is really the dream I had yesterday.
My conclusion is that I was manipulated and in a bad way. I have no clue of whom and for what reason. But that gives me to think. I really do not need that.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 03:15 PM
Wow that some cool dream ...odd indeed but very vivid.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 04:56 PM
It's a long thread and want to get things right. Did you say that the Grays showed you everything, everywhere when you asked? You said that you can enter the stream without the meditation now? How often do you do this?

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 05:10 PM

Our common sense, when you truly utilize meditation with a good intent, will tell us that such advanced races would most likely be of a peaceful nature. Because if they weren't we wouldn't be here right now.

You make a big error in judgement when you assume that because a race is technologically advanced that they must be morally advanced and "of a peaceful nature." A perfect example that this is an erroneous assumption is the U.S.

You also misjudge when you assume that because an enemy is technologically more advanced that they would destroy any weaker opposition. THINK...if they are that technologically ahead of those whom they wish conquer, they may well have the tech to control them, and therefore don't need to destroy them, but can use them as slaves. At any rate, it's a big mistake to think that because the aliens haven't destroyed all life on our planet that they must not be all that bad after all. It may just be that there is a Higher Power preventing the grays from causing as much harm as they would, if they were not prevented from doing so by that Higher Power.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 05:40 PM
As fa as the dreams i only had a weird one but i really think it meant nothing. I was doing the method and i don't remember if this was before i fell asleep or after i woke up, but my whole body shivered for like 3-4 seconds and i could see a bunch of white and black since my eyes were like going crazy. It scared the # out of me when i realized that happen...i don't know why that happen it never has happen to me before and i was not under the influence of anything. Thats why i first replied if anything bad has happen. I don't understand why Alien Agenda is not really explaining much on his background of how he obtained this "method" or his experience with the "grays" and imo its makin me mad
also if i found out everything he did i would be telling the background of what happen but why hasn't he ? Its kinda suspicious.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 05:40 PM
should i feel more confortable doing this exercise with my eyes open?
because I do, with my eyes closed I find myself going crosseyed alot in my head lol

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 05:40 PM
For anyone that cares to answer...

What are these "bad entities" that could be invited? (albeit by error) and why or what makes them bad? Who has made that judgement, and why?

Does this apply to all or other meditations?

In terms of the visiting races (if there are any), if their intentions are not benevolent, then the corruption and suffering we see rife across our home world could be a universal thing. The only possible actions are to remain asleep, to embrace ignorance or to get out there and try and make some sense of it all. Learning without fear is the only way.

[edit on 7/11/06 by Prote]

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