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Something odd, about my friend

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posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 04:52 PM
Ive been friends with Joshua for 8 yeasr or so. He never seemed too off the wall or strange to me. However he loved to party. I mean the guy loved the psychedelics, mushrooms, lsd etc. However he was very stable emotionally and mentally. He kept a good job, had great relationships with friends and family and is very charasmatic. He was raised southern baptist but is an athiest for the most part, yet open minded. hes highly intelligent, he did have somewhat of an alcohol problem though. In his household its very much a normal thing to drink yourself into oblivion after woirk every day. His lifestyle is very "backwoods", if you know what i mean.

One night when both of us had "a few to many" we got on the subject of life, death, god etc. Another thing I should point out is although the guy is very intelligent, he is not well read at all. He hates to read and he also hates to watch TV no matter what the program happens to be. Anyway, he jsut blurted out,"we came from mars, man, we exhausted that planet and then we inhabited this one". At this point I was brand new to this theory, so I figured he had WAYYYY to many to drink and ridiculed him. I said, "you are out of your mind, man, thats just a bit far fetched". The next day I asked him if he really ment what he said about mars. He stood his ground even with a sober head. I asked him, where he got this idea. He just told me "I just know". I left it at that. The odd thing is that, ive heard others subscribe to this same "far-fetched" theory

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 06:16 PM

There was a movie called Contact where the end plot was essentially this, a few years ago.

Some think perhaps the angels of the bible came from Mars as a fleeing, dying race.

I don't, however. I think Mars may have had life and now it doesn't, but i dont think Earth was seeded for humans or life by Mars. The planet Earth sits right inside a "perfect habitable zone" of orbit around the Star we call our Sun. This zone of life so its called is very dependant on the heat of the Star, and the size of the planet in the zone, and the type of planet it is.

If alllllllllll the ducks are in a row, and the planet is a rocky planet with volcanic activity and not a gas giant, is of the appropriate size, and it's star is of the appropriate size, AND if its in the exact right spot of that 'zone of life' orbit.. then you get what we have here on Earth, after billions of years of course to the present day.

So basic life, IMO, formed here. But intelligent life, specificly the leap from ape to human being, I think an outside force had a hand in that. Which force we can't be certain, either Aliens or 'The One God'. But even if it were by Aliens, we can rest knowing The One God made their planet and allowed them to evolve to seed us here, as well as created all matter as we know it in the universe, so he would still be the ultimate creator and, The One God.

Make sense?

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by Beyonddeath
Anyway, he jsut blurted out,"we came from mars, man, we exhausted that planet and then we inhabited this one". At this point I was brand new to this theory, so I figured he had WAYYYY to many to drink and ridiculed him. I said, "you are out of your mind, man, thats just a bit far fetched". The next day I asked him if he really ment what he said about mars. He stood his ground even with a sober head. I asked him, where he got this idea. He just told me "I just know". I left it at that. The odd thing is that, ive heard others subscribe to this same "far-fetched" theory

Humans have amnesia. we agreed to it, or it is a side effect or by-product of some phenomenon we once had knowledge of.

I am hard pressed to find any ancient culture on earth that does not speak of a great deluge, or flood, in their myths and legends which supposedly flooded the entire planet.

There are many questionable structures on the floor of our oceans that more often than not represent something that is not naturally occurring. for instance, off the southern coast of Japan there is some kind of "structure" with what appears to be cut from stone, perfect angles, etc...

So, scientists, nasa, and astronomers say that Mars was once a planet with huge oceans, and rivers, and lakes. ....

Where did all that water go?

Am i to believe all that water that once formed oceans on mars is now frozen ice in the martian north and southern poles?

Where did all the water from Mars go?

Where did all the water come from that flooded the earth?

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 10:04 PM
If we lived on Mars don't you think there would be some kind of evidence or records? I mean c'mon, if our own race inhabited another planet before then we would damn well know about it...

posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 12:26 AM
We only have fragments of records our recent history.....need i say more?

posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by Diplomat
If we lived on Mars don't you think there would be some kind of evidence or records? I mean c'mon, if our own race inhabited another planet before then we would damn well know about it...

When the library of alexander was destroyed, it is estimated this set humanity back at least 1,000 years. not to mention all the other records lost.

Hell, humanity has illiminated entire languages within the last 700 years alone. Remember South America verses the spanish inquisition???

posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Beyonddeath
We only have fragments of records our recent history.....need i say more?

Exactly a lot of our history is based apon assumptions.

posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 01:41 AM
Not to mention when/if they ever found any info that was possible evidence indicating something besides the tradional theological speculations or evolutionary theorys, the info would NEVER be made public, however I have heard of a few artifacts that contradict science and popular religious belief that slipped by.

posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 05:25 AM
according to john lear and many others we have been lied to about the conditions of the planets in our solar system, mars got air that we can breath in and there is life on it.

posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
Where did all that water go?

Am i to believe all that water that once formed oceans on mars is now frozen ice in the martian north and southern poles?

Where did all the water from Mars go?

Where did all the water come from that flooded the earth?

Woah! I've never thought about that before...just imagine if Noahs ark was real and it was covered in martian symbols.

posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by runetang
There was a movie called Contact where the end plot was essentially this, a few years ago.

I don't remember Contact to ever touch that subject.

A movie that was entirely about this subject though was:

"Mission to Mars" with Gary Sinise (the dude everyone probably better knows as Mac Tailor in CSI: New York)

It portrayed the "Face on Mars" to be a Library building left by the Martians that seeded earth and left for other parts of the galaxy.

posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 10:37 AM
Personally, I believe that a 'habitable zone' is not a place where life can grow, but rather a place that life growing here became dependant upon.

Earth has at least 2 habitable zones. The first is the one based on our position from the sun and our atmosphere and oceans and their chemistry, the resulting conditions to which surface and ocean life (apparently even that in the mid ocean ridges) has developed a dependency upon.

THe second is in its geothermal activity and chemistry, the first few miles of the earth's crust, where radioactive heat and geothermal energy sustain bacteria that thrive within rock.

I imagine that 'habitable zones' for alien ecologies might be totally different.

Mars is a tough sell as a earth habitable planet, for me, because official NASA information claims it is small , thus having little active geology or geothermal energy these days, has a thin atmosphere with little free oxygen, and has relatively large temperature swings onto the cold side.

So if life camefrom Mars when it was warmer and wetter with a 'better' atmosphere, it probably also had geological activity, etc, it would have likely been, in my book, small lifeforms in rocks that made it to Earth.

Alternatively, life could have been adapated to Mars conditions, came here on rocks, and then adapted to earth conditions, etc.

But I can't see Mars sustaining people who would then come here. But some on this site strongly contest the NASA picture of Mars.

Still, it is quite interesting when people you grow to trust, who are intelligent, have strong beliefs that radically contradict what one has been taught. The question I would ask your friend is, can he help explain to you where the information he 'just knows' comes from?

[edit on 16-10-2006 by Ectoterrestrial]

posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by Diplomat
If we lived on Mars don't you think there would be some kind of evidence or records? I mean c'mon, if our own race inhabited another planet before then we would damn well know about it...

This is not the case when you have powers that want to control the people via lack of knowledge and dependance this means even if they had proof and knowledge about wether we came from mars or not it would never get to the mainstreams ears. The fact is look at what so many people dont know or arent told, Intelligence agencies do not tell us anything, we are left in the dark about everything you can imagine i know what i know because of all my research never because of government sources. When the people wake up if its not to late i would be up for taking over a intelligence agency to find out what there really covering up most of which im certain im aware of.

peace and light


posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by SHAOLIN_SINZ

Originally posted by Diplomat
If we lived on Mars don't you think there would be some kind of evidence or records? I mean c'mon, if our own race inhabited another planet before then we would damn well know about it...

This is not the case when you have powers that want to control the people via lack of knowledge and dependance this means even if they had proof and knowledge about wether we came from mars or not it would never get to the mainstreams ears. The fact is look at what so many people dont know or arent told, Intelligence agencies do not tell us anything, we are left in the dark about everything you can imagine i know what i know because of all my research never because of government sources. When the people wake up if its not to late i would be up for taking over a intelligence agency to find out what there really covering up most of which im certain im aware of.

peace and light


Right, this is why its important for humanity as a whole to start working on overthrowing the powers that be, because ultimatly it IS ABOUT GREED. They make it out be thats its "for our own good".

Assuming that we came from mars, or that alien tech is hidden and studied somewhere, can you imagine if the whole planet had access to this info? If freedom of information was in fact implicated to its fullest extent? We as a race, the human race, could grow together. We would have no choice. It woud bring us together. Assuming aliens are real and that they are visiting us and that they have played an important role in humanity since its dawn, this would be the most vital information humanity has ever learned. This info would be critical for our evolution to head towards the right direction. Instead they want us to be "slaves to the grind", dumbed down by prozac and alcohol. There greed is so strong they are willing to sacrifice the progression of OUR SPECIES for power. Instead we have organizations that would rather hide information in order to achieve money/power and perhaps WORSE. Perhaps they are already planning on colonizing a new planet because this one is just about exhausted. This would probably be THE most classified info EVER.

posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Ectoterrestrial
Personally, I believe that a 'habitable zone' is not a place where life can grow, but rather a place that life growing here became dependant upon.

Earth has at least 2 habitable zones. The first is the one based on our position from the sun and our atmosphere and oceans and their chemistry, the resulting conditions to which surface and ocean life (apparently even that in the mid ocean ridges) has developed a dependency upon.

THe second is in its geothermal activity and chemistry, the first few miles of the earth's crust, where radioactive heat and geothermal energy sustain bacteria that thrive within rock.

I imagine that 'habitable zones' for alien ecologies might be totally different.

Mars is a tough sell as a earth habitable planet, for me, because official NASA information claims it is small , thus having little active geology or geothermal energy these days, has a thin atmosphere with little free oxygen, and has relatively large temperature swings onto the cold side.

So if life camefrom Mars when it was warmer and wetter with a 'better' atmosphere, it probably also had geological activity, etc, it would have likely been, in my book, small lifeforms in rocks that made it to Earth.

Alternatively, life could have been adapated to Mars conditions, came here on rocks, and then adapted to earth conditions, etc.

But I can't see Mars sustaining people who would then come here. But some on this site strongly contest the NASA picture of Mars.

Still, it is quite interesting when people you grow to trust, who are intelligent, have strong beliefs that radically contradict what one has been taught. The question I would ask your friend is, can he help explain to you where the information he 'just knows' comes from?

[edit on 16-10-2006 by Ectoterrestrial]

I like your style, Eco. Very interesting. You get my vote this month! Life may indeed grow in many different types of environment if given time! Inevitably it becomes dependant on its mother! you just gave me new ammo
! Ive always had a feeling life would thrive and find a way to exist in many different conditions. This may explain all the storys of highly radioactive UFO's. Perhaps the radiation doesnt effect whatever is operating it. Or another possibility is there is some sort of lead shield or protection from it if you are inside the craft or another possibilty is the craft may be "unmanned"

About asking my friend that, I recall attempting too and he would just grin and say "I just know", or "its just obvious, we have been lied to". He would often answer in riddles. Its odd because thats not his style. He claims he has never seen a UFO but he knows they are out there and that they are alien craft or govt operated craft back engineered from alien craft, and believes me when I tell him about the ones I have seen.

posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 11:57 AM
Beyond, I too feel as of late that there are far too many unanswered questions. Indeginous peoples of the Americas and Africa were eliminated through genocide in my mind to suppress an inate mystical quality found in all men 'unaltered'. The Iroqois indians for example had goverment and a supreme court which sat only women. They felt as though only a woman had enough inate compassion to understand that they're decisions were based on how they would affect seven future generations. Point being is that the supposed 'savages' in fact were in many ways more advanced in liberalism and compassion than the 'civilized' folks who ultimately killed them off.

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