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Ed Dames & "The Killshot" disaster to happen soon.

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posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by RedCairo

If you read the transcripts of Ed's own words -- repeatedly no less -- you see that RV has "nothing to do with psychic ability" (?!), that in a single week of training a person will become "better than the best psychic that ever lived", be able to predict basically anything with "100% accuracy" -- the list of absurdly hilarious nonsense promoted "as" remote viewing that he allegedly sold for so much money is endless.

Since 1995, tens of thousands of people have been trained in this psychic method by him and several others. Some people can view walking in the door with zero anything but intent; like music, it's a gift, too, so that's nice. But his own super-few allegedly successful predictions come from 'predicting' stuff *already published as happening* in science magazines which he reads and the general public doesn't. That way the next time something is published on a known trend he can go "Hey wow look, I was right, the news just validated me!" Such fraud. (Eg: jet stream winds; frog mutation.)

So allll those people trained... hmmn. Kinda lacking evidence of all those "nearly-omniscients" aren't we? Funny isn't it how the more people 'officially trained by former intell' to be psychic, the less danger there seems to be to the government of truly competent viewers to see into those secrets?

Maybe that, and his last unit, is just a really incredible, large and repeating coincidence.


posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by RedCairo

I have two real examples I will share to demonstrate just why I'm so serious about this (because mostly I love RV and it's FUN and it doesn't have to be so serious all the time! sheesh!).

First example is Ed's own claims. OK this will be pulling on my memory a bit here.

1. He claimed to have 'founded' the mil intell RV unit.
A: The unit was founded in 1977. He was posted to it in 1985-6 (fuzzy recall here).

2. He claimed to have been involved through the entire duration of the 18 year collective program.
A. He was in the unit for 2 years on paper, 1.5 in reality, he transferred to his next 6 months early.

3. He claimed to have been 'in charge' of the unit where he was stationed and 'THE operations officer'.
A. He was equalled and outranked his entire term. He was one of many ops officers and not the lead. He's taken credit for much specifically done by others.

4. He claims to have developed the 'advanced' training for others etc. in all his expertise.
A. He was prevented being a viewer before even joining; his personality is a total FAIL for it. He mostly monitored practice sessions, arranged the schedule, etc. He was so unable to stick to real stuff without just making up stuff in his head--mostly aliens--that at one point the viewers during his era petitioned management to force him to change or let them refuse to view with him.

5. He showed Art Bell these really impressive military records and awards to validate himself.
A1. Most of them had *nothing to do with* the RV unit and were included to 'blur and extend' the impression of his involvement. They were before/after.
A2. When he moved on his boss didn't even give him a review, which can kinda hurt an officer's career. Might be because the guy was a civ but might be his 'statement' on Ed's 'issues', too. So his primary 'glory doc' (an OER, officer's evaluation report) was in fact written by his best friend, roommate, and company cofounder Dave Morehouse, 2 years AFTER he left the unit, once they'd founded it, after he'd arranged going forth to the world in the name of RV. In other words it was retroactively written solely in order to make him look good for his future claim to RV expertise. Better yet, rather than going to his former boss or another normal authority to get it signed, Dave went around the chain of command and had it signed by the boss of the records clerk. (By then, Dave was of rank to legally do this.)


posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by RedCairo

There are other examples that are not specific to that kind of thing. Such as:

1. He claimed to have never heard of (RV's primary walks-the-talk hero) Joe McMoneagle, Viewer #001 in the program. Then he claimed that JM had worked for him. (JM was in the intell unit '77-84; in '84 he moved to the science lab (though still did intell also) until '95 when the program ended. Ed didn't even enter the unit until JM was already gone...) Then he claimed that JM, Pat Price and others were basically incompetent (my word, forget the phrasing)--but HE had improved on all that. (Funny. JM's the most experienced, documented and validated viewer in history -- in science, in intell, and in live media real-apps.) Then he claimed to have never heard of him again. LOL! Maybe he should have just stuck with that to begin with...

2. He claimed to have been contracted by the former PEAR labs to develop medical RV. I contacted its leader who managed not to hyperventilate on the idea of being associated with Ed publicly in any way, and gave me a formal email refuting this. He then claimed it again even after the letter was shown him personally. Another letter from its leader came refuting it. He claimed it again. (Truth really has no bearing on anything the man says. It's only used if available and convenient for selling something that isn't.) The person who showed him both letters said in confusion, "I know what's right, but... he was so *convincing*! He looked honestly confused and hurt. I felt so guilty for even asking again." The man's a manipulation expert...

3. He claimed (this first part is accurate) in '92-3 that TREAT founder Rima Laibow (at the time, girlfriend of a man in his company) had hired him to RV the loss of the Russian Phobos probe. In '95-6 he told Art Bell that "the Russians" had hired him to do it. Those kind of examples really could go on all day actually...


posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by RedCairo

When TWA800 was (probably shot down) in the news, Ed decided he 'suspected they would end up declaring it a mechanical failure.' Not from viewing data, from logical data (maybe intell from old friends, who knows.) He called a viewer I know and said, "I'm going on TV to show them a session exampling why it blew up. I think it's going to be called a mechanical failure." You will note the whole concept of the viewer 'doubleblind' didn't exist here to understate it. The viewer (an artist) drew him a picture of a plane at fault due a mechanical failure. (Wow, that's psychic!) Ed went on TV hawking it. Of course, this just gives him one more thing he can pretend he was omniscient about later to people who don't know about this. (How do I know? I know the viewer, who told me in detail of it ~12 years ago.)

In '97, aliens who hate us were allegedly sending a plant pathogen-in-a-can down to earth to kill us all. Why? Because we were bad for earth. So... this destruction was going to begin in white industrialized nations that are killing the earth? No, it would start in deepest Africa, the last people who are or could... surely not not in Beverly Hills California where he lived. (Apparently the aliens hate us all, but they hate black people more.) Oh yeah and if it so happened that deepest Africa had some mysterious wide-sweeping diseases killing them off, we could then consider that potential that he was right! Not like he'd have reason as intell (or anybody who sees the news) to suspect that mysterious spreading diseases might happen in Africa, of course.

There was the solar flare. There was nukes from korea. There's a heck of a list. Humorously, at this point Ed actually demonstrates what is called "psi-missing": where you so violate the 'chance' probability in favor of getting it wrong that this itself could be seen as a form of psi LOL. Statistically, he is bound to *eventually* get something right just by accident, chance, guessing, or intell connections -- sigh.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by RedCairo

Which brings me to my second example. This is one which so perfectly displays the scope of the fraud going on here.

In '97, after 3 days of 'training', a female student was provided a target by Ed. He made it up in his head. He 'monitored' her through the session. He then 'interpreted' her data. (This not only isn't RV, it isn't even psychic, hell it isn't even her.)

That very night he went on Art Bell and told him and around 20 million people how they were all going to die. He said this was based on "a year long project." That the project was done by a team of viewers "better than anything the military ever had." No; he didn't have that, and wasn't working on it. He'd just heard about the 'comet companion' just before. It was based on one female student doing 1 session on a target he made up, monitored and interpreted earlier in the day. Imagine her surprise. (How do I know? I had dinner with her husband, also a student at the same time, a bit after that, and she later admitted it to me directly via email as well.)

But Ed managed to convince a staggering number of people that if they did not beg, borrow or steal to pay him $10,000 to learn what HE calls 'remote viewing' as soon as possible, well you know, their whole family was doomed--but maybe you can save them if you just develop this skill so you, too, can be "nearly-omniscient!"

(Sadly, I think there's some use for viewers and future evaluation, but he's kinda made such a joke of the subject and so miseducated so many it's unlikely to ever see its real potential.)

It's too bad nobody has sued him yet. Probably the cognitive dissonance and psyche issues from in-person training have prevented it but considering the mopping up I've done with people over the years who contacted me, I can dream. People traumatized because they were catholic or christian and he targeted them on their own death (profoundly abusive and destabilizing) then targeted them on aliens (totally outside their genuine belief systems in most cases and quite frightening when people truly 'get it' on that one) and then on a past life (completely outside their religious framework) and then just to make sure they were screwed up for life, on the imminent doom of civilization as we know it (Real Soon Now). (And that one might happen for all we know--but it IS a form of abuse to walk through someone imagining this vividly just for your own jollies. If they got it in legitimate RV it'd be one thing--though still wildly inappropriate for a student--but not in that hypnotic fake protocol. That's just abuse for fun.)

None of these targets had feedback; none were doubleblind; most may not even have existed; none of this had anything whatsoever to do with "remote viewing" -- you know, that word he used the history and coolness of to get $10K out of someone so he could mind**** them and they'd think they should be grateful.

Eventually many people had a whole breakdown, feeling like their world was shattered, sometimes verging on or literally being psychotic breaks. (Of course, he'd just ignore email from students begging him for help with the fallout. So they'd search the internet, and eventually find me. ('cause you know, he only made 10K+ off them. I made zero and had a toddler and two jobs so obviously endless time to deal with the mass internet begging me for help thanks to him.)

In hypnosis it's considered abusive to try and take out a belief without replacing it with another (the mind *will* -- often one worse -- so it needs doing carefully up front), or to attempt to force in a new belief without providing a flexible way for the psyche to deal with the fact that it might contradict other foundational beliefs. The whole setup has damaged so many people, all in the name of teaching something it doesn't even teach, representing as something it ISN'T, and making a disinformation intelligence expert a personal fortune.

I might add that some people go, learn a method, think they're fine, and return home. Some are. Others think they are but mysteriously can never get around to RV after a short time--cognitive dissonance has won. Not every person has had the 'same' experience of course. Some are better; some are worse. So for every person crying on me, there were others who just thought it was fun, of course.

If I have failed to example just a few of the many ranging reasons why my dedication to RV makes this guy basically the anti-christ-of-RV, I could continue. I'm tired of rehashing this now so I'll assume anybody reading gets the point and I don't need to.


posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by RedCairo

People legitimately fear the future. The world has good but also chaos and it gets more "interesting" (in the chinese sense) daily. I myself may see worrisome things, probably all viewers do. The people who most fear the future are the people who are most at risk from manipulative people like Dames, because their genuine fear and expectations give them a ready-made port for him to plug right into. They ALREADY believe in imminent-doom you might say; he doesn't even have to convince them of anything--anything he says is likely to "support their existing beliefs", so he gets a "free pass" into instant-credibility because he already is seemingly on the same page (a common belief functions like a common enemy when a sense of threat is involved; it's a form of building rapport based on assumption).

But he isn't about legitimate predictions, let alone real remote viewing. And every few years he "reinvents" himself. A new yet-glossier website turns up with a NEW method he's the sole expert on, buy-that-product-quick. He re-appears on the radio to perpetuate more outright fraud and ever-more incredible lies, since entertainers like Art Bell become one-man sponsors of him, loving that the public is so interested. (I believe, because (a) so many fear the future, and (b) so many find RV rightfully fascinating. Again, he 'plugged into' ready-made ports and abused them, but it makes him wildly entertaining apparently.)

And it doesn't matter. Because about 15 minutes later everybody forgot. And a whole new crop of people don't know. And most people don't 'deny ignorance' by questioning reality.

For most people, skeptics and culture keep them out of RV.

For some people, religious or supernatural fears keep them out of RV.

For many people, the CIA's denial of its worth keep them out of RV.

The most dangerous people are the ones who don't really believe anything the CIA says anyway, and worse, are often interested in the very things the government most wants to keep hidden. Like ATS folks.

But it's ok. Because most of them -- particularly the somewhat logical though open minded sorts who are usually the best for viewing -- will be completely turned off from RV since its loudest representative is a boorish lunatic (well, and constantly bizarre and wrong).

And the safety net is, those who actually get past all that can stillbe properly miseducated to make them harmless and neutralize any likely longterm viewer future.

Worst case if someone gets through ALL that--well everyone's been convinced they can't just view in protocol, they need to learn 'the protocols' of a special psychic method only a select few know well--so they're going to show up at their door sooner or later -- at which point, at least they've been through former intelligence agents; someone 'knows who they are'.

It would have taken a single signature--one--at any time to prevent Ed (and his coworkers as well) from saying a word about this publicly. Let alone doing constant publicity to educate the world with a creatively unscientific version of what they call remote viewing. Just one signature. And yet the CIA/DIA did not choose to do that. He was reported to the FBI by ranking officers for stuff that would have sent anybody else probably to Leavenworth--done in the name of making himself glorious in the name of RV usually--but curiously that had zero response; instead, he actually got promoted and went forth to establish himself as "central to RV" with the mass public. And his former intelligence buddies went forth too, each with a different sector of "audience they're likely to appeal to" (nicely covering the public spectrum), all to promote a similar (if not nearly as psychotic in most their cases) agenda.

I might be a little cynical at this point.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 11:12 AM
Great posts RedCairo.

How long is it now that Dames has been telling us the Killshot is just around the corner? about 15 years.

I too which someone would sue the ass off this fraud.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 11:27 AM
Memories of alleged remote viewing training was as-if also used for gifted children earlier in the 70's was as-if still in process before it became an official program.

The one remote viewer I mostly recall meeting was Russell Targ. As far as I know, I failed with the training program. But many sessions of what I recalled were in some way sloppy or more personal such as remote viewing my future self. I've since recalled vague meetings or introductions with some of these other known people involved with the program(s).

It was suggested early on when I was introduced was that children would supposedly be less likely distracted by adult desires or flaws. It seems this didn't work without protocals. I guess the program was still evolving when I was involved with it. I guess I was an example of what can go wrong like a loose cannon.

I recall remote viewing what appeared to be alternate realities based on others having knowledge of some of these future events. Since it seems what I also saw were news reports, I also think some of these were purposely staged for disinformation. Some might say these were dream like interpretations and imaginations.

Whatever technology matrix or sources these people are using or being used by, appears in some way to be deceptive or hacked into. I think many are made to feel they are psychic, when they are not and are just tools and puppets. Still, many would likely join these groups for selfish reasons and temptations that clouds their judgement and focus. I'm sure this is mentioned in the training anyway?

If the best Remote viewers are only 50% right, then what exactly are they right about and not? this could also be deceptive. A person who remote views specific targets such as world news and classified sources, may be better able at altering future events if these are clear and not staged. Remote viewing an alternate reality or just one, isn't accurate. All seers are not all sayers either.

I have recalled seeing suggested future events in which molten metals and metal fragments were raining down from the skies like nickel that I was led to believe these were man made such as satellites and other space junk. One of which I think was actually a coin like a nickel that was very hot. I guess the dream was paranoid speculation without an actual future event. I've since and more recently had a dream of a coin like a nickel with a date of only zeros and having a blue or purple tint to it also. I also recall having seen this dream before.

I think it's not whether Ed Dames is right or specific, but that this type of scenario should be prepared for anyway. Worrying about what many can't change won't help. Many would likely die regardless. Selfishness, grandiose delusions, paranoia and negativity, probably don't make for an accurate remote viewer either.

I've mentioned in one group about remote viewing remote viewers as targets. I didn't get any feedback on it though. The movie Suspect Zero had some interesting messages and comments on remote viewing also.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 11:43 AM
For what its worth I once had a flash remote viewing concerning the theft from a good friend of some firearms that were mostlly all grandfathered in at the time and irreplaceable . Somehow my mind flashed to a car driving thru Detroit and three people and the weapons all aboard . It was only a week later they were found in Detroit(about 300 miles from where we live) . Im not sure that a disciplined remote viewer would consider this RV at all actually but as it happened I had no doute it was real . As for Ed , as a follower of Coast to coast for 15 years ive gota say his track record is amazing but some of his statements such as bigfoot is a holographic projection from the plant Mars , well sometimes had me scratching my head.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by aleon1018
If the best Remote viewers are only 50% right, then what exactly are they right about and not?

It doesn't work that way, to answer that; it contains a sort of hidden belief system. People aren't generally right about one kind of target and wrong about others.

There are two facets of accuracy that can be measured and claimed in remote viewing.

The first is a very generic but critical measure that basically says: you are 'on' or 'off' target on-the-whole. In other words, if someone says, "The target is 1029-1833. Describe the target." and your data is a silver manmade machine, but the target is really a donkey, it's considered you missed that target.

How this is evaluated is by the session data overall, since mere chance, the english language, and the quantity/ quality(specificity) of data will often see SOME data be or seem accurate even when the viewer is offtarget so it's not really relevent. (There are limited forms and dynamics in our reality, with great variation, and if the session data isn't super specific or there's just too much of it, most anything will look like a hit.) The measure in a science setting of this is very different than laymen. Laymen are usually willing to consider much 'on target' that would be called 'off' in the lab solely because the data wasn't good enough by those standards.

As trivia, this particular element of accuracy -- the base, initial 'target contact' -- is considered unchangeable, much as I hate that idea. Science has tracked some of the best viewers in the world for upwards of 30+ years and their 'on target' % is the same as when they walked in the door. That doesn't mean they didn't improve in other ways. But this primal element doesn't change.

This is also the most frustrating element of accuracy. There is no way to tell. In fact, the irony is that in my view, one IS making contact and doing what might be a brilliant remote viewing--it's merely that it's not the target you wanted. If your job is to go knock on a door and have a talk with the person living there, sometimes you might get the address wrong, but that doesn't mean you didn't have a legitimate talk with a legitimate person--just wasn't the right 'address' (target in this analogy). Viewers can't judge this; off-target sessions can feel and appear like excellent sessions. So far there is no clear understanding in any sector of the field of why this happens. In the science lab they dealt with it by not dealing with it sorta: they simply arranged for subjects who had the highest % of it.

The second kind of accuracy relates to the data in detail. Let's say you have 100 points of data (to be simplistic) in your session. Maybe 42 are provably right with feedback; another 20 'probably fair to assume based on feedback'; another 20 outright wrong; and the last 18 'no feedback' so it's unknown. Most viewers would count that as 62% accuracy. (The science lab would probably count it as 42%.)

So when lab viewers give accuracy numbers it's usually something like, "I'm average ___% accurate at target contact, and WHEN I'm on target, my average is ___% accuracy in the data."

The real problem is that the field is massively miseducated with people learning a psychic method but nothing about RV really, so most viewers don't understand all the official ways of evaluating RV and so on. So to them, their version of 'on-target' might have wildly different standards, and they're all convinced that they're 100% accurate LOL. And many of them don't work in a doubleblind so it doesn't even have validity as RV/psi to begin with -- but they seldom provide their accuracy% for cold-reading alas. So usually, most "accuracy numbers" people give in the field, unless they are pretty hardline RV Science Protocol people, are somewhere between subjective and fictional.

A person who remote views specific targets such as world news and classified sources, may be better able at altering future events if these are clear and not staged.

Remote Viewing is data collection; you seem to be talking about reality change or 'remote influence' there. Not that they cannot be mixed, just that RV isn't by its nature a projective art.

I've mentioned in one group about remote viewing remote viewers as targets. I didn't get any feedback on it though.

There was an X-Files comic book, a 2 or 3 part series, that had a story about viewers. It was actually hilarious! (Not on purpose.) They were targets in the story. Viewers probably view each other, I assume; I've become aware of others at times, and I've deliberately made good rapport with other viewer friends.

The movie Suspect Zero had some interesting messages and comments on remote viewing also.

Yes, unfortunately including some misinformation based stuff as well, since Ed's public relations expert wife of the time (former wife of actor Brad Dourif, of LotR) helped work out him being the consultant for that film. (The later paid interviews with others on DVD were after the fact and unrelated.) The director actually had to pull some content from the film when he realized some of it was a problem and they hadn't realized what Ed was doing there, which I imagine wasn't too appreciated. But I love Ben Kingsley and generally I adore any movie that involves psi -- although that one was kind of retroactively stupidified to feature RV and the original story (which didn't have it) was much better -- so I like such things anyway. :-)


(sorry about the edits, my stupid keyboard keeps eating letters!)

[edit on 26-2-2009 by RedCairo]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by bluemooone2
For what its worth I once had a flash remote viewing concerning the theft from a good friend of some firearms that were mostlly all grandfathered in at the time and irreplaceable . Somehow my mind flashed to a car driving thru Detroit and three people and the weapons all aboard . It was only a week later they were found in Detroit(about 300 miles from where we live) . Im not sure that a disciplined remote viewer would consider this RV at all actually but as it happened I had no doute it was real

Remote viewing is psychic functioning, done deliberately with an intent to control the process, and performed within a remote viewing science protocol.

Your flash was legitimate psychic functioning it sounds like. You can get it spontaneously too, of course. In sudden flashes or knowings, in dreams, etc. It is the same fundamental skill. Although it's not officially RV, that doesn't matter -- it's still perfectly legit -- it's just psi, which every human has innately.

. As for Ed , as a follower of Coast to coast for 15 years ive gota say his track record is amazing

No kidding -- can you give me some examples? Just curious.


posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by RedCairo

Since I haven't any proof as to having been involved in any training, it does make it sound more delusional. What I've seen, I suppose went way beyond protocols as if some loose cannon or rebel. I suppose by comparison to their teachings, anyone who didn't follow protocols was a rebel and one of the "Fallen" There did seem to be many dark days as if possessions and dark figures. Your one site mentions light beings. I recall having seen something like this and wonder about the biblical suggestion is as-if Lucifer and as a light being.

These light beings appeared to be more alien than earth based.The movie Cocoon was in some way similar.

There's been mention of remote vewing programs having a connection to trauma based mind control programs such as MKULTRA. I don't really know if the connections are as strong or as true as they claim them to be. I guess some people such as children who are pushed to the edge of death are then more likely to have OOBE and or psychic abilites.

My mention of remote veiwing and alternate realities was from a possible psychic session I recall experiencing around 6,21,91. I suppose the definition of these types of control programs are closer to the Montauk program?

This to me more closely describes what some biblical or related stories are of those they call the watchers or guadians.

Remote viewing and their protocols by comparison would be grade school stuff. I have my suspicions many are clueless they are being used in some way.

I guess it could also be compared to Jedi training in the force and those who prefer the dark side instead.

I think there may be those who know more about these advanced abilites than they are letting us know. I have a hard time trusting from what I recall having been through. It does seem there's a much darker and stronger side to this ability. What would Master Yoda say?

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 05:58 PM
As far as dates and such im afraid I cant really , but as I remember them his hits are as follows . The Egypt flight that went down and the next day he described an `altercation in the cockpit` I remember that it basically flew straight up then suddenly straight down and the papers were conjecturing about a certain mechanical malfunction but once the black box was decovered it was learned that the copilot went nutso . He also nailed the location of Steve Fossett s plane within 2 miles . He may have many more but these two are the ones that stood out for me.

[edit on 26-2-2009 by bluemooone2]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by RedCairo

Wow, talk about jealousy...

I have also been listening to the predictions of Ed Dames for years, and sorry to say that despite your attemps, as well as some others to claim he is a fraud, he has been right more times than he has been wrong.

He has spoken about a bovine illness that would affect cows, he said this before mad cow disease was even known about. He said in the future there wouldn't be any cows, or milk for children because of this illness.

He also talked about how his remote viewers saw birds suddenly falling to the ground as they were flying. They saw also birds having an illness which would cause these deaths. I even made a thread after he had made that prediction about groups of birds falling death to the ground starting in Asia/China.

He predicted that the sun's activity would continue to increase, and we would see very powerful sunspots.

He predicted the "shot accross the bow" which he said would be a very large destructive flare that would miss Earth. The most powerful flare we have recorded missed Earth in 2003.

He had stated for years that they couldn't pinpoint any dates, and they could only see events before other mayor events.

He predicted that a mold would attack wheat, and similar harvest, and this would start in Africa. This happened, and i also reported it in the forums.

He predicted that North Korea would test a nuclear bomb on their own territory, and said North Korea would use a nuclear bomb in anger also. (This hasn't happened yet, but NK is making such threats)

In 2006 he said that would be the last happy Christmas for most Americans, that things will get worse and worse. The economy would collapse.

He also said that there wold be a worldwide epidemic within a year or two back in 2007 or 2008. he also said it would develop to become a very deadly disease, and that the remote viewers saw many people dying. in specific he said there would be so many deaths that we wouldn't be able to bury them.

Yes, he has predicted that the Sun would get into a violent rampage, and would send very destructive flares towards Earth. That people would have to move underground to avoid these killer Solar storms.

There are many other predictions his team has made and have come to pass.

I am amazed at the apparent disinformation some people are trying to make about Ed Dames and his group of remote viewers.

It sounds, and looks like a disinformation attempt.

[edit on 16-6-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 05:21 PM

I remember listening to him on Art Bell many years ago. He is an interesting character indeed.

Is he even still around making predictions??

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Darkblade71

I remember listening to him on Art Bell many years ago. He is an interesting character indeed.

Is he even still around making predictions??

He was, the last was at the end of 2007 if i remember correctly. He said things would get really bad, the economy would collapse, the end of the U.S. dollar, a worldwide pandemic that would transform into a deadly disease, in which many people around the world would die. The deaths would be so widespread that it would get to a point that we won't be able to bury the dead. He said once the deadly disease would take hold it would take about 3 months for it to propagate, and begin causing all this death. He said within a year or so this would happen.

BTW, no, i don't like peple dying, but I would rather be informed, and attempt to stay safe, and keep my family safe, than being ignorant and be caught unprepared.

[edit on 16-6-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 02:08 AM

Just listened to Ed's interview on C2C and he is stating the Kill Shot starts this year.

Has anyone heard if he said anywhere in Australia is safe

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 04:54 AM
The problem with Ed Dames is that he tries too hard to put dates on what they see. Ed Dames actually stated back in 2004 that Japan would have a large earthquake and it would damage a nuclear reactor causing a major leak, but he said it would happen in 2005.

Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames discussed his previous prediction of a major quake in Japan, and shared insights into forthcoming quakes, the solar 'Kill Shot,' and safe places to live. In a 2003 show with Art Bell, he predicted a massive earthquake would hit Japan and damage a nuclear reactor. (He was off on the year, which he told Art would be in late Spring, 2005.) He also shared this prediction with Japanese TV (related video clip).

Dames and his team have remote viewed what he calls the "next, mass human death-causing earthquake,"-- something akin to what we just witnessed in Japan. Though he couldn't name a date, the site of this will be the New Madrid Fault and the Wabash Valley seismic zone (see map below), and St. Louis, Missouri will be particularly hard hit with the most deaths, he declared, adding that we might even see the Mississippi River change its course.

The solar 'Kill Shot,' which will cause the collapse of Earth's magnetic field and lead to huge power outages, will begin within the next couple of months, with dangerous activity from the sun continuing through late 2012, he outlined. According to Dames, the safest places in North America to deal with the disastrous upcoming earth changes include Alberta, Saskatchewan, parts of Manitoba, parts of east Oregon, Arizona, parts of New Mexico, the southern portion of the Appalachian Mountains, and an area west of the Great Lakes. He also updated his remote viewing project looking into the mysterious bird deaths around New Year's-- the cause of their deaths was indeed due to their disorientation brought on by fireworks, he said.

Yes the year was well off, but how many people predicted JApan would have a major earthquake which would cause a nuclear leak?

If you tie in other predictions his team and him have made over the years and the details they have given they have been at leat 75% -80% or more accurate.

Another guest who made predictions last night.

Turi Predictions:
First hour guest, seer Louis Turi talked about the crisis in Japan, and its connection to the astrological 'Tail of the Dragon.' He shared predictions for the rest of this month: March 20-22nd is a "window of death," and March 28-30th will bring in even more shocking news, with the possibility of more tsunamis, quakes, and volcanoes-- as bad as the disastrous events in Japan, he warned.

I haven't followed this man/woman's predictions, so I don't know if they have been succesful I just hope they are wrong.

edit on 19-3-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

...According to Dames, the safest places in North America to deal with the disastrous upcoming earth changes include Alberta, Saskatchewan, parts of Manitoba, parts of east Oregon, Arizona, parts of New Mexico, the southern portion of the Appalachian Mountains, and an area west of the Great Lakes. ...

it's good you dug that up...

Dames is quitting the RV Training he used to teach himself...he will still keep providing the
DVDs for a self-teaching regimen..

my take is that he is going into an Exile at his 'Safe' location... possibly in one of the locations
pointed out in the above snip...most likely up there in Canada
the southern Applachians is kind of counter to the Edgar Cayce predictions of parts of Ga. & SC
getting inundated by the Sea...
as for AZ & NM, that seems to be echoing the Hopi prophecy that around the 4 corners area
would be safe from the 'purification'

remote viewing does not actually 'predict' stuff.. one actually 'Astral Projects' into the Astral realm
where one witnesses or observes that reality... time correspondences are out-the-window
so any attempt to date the events are just guesses based on his judgement of the world around him
(ie 2012 / end-of-days....etc)

if i recall correct... Dames coined the 'kill shot' to distinguish that theory from the Dr Paul Leviolette
(spelling ?) prediction of a Galactic Super Wave (gamma & quantum energies pulse that comes from
the periodic expulsion of energy from the Galactic Centers black-hole... 26 Light YRs distant...)
edit on 19-3-2011 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-3-2011 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 01:46 PM
The best yet was when Dr. Doom said he Remote Viewed Satan and hell. He said he was very disturbed for months and months, Ya think!!!

The Kill Shot is going to be the last event for earth and its Gods Reboot button,

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