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BIGGEST Conspiracy of All-Time ???

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posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 11:49 PM
I was wondering what you think is the single biggest conspiracy of all-time. I remember a similar question a while back but we've had alot of good members join in the past couple months so I'm curious to see what the overall opinion is.

[Edited on 9-11-2003 by ProudAmerican]

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 09:40 AM
I'd have to say the entire UFO conspiracy. It's stretched from classics like Roswell to modern day events such as Area 51, S4, and the whole "abductions for technology" trade back in the 70's. Overall, I think they've done a pretty crappy job of covering this all up, but it's still #1 in my book.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 09:46 AM
By far its the extraterrestrial cover up. Its the oddest type of cover up to have people actually report, photograph, film, and video these things and then have it chalked up to nonsense. As some people have noted in the past, its a self-keeping secret. People don't want to believe and the government isn't about to let on that its actually happening.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 10:12 AM
I would have to say its institutionalized religion. Lie to the people. Scare them into giving you their money. Even when they are poor and have but one penny. Give that penny to the church! What is that all about. Psycho control is what its about.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 10:14 AM
The greatest modern conspiracy would have to be who killed president John F. Kennedy. If we knew for sure who killed him and why, we might also have the answer to the UFO cover-up.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 10:21 AM
You are assuming that there is definitely a UFO coverup. I find it unlikely that it would be able to be accomplished unless some alien life form was involved. I find it unlikely that an "advanced form of life" has managed to find us. Finally I find it unlikely that there is life much more advanced than us anywhere in the universe. I would be insane if I said we are the only life in the universe. That doesnt mean that they are visiting us, or even that they are intelligent life forms.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 10:22 AM
Well to add to that.... If there is a UFO cover-up. That would definitely be the biggest conspiracy of all time.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Seapeople
You are assuming that there is definitely a UFO coverup. I find it unlikely that it would be able to be accomplished unless some alien life form was involved. I find it unlikely that an "advanced form of life" has managed to find us. Finally I find it unlikely that there is life much more advanced than us anywhere in the universe. I would be insane if I said we are the only life in the universe. That doesnt mean that they are visiting us, or even that they are intelligent life forms.
Its been established that UFOs exist. Where they come from is what is left up in the air. Extrapolation leads me and many others to the extraterrestrial theory.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 10:31 AM
What do you mean by UFO then. Are you saying that it is established that we cant identify all things flying through the air? That I will agree on. I cant agree that it has been established that beings from another planet are visiting us. Dont get me wrong. I almost wish that were true. I am curious just like everyone else. I just dont believe everything that people tell me. I would want to see established proof, but I guess since the governments are covering that up, there wont be any.....

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 10:35 AM

there is SO MUCH focken evidece that aliens come here every day that its fuking god damn funny...

if you "watch" the scifi channel even tho 75% of what they air is BS the USA goverment covered up more then 1 UFO crash, hell they made a handbook, then the NJ12 documents witch are real, then theres blue book witch is proubly fake/coverup

theres the nasa ufo video of HUNDREDS of UFOS witch alot of them are OVER 3 MILES BIG

send me a MSN or yahoo, ill send you the best videos i have

theres one version of the NASA video that iv seen having a reporter talking to a astronot they turned on a light and hundreds of ufos came sworming, the reporter "what are all those things swimming around" "there just dust" bahahahahaha

[Edited on 9-11-2003 by Dmsoldier]

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Seapeople
What do you mean by UFO then. Are you saying that it is established that we cant identify all things flying through the air? That I will agree on. I cant agree that it has been established that beings from another planet are visiting us. Dont get me wrong. I almost wish that were true. I am curious just like everyone else. I just dont believe everything that people tell me. I would want to see established proof, but I guess since the governments are covering that up, there wont be any.....
The civilian investigations into this matter have gotten as far as they can get without government help. That government help isn't coming for whatever reasons they may have. The preponderance of credible video and witness testimony to UFO sightings should be enough to prove UFOs are a reality. To prove they are extraterrestrial in origin, you have to take a bit of a jump, but not that big.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 10:44 AM
Fair question PA, I waited a while to respond (my usual "tactics")

I must agree with Cider on his JFK issue, however, I am one of those religous conspiracy "fanatics", and I strongly believe the Jesuits were involved in the assassination of the first Catholic President. So yes, it is those "religous" conspiracies which are the greates because they are real.

As for aliens, DM, I love your passionate feeling towards their existence, however, If you actually read all of the Majestic Documents, you will find several of them to be corrupt, or in other words: Bull#.
However, MJ-12 is just the American agency for extraterrestrial interaction, if anything, I believe the ET's will contact the Chinese, they have the most progressive space program.

DM, would you you send me your video (if you can, legally)?
[email protected]

Grace be with you,
- Tass

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 10:51 AM
There are some really smart civilians on planet earth. Some of us civilians are intelligent enough to think on our own. Civilians are just as capable of thinking as the government is. Civilians like yourself are capable of proving things. There are many more civillians out there than "HIGH RANKING GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS" I have never seen any evidence that was clear cut enough to say there is aliens. I have seen some evidence that would suggest it, but nothing difinitive. If there is a coverup, it isnt our government doing it. More than likely the aliens would be doing it. Do you have any idea how long it would take to fly from earth to the nearest star?????? LOGIC. There isnt enough government officials around to keep it a secret. It would have to involve us civilians. Then it wouldnt be a goverment coverup though. Any evidence towards aliens visiting earth can be just as easily explained away as explained as aliens. That isnt good enough. It wouldnt convict someone in court. A court system that routinely puts innocent people in jail based on evidence.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 10:54 AM
it says The following message could not be delivered to all recipients

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 10:59 AM
sea what are you trying to say??

that we "earth" made theys "ufo" ??

i agree that the time it would take them to get here would kill them...

but then, they could have figered out how to in a word "time travel"

now we may not have "evidence" that its "aliens" we in "this" time cant make that many "ufo"

so tell me, were did they come from??

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 10:59 AM
Rothschilds! It is already dicussed here.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 11:07 AM
I think that the UFO conspiracy is definitely the biggest and greatest conspiracy of all time.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Dmsoldier
sea what are you trying to say??

that we "earth" made theys "ufo" ??

i agree that the time it would take them to get here would kill them...

but then, they could have figered out how to in a word "time travel"

now we may not have "evidence" that its "aliens" we in "this" time cant make that many "ufo"

so tell me, were did they come from??

I apologize if I didnt understand this correctly. I am not saying we made them (UFO's). I am saying that "we" need to look at things and accept other possibilities first. That is before we start hitting on radical ideas. I just posted what I am about to say somewhere else too. There are nine known planets around this star (the sun). There are billions and billions of stars in this galaxy. There are billions and billions of galaxies in a galaxy cluster. There are billions and billions of galaxy clusters. I know that makes us insignificant. EXTREMELY insignificant. What are the chances of another civilization finding us??? Seriously, i wish that we were being visited. I just find it unlikely. So unlikely that its nearly impossible.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 11:28 AM

then can you explane were all them ufo;s are coming from??

have u seen the video of the mexico lights?

or nasa TS videos?

have you seen the KGB files??

now, maybe there not aliens but we humans that evolved in another time line or way in the futer that have learned time traveling lol

take your pic, one of them 2 are true. think even if 99.99% is fake......

hit me up on msn [email protected] ill send you my best videos

im SURE or gov or some gov has made "anti grav" "ship"

even so, theres noway in hellthey could have made somthing as big as the mexico lights or as many that are in the nasa TS videos.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 12:37 PM
I think one of the biggest conpiracys has to be the official explanation for the 9/11 attacks and many things that happened around those tragic events.

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