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Alien Abduction Experiences Don't Be Too Graphic!

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posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 11:23 AM

STM... I have read that the rh negative blood type is an "alien" blood type. Did your friend mean that the blood chemistry(sodium, glucose, etc) is normal after abductions? I am interested in the findings of his research.

In regards to certain ethnic groups being under-reported.. I do not know one African American that even believes in UFOs let alone of alien abduction. I think it is in their culture to block these ideas out, so maybe there are more AA abductees than we (and they)know of.

He doesn't have blood tests to study immediately following an abduction, his findings are based on looking at their chemistry later, overall.

I can't recall more than one or two African American abductees being on the record about it. Don't know the reason why.


posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by seentoomuch
He doesn't have blood tests to study immediately following an abduction, his findings are based on looking at their chemistry later, overall.
I can't recall more than one or two African American abductees being on the record about it. Don't know the reason why.


STM.. Wouldn't it be great if he could get some lab work immediately after an abduction? Also maybe an EEG and EKG. I think the body has an incredible way of healing and normalizing itself, so I would not expect labs taken a week or longer after an abduction to be abnormal' but I bet one could find some amazing results from a fresh abductee! Something else I was wondering.. Has your friend heard of auto-immune diseases such as RA, Ulcerative colitis and lupus being linked to abductions? Just curious. Angel

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 12:23 PM
Hi Angel,

I'll check with him about the Lupus etc. And as a matter of fact I have Lupus, not officially diagnosed but my symptoms are identical to my mother's and her sisters who all have it, so I know what regimen to follow; cover up in full sunlight, avoid florescent lighting, eat healthy, no sprouts, no potatoes, no tomatoes, take aspirin to keep the blood thin. And also a lot of people with Lupus are often misdiagnosed as having RA. You think this is a common trait with abductees? I'll check and let you know.

Sorry I haven't posted sooner, it's been pretty busy at my house lately,


posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 01:49 PM
@ seentoomuch
I thought Lupus had to do with the spine? Those preventive measures sound strange if this is the case. Although if you have it, you would know. That's interesting.....

Mod Note: Trim Those Quotes - Please Review this link

[edit on 17-11-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 02:45 PM
Hi Jbondo!

Here's a link on Lupus, nothing to do with the spine, and it only flares up if you don't cover up from the sun. Solar flares.

Hey Angel!

Good idea for abductees to have a blood work-up immediately following an abduction. Can a person go to a lab without a doctor's order and request one? It would be much easier than trying to explain why to your doctor.


[edit on 15-11-2006 by seentoomuch]

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 03:56 PM
Thanks for the link! Some good info there, I guess my mother was wrong. Which makes me scratch my head in wonder that I always just thought she knew about lupus.

Maybe I'm thinking of something else. What a screwball I am!

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 03:07 AM
thank you seentoomuch...I have read the entire thread and the old man thread and have thoroughly enjoyed what you have shared.

Mod Edit: Please Review this post----1-liners in this forum are getting out of hand.

[edit on 17-11-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by NJE777
thank you seentoomuch...I have read the entire thread and the old man thread and have thoroughly enjoyed what you have shared.

Thanks NJE!

Australia! Wow! That's one place I haven't been to yet. I've been told that the people there are just like Texans, very strong individuals with a can do attitude, it's high on my list to go visit. I would like to try out y'alls bar-b-que, dancing and see the outback.

According to the net there's a lot of ufo activity there, seems like it is more active than the states or Mexico, so don't use your flashlight too often, you never know what it will attract. (Just kidding, I read that on another thread, they said you could signal to ufos with them).


posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by seentoomuch
Hey Angel!

Good idea for abductees to have a blood work-up immediately following an abduction. Can a person go to a lab without a doctor's order and request one? It would be much easier than trying to explain why to your doctor.

[edit on 15-11-2006 by seentoomuch]

Hey everyone... Sorry, I have been out of commision for a few days! To answer your question STM, yes a doctor's order is needed for lab work, however a quick call to your Doc or Nurse with just about any unusual symptom would be enough to get labs. Also, most Docs will run "routine" labs at least once a year on any adult so it would not be that hard to get an order with a visit. Hope that answers your question. And by the way, I am currently being treated by a Rheumatologist for a suspected auto-immune disorder. They have ruled out Lupus, but he thinks I may have RA or Polymyalgia rheumatica which is really not seen in people my age. Interesting, isn't it? Angel

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 01:36 PM
This is from UK in 2005, a very interesting case.

please watch the video with their testimonials

[edit on 1-12-2006 by segalindoa]

[edit on 1-12-2006 by segalindoa]

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by segalindoa
This is from UK in 2005, a very interesting case.

please watch the video with their testimonials

[edit on 1-12-2006 by segalindoa]

[edit on 1-12-2006 by segalindoa]

did anyone read this???????
it's interesting, really

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by segalindoa

Originally posted by segalindoa
This is from UK in 2005, a very interesting case.

please watch the video with their testimonials

[edit on 1-12-2006 by segalindoa]

[edit on 1-12-2006 by segalindoa]

did anyone read this???????
it's interesting, really

Hi Segalindoa!

Yes, I watched it and it was fascinating. I was curious as to whether she had undergone any further regression sessions for a more detailed account?

BTW It seems that the Ufo Alien forum goes in cycles, for a while abductions are the popular threads, then it will switch to the mechanics of ufos, then the reptilians and their agendas, then the govt. cover-ups, then back to abductions. Feel free to post all that you find here and know that it will be there when the cycle turns back to this area. Angel of Mercy has been real busy lately and I'm sure she would welcome you on board to add to the thread, as do I, thanks for the great link!


Note: Loved the photography in this video, the English countryside is one of my favorite places to visit.

[edit on 4-12-2006 by seentoomuch]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 08:17 PM
I've been looking for a thread to post this in. It seems some of you may have an answer for me. I'm interested if anyone else has had this type of experience. I wake up on a metal like table. I get up off the table. There is a naked woman I don't know lying on an identical table a few feet from mine. I look around the room and it is well lit with metallic walls (no light fixtures though). I see a door in front of me so I go through it. To the left and the right is a hallway with the same metallic walls. I go to the right and immediately walk into an ugly creature. It looks like those squashed people from the phantasm movies. Its dark gray with a very ugly fat troll like face. I get the sense that it is upset. It seems like I'm in trouble because I wasn't supposed to get up or leave the room. A really weird dream sequence occurs right after that which I don't rightly remember now. I remembered this "dream" the next morning when I woke up. I haven't seen that type of creature since. Has anyone seen/dreamed about anything like this? I don't know if it was a dream or real. I hadn't watched those phantasm movies since I was a kid so I don't think it was primed by anything. It didn't/doesn't feel like it was a dream. I've had other "dreams" with the regular type of grey creatures, but never the one I described. I've only seen it once. Most of those are more dream like, but this one experience was more concrete feeling as if I am describing something that happened to me today at work. I admit I have a very active imagination and some equally imaginative dreams. I struggle with the validity of all of this. Everyone I've told any of this stuff to reassures me its dreams/night terrors. Has anyone seen a squashed ugly besides me? Thanks.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 01:30 PM

You say that these creatures resemble something from a childhood movie or show and I think that is the key. I would suspect that you saw, smelled or heard something associated with those experiences which brought up the memories in your subconscious and filtered them into a very realistic dream.

I think you are probably just fine and merely having great dream recall because of the dramatic invasion of something from your childhood.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 08:29 PM
I agree. That makes the most sense. I often wonder how many experiences people have that are directly related to tv, books, and movies they've come across.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by seentoomuch
I know it was off topic, kinda, but I was being hit with people who see demons behind every bush, on every bus, and probably at times hear them in their own heads. When in the future they start in on me, I'm going with a neutral post to calm it down. I'll keep it shorter next time.

I've read boards which had threads on this subject and they usually got overwhelmed with people like that and it turned into a screamfest of which Christian knew the true facts abouts demons and devils and at the same time judged everyone else on the thread who was posting on-topic posts saying that they were consorting with demons. Don't want that here. Don't want any arguments about good angels or bad angels, just want to say my piece and to hear yours, on-topic.

As for my writing, I am soooo rusty, and no I'm not trying to hone anything other than the ability to get a vivid picture across of my experiences with the visitors.

(I can't get a quote inserted here!) I was wanting to refer to the frozen time theory that was posted a few posts back. I think she may have something there, because I remember even our dog wouldn't move during these visits, and that dog barked at everything. Or perhaps they were at such a high frequency that everything here was slooowed waaaay doowwnn till no movement was evident.

you said in your first post that you beat on the family. i'm just playing devil's advocate here, that's all. this is important, so please reply to it.

do u remember how they felt to the touch when u hit them? were they actually frozen (not in temperature, but in a matter of hard/soft to the touch) when you hit them?

more importantly were they scratched or bruised later? were u able to do things like move the clothing on their bodies or items on a coffee table (for example) or the fur of the 'frozen' dog? hopefully u got a chance to try within those 3 minutes u had before they got your location. it just seems odd that 'time' would freeze even ur pets and the cicadas however the ammo u shot with a slingshot flew thru the air at them (with no explanation as to if they were hurt or if not how they avoided / deflected / absorbed / whatever the shots)... wouldn't you be unable to pick up the slingshot, or shoot things if time was frozen all aruond you, you being the exception? i just don't understand and it kind of seems a little far fetched to me. i'm hoping to get a reply because until i thought of this i was really into this post.

because i remember seeing an x-files episode where time froze when they came to get mulder's sister or whatever.

like i said, just playing devil's advocate.


posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by concretezombie

Thanks, great questions. Relaxing and letting myself go back and revisit those times I realize that it was way beyond my capabilities at that age to know if it was time being effected. You have brought excellent points to the table for me to look at; here’s the best recollections of the events I can give you to help us find the solution:

It felt as though the whole world suddenly went silent, Mom’s radio, the fan, the cicadas, all the regular sounds of my environment were gone;

Mom and Dad, my sisters, my brother, our dog, our cat Pinky were all out for the count no matter what I did. I remember pulling the covers off of my parents several times and throwing my body on top of theirs tugging their arms, yelling at them, crying at them, and then hitting them. Their bodies were not frozen as in “stiff” it was more like they were in a sleep that nothing could wake them from. When it was clear I could not wake them I would drape one of their arms around me.

I could move objects around as usual i.e. the rocks which I initially tried with the slingshot did not have enough force to do much damage. Then I tried to just throw the rocks and had better success but still not enough to deter the visitors. And also one time I managed to slide Dad’s shotgun out from under their bed but could not lift it high enough.

Time being frozen? I thought that was what it was, a few posters stated it as a possible theory and I agreed with them, but wow, you are making some great points and I’m rethinking it now.

Thanks and not so thanks, now I’ll have this stuck in my head all night trying to figure it out,


[edit on 8/3/2008 by seentoomuch]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 02:41 AM
I was taken last fall.......but it was NOT physical.......I never saw a craft or any aliens....
I made a thread about it the very next day.

I wish they would have let me see them.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess


I've read your thread, and wow, it's a long one, hence it taking awhile for me to respond. All I can say is that if they had let you see them you would wonder if it was their true selves being presented to you unless it continued over time for you to gain perspective.

With the one abduction experience in your thread it would be difficult to comment, though I must say that it seemed negative, so not good at all, take precautions imho. I would post this on your thread but I'm not sure if you want the thread revived with all the guaranteed attacks from skeptics, it might derail it.

I wonder about some of my experiences, I wonder if they were as they appeared to be. I wonder if some of them were awake OOBEs. I wonder a lot. The only ones I feel were solid, 100% visitors from our space/dimension was the officer and the children who I still have visits from but have not posted due to the negative atmosphere on this board lately. These visits are separated by years and when the visits occur the context matches with updates. Also one of my sisters shared a visitor experience with me.

Also, I've been thinking about reincarnation, how I don't believe in it, and the strange OOBE I had that made a very strong case for it, well, here's another way of looking at it. I was taught time is not in a line, that it is happening all at once. If that is the case then how in the world does karma, lessons, etc. go in order to teach us? When if we experience everything all at once? Maybe life is just for us to experience? I'm still wondering 'bout a lot of stuff RG, I love reading your threads, especially the OOBE thread, I consider it the most outreaching, questing thread on this whole site,

Highest regards,


[edit on 8/6/2008 by seentoomuch]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 11:18 PM
This is a good topic but the religion-based posts really got me down. Leave your god damn religion and beliefs out of this, you damn cultists.

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