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Breaking news -Turkish plane hijacked,

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posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 11:14 AM
A plane has been hijacked according to turkish airlines,

107 on board and 6 crew no reports of injurys,

also i believe that the plane has landed in Italy,

this is said to be in protest of the pope,

links as follows

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 11:16 AM
here we go more info,

A Turkish airliner flying from Tirana to Istanbul has been hijacked and flown to Brindisi in southern Italy, media in Turkey and Greece report.
It sent out an SOS twice in Greek airspace, and Athens scrambled four fighters to escort it to Brindisi, a Greek official told Reuters.

The Turkish Airlines plane is carrying at least 107 passengers.

Unconfirmed reports say there are two hijackers and they are protesting about plans for a papal visit to Turkey.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 11:16 AM
Here you go:

THENS, Greece -- A Turkish Airlines plane carrying 107 passengers from Tirana, Albania to Istanbul, Turkey, was hijacked Tuesday and landed at Italy's Brindisi airport, a company spokesman said.

Private Turkish television station NTV, quoting unidentified security officials, said plane was hijacked by two Turks to protest Pope Benedict XVI's planned visit to Turkey next month.

The plane was hijacked in Greek airspace, said airline spokesman Ali Genc.


posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 11:19 AM
Oh God i hope everyone on it is ok

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 11:22 AM

Oh God i hope everyone on it is ok

I think it will come out ok, (hopes)

I think these men are just trying to make a statment, getting attention to there protest,

news is that they are ready to surrender,

fingers crossed,

They are saying they have a message for the pope,

[edit on 3-10-2006 by asala]

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 11:28 AM
Its a good thing those people don't have any violent tendencies, they truly are a peaceful people.
And I guess their message is "Hey look what we did, you were right!"

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 11:40 AM
Worse than can do is turn out terrorists and drive it into the Popes house

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by asala
They are saying they have a message for the pope,

Hope all turns out well. US news just starting to carry coverage with little if any further news, but I am sure Italians Authorities have a message for the Hijackers. "YOU ARE UNDER Arrest"

Anyone know what kind of penalty goes with an airline Hijacking???

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 11:54 AM

Anyone know what kind of penalty goes with an airline Hijacking???

A jail sentence I believe, Shrugs.

Caught this on Sky news.

I wonder if the pope visit will be reconsidered now that this has happenned. At least these Hijackers did not kill anyone in the process. (Phew)

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 11:55 AM
Hmmm... isn't the Pope headed for Turkey? Funny it did land in Italy. I hope it all turns out with the best and most positive outcome.

Victor K.


posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by V Kaminski
Hmmm... isn't the Pope headed for Turkey? Funny it did land in Italy. I hope it all turns out with the best and most positive outcome.

Victor K.


Hey Vic
Yeah they hijacked the plane supposedly to protest the popes visit to Turkey. Thankfully they didn't hurt or threaten any of the passengers according to the airlines and the news report. From the onset they had said they would surrender immediately to the Italian authorities. Kind of a dumb way to protest as now Im sure they will have to go to jail. Perhaps this is an omen for the Pope not to go.


posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 01:21 PM
glad to see this has ended without any hurt,

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by asala
glad to see this has ended without any hurt,

Agreed but kind of makes one wonder why now are they going to ask for political asylum

Or is that perhaps because Italian prisons are better then Turkish prisons???

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 01:49 PM
I have a question... how can unarmed men hijack a plane?

From the BBC story cited in the second post:

Now that's weird. Between reading the story, deciding to post, and going back to quote the original BBC article, it's been changed to reflect the new, resolved situation. The reference to the hijackers being unarmed is gone.

However, from the second article...

An Italian official said the two hijackers "seem to be not particularly hostile, nor do they appear to be armed."

Phew. I thought I was having one of my turns... so, hijackers can now do their work unarmed, is that correct? WTF? Is all you have to do go to the cockpit and threaten to throw a hissy-fit if you don't get to go to the destination of your choice? Or maybe it's the old "I've got a bomb for ya right here in my pants" trick?

Or maybe pilots are now prone to following polite requests?

[edit on 3-10-2006 by rich23]

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by rich23
Or maybe it's the old "I've got a bomb for ya right here in my pants" trick?

You can fight your way into the cockpit without using any weapons of any type. Or you can use your cellphone and say its linked to a bomb in a luggage and threaten to press the button if your demands are not met. Pretty easy ain't it?

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 02:20 PM
You don't need weapons to do harm to another human being... it just helps.

What I'm wondering is how will airline security react to this. Will they ban the use of hands onboard all future flights?
"We're sorry, those are now considered potential threats to security and you'll have to leave them at the gate. You can purchase new ones upon arival at your destenation.".

Or maybe all passangers in the future will have to be zapp-strapped and cloriformed before boarding?

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 02:25 PM
I wonder why Italy as a place to land? Maybe they have comrades over there. Makes an interesting day since we haven't had an hi-jackings in awhile. May nobody get hurt.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 02:56 PM
Its interesting seeing the reactions this post gets and the ones in this thread.

I think that the real strange thing is how did they really make the pilots change the course of the plane, but I suppose we will ear about that latter.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 11:47 PM
I don't understand this...

Who the heck is going to be one a plane in this day and age and let someone hijack it? What if these guys wanted to crash it into a building, like on 9-11?

Anyone thats on a plane that is being 'hijacked' really just has to assume that they are already dead, and should do what they can to crash the damned plane into an unpopulated area, failing being able to rip the hijackers apart with their hands.

And what the heck is wrong with the Italian military? A plane gets hijacked, and is headed torwards a major italian city, and they do nothing? I mean, al-qaida and the like must've given up on hijacking planes and crashing them into buildings, figuring that there's no way anyone would let a hijacked plane get anywhere near a population center, but after this, they'll probably re-think things and try it some more.

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