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The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media

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posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 05:35 AM
I'm sorry, I don't get what your asking.. I'm still waiting for my coffee to finish

posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by Cug
Now it's pretty easy to tell we have VERY different ideas about the true/real/most correct meanings. Even by someone who doesn't know anything about them.

Now we both think that our respective card is the "true" meaning.. and we are both right because the real meaning is different in each of our eyes.[edit on 10/6/2006 by Cug]

Just curious if by this statement you were saying that sybolism and sybolic meanings are subjective rather than objective. In other words there is no real meaning behind sybolism other than what each of us sees it as.


posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by darkelf
In other words there is no real meaning behind sybolism other than what each of us sees it as.

Well sorta, I'd rather put it like there are many real meanings behind the symbolism. But just because X is true for Y it doesn't make it true for Z.

posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 09:20 AM
Symbols were used to convey ideas long before the written word. So if we do have a collective conscious or unconscious or stored memory, we should all react the same subconsciously to the same symbol. But on a conscious level we may each perceive the symbol differently.

If the reactions, both conscious and subconscious, are opposing, it can cause a feeling of distress or unease. In other words, it captures our attention. That is the whole point of advertising; to get our attention and perhaps cause us to buy their product.

posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by darkelf
Symbols were used to convey ideas long before the written word. So if we do have a collective conscious or unconscious or stored memory, we should all react the same subconsciously to the same symbol. But on a conscious level we may each perceive the symbol differently.

I don't really have anything to add, other than say that certainly deserves repeating.

You have voted darkelf for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.


posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by darkelf
Symbols were used to convey ideas long before the written word. So if we do have a collective conscious or unconscious or stored memory, we should all react the same subconsciously to the same symbol. But on a conscious level we may each perceive the symbol differently.

I guess I haven't been very good about getting my point across in this thread.
But I will try again.

OK I'm talking about occult symbolism.. in other words hidden symbolism. I'm not talking about an image of fire means hot kind of thing. Like in the video, he said blue in a logo = the Masonic Blue Lodge = The company is part of the evil masonic Illuminati.

Does that help?

posted on Oct, 7 2006 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by Cug
I guess I haven't been very good about getting my point across in this thread.
But I will try again.

OK I'm talking about occult symbolism.. in other words hidden symbolism. I'm not talking about an image of fire means hot kind of thing. Like in the video, he said blue in a logo = the Masonic Blue Lodge = The company is part of the evil masonic Illuminati.

Does that help?

I too am talking about occult symbolism. But I am also talking about how our subconscious interacts with our conscious to produce an uneasy feeling about certain symbols. Take the “all seeing eye” for instance. While we may readily agree that it is an occult symbol associated with both Egypt and Greece, we also recognize it as a symbol on the reverse of American currency. The conscious and the subconscious minds are in direct conflict. The subconscious minds tries to enlighten us of the occult meaning, yet the conscious mind rejects the idea. So when we see the logo for Time Warner/AoL we may feel some discomfort. What our conscious sees:

What our subconscious sees:

So is Time Warner part of the evil Illuminati?

posted on Oct, 7 2006 @ 11:27 AM
Well, we do know that Time Warner now offers complete control of your multiple communications in one convenient low monthly fee. Date compilation becomes very easy for "the evil illuminati" with friends like these.

Cug, liked your Little Bo Peep translation. That fits with Tamahu's telling of the sexual energy being stuck in an animal like nature which creates an invisible "tail" for those who don't transmute it through the spinal column.

[edit on 7-10-2006 by interestedalways]

posted on Oct, 7 2006 @ 12:11 PM
A lecture that is very well put together on this subject.
This man realy knows his research.
He keeps his feed nicely on the ground when giving this lecture.


posted on Oct, 7 2006 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by darkelf

I too am talking about occult symbolism. But I am also talking about how our subconscious interacts with our conscious to produce an uneasy feeling about certain symbols. Take the “all seeing eye” for instance. While we may readily agree that it is an occult symbol associated with both Egypt and Greece, we also recognize it as a symbol on the reverse of American currency. The conscious and the subconscious minds are in direct conflict.

Your example does not work IMHO. Using an eye to represent watching is in the same area of fire = hot. The eye in the Time logo = watching and reporting on current events, the Eye of Providence = God watching over us (The triangle = the Trinity), and the Eye of Horus was a symbol of protection, i.e. Horus watching out for you. (as a side, the left eye of Horus that you also posted is a sign of healing, Horus had his left eye plucked up by Set, and it was magically restored).

A real occult (again hidden) meaning of the Eye of Horus would be the female sexual organs, this is in no way a universal sign.

posted on Oct, 7 2006 @ 01:46 PM
I'm not sure if this video was meant to create awareness of...........

Symbolism being used to communicate ideas to our subconscience as society as a whole to influence our thinking

or symbolism being used by those whose adhere to the practices of the occult traditions which use the symbols to convey ideas represented by the use of the symbol itself. In other words is the symbol speaking to us or them or both?


posted on Oct, 7 2006 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
I'm not sure if this video was meant to create awareness of...........

IMHO.. things like this are creating a new occult system of belief.

I think I shall call them the Coniuratio

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 03:50 PM
I was going along nicely until Part Four when he claims "Light" beer is occult... I have my limits.

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 06:21 PM
I'm with you on that one. Light beer is occult symbolism! Ha!Ha!

It seems every good thing has to have it's questionable nonsense to take from the legitimacy.

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 04:45 AM
I've seen these videos. Makes you think. I was designing a logo for a friend whos company used the letters 'AI' or artficial intelligence; I used the letters to make a pillar and pyramid shape with sun rays coming out of it. Also I wrote the word "buy" over and over and made it small and then jazed the image up a bit and made it the background for his website, as a subliminal message to buy his product. I never finised, and I moved so he never used the stuff.

I did it all as a joke, but I wonder if it would have attracted more business? Some images grab your eye, and some colors and smells make people want to spend more money. Its all proven in double blind tests and I assume is common knowledge among advertising/image enhancement firms. Anyone here see the movie The Cooler? In it a guy wants to play music in a casino with a voice saying Lose Lose Lose which is picked up by the subconscious. There was a childs toy sold by walmart which was made in China. It played music and had a womans voice sing to put the baby to sleep in its crib. On the music side was a clearly audible voice saying "I HATE YOU" over and over, as an apparent attempt by the Chinese to get our kids to hate us.

Many advertisments use very blatent sexual images to sell stuff to us because it plays on our most primal level, or our subconscious which takes in about 99.99% of the information we recieve. And if you believe the Carl Jung or holographic universe ideas of a global subconscious or shared memories, then its possible that ancient symbols could still guide our actions. Especially if some of the symbols are actual magickal symbols which have real power (which I find hard to believe). But magicians do use "sigils," or made up symbols imbedded with their wish, then used to make that whish come true. If you have ever wished on a coin and tossed it into a fountain, you were doing magick. Some of these symbols may only have meaning for a small group, but their belief in its power makes it real for them. And they dont care if you believe it or not. The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn't exist.

Its hard to tell if some logos are blatant "we control you" signals, or just popular shapes and colors used for advertisments. We associate the pyramid and eye with money, because its on our dollars and most of us arnt members of the illuninati. So, the use of a similar shape may be an attempt to get us to think of spending money, not think of the illuminated elite staring down at us. Of course I do believe that the opposite is true and that some images are really symbols of the societies in control. Lets face it, if you were in a secret religious sect and wanted to use magickal symbols to influence people, and you had oppertunity to design logos, you would do it! Hell, I would.

Ill make a quick picture of some examples, you decide:

There are many more examples of course, but im tired, so go look for yourself. If eating lunch in a building shaped like a Catholic Mission (taco bell) makes you feel good, go for it. If walking into a building with a blazing red sun symbol (target) makes you feel good, spend some money! If a department store adds a smell to the air which is proven to make people spend more money, relax; its good for the economy! If a global elite with a very real belief in magick uses sigils to impress its wishes upon an unsuspecting mass, well... too bad for us. The best you can do is to wake up to what the symbols mean, then decide for yourself if it is malicious. I think once you wake up to whats hidden in plain sight, you evolve from sheeple to an aware individual who is less controlled by their subconscious mind.

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 05:29 AM
Interesting videos.The trouble i have with this theory is that even if its all true,the perpetrators of the plan have done it in such a way that if people notice it they get ridiculed for "seeing something that isn`t the intended meaning."
Symbolism like this exists everywhere,on money TV logos and the like.
These days its almost become fashionable to use occult symbols-I wonder if the intent rally goes something like this:
A company decide to use occult symbology,because they know alot of "conspiracy" types will go on about it for years on the net-thus generating a whole extra layer of free advertising.
No publicity is bad publicity as the sasying goes.
Just my idea.
Not saying you are wrong,although i hope you are!

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 05:41 PM
Aldous Huxley covered some of this in Brave New World Revisited....worth a read if anyone is interested.

By mixing ancient mythology with modern products and logos, you tend to feed not only the consumer market but also the consumer imagination.

Simple association.

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
Ok, well I dont have the time to watch those clips, nor do I think I'd care to.

That's really all I have to add.

Ok so why did you take time to post on this thread at all?

Since you didn't give the benefit of the doubt to the video and didn't even watch it im not even gonna bother reading what you wrote behond ''Ok, well I dont have the time to watch those clips, nor do I think I'd care to.''

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