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Where are the attacks on USA soil?

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posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 11:02 PM
To answer the original question you must first decide if you believe the " official story " of the first

Then figure out if they did it all on their lonesome or if they had some help.

Then seriously consider the motives of any people that may or may not have been involved.

If you believe that 9/11 was an inside job, then your perspective will be far different from someone
who believes the whole event was carried out by Bin Laden and Company.

Who stood to benefit the most from 9/11?

Who would stand to benefit the most from another attack?

Who would benefit the least from another attack?

And when do you think another attack would be most useful or effective for those who
might benefit?

posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 11:13 PM
If there can be as many attacks as there are in Iraq each day in what is pretty much a Police State there is no reason why they are not attacking the USA.Something isnt right about this war,either we have intelligence that can read minds to prevent attacks or the intelligence itself is responsible for the attacks

A simple terror attack "a large pipe bomb" is quite easy to make without the Fed's knowing about it,commiting an act of murder is just as random and as easy to do in this country as going to Mcdonalds and getting a #5 biggie sized.

If the Terrorist's really wanted to hurt us just imagine a random carbomb or sniper attack going off once or twice a week,that my friends is real terror when people are afraid to leave there homes.

If the World Elite are behind it they probably dont want random terror attacks because that would actually instill real what there master plan is to just make a big terror attack every 5 years to get the citizens fired up for a few years.....then keep repeating.But if this is the case invading all these countries will create real hate and real terrorism and it would backfire on them...really hard subject to prove/disaprove.

[edit on 30-9-2006 by Samblack]

posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by HimWhoHathAnEar
It's good to see the actual point of your thread being illustrated more directly. It was somewhat clouded by the whole 'Homeland Attack's' facade. More Anti-WOT propaganda! There is no enemy!, There is no enemy!, There is no enemy!, ......................... Eye's shut, finger's in ear's, tongue waging.

Certainly there is an enemy. Its the size, nature, and actual threat level of such an enemy that has been promulgated to the public. Not to mention the impetus for the war that was a massive lying conspiracy.

Iraq was not in the state it is currently in prior to the 2003 invasion and occupation. The enemies that attack the USA overseas today did not exist in 2001. Now they do and it is a direct result of the violence the USA has sewn in the Middle East.

The Vietnamese didn't chase the USA back home when Ford pulled the troops out. Totalitarian communist regimes didn't sweep the globe as the fear mongers in government wanted us to believe. When the inevitable pullout of Iraq takes place, a similar result should happen.

[edit on 30-9-2006 by Frith]

posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 11:23 PM
I agree we cannot win this war they way we intended to.The main reason they hate us is because we are pushing our western ways on there culture and they DONT WANT IT. By invading the Middle East and trying to push our ways of freedom is just asking to lose"thats the main reason they hate us" are our leader's really that thick.

You cannot change the will of a people.Sad to say but Saddam had that country under control,our military might does not scare them.We need to do it WW2 style and dont worry about civilian casualties,we have to scare them into submission but it wont happen.

[edit on 30-9-2006 by Samblack]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 12:29 AM
Sadly, you are right, it won't happen. In a street fight, the one who will go the lowest win's. We are too civilized to truly WIN any war anymore.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 01:15 AM
We'll never solve anything as long as we continue to include individuals in a stereotypical group think.

There are religious leaders who want people to believe that they are right and many, far too many are foolish enough to believe their ignorant perception of what is true.

When you tell a big enough lie for thousands of years, people begin to accept it as the truth.

Well there may be a supreme force or being out there, but for us to assume that we or any group are somehow "chosen" it's nothing short of delusional.

What's wrong is that 99% of the population allows 1 % to control their destiny.

Our sun is just one of trillions upon triilions of stars.

I honestly hope someone puts us all back in our places before we destroy something that could be wonderful.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 03:57 AM
remember: our country is founded on terrorism. our forefathers were some of the first terrorists ever...
....soooo we should know how the modern terrorists work.
(afterall they did learn their tactics from us..the pros at being terrorists)

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree

We'll never solve anything as long as we continue to include individuals in a stereotypical group think.

There are religious leaders who want people to believe that they are right and many, far too many are foolish enough to believe their ignorant perception of what is true.

When you tell a big enough lie for thousands of years, people begin to accept it as the truth.

Well there may be a supreme force or being out there, but for us to assume that we or any group are somehow "chosen" it's nothing short of delusional.

What's wrong is that 99% of the population allows 1 % to control their destiny.

Our sun is just one of trillions upon triilions of stars.

I honestly hope someone puts us all back in our places before we destroy something that could be wonderful.

Yes the human species have to be the dumbest form of life in the Universe,we have a perfect planet and all we do is kill each other over stupid religions.

[edit on 1-10-2006 by Samblack]

[edit on 1-10-2006 by Samblack]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 04:47 AM
I think that this is another case of American short sightedness which is what happened on 9-11-01. Those Islamic fundamentalists view anyone who doesn't share their vision of an Islamic world theocracy as fair game. They are waiting. All these so-called freedom fighters who are setting off bombs in Iraq are just their cannon fodder diverting the world's attention away from them. They take advantage of ancient Arab traditions of tribal warfare to rouse the young Arab hot heads to weed out the dumb or unlucky ones. The ones who survive will be the future leaders of their movement. I doubt we'll see an attack on the US in the next 2 years unless it's an October surprise to help the Republicans keep their majority in Congress. The terrorists like the Republicans better because of their reactionary nature. Much simplier to deal with them than the Democrats who want to bore you to death with talking and diplomacy. My best guess is that the next big Islamic terrorist attack will come in 2009 under the next regime to show the foolish infadels that they can strike at us anytime and place they choose. But they must make the great Shaitan, the USA, their enemy because they are the most powerful nation right now and they must have the most powerful enemy to prove their fitness as a servant of the will of Allah.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by Grey

Originally posted by TONE23

If it were not for vigilant citizens such as myself... and many on this board and fighting our leadership to maintain our rights; this country would already be completely overrun by the Corporate Fascists that are invading us as we speak.

[edit on 9/30/2006 by TONE23]

Please, TONE23 tell me how you, and the other members on this board, are "fighting our leadership to maintain our rights" from the "Corporate Fascists that are invading us as we speak"?
Seems to me all you guys do is sit and chat and exchange information relevant to a particular view.
Bush was all action and no theory.
You guys are all theory and no action.
Maybe we should lift ourselves out of these comfortable chairs and do something about the erosion of our liberties.

Sure Ill tell you...I take the time to write my representatives and voice my concerns and accolades for what they do. whyat else would you have me do.. with limited time and recources? I cant spend millions of dollars and infinite time lobbying our leaders like the Corporate fascists do. I do what I can.

But other than repeatedly writting my representatives what else can I do? I dont have a money tree growing in the back yard. When one sprouts then Ill be able to go to DC and spend all my time and recources pursuing this. But until then, that is what I can do.. write the leadership.. over and over again.. and spread the word.

but hey nice try...It kinda hard to play armchair QB when there are no arms on the chair.
I could try to run for office... but I am honest and that would almost garauntee a short lived career in politricks. I also wouldnt suck the corporate teet so I wouldnt get the money needed to run.

I dont know if you consider my constant letters to the leadership to be 'action' but thats what it is.

So, I am not all theory and no action... just limited action since I dont have the recources to devout every moment of my life to fighting it. Next time try not being so condenscending... thanks.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 10:30 AM
just to follow up,
you all recall the video that Zawahiri released on the occassion of the 5th anniversery of 9-11??

in that video+message Zawahiri warned that
the Gulf and Israel would be al-Qaeda's next targets

So, that should mean that AQ attacks on U.S. soil is not in the works

in that video+message, Zawahiri continued,

'You should worry about your presence in two areas'

'You' meaning the western powers/U.S.A.

'The first is the Gulf, from which you will be expelled, God willing,
after your defeat in Iraq, and your economic ruin will be achieved'


it's clear that AQ has no (admitted) plans to engage in sabotage or squads of
Jihad to wreak terror and havoc on U.S. communities or target symbolic sites
(like 9-11)
Their goal, mission, purpose is to expell U.S. forces from the Gulf (incl Iraq now)
Then, secondly, to cause the U.S. to have 'economic ruin'

the intelligence agencies and their analysts, have presented us with the double & triple-think position...
emphasizing the possibility AQ may be intentionally misleading us or deflecting our attention with such published messages...
and must have covert designs on attacking inside the USA with sleeper cells,
with an aim to destroy our mass transit infrastructure, or dirty-bomb Wall Street, and all sorts of other possibilities.

~We Have All been Drawn into the Drama~

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Waiting2awake

Originally posted by JIMC5499
If, like some people believe, the Government is behind this don't you think that they would have staged a few attacks since 9/11 to keep the people believing in the threat?

- They haven't had to. At first all they had to do was change an alert level and fear and panic would grip America as a whole. As the population got desensitised to that they upped the warnings, and specifics and each one was geared towards maintaining the fear that was created on 911.

Heck even Jon Stewart makes usual banter about it..
Scare America

i'd go even further, to say that- that they do not need to attack American soil because their prime objective is to only kill Americans(from what we know, a.k.a.- what we know from our own government and their news) and die as martyrs and that that objective is sewn so close... why would they travel thousands of miles to a battleground that is obsolete. Obsolete concerning the security of America now. In "other" words, they have their meal in their face, why waste time concocting plans and energy to hit "us" on our soil when the United States saved them that expenditure by relocating to their(Islam's) heart and soul?

If you ask me, that is why there have been no new attacks in America- because they are trying to prevent the middle east flags from having their flags changed to 51, 52, 53, 54, etc. stars with red white and blue.

P.S.- this post only concerns those who believe 9/11 as a terrorist attack by muslims.

[edit on 1-10-2006 by chibidai_rrr]

[edit on 1-10-2006 by chibidai_rrr]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 08:00 PM
Just wondering... What is to be said for a country who, with the greatest resources ever known, would rather send their citizens to die for finite fossil fuel when so many different alternitive energy ideas are so close to being viable with only some serious finiancial assistance(to ease the initial costs of production).

but then, I remember.....

Am I awake?

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 08:46 PM
WOLF! Cried the sheppard boy guarding the sheep, and the villagers came running with rifles and pitchforks. There was no wolf so they scolded the boy and went home. WOLF! Cried the boy a second time, again the villagers came running with rifles and pitchforks, finding no wolf they went home. WOLF!! Cried the boy a third time, this time only half the village came, seeing so wolf they scolded him then went home. WOLF, WOLF, WOLF!! Cried the boy as the wolf attacked the sheep, but no villagers came, they all thought he was lying.

That right there is another reason why they wont do anything for a while, they want people to cry wolf untill people ignore it then something will blow up or people will die. If you blow up a building when everyone knows thats what people have been saying you will do, you WILL be blamed. However, if people keep crying wolf and giving false alarms about it soon no one will give it much heed and thus open the door for you to blow something up.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 09:36 PM
In my view, the most damaging attack to this nation has already occured,

in the halls of Congress.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree

To answer the original question you must first decide if you believe the " official story " of the first

Then figure out if they did it all on their lonesome or if they had some help.

Then seriously consider the motives of any people that may or may not have been involved.

If you believe that 9/11 was an inside job, then your perspective will be far different from someone
who believes the whole event was carried out by Bin Laden and Company.

Who stood to benefit the most from 9/11?

Who would stand to benefit the most from another attack?

Who would benefit the least from another attack?

And when do you think another attack would be most useful or effective for those who
might benefit?

Thank you!

I want to add this to your mix.

Investigative Research isn't about "having an opinion" or "choosing a side". It is about asking the right questions about certain events and incidents which, after Time and oppertunity for complete and expected explanation has passed, and none has been forthcoming, to research that question is hope of finding some kind of solid answer. In doing so, one finds whether he is right or wrong. NONE of anything needs to be based on "assumption" alone.

IMHO-- up here on ATS what we do--at least some of us- is think, research, and provide, if possible, solid information which either supports or refutes theoretical questions. That is the Science of Investigative Research, and it is a Science when we allow it to be. It is a matter of Finding Answers to questions, and not by simply forming opinions about the questions. Opinions are not answers--they are just opinions. The Thought process is no different than CID and Forensics. It is just that in our case here--the questions are bigger, more complex, and affect more people and areas of Society in larger ways. That makes the whole thing important (at least to me). The beauty of that process on ATS is that we can share what we find, and re-prove what we researched.

Personally, my own position on anything up here is Open, and stays that way until I am well into researching an interest. In no case do I play the mind-game of trying to win someone over. If Truth revealed by good research isn't enough to convince, then trying something else is an exercise in futility and a total waste of time. I'd suggest that position for any Member up here. This isn't about being Right or Wrong, or being Right or Left--it's about getting at, finding, and revealing the Truth by researching the evidence, finding more, and presenting it. That takes an inner discipline to properly accomplish, since the Heisenberg Principal applies to this type of observation and research in the same way it does other sciences. That means you need to be careful not to bias your own research either way. The later is the first Tenant of the Trained Observer and the Researcher, alike--and it pays to subscribe to it and keep it.

'Nuff said

[edit on 1-10-2006 by Ed Littlefox]

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 10:26 PM
Just to stoke the fires in this thread a little...

I've seen a couple posts talking about how it takes time to organize massive terror strikes on-par with 9/11 and how much harder it would be to preform them now.

I submit to you that massive opperations aren't required.
Does anyone remeber the sniper rampage of 2002? One man (with his son) terrorised the US with nothing more than a perfectly legal rifle.

Just to refresh your collective memories:

"In recent days, we have witnessed a series of cowardly and senseless acts of violence in the greater Washington area," Bush said in a written statement Monday.

"This community is in a state of fear, of anxiety," said Douglas Duncan, Montgomery County executive. There are nearly 4 million residents of the greater Washington area.

After the Prince George's shooting, Montgomery officials initiated a "code blue" alert, keeping students inside during recess and lunchtime, Moose said. Prince George's schools and some other schools in the region took similar precautionary measures. Police stepped up patrols Monday.

Montgomery County officials asked parents to escort their children to school Tuesday and serve as safety patrol volunteers.

Sept. 11 "just opened our eyes up to let us know that we're vulnerable to a terrorist attack, but this random shooting, you can't describe it," said Washington mailman Donzell Cockrell, a 28-year veteran of the postal service.

"No one seems safe because we don't see a pattern," said CurtisHsia, who teaches psychology at Azusa Pacific University. "You can literally just be out in your yard and be shot."


My point is that it doesn't take a large event to scare people. Small, random events that could happen at any time, in any place, are much more personally threatening. IT makes common sence to me that if Terrorist Organisations were serious about causing more terror in the US, they would opt for "little things".

That said, who can say for sure that some of the criminal activity in the US right now isn't the work of these terrorists? The media would be loath to admit the possibility and any connection would quickly be covered up or spin-doctored away.

Just a couple unsettling thoughts for you folks...

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 11:41 PM
If the bad guy's are worth their salt , they know by not attacking us is destroying america by making us speculate about if they are a real threat or maybe or goverment is being a bully in the world. Once the latter is established and our guard is down yhey will do it!

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