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an Attempt to unify theologies

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posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 04:33 AM
When it comes to religion, the only so called progress that seems to take place is from those who seek to twist pre exisiting faith to suit an agenda or for personal gain or to marginalize others. Before anyone flames this please let me finish. I truly believe that the fundamental purpose of religion is to give people a sense of unified truth and shared understanding and history. Things sins, or rules or taboos or commandments I believe were meant as guidelines to help achieve this harmony as expressions of the unity, caring and morals humankind was meant to have. However instead, we have used these fundamentals instead to create divisions among us, in some cases to to achieve a sense of superiority over others. In other cases the loss of, and/or poor (both intentional and unintentional) interpretation and translation of ancient scripture led to further divides. The results of which have been the more intentional slayings of our fellow people in the name of whatever religion they endorse than for any other reason in recorded history. Even and especially today, this divide continues to threaten our existence, limit our growth and in actuality goes against the very reasons religion was practiced in the first place. And in saying this, people need to realize that many practices and the oftentimes to very need for religion sprung out of survival. People prayed to sun gods to help with their crops because they needed the food, and people, who I might add to this day in many countries but basically everywhere until only about 2 centuries ago were at the mercy of and completely ignorant to things we dont even think about today. For all the people huddled in poor shelters during winter months, and all the communities nestled pretty much in isolated areas surrounded by total wilderness, they would have to pray and believe in something, to keep their spirits alive and to help them with understanding basics of life like weather, or disease, or biology. But these religions and beliefs still followed the basics underlying truth, because they were there to help people stay alive, have families, grow as a community, and make life happier if possible.

Today, religion can still do those things, but only in an isolated way like, amongst memebers of your congregation, or for others, within their home, or even on a larger scale amongst a nation or whatever. But we are still using differences to blind ourselves from the biggest picture of all, and that is that race, and religious differences DO NOT EXIST. We are humans, we are one race, the human race, and whats good for me in Canada, should be good for someone in Afrca or Asia, or Europe. Our differences are manufactured. Anyone who is truly spiritual or has felt god or understood god should know that by hurting each other we only hurting our brothers and sisters, and by putting up fences, we only cut ourselves off from what we should never have separated, and thats unity. A god who loves us should and would be ashamed of how some people treat each other. Imagine where we would be today if we didnt have wars for personal gain, and didnt spend our time thinking of reasons to hate, or researching the types of tech that only further our separation. It would literally be a heaven on earth. Now I believe in something, but I dont have a specific name or association for my beliefs. And maybe thats why Im able to look outside people differences, because by not naming myself a christian, or a jew, or a muslim, I dont create a category for myself. I not saying my way is the best, and im not even saying people shouldnt keep sticking to their church or temple, but just to try and remember that the reasons you want to go to heaven and the reason you want to avoid hell, and the rules you follow and believe to be good for ethics and morals, are not things exclusive to the domain of religion. They are meant for life in general, every day, week, month and year, to live a better life. thats all

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 07:01 AM
While I agree that the fundamental purpose of religion is to bring people together and teach moral lessons. I do not agree that a religion or a god is required to bring people together or teach moral lessons. So really there is no reason to unify any religions or theologies but more of a reason just to unify ourselves without the added hassle of a religious ideology.


posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 10:45 AM
Now this is what i am talking about...

If we all would come to our senses and think/act THIS way the world my friend would most definetly be Heaven on Earth.

I agree with you 100% here. We ALL are brothers and sister divided by one thing thats supposed to unite us - religion.
Greed and hate is still here but we shall overcome... god will take care of our brothers and sisters that have fallen. Once we come to understand that there is no religion and that religion is only a facade used to keep us away from Gods true way, only then my brother we shall have 1000 years of peace.

I think the next evolutionary step will be the elightment of the soul, a raise of consciousness, where we will relize and understand the true meaning of love.

You can go here to read a poem i wrote about the exact thing we here are talking about.

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 04:13 PM
i dont think its necessary either...but try convincing everyone to abandon steps are the way to go. I think if people could simply first get along, they would eventually evolve socially and spiritually to a point where they could finally let go of religion.

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 04:19 PM
I too believe we are at the point right before a huge spiritual evolution. Our species is at a crisis point and theres still the worse to come. But Humans will never be eradicated....we survived an ice age, the barbarism of the middle ages, world wars, etc...we're like roaches lol. And out of tragedy will come a stronger person. All the signs point to this i believe, most of our new scientific advances are hinting at the underlying interconnectedness we all share at the quantum level, and even scientific disciplines which have traditionally been purposely separated are beginning to realize and beginnging to reunite in order to move forward. Even attempts to unify religion and science are finally beginning to gain momentum. I think much of the unrest in our culture is because of the subconscious hurt we all share and longing to once again be whole. We lash out, but like a angry teenager throwing a temper tantrum, we will settle down afterwards and realize what growing up means and begin our journey to the next step. I just hope i'll be around for it

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 06:50 PM
telephones brought people together by making them all adapt to using the same technology in order to improve their lives. They babble about different things but all use the same devices. So they all support telephones and telephones are a hub that unites all different peoples.

Computers are the same. They unite people by necessity.

So the thing that will unite all theologies is something that puts people in direct contact with God. All theologies will take second place to direct contact with God and the connection hub or mechanism will become the common factor that unites all theologies or people holding those theologies.

So when people are given the mechanism that puts them in direct physical contact with God then that mechanism will become the hub that unites all theologies, religions, belief systems, minds and souls

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by shihulud
While I agree that the fundamental purpose of religion is to bring people together and teach moral lessons. I do not agree that a religion or a god is required to bring people together or teach moral lessons.


For there to be complete and perfect peace God/Jesus Christ is needed. Mankind cannot do this on his/her own. It's been proven in history.

[edit on 25-9-2006 by dbrandt]

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by dbrandt

Originally posted by shihulud
While I agree that the fundamental purpose of religion is to bring people together and teach moral lessons. I do not agree that a religion or a god is required to bring people together or teach moral lessons.


For there to be complete and perfect peace God/Jesus Christ is needed. Mankind cannot do this on his/her own. It's been proven in history.

[edit on 25-9-2006 by dbrandt]

see, this is exactly why theres no unity. Because the closeminded insist that their chosen savior is the only answer and mankind is doomed otherwise.
Ok first off, if humans are so pathetic that we cant get our act together without a savior to do it for us, then we dont deserve to be here. Morals come from inside your heart, not from above the clouds. Every single day there are moral lessons to be taught and learned...tell me why you cant do this on your own? when something happens to me, and i reflect on the matter or on my feelings, I learn for myself the morals and ethics that apply to me. By doing this on my own, that makes ME a more moral being. I have nothing against jesus/god, but the more people depend on him to do things for them, the longer you will remain without true growth.

Secondly....ok its been proven in history? WHEN? the crusades when christians slaughtered in his name? Oh maybe u mean in africa where missionaries have continually interfered with native african culture and has destroyed so many of these peoples...

Maybe possibly after Jesus died for your sins and rejoined god...we were already left with lessons and guidance....its time for us to learn how to walk on our own

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by Or_Die_Trying
see, this is exactly why theres no unity.

No, when people think that flying airplanes into buildings brings them salvation at someone else's death, that is one reason there is no peace. And this problem is only going to get worse.

When a person can cut open a pregnant women to try to get her baby there is no peace.

When 20 boys gang rape an 11 year old girl there is no peace.

Only Jesus/God can bring complete and perfect peace to every heart. That is what we need every person changed.

As far as the crusades, who told you those people were really christians? There actions proved they weren't.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by dbrandt

Originally posted by Or_Die_Trying
see, this is exactly why theres no unity.

No, when people think that flying airplanes into buildings brings them salvation at someone else's death, that is one reason there is no peace. And this problem is only going to get worse.

When a person can cut open a pregnant women to try to get her baby there is no peace.

When 20 boys gang rape an 11 year old girl there is no peace.

Only Jesus/God can bring complete and perfect peace to every heart. That is what we need every person changed.

As far as the crusades, who told you those people were really christians? There actions proved they weren't.

There will NEVER EVER be peace. Do you know why I know this? Its because everyone is different and every has their own opinions and beliefs, so when people start to PUSH their opinions and beliefs onto others then the other people get pissed off and start pushing back.
Maybe if religions weren't rammed down our throats and we were allowed the choice of what to believe then maybe everyone wouldnt be as annoyed.


posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by shihulud
There will NEVER EVER be peace. Do you know why I know this? Its because everyone is different and every has their own opinions and beliefs, so when people start to PUSH their opinions and beliefs onto others then the other people get pissed off and start pushing back.
Maybe if religions weren't rammed down our throats and we were allowed the choice of what to believe then maybe everyone wouldnt be as annoyed.


Yes, there will be peace, God is on a schedule to bring it about.

How is christianity pushing it down your throat. You are told about Christ and can reject him or believe in Him. If you choose not to believe you are free to go about your business each day. You don't have to think about Jesus and eternity when you hear about it again, simply let it go in one ear and out the other.

Your getting confused with Islam. That's the one who is ordering you to submit(pushing Islam down your throat). Oh wait, they chose the throat as a place to remove your head from your body. Wake up and "listen" to the news and what it really says.

[edit on 26-9-2006 by dbrandt]

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by dbrandt

Yes, there will be peace, God is on a schedule to bring it about.

Aye, we'll see!!!!

How is christianity pushing it down your throat. You are told about Christ and can reject him or believe in Him. If you choose not to believe you are free to go about your business each day. You don't have to think about Jesus and eternity when you hear about it again, simply let it go in one ear and out the other.

Yes I have the luxury of doing that but many people haven't. People who are brought up to believe what their parents tell them, or brought up by christian schools etc dont have the freedom to choose because the religion wont let them.

Your getting confused with Islam. That's the one who is ordering you to submit(pushing Islam down your throat). Oh wait, they chose the throat as a place to remove your head from your body. Wake up and "listen" to the news and what it really says.

[edit on 26-9-2006 by dbrandt]

Im sorry but I have been 'abused' more by christians than any other religious group. There are very little muslims in my area, and in my country the biggest bigotry is between catholics and protestants so the muslims dont really get a look in, not that I listen to islamic B$ either.


posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by shihulud
Yes I have the luxury of doing that but many people haven't. People who are brought up to believe what their parents tell them, or brought up by christian schools etc dont have the freedom to choose because the religion wont let them.

Im sorry but I have been 'abused' more by christians than any other religious group. There are very little muslims in my area, and in my country the biggest bigotry is between catholics and protestants so the muslims dont really get a look in, not that I listen to islamic B$ either.

That is totally false. Someone can attend church and Sunday School and everything else offered, with their parents(but they didn't really believe in Jesus). When they get older and leave home and then choose to make their unbelief official. I've seen it many times with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears.

Just because someone says they are a christian doesn't mean they are(catholic and others). And believe it or not many who are protestants are also unsaved.

[1] Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
[2] And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
[3] They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
[4] But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
[5] While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
[6] And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
[7] Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
[8] And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
[9] But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
[10] And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
[11] Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
[12] But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
[13] Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

10 "people" who claimed salvation are talked about in this parable. 10 who thought they were saved. Yet only 5 really were. 50% were not really saved. 1/2 of the people mentioned in this story. That is a sobering thought. So not everyone who claims to be a christian is. They are basing their salvation on something other than Jesus Christ alone.

Be sure you are paying attention to the Islamic anger that is going on right now, it should be a warning to you. Don't just tune it out. It should be getting your attention.

[edit on 26-9-2006 by dbrandt]

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 09:26 PM
africa has had christianity rammed down their throats....the library of alexandria was burned by christian extremists.....very few religions are exempt from violent extremists...but extremists usually dont even realize their behavior is antithetical of the very religions they profess to uphold. Not picking on christians...just replying to above posts. and for that matter...yes we are told we can either believe in jesus and god or not.....but by adding that if we dont we are condemned to creates pressure or influence....theres no need for that. If christianity alone was supposed to bring about peace then the only way that will happen is if they kill everyone else...then they can fight amongst their different branches......peace will result outside of any particular religion. As I said before....our modern idea of religion is promoting our differences. When we drop that ideology we can progress

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by dbrandt
That is totally false. Someone can attend church and Sunday School and everything else offered, with their parents(but they didn't really believe in Jesus). When they get older and leave home and then choose to make their unbelief official. I've seen it many times with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears.

Totally false is it? So there are NO people that enforce their religious beliefs on their children or those round about them?????
I went to sunday school for years, was christened a protestant, my father is catholic (non practicing) an my mother a practicng protestant. While I am now a non believer, I know of people that were forced in beliefs that they now are forcing onto their own kids.

Just because someone says they are a christian doesn't mean they are(catholic and others). And believe it or not many who are protestants are also unsaved.

[1] Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom......
[13] Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

10 "people" who claimed salvation are talked about in this parable. 10 who thought they were saved. Yet only 5 really were. 50% were not really saved. 1/2 of the people mentioned in this story. That is a sobering thought. So not everyone who claims to be a christian is. They are basing their salvation on something other than Jesus Christ alone.
Be sure you are paying attention to the Islamic anger that is going on right now, it should be a warning to you. Don't just tune it out. It should be getting your attention.
[edit on 26-9-2006 by dbrandt]

I have heard this quote before and wonder how do you know that YOU are going to be one of the saved 'virgins'?????
As I said Islam has no hold where I live and very much doubt that it will ever get a hold where I live. Any islamic anger appearing here would be met by big scary Scots people with greater anger.


posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by shihulud
I have heard this quote before and wonder how do you know that YOU are going to be one of the saved 'virgins'?????

Because Jesus Christ died for my sins, that is the only reason I am saved. My faith is in Him alone for forgiveness.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 08:47 AM
But you still dont know that you will be one of the one's saved. You might be one of the one's who thinks they will be saved but will not be.


posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 01:16 PM
so because you believe that jesus died for your sins that makes you deserving of salvation more than someone else? gimme a break. Look if jesus read your posts, he'd be slapping his forehead and saying d'oh! People shouldnt feel like their faith affords them anything. Wouldnt it make more sense and be more worth jesus's time to die for your sins in hopes that future christians would acknowledge his sacrifice and show gratitude by simply taking it upon themselves to be good and treat others well so that no one else has to die out of ignorance or differences? Having faith in him does nothing to accomplish the message he died in delivering to humanity if that faith isnt also rooted in our own internal responsibility and moral fibre.

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