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Is this the most corrupt U.S Government in History

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posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 11:32 AM
Alot of us on this site think that this government in the U.S is pretty awful. Im English but alot of your governments policies and ideas have affected me and the people of our nation(London Bombings, wars in Iraq Afghanistan), as Blair seems to be hell bent on complete sub ordination to the U.S. My question is though is this the worst you have had. Johnson lied to get Ameirca embrioled in Vietnam, Granted you also had Nixon, watergate, and the delay of talks in Vietnam so he could get in to power on a supposed peace ticket. Reagan, who thought it was neccesary to up the anti in the cold war when the USSR was clearly on a path to reformation and even offered to get rid of all it's nuclear weapons. Now you have this administion who cheated and rigged ballots to get into power, who at the very least were criminally negligent in not stopping the 9-11 attacks, have curtailed your rights of freedom of speech as a result, have launched an invasion of Iraq which was based on a pack of mistruths and barely supported by the U.N. An administration which refuses to tackle climate change even when the perma frost in Siberia which has been frozen for 40,000 years is melting. I mean what does it take to demand some change in your country?? All your politicians are basically businessmen who are in it for the money and power, could it get any worse??

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 11:38 AM
hmm..............Id have to say, yeah. Bush makes Nixon look like a Saint. hell, really, Nixon didnt do anything unusual in Washington anyway.

Yeah, Id have to say this is the most corrupt that we know about.

Of course, past administrations could have been better at hiding it. But the direct effects of corruption in this admin are felt stronger than any before.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 11:40 AM
Why does it not piss off the american people enough to seem them marching through the streets demanding a better deal and more transparency and less curtailment of freedoms?? I really worry for your people.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 11:52 AM
What I cant get my head around is the bush clinton anology!

they impeached Clinton for having a Blow Job ..... OMG quick impeach him,

yet you have a CIC who lies, committs blatant election fraud, invades countries through lies, has links with terrorists, is plainly very dumb, believes he is the leader to take the world to the Final Battle, destroys the rights and benefits of the young men he has sent to die, misleads the international community, helps in covering up the killing of the very planet we live on, has more holidays than any other president, oh yep is an ex alchoholic and Class a or coc aine user, who also masturbated in a coffin infront of other young men whilst voicing his sexual fantasies under anciant pre christian dieties... and probably killed over 2500 of his own citizens for oil......

but he gets re elected?? there are no people on the streets??

so all I can surmise from this is that normal hetrosexual relations (albeit breking the code of mongamy in marriage) are seen as greater crimes in the society of the USA than any of the above??

I can see no other explanation?? can you explain it to me please...someone anyone please



posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 11:56 AM
Republicans just seem to have more power in your country. The extremists in particular, Bush suits there purpose, making money and curtailing freedoms, where as Clinton was not like this though he was no saint when it comes to alot of things including climate change. I don't know what your next administration is going to be. But i think some democrats with balls and political will on the important issues is desperatley needed, another neocon administration will see your country spiral out of control at home and abroard.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 12:00 PM
I am not sure what history books you are reading.....(I am refering to Reagan who I firmly believe saved the world as we know it). I suppose you are refering to glasnost and perestroika? This was not "reformation" on behalf of the soviet government really, well kinda. They were begining to stop being so paranoid and allow some western influences.

However Reagan did up the ante because he knew that the Russians, having no other alternative, would attempt the same even to the point of bankruptcy. It ended the Soviet Union.

I dont know why everyone cries about reagan who was a decent man. Everyone enjoyed the economic boom under clinton which was a direct result of Reaganomics and the cutting of the military under clinton.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Of course, past administrations could have been better at hiding it. But the direct effects of corruption in this admin are felt stronger than any before.

You might be right. I believe that they have figured out that most of America is stupid. So, they don't hide it anymore.

Although, it's not America's fault it's stupid. They (the ones in power) have been dumbing us down for generations now.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 12:04 PM
What about Democrat hero Andrew Jackson who totally ignored a Supreme Court ruling and expelled the Cherokee Indians from their homeland to Oklahoma along the trail of tears? I guess that's kosher in your minds?

And what about FDR's internment of Japanese Americans?

[edit on 9/13/2006 by djohnsto77]

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
I dont know why everyone cries about reagan who was a decent man.

I agree, but my biggest beef with Reagan is he ignored AIDS for so long. Just because it was a homosexual disease at the time. He could have done more than ignore it. Now the whole world is suffering (maybe not a direct result of it) but if he had done something maybe we wouldn't be 25 years into the disease with no cure.

[edit on 9/13/2006 by Griff]

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Peruvianmonk
Republicans just seem to have more power in your country. The extremists in particular, Bush suits there purpose, making money and curtailing freedoms, where as Clinton was not like this though he was no saint when it comes to alot of things including climate change. I don't know what your next administration is going to be. But i think some democrats with balls and political will on the important issues is desperatley needed, another neocon administration will see your country spiral out of control at home and abroard.

For now republicans have more power. remember, tides and public opinions change with the wind in the US.

For what its worth, I dont think the Neo-Cons are gonna get re-elected, as this administration has the lowest approval rating ever.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
For what its worth, I dont think the Neo-Cons are gonna get re-elected, as this administration has the lowest approval rating ever.

I just hope it's not another choice between Skull or I mean Bush or Kerry. We need someone in there with some cajones to actually change things for the better. This includes Congress also.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 01:05 PM
The history books i have been reading are the ones about Gorbachev offering to get rid off all nukes if america did the same. Although a little unfeasable they could of at least reduced it to a manageable amount so that when the USSR broke up there wasn't all these nukes up for grabs. Surely it's only a question of time before one of these is exploded somewhere, i cannot believe that no terrorist organisations or rogue states did not acquire one of these. Also wasn't the Iran-contra conspiracy ongoing during his reign plus huge interference in central and south america??

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 02:48 PM
dj, thank you! : claps :

I was going to come on this thread and express my dismay that the jackass on the twenty-spot was left out of the runnings, while that not-a-crook guy made the grade.

Jackson almost certainly ran the most corrupt government in American history, but I think Bush & Pals are a clear contender for the top spot. They've got a little more time to cause trouble though, let's wait and see what happens before the election before we write them off as sub-par criminals.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 03:03 PM
There has been corruption in government since the beginning of time. Things were just easier to cover up when you didn't have news and the internet shoved in your face 24/7. Absolute power tends to lead to dishonesty. I can't think of any world leaders that have been just and good.

And for people that complain about Clinton getting impeached just for a BJ seem to have short memories. Everyone seems to forget about Whitewater and also his dealings with China.

He also lied on the stand, which is an impeachable offense.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 03:15 PM
You haven't seen anything yet. Here in Brazil I can guarantee you it's 10 times (or more) worse.
At least in USA people stand up do protests against it and, the most important thing, it works.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 04:19 AM
I agree Clinton was no saint by a very long margin, he did lie should have been impeached and was.

What I don’t understand is why Bush has not been impeached. He and his whole administration lied in the UN to the world. There is obvious lies also been told about the Enron and Halliburton affair. The actions in the Florida counting scandal during the scandals, are and if im wrong say, but I believe they were impeachable offences. This in itself also returned the administration to the days before Miss parks, as it was the first time since the changes after that time that the administration has blatantly curtailed the rights of minority groups.

The deliberate tampering of evidence of global warming I believe is also an impeachable offence, that is if you look at the case closely, the statements and policy put forward by the administration, but more importantly the actions and lies within congress and senate were impeachable offences? is it not to so if an administration deliberately misleads the congress and senate, im sure from memory with politics at school that is so.

I could be wrong on this, I truly only have a very brief knowledge of American law however if they are not impeachable offenses they certainly should be. I can understand someone maybe lying to protect their marriage, but to lie about misappropriation of government funds, and mislead the whole international community on known false evidence in order to start a war, whilst also changing the information the administration had in respect to climate change to support Oil companies... well I feel there is no comparison at all to Clinton.

America is the country in the world who should be the country and people that the whole world looks up to. They have a fantastic diverse mix of peoples, fantastic strategic positioning, brilliant resources and lots to be proud of. You guys just seem to be asleep or like a spoilt kid not realising their blessings and abilities till mummy and daddy go bust and finds himself on the street. Truly the sort of party both economically, politically, militarily, socially that America is dancing in can not carry on. It doesn’t have to be like this though. If only the people the American public realised their potential properly, realised the importance in history that these times are and their ability, through the positive attributes that I mentioned earlier you guys truly could make a truly different world. One of peace, equality and technological wonder for the whole world. A shining example of humanities abilities and potential.

This is me being overly optimistic, my gut instincts about the USA is the similarities with Rome, and it did fall in one day. Which is bad for the whole world.

Learn to export your true potential guys, not McDonalds, Nukes, bombs and jets, Wal-Mart slave labour or unequal social policy. For not only yourselves and your kids but for all of humanity. I know one thing The current Administration does not even care for its own people never mind the rest of the world.



posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Peruvianmonk
Why does it not piss off the american people enough to seem them marching through the streets demanding a better deal and more transparency and less curtailment of freedoms?? I really worry for your people.

I think most Americans are worried to. But as long as we are comfortable, no one will say anything. Right now Americans still have all the food they can eat/drink, gas is high, but we are still able to get it. Until we lose things that we need to survive Americans are just going to sit back and let the government screw them. I am an American and I just hope the George W. Bush leaves when his time is up, thats what americans need to worry about. Dictator in the making.

Is Tony Blair on his last let? Is he about to get the boot?

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 02:06 PM
The administration of Andrew Jackson has been (correctly) noted here. I would also add those of Ulysses S. Grant, James Buchanan, and Andrew Johnson.

I don't know that the current Bush administration is "corrupt" as much as it is wrong-minded and disconnected from reality. Incompetence, stupidity, and deceit aren't strictly against the law, sadly, and impeachment requires "high crimes and misdemeanors" to have been committed. Unlike you lucky Brits, we have no mechanism for Congress to issue a vote of No Confidence.

If this November's elections give the Democratic Party control of the House of Representatives, and maybe even the Senate, they can open investigations into, and imposed oversight on, all the various shenanigans the administration's been up too. Maybe they can throw a monkey wrench into W's plans to imminentize the eschaton.

Otherwise, unless Bush & Co. get caught with their hands in the cookie jar, we're pretty much stuck with them until January '09. (Unless, of course, they declare martial law and cancel the election...)


posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 02:14 PM
I believe that the Republican ran Congress for the last couple decades is what has galvanized this impression in our heads. When and if the dems win congress, we will have a quiet two years of a lame-duck bush until 2008. Then if we see a dem president we could have massive overhaul just like we have seen with republicans, we will then be at the mercy of their ideology.

The next two years will determine our futures. But I will predict that if we have a Dem congress and a dem President, we could see a different perspective of war on terror.


posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 02:38 PM
Around here I don't even think people are worried. I think they have no clue. They are very simple minded people. At lest around here they are. And people have been in the streets. But you will never see it. Bad press. They will not cover it. So most people don't even know whats going on. Some people might know those with internet and , satellite. But the rest are blind to it all. I think the only way they will ever know it to hijack the T.V and radio stations. Hack the satellites. This is the only way I see it ever getting out. The press are not on our side. They don't want us to know the truth. Our goverment is so riddled with the buddy network. That it need to get ride of every one who is in it and replaced with truthful people and new law put in place that when you are in a goverment position and you are corrupt and found to be corrupt you are put to death but firing squad. No more campaign contributions, Go back to voting on paper. Get rid of the FCC.

The people can take their country back. But first they have to know about what is going on. Then they need to know what to do when taking it back. They need to know what to do when the police throws a tear gas canister at them. They nned to learn how not to be bunched up in a group so they are not easily controled. They need to know how to cut off the police comminations. They need to know what kinds of clothing to wear to better protect them from tazers and rubber bullets.

O.K I'll stop with that for not but I think you understand what I am trin to say.

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