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Norse Mythology: The pre-Christian Beliefs of Northern Europe

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posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 11:24 AM
My favorite story in Norse Mythology is about Thor going fishing, and catching the Midgard Serpent. What an epic battle that must have been!

My favorite movie quote from the genre is

Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brother
Lo, there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning
Lo, they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them
In the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live...
-- The Thirteenth Warrior

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Hvitserk
i will enquire about this site though, i do agree to some of the content (extremist presence in norse groups) but i find it somehow fishy , why link pre-christian norse belief to the Torah ? I do not get the point. Or ist it yet another move at discrediting pagans in general. Call me paranoid but history has proved that is can save lives

Not everyhting has to be a connection to the Torah.

In all honesty, the only part of the Bible I think to see fairly often in other cultures is Genesis. And that's not necesserily because Genesis was the first book of it's kind. (Looking at it as most unbiased historians would, it comes across as a compilation of other texts.) "The time of the patriarchs" is more about clans who come together and form whole countries as time goes along. I mean both Creationists/Biblethumpers/Jews/Christians/etc. and Evilutionists/Athiests/Pagans/etc. have many believers in a single source of all humanity. The argument is more about how recent that one source is.

This is why I'm not suprised to see his name show up. It doesn't necesserily mean that the whole of the Bible is true, it may mean that there is a common source of some beliefs, as there is a common source of humanity. In and of itself it isn't strong support for any position. It's when it piles up in every single area of the world, throughout the whole text, that you start to wonder.

Now, another thought, is it because of the one source thing, or because the extensive ancient roads long before Rome came into power? Is the similarity in text due to one source or to lots of connection between merchants and societies?

I mean, just finding a single connection of Japeth/japheth/whateveryouwannacallhim isn't enough to prove how the connection got there. I mean, we've got all our technology and ways of proving each other wrong, and look at all the recent conspiracies that jsut won't die.

It's worth looking into for validity's sake, not for anything else. Having an agenda doesn't leave you unbiased.

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