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Grays and harvesting DNA

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posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 07:06 AM
If a civilisation can travel to another star system, do you really believe that beings with that level of technology would have to harvest organs? Or our DNA?

Think of where we have reached in genetics right now, we know the human genome, and loads of other plants and animals too. There are machines where we can input a DNA sequence and it will create the amino acids and finally the protein that sequence codes for. And in about 15 years the general consesus is that we will be able to create organs from scratch, for transplantation etc.

So would interstellar beings need to harvest raw organs or DNA? I say no way, much easier for them to create such things themselves.

I am open to the possibility that they needed to harvest some at first to discover our genome. But they would only need 1 hair follicle, or skin cell, or one sperm (and this is with OUR level of technology.

For this reasons i dont think abductions have anything to do with creating hybrids or harvesting DNa/eggs/sperm etc.

Id be interested in what you all think about this.

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 07:21 AM
i do not accept any notions that aliens require human DNA or anything from out planet, not even metal or radioactive resources. If they can get here, they have probably long ago figured out all their DNA issues. Material resources can be mined from the gigantic amount of asteroids and other space debris and uninhabitable planets that are out there.

The only resaons I see them coming here is to see us. They are obviously highly interested in this planet's inhabitants as they are seen every day.

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 09:21 AM
Yep thats how i feel to, but we would they be here just to watch us? Unless we are close to major discoveries? Or are the grays us from the future, so many ideas!

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 09:41 AM
I've said it in other threads, but I am one of those who thinks that at least one alien type looks like humans. That could very well mean that they are from the future, or that they are our kin from somewhere else. Of course any extraterrestrial that looks like us would be interested in us. Just as I'm certain we would be the same way if the shoe was on the other foot.

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 09:54 AM
Humans came from alien and monkey DNA. The grays, which are a "humanoids" came to earth...attained DNA from a monkey...mixed it with their own DNA...produced a being...voila...humans. Anyhoo...from what I've researched...human DNA is closest to the common house fly...and pigs!!! kidding. So goes the saying..."When pigs fly"...haha.

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 12:12 PM
Did you read the Gospel of Thomas? It clearly states that God did it this way because he thought it would be the best way.

Or do you want to argue that a civilisation which is at least an 15.000 years ahead, doesn't know what is the best and easiest?

Or has it also something to do with letting something evolve? With creating something which has to become like them, and the best possible way is to let it learn by itself...

You must admit that this technologie (using DNA) makes it possible to get 6 billion persons in about 2.000 years, and 4 billion in the last 4 centuries.

Is it really so inefficient... or could you say that it perhaps is the best method, and that the Gods also could make beings on other planets the same way... and this way they don't have got a problem with space etc. because the earth is the space...

Is it such a bad method... while they happen to choose for it...

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa
Did you read the Gospel of Thomas? It clearly states that God did it this way because he thought it would be the best way.

Or do you want to argue that a civilisation which is at least an 15.000 years ahead, doesn't know what is the best and easiest?

Or has it also something to do with letting something evolve? With creating something which has to become like them, and the best possible way is to let it learn by itself...

You must admit that this technologie (using DNA) makes it possible to get 6 billion persons in about 2.000 years, and 4 billion in the last 4 centuries.

Is it really so inefficient... or could you say that it perhaps is the best method, and that the Gods also could make beings on other planets the same way... and this way they don't have got a problem with space etc. because the earth is the space...

Is it such a bad method... while they happen to choose for it...

So what your saying is that by using DNA technology you are in fact a god?!
I would take that view though, cause i dont personnally believe in god.

To xenongod: Most animals on earth have similar amount of genes/ chromosomes etc. Its how the genes are expressed is the BIG difference. Scientists used to think there more complex an amimal is the more genes it will have, we now know this is not true.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 07:48 AM
If you Read the Reports presented by those who claim to have had access to crashed Uf0s ..human body parts
are reported to have been found among the contents of the crafts.......

"If a civilisation can travel to another star system, do you really believe that beings with that level of technology would have to harvest organs? Or our DNA?"

Maybe we just taste good ?

"human DNA is closest to "

"That could very well mean that they are from the future"

Or Are we from their past ?

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 08:15 AM
D. melanogaster's importance is far greater than as a trial run for the mouse and human genome, however. In a set of 289 human genes implicated in diseases, 177 are closely similar to fruit fly genes, including genes that play roles in cancers, in kidney, blood, and neurological diseases, and in metabolic and immune-system disorders. "The underlying biochemistry of fruit flies and humans is remarkably similar," says Hoskins, "so fruit flies can provide clues to understanding human diseases caused by defective genes."

"We can find human tumor-suppressing genes in flies easier than we can in the mouse," says Susan Celniker, pointing out that experiments can be done using fly genes that would be impractical (or unthinkable) using human subjects. Especially useful is the identification of networks of other genes that interact with known disease genes, and their associated metabolic pathways. The implications for medicine are immediate.

Pig cells have been used to treat human disease for some time. Surgeons have used pig heart valves for years to replace diseased human valves, and more recently doctors have begun transplanting brain tissue from pigs to treat Parkinson's disease in humans. Though most pathogens can be kept away from donor pigs, one which has worried scientists is PERV, or porcine endogenous retrovirus. This virus has become permanently imbedded in the pig's DNA, and though it causes no symptoms in the pigs, it may do unpredictable things in humans. It has already been proven to be able to infect human cells in test tube conditions.

So why is that they are using pigs for transplant body pieces or organs? Using flies DNA to fight cancer cells in human?

Humans are flying pigs...there ya go...just haven't developed our wings yet.

[Edited on 5-11-2003 by xenongod]

[Edited on 5-11-2003 by xenongod]

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 08:37 AM
Read and learn

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by straterx
Read and learn

11. So pigs don't count?

Although pigs have been used as a source of food for humans for generations, their insulin has been used to treat diabetes, and their heart valves used to replace diseased human valves, some people do not believe that pigs should be farmed so that their organs can be used for human transplants. And animal rights groups have campaigned strongly for xeno research involving animals to stop. They have drawn attention to the unnatural conditions in which transgenic piglets are kept before their organs are used. Hygiene requirements prevent them from staying with their mothers, suckling, or leading normal pig lives.

Animal rights groups have also campaigned against the use of monkeys as recipients for transgenic pig organs in xeno research. In some experiments, pig hearts are attached to the necks of monkeys to watch for signs of rejection and, in all cases, the animals do eventually succumb to rejection.

11. What's the nearest we've got to using transgenic pig organs for human transplants?

Livers from transgenic pigs were used to keep two patients alive in the USA while doctors searched desperately for human organs for them. But that was before scientists discovered that PERVs could infect humans. The two patients - one of them Robert Pennington - were connected to transgenic pig livers on trolleys at their bedside. The pig livers took over the work of their own failed livers, cleaning their blood and keeping them alive. Both procedures were successful and the two patients are alive and well after human livers were found for them and transplanted.

Why don't you read what you post. There is no proof here that monkey's organs and cells will be successful. Although...with your foot in you proves that a pig livers worked great.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 08:50 AM
10. If pig organs are causing such problems, why not use organs from monkeys and other primates that are more closely related to humans?

Chimpanzee and monkey organs might well have fewer rejection problems than pig organs if they were used for human transplants. But researchers have decided that it would not be right to use our closest animal relations in this way.

Granted... they say that a chimp's DNA is similar to us homo sapien's DNA...but if it can save lives...why not use them? Even the monkey rejected the pig's organs...but the humans didn't reject the pig's donor organ....hrmmm?

[Edited on 5-11-2003 by xenongod]

[Edited on 5-11-2003 by xenongod]

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 08:58 AM
I see you read line item 10
Thx ....That is All

read it again then cede the point

[Edited on 5-11-2003 by straterx]

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 09:01 AM
Exactly...there is no scientific proof that chimp's and ape's organs and cells will work for humans. There is proof that the fruit fly's and pig's DNA...cells...and tissue will work for humans. So you proved me right....thank you.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 09:06 AM
"from what I've researched...human DNA is closest to the common house fly...and pigs!!!..."

This statement is totally incorrect

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 09:16 AM
quote from an article:

The less closely related the donor and recipient species, the more violently the transplanted organ is rejected. This is because all animals have 'flags' on their cells which announce what species they are. Pig cells say 'I am pig', baboons' say 'I am baboon', human cells say `I am human'.

Why are pigs and fruit flies DNA/cells/organs used to treat human ailments then? Have the scientists discovered all there is to know about the "building blocks" of all living creatures? Not even. With DNA they can prove that "you is you" in a crime with samples of your cellls...that's about it. When it comes to using "foreign" cells to treat a human...then pigs and fruit flies have come through with ground-breaking results...go figure.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 09:20 AM
I dont know
Its really all experimental...
they dont know either ....its trial and error

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 09:30 AM
i have a sort of mixed opinion on aliens and ufos.. i think the majority of ufos are x craft made by goverment black projects.. now if these are the result of crashed et tech or just natural development i have no idea...

as for aliens, something about grays just freaks me out...i think its the eyes...

posted on Nov, 6 2003 @ 06:44 AM
Do you guys really belief you know better how you can make creatures then a civilisation which is 15.000 years ahead? Or are you going to say that God is wrong and it could be very much better and blablabla...

Or are you going to say that we did become technologically advanced in just a fraction of the normal evolution, and that God didn't had to take care of us anymore because we had our own planet...

Like you can decide wheter or not DNA is the best way

posted on Nov, 6 2003 @ 06:49 AM
has god ever came and told you he made you?

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