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Godzilla Dreams

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posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 08:42 PM
I have a reocurring dream where Godzilla plays a central role. I'm in Tokyo, for what reason, I'm not sure but I spend my time running from building to building. I'm not sure if Godzilla is trying to kill me but he's definately following me. He still hasn't caught me so I'm assuming I'm doing something right. Sometimes I have a companion, other times I'm running the gauntlet solo.

Anyone else dream about fictional reptiles? What does this mean? Do I need drugs?

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 09:08 PM
Yes you need drugs and lots of them. You best drug to ward off dreams of reptiles is to lick one of them halucinogenic frogs from the amazon.

If that doesn't work, I suggest you watch 20 minutes of Girls Gone Wild infomercials before bed, this should at least result in you dreaming about girls and not giant lizards.

You sick sick puppy.

Ok, I was kidding...

I think you are going to be ok.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 09:18 PM
it isnt so much godzilla chasing you as what the chase means to you in the dream. you will be fine dont panic.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 09:21 PM
Obviously you are running from something, trying to avoid something in RL?

I am not a dream expert or anything but thats what I would think.

Also you don't need any drugs, my dreams are by far a lot more #ed up than that lol.

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by kukla
I have a reocurring dream where Godzilla plays a central role. I'm in Tokyo, for what reason, I'm not sure but I spend my time running from building to building. I'm not sure if Godzilla is trying to kill me but he's definately following me. He still hasn't caught me so I'm assuming I'm doing something right. Sometimes I have a companion, other times I'm running the gauntlet solo.

Anyone else dream about fictional reptiles? What does this mean? Do I need drugs?

~Lol. That's funny because I've had a similar dream once. Godzilla chased me out into the desert and I came across a bridge that went across a huge gorge. I remeber crossing the bridge, bridge breaks, then I fall, fall, fall and before I hit the ground, I wake up. Why was godzilla in it? I have no freakin' clue. I just decided to give myself something to run from I suppose lol.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 12:14 PM
Have you actually been to Tokyo? Godzilla might be fictonal, but representative of a factual person in your life...Someone fearsome to you?? I dunno, do you have more on this dream?

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 01:43 PM
As lysergic says, you are trying to hid or run from something in your life. Godzilla prolly menas nothing, other than to show you SIZE. What I mean is, what you are running from is big. Gigantic.

In most chase dreams (and I am going from an analysis stand point only, which, usually are very general when only one dream is discussed) they size of what is chasing you is used to determine the size (physical or mental) of what you are running from in life.

True dream analysis can only come from analyzing a series of dreams. Say, a week or two worth of dreams. The best way to do this is to keep a dream journal next to your bed. Every morning write down what you remember from the dreams. Patterns and/or themes will emerge.

On a single dream basis, I would have to go out on a limb and say that you have a decision to make, that you are really trying to put off. It's a pretty big decision. A move, a new job, popping the question.... dicision of those proportions. (I am not trying to say you are going through any of these, you may, or it may be an equivilent sized decision)

From the sound of things, you have not yet made that decision, and continue to dream this dream. The fact that you have not been caught yet, means that you are not too late in making this decision, however, if godzilla starts getting close to nabbing you, you better make the decision quick.

If you do not feel comfortable going into details here, or need more input or possibly more indepth discussion, feel free to U2U me, or, you already have my email so you can contact me that way.

Blessed Be

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 02:43 PM

1. You're constantly being abducted by Icke's reptoids and taken into the hollow earth.


2. In a previous life, you were a Japanese citizen crushed beneath the foot of Godzilla during one of his rampages....


3. You watch way too many Godzilla movies before bedtime, and it taps into a racial memory of when we were small mammals in a land ruled by dinosaurs...

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 03:35 PM
Godzilla!! Actually...I used to have a reoccuring dream when I was...hrmmm...about 3 or 4...where my mother and I would be driving along a highway and all of the sudden a Godzilla-like creature would rise up from a hole next to the road and would crush the car with one fatal smash...then I would wake up. I did watch Godzilla movies then...but I can't figure out why it kept reoccuring....over and over....rather traumatic.

posted on Nov, 6 2003 @ 12:28 AM
Thanks folks for the input!

I did watch a lot of Godzilla as a child. My younger brother and I were hooked. The dreams started during my youth, when I'm not sure. Maybe as young as 12.

They don't come in great frequency, maybe once a month. And I haven't had one in probably 3 or 4 months.

Also, I may have indicated that these were traumatic episodes. Hardly the case, I was exhiliarted to the say the least. Most of them are great dreams!! Driving through Tokyo in a 4Runner at 90mph can be great fun!!

I think the variations in the Godzilla theme are from different times and events in my life. While most are fun and exhilirating, some are down right scary.

I haven't been to Tokyo and my vision of the city is usually limited to the city-scape. Most often the concluding event is in a hallway in a skyscraper with Godzilla peeking in through the window..

I've also noticed a few of the dreams have appeared in black and white, which I've never understood. I've had B&W dreams w/o the Godzilla theme too..

Thanks again for the input!!

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 11:02 AM
Many people only dream in black and white...

I for one, can only recall a few such dreams (and are usually zombie-related nightmares...I really hate those...but that's another story altogether, hehe...)

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