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Egyptians, Bible and Koran the same Gods?

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posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 11:46 AM
The Egyptians say that Isis is the motherGod and Ra (Re) the more male God. Isis made Horus to revenge the death of Osiris, which was killed by Seth, the evil brother of Osiris. Most people know this story.

But then I read this:
Many believe Mary, mother of Jesus, was an incarnation of Isis.

in Egypt in what was a shrine of Isis, later a church of the Virgin Mary.

Jesus and Mary to fulfill their aim to rein act the death and resurrection of Osiris by the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection from the dead.

And so there are hundreds pages left which confirm that they thought that Isis was the reincarnation of Mary, the mother of Jesus.

There is also mentioned that the fight between good and evil (Seth against Horus) took days. I personally think that Horus and Jezus where really the same. for the simularities between Jesus and Horus (Seth would be Satan).

It seems perhaps clear and nice that they could very likely be the same person... whatever happens to the Bible? You have to say that if the Egyptians had so many Gods, the Bible should have also, and yes there is spoken of Elohim which means Gods and not God.

What happens to the idea that Mozes Gods fought against the Gods of the Egyptians? If they where the same Gods, there wouldn't be a reason to fight against eachother... or perhaps there where Gods which came from different places... from Sirius and from Orion...?

The Gods of the Orion system could be Satan (1/3th of the total of Gods) and because the God of Sirius (God of Mozes and Jesus) was attacking them, the Egyptians asked Satan from Orion for help, but they lost.

This explains why the Gods started a war because some were for Seth and some weren't, and perhaps it does also explain why some pyramids are 66,6 meter high. It does also explain why the first rule of the Christians is: you will not honour other Gods... perhaps because there were 2 Gods (Sirius and Orion).

The God of the Islam is the same as the God of the Bible (read number 114.) and the Gods of the Bible are intertwined with the Gods of the Egyptians.

Is this a bit a reasonable reasoning... by which more or less the different Gods could be connected to each other

And could it be reasonable to think there were Gods from different places... which explains the first rule... and explains Satan... I personally do think so.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 11:57 AM
to associate previous greatness with the father of all creation...
and unfortunately it wont work...

why do you think we are in the mess we are in know?

for choosing to worship these "living gods" the jewish and now christians worship...

these manifestations are nothing more than a ploy...

why were the people who built these structures not respected when you had the time?

now people are to believe that its all good and worship should commence, get the f@#$ outta here...

respect for all that is is all that matters...
how is one to die for their beliefs when their children have to make the same vain sacrafice? its all a cycle called 33 and a third and most enjoy it seems like...

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 12:12 PM
Yes they are all one in the same Gods most definately, different names and slightly different stories. When Jesus said "Seek and Ye shall Find" he wasn't kidding!

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by bigsage
to associate previous greatness with the father of all creation...
and unfortunately it wont work...

why do you think we are in the mess we are in know?

for choosing to worship these "living gods" the jewish and now christians worship...

these manifestations are nothing more than a ploy...

why were the people who built these structures not respected when you had the time?

now people are to believe that its all good and worship should commence, get the f@#$ outta here...

respect for all that is is all that matters...
how is one to die for their beliefs when their children have to make the same vain sacrafice? its all a cycle called 33 and a third and most enjoy it seems like...

I don't see a lot af arguments personally why the Gods shouldn't be the same. We are in the mess we are in now because we are created to the equal of a God, a God which wasn't that friendly and made a lot of mistakes... Yes a ploy which began all over the world, and are written hundreds of thousands pages about them, and perhaps the structures were not respected because they were build by the giants which were mean, and thats why God wanted to kill them.

And how do you mean by "now" I thought they worshipped God already for centuries.

And perhaps that one died for their beliefs says enough about the God himself, and also about the socalled mess we are in as you say it...

I would like to hear some arguments however about the idea why they shouldn't be the same Gods, instead of the socalled argument that it is just an attempt which is going to fail, because that doesn't help a lot in a discussion.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 12:17 PM
seek these entities that require your worship if you dont know him don't speak on him...

as well if you don't know him don't associate these lies with him...

thanks for the respect...

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Sapphire
Yes they are all one in the same Gods most definately, different names and slightly different stories. When Jesus said "Seek and Ye shall Find" he wasn't kidding!

Jezus said also that we would reign over all and then will rest... is there no escape? The Mayans say there will be a time of Alconsciousness in 2012... when will the Apocalyps happen do you think?

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by bigsage
seek these entities that require your worship if you dont know him don't speak on him...

as well if you don't know him don't associate these lies with him...

A little hard to tell what God now really ment, isn't it? As far as I can tell the son of God said that you should seek in your live for God, because if you are death you won't be able to find him. That you have to fast from this world to see him, and that you stand alone if you really understand who God is. That Jesus came to cast conflicts on earth, war, fire, swort and that the Father himself is really alive, literarly. But then again this is just some information which Gods Apostel Thomas wrote down in dialoge with Jesus...

The Zohar is also quite clear about the wonders of God, just as Ezekiel, Maharatma even the Koran is more clear then the Bible.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 12:27 PM
form one to another arguments with proofs mean nothing more than "believe me because of the verbiage i speak"...

you know what righteousness is right?

if not then how do you expect to know the many faces of the father?...

do you think the many faces of the father are alive like you...

or are the many faces of the father everywhere for you to see...

so in other words you are attempting to paganize christs teachings...

there shall be none before him...

and when i say him i refer not to the man but the body that exist within all...

or do you not believe?

and if not then dont add refutations to the teachings for it creates further violence,confusion, and disharmony...

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 12:36 PM
i'd say most the religions in the world all have the same gods, they are all based on explaining the unexplained happenings on earth

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by bigsage
if not then how do you expect to know the many faces of the father?...

do you think the many faces of the father are alive like you...

or do you not believe?

God had a very good way of giving us a look at who he is, and that is by religion. The texts are very clear about the many faces of God, and why should we doubt about the texts which were inspired by God himself?

Isn't it more likely that the religions have begon interpreting the texts differently, while the texts themselves are very clear. How is it possible that after many centuries we get a better picture of God, saying that the persons which faced God where wrong...?

Or do you have to say that what the persons wrote about God in those times don't fit in the interpretation which has evolved in the centuries, farther going from the truth, while God himself didn't mean it to go that way?

Yes I believe, but not in a God which should be almighty, while the persons who faced God tell diferent.


posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 12:43 PM
i will continue to attempt to bear the light while you focus on words...

i will continue to see the reality of issues subjectively,while others view objects as though they were gods...

i will continue to speak the truth and those that hated jesus then hate him know, for the road to him is a very narrow one, and uppon the return of the most righteouss and holy those who call themselves followers and not actors of his word will simply be told "be away from me for i know you not"...

and if you believe eveything others tell you about ME for example you dont know me, you never took the time to even learn about me, so be away from me...

oh yea, religion is not to see the father it is an institution designed to practice spirituality, and those who dont want to "know him" are forced to be told about him through others, which is not right...

[Edited on 3-11-2003 by bigsage]

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa

God had a very good way of giving us a look at who he is, and that is by religion. The texts are very clear about the many faces of God, and why should we doubt about the texts which were inspired by God himself?

The texts could be misleading. Different authors over the years have changed their meanings for political reasons and churches may have conspired to keep truth out of the hands of the people.

Go take a look at the Nag Hammadi texts.

Although these works open major questions on the subject of Orthodox Christianity, the Church has cast them aside as heretical or played down their importance.
In any other subject, revision and theoretical growth is welcomed. Not so in religion.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 12:48 PM
the land was called Khemet= the land of the blacks, the land of those of burnt skin...
the greeks changes it to agyptos for some reason and the romans called it egypt...

why not tell the truth like it is for once instead of picking and choosing parts you want to represent?...

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 12:53 PM

The texts could be misleading. Different authors over the years have changed their meanings for political reasons and churches may have conspired to keep truth out of the hands of the people.

The scrolles on Papyres aren't, they haven't been rewritten.

And Sage, what does your story about the romans change to my story? I don't see why I should mention that... and why you mentioned it.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 12:57 PM
Ok here's a theory. We are all hybrids created to serve a race greater than our own however, we've evoloved since that time and are now entering a new dimension beginning around 2012 because, this is when we enter the new Aeon 'The Age of Aquarius' or age of peace, and we have recently moved beyond the Age of Pices (the Xian Fish). Its all written in the Stars!

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 01:03 PM
theories are created to make people complacent with the knowledge that was stolen from them...

no smiles after that one

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 01:14 PM
Why are you talking about retrieving stolen knowledge while the persons aren't even capable of understanding the knowledge which they have?

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 01:20 PM
how do you know what anyone is prepared to do other than yourself?...

this is the major reason why things are the way they are because of these preconcieved judgements you and others pass on others...

you know this right, that thats a large part of the issue humanity is facing...

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 01:24 PM
Why saying that persons like me do bad to this world?

I personally don't have the idea that that he way is in which we would like to discuss...

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa

The scrolles on Papyres aren't, they haven't been rewritten.

Who says that they've been rewritten? It's their meaning that I'm alluding to. Biblical writings aren't exactly the easiest of literature to translate and interpretations were made by different bodies over time to give you what you see now.
The formation of the Christian Church was embroiled with political in-fighting and bloodshed. Human politics probably played a large part in interpretation of the Bible.

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