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Illegal Aliens Killing 25 American Citizens Per Day

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posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 02:50 PM
From Those Who Hire Illegal Aliens Cause Americans 9,125 Deaths Annually

Iowa's United States Congressman Steve King told a crowd in Des Moines in June, "Illegal aliens cause the death of 25 American citizens every day...13 by drunken driving and 12 by stabbings or gun fire."

That daily figure adds up to 9,125 deaths annually caused primarily by illegal alien Mexicans residing in America. Mike Rosen, radio talk show host in Denver, said it wasn’t significant when you consider our country of 300 million. A listener corrected him, “It’s not significant unless it’s your father or family member who gets killed.”

More sobering, almost eight times as many deaths of civilian Americans have occurred in our own country in three years than deaths to our soldiers in the Iraq and Afghanistan war zones. It’s safer in a war zone than on our own highways and in our own homes in America. At the same time, South Koreans are safer in their own homes with 37,000 American troops guarding their border from North Korea for the past 40 years--with our troops and tax dollars--than we are in our own country.

Please visit link for full story.

The South Korea analogy says it all... I wonder how many less US citizen deaths there'd be if those 37,000 Americans were here protecting our borders instead?

And with the recent articles about the Army having no strategic reserve, it is clear to me that this administration's sights are set down the wrong barrels. They are not fulfilling the immediate and foremost responsibility of protecting the US homeland- FIRST, not LAST.

While a silent illegal immigrant war rages in this country right under our feet, Bush is instead obsessed with Iraq and the Middle East. Mr. Bush, you want a terrorist organization that IS an IMMEDIATE threat to the US, and has infiltrated our school system at a grass roots level? Try MEChA. Oh, that is NOT a terrorist organization, you say? I'd say any organization which perpetuates the takeover by force and annexation of a very large portion of US territory is AT LEAST a terrorist organization, if not an outright enemy of the state. Wiretap THEM, Mr. Bush.

Another thing to note is that the article lays the blame on all of us, ultimately. Well, I can at least take comfort in the fact that I have left my employer who is still hiring illegals. My next move will be to file a complaint against them with ICE. And I am seeking another job- this time it will be one of the first questions I ask an employer- if they DO hire illegals, I will turn their names into ICE as well. Imagine if all legal citizen job seekers in this country did the same.

But even city governments are hiring illegals in this country. About the only thing the administration has done on this issue recently is the Senate approving the 370 miles of border fencing, and even that has politically motivated undertones- as opposed to an action taken outright to rid this country of enemies, both foreign and domestic.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 04:42 PM
Wow that is shocking. I seriously think it is higher than that though. But this is a great article. Thanks for putting it up.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 04:54 PM

The Illegal Alien Invasion is being systematically covered up by the "lamestream" media. It's far worse than most Americans can even comprehend.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by ivanterrible

The Illegal Alien Invasion is being systematically covered up by the "lamestream" media. It's far worse than most Americans can even comprehend.

Forgot to add this site:

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 05:11 PM
I did visit the link and found some disturbibg things. First off, what does this mean?

Second, lay the blame on CEOs running big companies like Tyson Chicken, Wal-Mart, Hormel for starters. Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and Las Vegas restaurants thrive on hiring illegals. You can include all your favorite fast food restaurants with happy meals to big whoppers as culprits in hiring illegals. How do we know? Over 20,000 million illegal aliens don’t sit around twiddling their thumbs.

20,000 million illegal aliens? Let's do the math here 20,000,000,000? That's over 3 times the population on Earth. Man, those Mexican's are busy in the sack.

Third, lay the blame on small companies in hundreds of cities across America. Places like Denver and Boulder, Colorado offer sanctuary policies for illegals. Local companies hire illegals in front of Americans. Illegals work for cities, in fact, last week, while I stood at the capitol in Raleigh, North Carolina, illegal aliens worked for the city on the city streets.

REALLY? And how does the author know these are illegal aliens? Did he ask for any identification? Or did he just ASSUME that they were illegals?

I didn't read past that as it was clear that there was NO logic or facts applied here, just a hate piece.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
I didn't read past that as it was clear that there was NO logic or facts applied here, just a hate piece.

Yeah, right. Just a hate piece. Let's take one typo and throw out the whole article. If that's the way YOU want to handle it, I'll remember to handle it just the same way when I read another one of your posts, intrepid. Gimme a break.

The logic was applied. 25 americans dead per day x 365 days a year= 9,125 americans dead due to your friends, the illegals. Yup, doesn't matter a bit until one of YOUR family members gets killed. Nope, not a bit.

You think that is all about hate? Racism? Uncompassionate Americans who are so selfish they can't let ANOTHER 13 million illegals enter the country? What will the death toll be up to then, intrepid? 18,250 Americans killed per year by illegal immigrants? That what you want? You want your kids growing up with those additional, unnecessary threats to their lives in this country?

Get real man. This is no hate article. It is the truth, give or take a few. But enough to realize just one OTHER problem illegal aliens bring with them over the fence. And what? Oh, one of your relatives lives in Atzlan? Awe g, sorry they had to relocate or become a Mexican citizen once Mexico takes back that part of the US forcefully. Nice. Just great that is.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Yeah, right. Just a hate piece. Let's take one typo and throw out the whole article. If that's the way YOU want to handle it, I'll remember to handle it just the same way when I read another one of your posts, intrepid. Gimme a break.

Really mature man but OK, I can take the little heat you can apply if you quote tripe like this.

The logic was applied. 25 americans dead per day x 365 days a year= 9,125 americans dead due to your friends, the illegals. Yup, doesn't matter a bit until one of YOUR family members gets killed. Nope, not a bit.

This is a published article right? You'ld think that they would have done some proofreading first. Just to make sure that there wouldn't be "one typo". Was it unintentional? Let's think on thst. BTW, I'm Canadian so the rest doesn't apply.

You think that is all about hate? Racism? Uncompassionate Americans who are so selfish they can't let ANOTHER 13 million illegals enter the country? What will the death toll be up to then, intrepid? 18,250 Americans killed per year by illegal immigrants? That what you want? You want your kids growing up with those additional, unnecessary threats to their lives in this country?

Wow, now I see why this article spoke to you, you're into supposition. The problem with supposition is that it ISN'T factual.

Get real man. This is no hate article. It is the truth, give or take a few. But enough to realize just one OTHER problem illegal aliens bring with them over the fence. And what? Oh, one of your relatives lives in Atzlan? Awe g, sorry they had to relocate or become a Mexican citizen once Mexico takes back that part of the US forcefully. Nice. Just great that is.

Then what you percieve as a personal attack.
See above and spare me.

Wanna go again?

REAL facts this time though OK? I'll even whip out my Google.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 06:16 PM

While is nice for you to show us how illegals are killing Americans. . . don't you think that this nothing more than propaganda?

While people die in our nation from hate crimes the article wants us to believe that is all from Mexicans felons?

How stupid do you thing the American people are? you know some of us can put one and one together.

This is starting to sound like the same propaganda that All muslin are terrorist.

Sorry but this time I think this to much to swallow.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 06:29 PM
Yeah intrepid. No facts at all. Just blabbering, spewing at the mouth.

Now tell that to the families of these people:

Regardless of whether you're a US citizen or not, the points all still stand in principle. And oh, no prob. Next time I see an illegal I'll be sure to mention that up in Canada they'd be HAPPY to have them.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 06:37 PM
True American posted an opinion piece with a typo. I don't see why that fact would preclude a rational discussion of the subject of crime committed by illegal aliens in the United States.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 06:42 PM
TrueAmerican I did read them all but to be honest I starting to think your a racist
come on man can you stop doing this it make you look bad!

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
20,000 million illegal aliens? Let's do the math here 20,000,000,000? That's over 3 times the population on Earth. Man, those Mexican's are busy in the sack.

Just curious what math are you talking about I saw nothing stating X times this or Y times that? I would like to know how you turned 20 million into 20 billion is all?

REALLY? And how does the author know these are illegal aliens? Did he ask for any identification? Or did he just ASSUME that they were illegals?

I didn't read past that as it was clear that there was NO logic or facts applied here, just a hate piece.

It is easy for the author to know they are illegals the companies have either admitted they hire illegals or the government has caught them hiring illegals.

I also disagree it is not a hate piece he is simply stating his observations. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to spot illegals.

Pull up to anyone of the corners they stand on daily that are known to have illegals looking for work, flash a fake badge and they all run like hell. If they weren't illegal they would have no reason to run would they unless of course they have warrants outstanding which I doubt would be the case for lets say all 20 people if that is how many are on the corner.

Have no fear though they are getting closer to Canada everyday when they arrive you too will complain about their stealing your jobs.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 06:55 PM
Another aspect is to consider how many illegals kill each other. Those statistics don't figure in here. But Im willing to bet its even higher.

Its a well known fact that cooprate America thrives on the cheap slave labor illegals do. I have worked for 5 different companies that hired a good amount of illegals from various countries, not just Mexico.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 07:01 PM
The condition of being illegal in the US has nothing at all to do with race. It's all about citizenship.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 07:22 PM
I am not sure confronting problems or displaying information placing illegal aliens in a negative light makes one a “racist” as US illegal immigrants come from many different nations. Not questioning events such as these (correct or not) will do absolutely nothing for this grossly underplayed problem

Whether it makes a person look bad or not…It does stand to reason…when persons sneak their way into a country, lie about their residential status, work for cash jobs under the radar and/or assume another’s identity perpetuating a black market employment subculture, deceive municipal, social and federal services …one should at least prudently question their character and intent.

Here in Houston, Texas, this has been in the news quite often as we just had a congressional hearing on “Criminal Activity and Violence along the Southern Border” two days ago. The list of witness was impressive and what is coming-out locally are acts which never hit the mainstream news.


posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by El Che
TrueAmerican I did read them all but to be honest I starting to think your a racist
come on man can you stop doing this it make you look bad!

You know what, El Che? I don't care how this makes me look. But I do care about the people killed by these criminals and the loss their families must feel. Crimes that would have never happened if these criminals would not have been allowed to cross the border in the first place.

I have stated my position and case quite clearly that I am NOT a racist in many threads here. Click on "find threads" under any of my posts and go to some of the stories you see listed in the search results if you don't believe me.

Y si tu quieres, mandame un U2U, y te lo explico mas alla dentro.

edit: spelling (if you think my writing's bad in english, wait till you see my spanish.

[edit on 18-8-2006 by TrueAmerican]

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 08:02 PM
Interesting posts. What is more interesting is what is being posted. Lets start with the main problem. Illegale immigrants. Yes they are illegale. The main question is this, when do we start enforcing the laws of the country? Unfortunately alot of the migrant workers are here to do the jobs that no one else wants to do. Where you get the problems with illegale immigrants, is that you get the good and the bad. Not all illegale immigrants are bad people. I would believe a majority come to this country, though a bit under the misconception, that there are jobs a plenty and high wages. Most are not wanting to live here, but rather work, send money back home. Most of the money goes back to their familys, where the dollar goes a long way. But here in lies the other problem. I have heard where illegale immigrants committing crimes, and here is where you get the bad. In either case the one thing is that the solution is going to be costly in lives, and money.


posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
You know what, El Che? I don't care how this makes me look. But I do care about the people killed by these criminals and the loss their families must feel.

Careful in your choice of word my friend.

You Care about the people that get killed by these criminals? but how about the criminals that are American citizens.

Or we just should target the Illegal ones specially from south of the border

I don't get it TrueAmerican, if that is not targeting one specific group then what do you call it.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 08:23 PM
How many Americans kill Americans every day and is that somehow supposed to make the situation better?

"Jimmy died young Pa, but atleast he's killed by a local boy and not one of those darn messicans."

You can say you're not a racist all day long while your post prove otherwise


posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
You Care about the people that get killed by these criminals? but how about the criminals that are American citizens.

Or we just should target the Illegal ones specially from south of the border

I don't get it TrueAmerican, if that is not targeting one specific group then what do you call it.

Yes, marg I care about the people that get killed and their families from citizen crimes too, if that's what you are trying to say. The problem here, marg, is that we're on the subject of illegal immigrant crime here specifically, and for the purposes of discussion, that is the topic. Which I feel needs urgent attention as a matter of self preservation, if nothing else.

If you feel that I am bringing this up disproportionately so to the subject of legal citizen crimes, then hey, by all means, go make a post on legal citizen crime! And while you're at it, why don't you check some of the threads I've started here at ATS, many of which have been exposing crimes by our own government, who are *cough*, legal citizens.

edit: removed double word.

[edit on 18-8-2006 by TrueAmerican]

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