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what would people think if UK bring back death sentence for terrorists only?

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posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Liberal1984
you would have 70 virgin hors, Champaign, and a martyrdom medal awarded by non other than Allah almighty.

Er..... just thought I should point this out, but muslims don't drink champaigne

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 09:52 PM
Just look at the recent "terrorist" developments in the UK. Most of those people are probably going to be released. Would we really want the government to be abale to kill people who they think are responsible for "terroist" activity? Wouldn't that make "us" just as bad as "them"?

Think logically here. Most of the people who are actually involved in carrying out terrorist strikes are simply brainwashed, dissolusioned pawns in a gane being played out by people they will never meet. Killing these people would only addfuel to the fire of Islamic discontent in the world, thus creating more attacks.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 09:59 PM
I agree with the death penalty, by shooting (much cheaper). But I agree, killing a bunch of Islamic fanatics will not help the cause. Aggression fuels this fire and helps the leaders who are Islamic fanatics. Neoconservatives don't understand this. [Not that this is the reason we are in the Middle East though].

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 10:08 PM
If we civilized types are going to outdo the barbarians, then by all means I'd ask the Brits to resurrect the ancient and quite effective Hanging, Drawing and Quartering. Instead of one hangman or one doctor manning the injector pumps, or just one switch man on the electric board running to the chair, the drawing and quartering would give a days work to 7 men!

First, you strip the object d’honor bare. Then you hang him as in strangulation. Not to break the neck. Not to let him die, but to gag him right smartly. Then you take him down, and tie a Clydesdale by stout rope to each of his 4 limbs. He’s now suspended face down. The 4 horses are coaxed to tighten up on the ropes. The “surgeon” steps in and cuts off the external genitals; these now useless symbols of manhood are put in a nearby fire already burning. See Note 1.

Then, for the grand finale, the 4 horses are whipped up all at the same time. Obviously, you can only separate 3 of his four limbs. Throw a bucket of water in the fellows face to revive him, for now the axe man comes in and chops off his head, sending him immediately to wherever it is he thought he was going.

It the good old days his remains were buried in a crossroads so no one could retrieve his bones for re-burial in sanctified ground, thereby condemning his soul to eternal hell.

I’d suggest performing this execution at Wimbledon, center court, and selling tickets at $500 each.

Note 1. Some accounts say the penis was burned but the testicles were jammed into the victims mouth.

[edit on 8/18/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 10:32 PM
the topic on this thread is terrorist not suspected terrorist or accused terrorist

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