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17 week old baby girl airlifted to hospital covered in human bites

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posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 01:10 PM
"A baby girl was airlifted to hospital after being found covered in human bites, it has been reported.

Police are investigating how the 17-week-old child came to have the teeth marks on her legs and other parts of her body"

the 21 year old mother said that her daughter just had a rash but the doctor decided differently, and had the baby airlifted to a hospital to be looked at by a specialist.

If the mother had any doing in this...she she get the crap beat out of her.
police however havent ruled out the possiblity that this was done by another child.

if another child did do this to a baby, how do you think the child should be dealt with?

heres the link:

17 week old baby covered in human bites


[edit on 10/01/2004 by DigitalGrl]

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by DigitalGrl
"A baby girl was airlifted to hospital after being found covered in human bites, it has been reported.

Police are investigating how the 17-week-old child came to have the teeth marks on her legs and other parts of her body"

the 21 year old mother said that her daughter just had a rash but the doctor decided differently, and had the baby airlifted to a hospital to be looked at by a specialist.

If the mother had any doing in this...she she get the crap beat out of her.
police however havent ruled out the possiblity that this was done by another child.

if another child did do this to a baby, how do you think the child should be dealt with?

heres the link:

17 week old baby covered in human bites


[edit on 10/01/2004 by DigitalGrl]


The Zombie plague has started!

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 02:12 PM

Poor girl

I know when my baby brother was born, I bit his cheeks hard enough to wake him, once or twice...(was a kid, who was old enough to know better)....but they wouldn't let me hold him when he was asleep.
but I never left a mark that lasted more than 5 minutes, at most.
Do you know how hard you have to bite to leave a mark that developes into a rash? You have to bite hard enough to leave a brusie and break the skin.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 03:06 PM
I once bit a kid hard on the nose when I was about 3 as he drank my lemonade. Blood everywhere! All I got was a good old beating and the rest of the day in my room..

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 03:07 PM
exactly, that is what pisses me off. and it isnt just one or two we are talking about here. the doctor says that the baby's body is COVERED with them.
this is ridiculous. and why as a mother you wouldnt take your kid into the doctor right away if they were only 17 weeks old and developed a wierd rash...i have no clue. seems like there are alot of incompitent people here.

kind regards,

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 03:14 PM
Here in Portugal, some weeks ago, there was a case of a baby that was taken to the hospital and there they suspected that the marks on the skin that she had were cigarette burns.

The child was taken from the mother's custody and put under custody of someone from the family.

Some days latter the girl had even more marks, and when a dermatologist was called he said that it was an allergy.

The last time I knew of the case the mother was asking for the custody of the child and a public communication from the hospital saying that they were wrong because the had made a public declaration stating that the child was a victim of abuse.

When this type of news appear, if this is not what they expect it to be, we rarely see the end of the story, a 17-week-old child with some allergy is not news.

Lets hope that is the case, an allergy is bad enough, lets hope that she was not really bitten.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by DigitalGrl
exactly, that is what pisses me off. and it isnt just one or two we are talking about here. the doctor says that the baby's body is COVERED with them.
this is ridiculous. and why as a mother you wouldnt take your kid into the doctor right away if they were only 17 weeks old and developed a wierd rash...i have no clue. seems like there are alot of incompitent people here.

kind regards,

I am a parent myself and would say for certain that if any rash showed on my little girl she would be in the doctors quicker than you could say "oooh, thats an odd rash".

But, lookign around at other people and how they begave with their kids, it's shocking you don't need a license to be a parent. Many are incompetant and shouldn't have kids in a month of Sundays.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by stumason
But, lookign around at other people and how they begave with their kids, it's shocking you don't need a license to be a parent. Many are incompetant and shouldn't have kids in a month of Sundays.

I agree, take one look at the background checks etc, that you have to go through if you want to adopt a baby. Surely the same criteria should be applied if someone decides to be a parent.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 09:42 AM

I am a parent myself and would say for certain that if any rash showed on my little girl she would be in the doctors quicker than you could say "oooh, thats an odd rash".

damn right stu mate, whats the craps with all these retards that arent fit to have kids??

i am so sick of human beings.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 05:43 PM
Yeah, my cousin used to bite me over and over again for no reason. The fact that its a baby makes it sick.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 05:50 PM
stumason- you hit the nail on the head as to how i was feeling. thats why i made the thread. i dont have kids and im not married (be 21 in october woot!)
but i see parents out and about with there kids and even i want to be like "omg, how is that kid even still alive." i work at a hospital in the ER part time just cause it pays good while im in college and all, and i see sooo many parents that bring their kids in for things that i am just blown away by. this one time there was a couple who brought in their 11 month old baby girl because she fell down 25 stairs and hit her face on the cement at the bottom and passed out for a bit. when the doctor asked the mom how it happened she goes " well she usually climbs the stairs so well, i guess she just slipped."

ok so let me get this straight, your kid has been on the planet for 11months, only part of which she has been able to walk. so youre telling me that you let your kid walk up and down 25 wooden stairs that lead down into your basement that has a cement floor on the bottom!!??? if it were me the baby wouldn't be climbing on stairs at that age unsupervised. and she sure as heck wouldnt be climbing on stairs that were that steap and had cement at the bottom. that is why we have those baby gates. HELLO!!!!!

im just the registration girl so its not like i can really do anything, but i looked at that mom, and i think she could tell that i wanted to slap her. i know being a parent is a very hard job, but things like this should be a freaking no brainer.


[edit on 10/01/2004 by DigitalGrl]

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 06:03 PM
Sounds like signs of the end times!!!

Canible babies!!

Mmmm odd case.. Perhaps it was other kids that decided to eat the 17month old.. maybe the mom was hungry and wanted to eat her young (some animals do that ya know!) I just cannot imagin what would bring a women to go "Mmm she won't stop crying! I think il just bite her a few hundred times thatll teach her!" - form of punishment?

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