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The Sacred Knowledge question.

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posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 08:24 PM
About the Godfrey Higgins quote on the Templars...

His "Anacalypsis" mentions many things about the Masonic/Gnostic/Assassin/Templar connection regarding their roots in Sopheeism and Sufism.

(I don't have this book with me, and not all of it is availible online)

The devotees of Sophia, the Divine Mother, are also known as Sophees, while their Islamic counterpart would be the Sufis.

Internally, every Sophee is a Sufi, and every Sufi is a Sophee; even though their external Rites may appear to be different.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 08:39 PM
And about IEOUAMS, EL-IAO, HELIOS, John the Baptist in relation to the death of the ego...

This symbolism also shows that we need the help of others in order to Comprehend and perform the decapitation of the ego.

Samael Aun Weor teaches that others serve as a full-length mirror in order for us to see ourselves as we are.

"The exterior is a reflection of the interior"

For example.

In our day to day life, let's say that someone gets very angry at us.

Instead of reacting mechanically to that anger, with anger; we should simply observe, in a non-attached manner, our own anger.

Later that evening at home, in a state of deep meditation, we re-live that moment with our Consciousness in order to Comprehend it.

We see how the ego of anger arose within us in that previous moment.

If we have 'learned' to access the free Consciousness/Essence or Buddha Nature(Heru/Horus) within us(through mantras and meditation), we can extract the trapped Buddha Nature(a spark of the Solar Logos) that is bottled up within the ego of anger.

Once said ego is fully comprehended in meditation, the Essence can be extracted from the bottle or ego, leaving an empty shell or empty bottle.

Then one Prays to their Divine Mother Kundalini/Sophia(the feminine aspect of the Solar Christ) to eliminate the empty bottle.

But we have to Comprehend first, because She(Auset/Isis) will not destroy a bottle or ego that still has an aspect of Her(own Child, the Essence/Heru/Buddha Nature) bottled up within it.

This is how we live the Cosmic Drama of John the Baptist.

And, as the Buddhists say: The whole Work depends on Sentient Beings.

We also help the Sentient Being(and All Sentient Beings) who got angry at us, by working on ourselves; because when we decapitate the "I", that aggregate of negative energy is removed from the collective mind of humanity.

[edit on 18-8-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Osbert
On the other hand Eleusian Mysteries are quite a delicate issue and Masons are sworn to silence on many occasions.

Secrets are one of the main attractions and one of the reason people join.

Personally I love the Greek Mysteries and I understand their original intention, unfortunately there are ingredients and rituals that just cannot be made public or it will shake the very foundations of Masonry.

Originally posted by Osbert
I really meant a secret societies of similar inclination, from Fama Fraternitas, to Oto to Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua.

I keep forgetting that Masonry is just the training ground for many orders.

Most Masons, on their own admittance, have lost the Word.

Personally I have a healthy respect for secrets and also I would not "cast pearls to swine" to quote your friend's earlier post.

Greetings Osbert

So you are familiar with the Catholic Gnostic Church in relation to the FRA and OTO I mentioned about six or seven posts back?

And have you studied the works of Godfrey Higgins(see my quote of him about four or five posts back, in relation to Greek and Eleusinian Mysteries).

About The Lost Word:

It is written: “Whosoever knows the meaning of the Word, the Word gives power to him. Nobody can utter it, nobody has uttered it but the one who has incarnated it..”

To incarnate the Word is indispensable, but the Word is Fire. It begins with the transmutation of the Sexual Energy. That is why there is written “And God said…”. “And Elohim said…”

All the inheritance of the Cosmocreators - who are Elohim, who are already Self-realized in the worlds of Yetzirah, Briah and Atziluth - they send the Ruach Elohim to float upon the face of the waters, the Akasha, which we talked about many times. Here we mean Akasha as sexual waters, the Semen, the substance that is El Shaddai in sexual organs but in us it is Shaddai El Chai, the power that we have there. That Shaddai El Chai, that semen, that Seed has the power of Elohim in potency because that is the plan of Elohim: to create the human being. They place there all the forces we need to use in order to develop the human being, the Microcosmos (or in Kabbalah Zauir Anpin, the one below Arik-Anpin).

There is another triangle related to the Star of Solomon. The upper triangle is Arik-Anpin, Kether-Chokmah-Binah whose body is formed with all the sephiroth in the world of Atziluth. The lower triangle should be Serampim, the lower countenance which is the human being as the image of God, the letter Vav. In order for that Serampim to emerge on the sixth day…

Why on the sixth day? Why did the God create man on the sixth day and not on the first or second? Because Vav is the sixth letter and it is related to the work of will. But the one who does it is God. The Bible does not say “And Joseph said…” or “And Mary said…”, it says “And Elohim said…” That force is guided by the Inner Being; the Innermost has to say it. It is not you. That is why we always insist that the power to Self-realize oneself is here and now, remembering your God. That is the first commandment: “You shall love your God with all your might, with all your heart, with all your sexual strength and the neighbour as thyself.”

If one has only but a small taste of the sacrifice one must perform, in order to find the Lost Word, it will be obvious that the general membership of any external Fraternal Order does not have it incarnated(not to say that I do of course; however, it is obvious that many of the intellectual know-it-alls of pseudo-occultism that abound on the internet, are only blind leading the blind).

And because of this, the teachings are given more openly in these degenerate times of the Kali-Yuga(the Dzogchen Masters are teaching more openly as well for this same reason).

Yes, don't cast Pearls before swine...

But at the same time... as the Kybalion says:

“The possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals–a vain and foolish thing.

Knowledge, like Wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces.“ – The Kybalion

Many might disagree with me, but it seems that the very Foundation of the Masonic Knowledge is certainly being shaken; if we consider the teachings being given in this Aquarian Age concerning the Ninth Sphere, of which Eliphas Levi wrote during the Age of Pisces:

Four Rivers of Eden

"And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. The land of Havilah is our own physical body, and the gold of this land is the solar atoms from our seminal system, that is to say, the semen’s potable gold. And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. This second river is the Cephalo-Rachis liquid, which is the other pole of our seminal system. With it we encompass the whole land of Ethiopia, that is to say, the whole of our head and throat, since we form the brain and throat with the Cephalo-Rachis liquid. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates. (Genesis 2:10-14) The river which goes toward the east of Assyria and the river Euphrates are the two poles of the woman’s seminal system. Therefore, the woman is towards the east of us, because she is the door of Paradise and this door is always towards the east. Eden is sex itself. Thus, the Tree of Life is within Eden itself.

The great Hierophant Eliphas Levi said that the Great Magical Arcanum is the Tree of Life and that “at the foot(Foundation, Yesod) of this Tree is the source of the four mysterious rivers of Eden.” Yet, he fearfully says in a moment of consternation: “Here I must pause, and I fear that already I have said too much.” This is the formidable, unutterable secret which no Initiate has ever dared to reveal. This is the formidable secret of the “Great Arcanum.” The four rivers of Eden are the sexual forces of man and woman. The Tree of Life is in the midst of these four rivers of Eden." - The Revolution of Beelzebub

"Had Psyche, by meekness and affection, persuaded Love to reveal himself, she would never have lost Love. Now, Love is one of the mythological images of the Great Secret and the Great Agent, because it postulates at once an action and a passion, a void and a plenitude, a shaft and a wound. The initiates will understand me, and on account of the profane I must not speak clearly."

– Eliphas Levi

This is all in relation to the Rock, Peter, the Philosopher's Stone.

All the principle tools of (Free)Masonry serve in order to work with the stone. Every Master Mason must chisel well his Philosophical Stone. This stone is the sex. We must build the temple of the Eternal One upon the Living Stone (and not build on sand).

– The Perfect Matrimony (p.305)

Other than a few teachings concealed within the 2nd and 3rd Gnostic Chambers, pretty much everything else(in relation to even beginning the Great Work) is now availible, for the Initiate and profane alike.

"All of this Wisdom was known in the Pythagorean Mysteries. They are known to Masonry; however they are no longer profound in these studies."

- The Initiatic Path In The Arcana of Tarot And Kabbalah

[edit on 18-8-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 12:23 AM

I have spent the last two hours reading your last posts on this thread and I must say you have blown my mind.

That was the most comprehensive, concise explaination of desired information I have experienced in a while.

As basic as it would seem to be I couldn't wrap my mind around an explaination for all the refrences to the Sun, or Solar aspect, or the moon, or so many things you laid out.

I wish I had something besides encouragement to add to this thread but at this point I am assimilating!

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 12:57 AM
Well I'm glad that the rantings and parrotings of a learned ignoramus have inspired your Essence to begin to awaken more(if it hasn't already).

Because we have to remember the teaching that nothing printed online or in any book is true Esoteric Knowledge.

Only our Inner-God can show us Esoterism through direct experience.

Although, intellectual study combined with Intuition and a little faith can, in the beginning, help us to separate the serious from the nonsense.

Originally posted by interestedalways
I wish I had something besides encouragement to add to this thread but at this point I am assimilating!


"If ye have faith as a grain of mustard Seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, ‘Remove hence to yonder place;’ and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." - Matthew 17:20

Only with the Arcanum A.Z.F. can you engender your Christic Vehicles. Your Inner Buddha will be dressed with those vehicles first, thereafter your Inner Christ. This is how you will become integral; you need to become integral. Remember good disciple that now you are nothing but a sleeping specter and that your present internal vehicles are only mental formations that you must disintegrate, reduce to cosmic dust.

Be patient in the Great Work. If you want to incarnate your Inner Christ, then you must be sour like the Lemon: be displeased, kill not only desire, but even the very shadow of desire. Be perfect in thought, word and deed; be pure… pure… pure..!

"Only by completely, totally annihilating desire can we achieve the dissolution of the “I”. If we want to annihilate the “I” we need to be like the lemon."

"It is urgent to tread the path of the most absolute sanctity. It is indispensable to practice Sexual Magic without animal desire. Not only must we kill desire, but the very shadow of desire. We need to be like the lemon. The sexual act should become a true religious ceremony. Jealousy must be eliminated. Know that passionate jealousies destroy peace in the home."

"If you want to reach the Christ, then you must kill desire. You must obtain the characteristics of a lemon."

"Every novice who works in the Great Work must support himself upon his staff, give light with his own lamp, and wrap himself in his sacred mantle. Every novice must be prudent. If you wish to incarnate the Christ, be like the lemon. Flee from lust and alcohol. Kill the innermost roots of desire."


[edit on 18-8-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 09:47 AM
Dear Moderator

I know you have manipulated my “Login” and cookies so that I can only see selected posts in this thread.
I also know on whose bidding you are doing this. Nice cozy Masonic family…

Why do you not want me to see Tamahu’s post?
You don’t want me to reply and you want me out of the Secret Society Forum.

Sad little people, both of you.

Don’t worry; there are plenty more serious Forums. Enjoy the Majestic Light Monopoly.

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 12:35 AM
I think this is part of their knowledge or in a way simular to the teachings of the progression of a soul.

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 05:50 AM

Originally posted by MacDonagh
The Masons are supposed to have sacred knowledge or something like that. Here's my question.
Say that you have this sacred (potentially explosive) knowledge, why keep it a secret? Why not tell everyone and let us share in it's truth? If it is the truth, will it not set us free? Or would it bind us to each other, wishing we didn't listen to it, nor seeked it out?

Sacred knowledge is already known its representend everyday you just got to know how to look.

Our sun just by looking at it tells us everything we need to know. If you cant break down a simple object in the universe into its most simplistic mathmatical representations then you dont deserve to know any sacred knoweldge of anything. You wouldnt even be able to comprehend it.

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by Sonata

Originally posted by MacDonagh
The Masons are supposed to have sacred knowledge or something like that. Here's my question.
Say that you have this sacred (potentially explosive) knowledge, why keep it a secret? Why not tell everyone and let us share in it's truth? If it is the truth, will it not set us free? Or would it bind us to each other, wishing we didn't listen to it, nor seeked it out?

Sacred knowledge is already known its representend everyday you just got to know how to look.

Our sun just by looking at it tells us everything we need to know. If you cant break down a simple object in the universe into its most simplistic mathmatical representations then you dont deserve to know any sacred knoweldge of anything. You wouldnt even be able to comprehend it.

Quantom Dynamics for example explains alot you just need to be able to comprehend said variables it really is not that hard.

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