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Meaning of the word AMEN

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posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 02:24 PM
hey we muslims also say Amen , but it sounds like AH-MEEEEN your sounds like
A-MAN. we also say it after every prayer and meal we eat

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 07:42 AM
You surely can't use Wikipedia as evidence of its meaning? It would be interesting to see some true source materials, as internet articles are always tainted with personal preferances. It seems obvious to me that the God Amun/Amen, meaning almost 'the unseen one', could be transcribed into newer religions as a confirmation at the end of prayer. Without studying ancient Judaic texts it would be impossible to tell.

However, it is true that nearly all religions have the same roots, but have been modified according to their specific prophets, so it's very plausible that it refers to the Egyptian God. With regards to those who say 'I'll keep using it as I was taught to use it', that is a very naive statement. To me, that comments on people's unwillingness to investingate something which may produce results they do not want. If the world religions are directed at Sun Gods, and we are not actually worshipping these Gods, then maybe that is reflected in our troubled world - natural disasters and human conflict rein everywhere, yet no-one explores the spiritual possibilities. There are those whoe belive that we've all been decieved, and devote their lives to finding truth. However, we prefer to ignore these people and instead listen to pop-media and celebrities who tell us what we want to here.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by saadrashid_inc

I have attended many different christian churches.

It seems they all use the ah-meeen , aman, and amen.

Confusing isn't it.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Nygdan


I find this very intresting in your post.

The first phrase uses the term melek, and the yezidi of course worship malik taus, but this is a phrase, meaning 'peacock king/angel'. I wouldnt' take each usage of malik/melek as a reference to malik taus.

TO my limited knowlege in certain cultures the Peacock is the symbol of royalty..which also implied diety and or blessinigs from the gods....heavenly. This pattern is true particularly in pagan nations...nations of the Orient. Very intresting connection you have made here. Thanks,

As to the word Amen following after the pattern of the Egyptians...or other nations..I doubt it. I say this simply because the pattern of operation both Olde and New Testament is not to follow the pattern of the nations surrounding Ancient Israel..not thier customs nor traditions for the land was defiled by this. Every tiime the Hebrews began to trespass and be disobedient in this area they were punnished and if I recall correctly some seven times put into captivity. They were not to do or go after strange gods or their customs.

You can see this clearly if you know for what you are reading in the book of Chronicles and of the Kings ..where the various Kings and priests were disobedient..building Groves and High places...worshiping on the hills in the daytime and in the valleys at night. The worship of the sun and the moon..after the nations surrounding them.
They even worshiped in the basement of the temple...saying no one sees what we do here...after the pattern of the nations surrounding Ancient Israel.

This is true also for the Christian. It may appear to be what some of you want or imply..but it would not follow that pattern. For to do so is to mix leven with wine with olde. be fair and true to history..many Christians do not know this history and are themselves following variations of this very corrupt pattern/history/behavior today in disobedience..just as did Ancient Israel.

If the use of the word Amen by the Apostles in many of the epistles was after the Occult/Eastern/Pagan pattern...they would have been instructed so...and we would know this today by the Word Itself.

Also If I am not mistaken some Eastern pagan they not prefer the use of the word or expression...So Mote it Be... rather than Amen??


[edit on 8-8-2008 by orangetom1999]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 02:51 AM
Amen came from ancient Egypt, after teh God Amen. Amen Ra was actually two gods Amen and Ra... who were merged together to get the wordls first recorded monotheism. The story of Jesus is also thought to be taken from ancient Egyptian culture, from teh god Heru (Horus). Google the story and you will concur. Many other different aspects of Christianity came from Egyptian religion, such as the popes pointed hat, his Ank that he carries.... his robe.. its pretty blatant.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 10:47 AM
Hello InterestedAlways and all,

Topics like this interests me greatly. I fear that many accept things just because, without trying to seek logic for it and meaning.

I do believe Amen is borrowed from the Egyptians. I believe it was a help mate for the transition of a people that were in the process of changing their own consciousness...Amun, Amon, Amen...

Today, people are in another process of changing in the consciousness.


posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by dizziedame
reply to post by saadrashid_inc

I have attended many different christian churches.

It seems they all use the ah-me , aman, and amen.

Confusing isn't it.


I don't find it confusing at all once one knows the patterns of things in Heaven and the patterns of things here on this earth.

Sodom and Gomorrah are used in the Old Testament as representations of the template and pattern for which we see the Children of Israel...being told not to follow...for the nations doing these things were defiled...abominations. THey were told not to follow these patterns nor idols nor the holy things or relics.

In the New Testament this is often changed to Sodom and Egypt as representing the same abominations and corruptions. Same principle and same pattern of conduct.
For you see Dizzydame..I also know certain things about Occult Religions and their that they too have prayers...trinitys et al. Nothing new here.

For you see Dizzydame ..the Lord of the Bible would not have us follow the pattern of Sodom and Gomorrah and also of Sodom and Egypt. It is just that simple...from the Old Testament unto the New Testament. Come out from amongst them and be ye separate..not in imitation or likeness of these other Nations.


posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 12:00 PM
Amen actually comes from Egypt.

Amen (Amon) and Amen-Ra, King of the Gods, and the Triad of Thebes

Among the gods who were known to the Egyptians in very early times were Amen and his consort Ament, and their names are found in the Pyramid Texts, e.g., Unas, line 558, where they are mentioned immediately after the pair of gods Nau and Nen, and in connection with the twin Lion-gods Shu and Tefnut, who are described as the two gods who made their own bodies, and with the goddess Temt, the female counterpart of Tem. It is evident that even in the remote period of the Vth Dynasty Amen and Ament were numbered among the primeval gods, if not as gods in chief certainly as subsidiary forms of some of them, and from the fact that they are mentioned immediately after the deities of primeval matter, Nau and Nen, who we may consider to be the equivalents of the watery abyss from which all things sprang, and immediately before Temt and Shu and Tefnut, it would seem that the writers or editors of the Pyramid Texts assigned great antiquity to their existence. Of the attributes ascribed to Amen in the Ancient Empire nothing is known, but, if we accept the meaning "hidden" which is usually given to his name, we must conclude that he was the personification of the hidden and unknown creative power which was associated with the primeval abyss, gods in the creation of the world, and all that is in it. The word or root amen, certainly means "what is hidden," "what is not seen," "what cannot be seen," and the like, and this fact is proved by scores of examples which may be collected from texts of all periods. In hymns to Amen we often read that he is "hidden to his children, "and "hidden to gods and men," and it has been stated that these expressions only refer to the "hiding," i.e., "setting" of the sun each evening, and that they are only to be understood in a physical sense, and to mean nothing more than the disappearance of the god Amen from the sight of men at the close of day. Now, not only is the god himself said to be "hidden," but his name also is "hidden," and his form, or similitude, is said to be "unknown;" these statements show that "hidden," when applied to Amen, the great god, has reference to something more than the "sun which has disappeared below the horizon," and that it indicates the god who cannot be seen with the mortal eyes, and who is invisible, as well as inscrutable, to gods as well as men. In the times approaching the Ptolemaic period the name Amen appears to have been connected with the root men, "to abide, to be permanent;" and one of the attributes which were applied to him was that of eternal. Amen is represented in five forms: 1. As a man, when he is seen seated on a throne, and holding in one hand the scepter, and in the other the symbol of "life." In this form he is one of the nine deities who compose the company of the gods of Amen-Ra, the other eight being Ament, Nu, Nut, Hehui, Hehet, Kekui, Keket, and Hathor. 2. As a man with the head of a frog, whilst his female counterpart Ament has the head of a uraeus. 3. As a man with the head of a uraeus, whilst his female counterpart has the head of a cat. 4. As an ape. 5. As a lion couching upon a pedestal.



Funny that people don't know they are worshiping ancient Egyptian kings when they say "Amen".

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 01:33 PM
It's funny to note that Cabbalists use the term SHEMHOMPHORASH (may be misspelled) when closing verses of prayr...

Quite a bit different than Amen

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 01:52 PM
At least in the Finnish translation it is close to 'indeed'. Maybe Teal'c was one of the original writers

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 06:35 PM
I just recently ran across the idea of Amen meaning hidden.

Wouldn't of thought of that, but it is sourced in my thread amout the shemsu hor.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 08:32 PM

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 09:59 AM

THE early history of the god Amen is somewhat obscure, and his origin is unknown.

The name Amen means "hidden (one)," a title which might be applied to many gods. A god Amen and his consort Ament or Amenit are mentioned in the Pyramid Texts (UNAS, line 558), where they are grouped with Nau and Nen, and with the two Lion gods Shu and Tefnut.

This Amen was regarded as an ancient nature-god by the priests of Heliopolis under the Vth dynasty, and it is possible that many of his attributes were transferred at a very early period to Amen, the great god of Thebes. Though recent excavations have shown that a cult of Amen existed at Thebes under the Ancient Empire, it is doubtful if it possessed any more than a local importance until the XIIth dynasty.

When the princes of Thebes conquered their rivals in the north and obtained the sovereignty of Egypt, their god Amen and his priesthood became a great power in the land, and an entirely new temple was built by them, in his honour, at Karnak on the right bank of the Nile. The temple was quite small, and resembled in form and arrangement some of the small Nubian temples; it consisted of a shrine, with a few small chambers grouped about it, and a forecourt, with a colonnade on two sides of it.

Amen was not the oldest god worshipped there, and his sanctuary seems to have absorbed the shrine of the ancient goddess Apit. The name of Thebes is derived from T-Ape, the Coptic name of the shrine of the goddess Apit, and the city was not known as Nut Amen (the No Amon of the Bible, Nahum 3, 8), i.e., the "city of Amen," until a very much later dat

According to this text Amen was in fact the name/title of the God AMEN, not the word said at the end of a prayer.

Whatever views Amenhetep III held concerning Amen and his worship, he did not allow them to interfere with or obstruct his public allegiance to that god. This fact is proved by his building operations at Luxor and the gifts which he made to the temples and priesthood of Amen throughout the country. But he honoured other Egyptian gods besides Amen, for he built a temple at Elephantine to Khnemu, a very ancient god of the region of the First Cataract. To commemorate his victory over the Nubians in the fifth year of his reign, he built the great temple called Het Kha-em-Maat at Sulb, in the Egyptian Sudan. He dedicated it to Father Amen, Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, to Khnemu and to "his own Image living upon earth, Neb-maat-Ra. 1" On a bas-relief published by Lepsius 2 we see him worshipping himself, as Lord of Ta-Kenset. In several of the scenes sculptured on the walls he is represented making offerings to Amen-Ra, Khnemu and other gods, and he is

sentence not completed.

The opening words say that it is a hymn to Amen when he rises as Heraakhuti; that is to say, it is addressed to Amen in his character of a solar god. It might equally well be addressed

to Ra or Horus or any solar god. The writer calls the god a "daily beauty that never fails to rise," and identifies him with Khepera, an ancient god of creation, who is mighty in works.

His rays which strike the face cannot be known (or estimated), and the brilliantly bright and shining metal called tcham cannot be compared for splendour with his beautiful appearance.

The caps on the pyramidions of obelisks were made of tcham metal, and the brightness of them could be seen many leagues away. In line 3 Amen is said to have been ptah-tu, i.e., he was "designed," just as an object is designed, or plotted out, by a draughtsman, and the correct meaning of the word may be that Amen designed his own form.

Next the god "plated his limbs," i.e., he made them to have the appearance of plates made of tcham metal. This statement is followed by the words, "[He] gives birth, but was not himself born: Only One in his characteristics, qualities, powers and operations."

I would like to know more about this tcham metal.j

My purpose in reviving this thread is to invite the readers to look a bit deeper into the meaning and origination of the word AMEN.

Thou stablishest heaven with thy two arms, and the West (Ament) in thy name of Amen. Thou art the Image of the Ka (or Double) of all the gods, Image of Amen, Image of Atem, Image of Khepera, Image of the Lord of all the earth, Image of the Lord who is crowned King of the South and North in the North and South, Image who gavest birth to the gods, who gavest birth to men, who gavest birth to everything, the Lord of life, thou Living One, who possessest power greater than that of all the gods. Thou hast conquered the Nine Gods, thou hast presented to them their offering. Thou hast bound them together, thou hast made them to live. O thou Image who hast created their doubles (?), thou hast

I find it facinating how the Egyptian tales still are part of our truth today, disguised perhaps, but still part of our collective knowing,

[edit on 24-1-2009 by interestedalways]

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 12:42 PM
Does anyone still think the word Amen originated with Christianity?

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
From the Alternative Religions website comes the word Notariqon. This word is said to be a Kabbalistic methodology which involves looking for deeper meanings or words or phrases by expanding them into sentences or acronyms. It says that an example of this would be the word Amen, that Amen is a compaction of the phrase "Adonai Melekh Na'amon" Lord, faithful King.

Does anyone know if this is true? It seems I am frequently running across many references to Melek, or Malik Taus these days. Do you believe when millions of Christians are saying Amen to end their prayers they are actually referring to a Yezidi deity?

I haven't read through all the replies yet due to I am in a rush.... but it should be noted, if it has not yet, that Amen is also a variation of an Egyptian god, Amon Re (the hidden one).

Interesting to note also is that the depiction of Jesus is much along the lines of the gods also worshiped by the Egyptians.. now take further notice of the following:

I Timothy 6: 16
Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.

Revelation 1: 7
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

Revelation 1: 18
I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

Revelation 3: 14
And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

Revelation 7: 12Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.

Revelation 19: 4
And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.

Revelation 22: 21 (the last verse in the christian bible)
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Christianity was in fact derived from hellenistic Jews who worshiped the gods of babylon and egypt.

Thus.. the deception of the new testament.

The word Amen was deception and not the same word that the Jewish used for "truly."

[edit on 26-1-2009 by justamomma]

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 12:55 PM
Great research, momma!

I am glad someone else is seeing what I am seeing.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 02:03 PM

Amen specifically relates to RA.
Men called him 'amen'
Spelled Amen...Amun...Amon...Omon...Amun

Like Old Test-AMEN-t

Amen means "The Hidden One"

Kings 1, 36 ...the Lord God of my Lord

Abraham...was the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenemhet I
Jacob...was the Israeli/Hyksos conqueror who sat on Egypts throne, ruling as Yakubher.
Moses...the Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III (note: Isis, mother of Moses)
King David...Pharaoh Psusennes I (David's son Solomon....sol means son and Omon means Ra.....was the same person as Siamun (son of Pharaoh Psusennes), meaning Son of Amun)
King Solomon...ruled as Pharaoh Siamun. (note: King Solomons Temple means "Temple of the Sun God Amen)

Jesus...rightful heir to the throne of Egypt....son of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar...named Caesarion.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Great research, momma!

I am glad someone else is seeing what I am seeing.

Yes, I had actually done this research a bit ago. It intrigued me as well when I researching the history of Israel (which included quite a bit of Egyptian history as well).

I will admit to being uncertain whether Amen is one in the same as the G.d of the Tanakh (deceptively known as the Old Testament), but from the research I have done thus far, it is not and is more in line with the god of the New Testament.

The word Amen, as someone else pointed out, is different from the Jewish word for "truly" and the G.d of David was not Amen, but it was added in the King James Version as such (just as many other things were changed in our version of the Tanakh to deceptively flow with the New Testament).

I have not blindly put faith in the G.d of the Tanakh. The intelligence behind the picture of the TAnakh is infinitely brilliant.. beyond any man's intelligence that has ever been; not to mention, when I was finally able, just as He promised He would in Malachi 3, He proved Himself (outside of my personal experience) to be the one true G.d. I was amazed and thus, I do believe that any references to the gods of the Egyptians was made to fit the god of the New Testament. Hope that makes sense to you..

It is really all quite fascinating no matter what one wants to subscribe to, no?

BTW!! Nice to see ya around interestedalways!

[edit on 26-1-2009 by justamomma]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by justamomma

Hello Justamomma,

I know you and I differ on beliefs...but that aside, you have made me restudy some really interesting things....and I thank you for that. I believe we are to not just ignore what others believe, but search all thoughts.


posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:12 PM
Justamomma and LeoVirgo

You both have so much to add of interest that I have seen from you around the board. It is good that we can think differently and yet still have respect for one another, therein lies a true beauty that you both shine forth with.

Thanks for posting and opening our minds a bit further with your thoughts.

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