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National I.D. Card Mandatory May 2008 !!!!

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posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 07:01 AM
The war on terrrorism is becoming a basis for the national I.D. card to become mandatory and no one will be abel to fly on an airplane, take a train, or enter a federal building without one. The question is this a NWO plot to gain further control over the population or a legitimate fight against terrorism???

The question, "May I see some ID?" is about to get a lot more complicated.

On Tuesday, the Senate unanimously passed the Real ID Act, paving the way for President Bush to sign it into law later this month. The law states, in effect, that in May 2008 (three years after passage), Americans will need to get a federally approved ID card. These new ID cards must have "machine readable" technology built into them, as described by the Department of Homeland Security. The new ID cards will be required for Americans to board a plane or train, open a bank account or enter federal buildings.

Those in support of the bill, such as sponsor Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), say the legislation will make it more difficult for terrorists to establish identities in the United States. The Real ID act was part of an unrelated $82 billion military spending bill, which opponents claim had much to do with its passage. The House gave its OK May 5 with a vote of 368 in favor, 58 opposed. President Bush has indicated that he will sign the legislation.

here's the link to the full story below......

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 10:27 AM
You bet it is.

For every bogus threat, will bring us closer to less freedom and implants and national ID cards, etc.

This is all planned, step by condition people that if they want to be "safe" they have to comply.

They will pass that National ID, come hell or high waters. Then, the implant, the mark of the beast.

It will all go through because WE CANT DO A THING ABOUT IT- err...WONT DO A THING ABOUT IT.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 07:38 PM
I saw a report on the news today that the U.S. wants the same eavesdropping freedom that the U.K. has for national security I wonder if the U.K. has a national I.D. card too??

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 07:53 PM
Coming from a country that has had a National ID card since the 50s, I don't see how having a mandatory ID card can be bad. The potential for abuse is always there, regardless of what it is that may be abused.

If anything, ID cards, especially those containing biometric data like fingerprints so that it cannot be forged may actually help lower crime rates or at least get the cases solved faster.

There is a reason why Malaysian CID and Malaysian CSI are among the best in the region. The ID card is one of them. Initially set up in the 50s by the British to help us combat communist guerrillas and insurgents, the I.C. as it is known locally, has become an essential part of everyday life here in this country.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 08:52 PM
Some people view the national I.D. card as a stepping stone to the veri-chip which is considered the mark of the beast by some....

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 04:41 AM
I just wonder when all this Orwellian stuff will be fully implemented. I hope its soon....I dont like to wait.

I want to be monitored at home, at work, i want to ask permission to go to work, i want to be told what to do at all times...Hey, if there's a Police State, can we go to work????? Maybe the government will make us stay home.

Well, that could be a good thing.

And the thought police....

It all sounds so good to me....I think i'll volunteer my services to be a warden at the "camps" (provided i dont live in one) appealing....

Everything is coming up Roses.......

What a time to be alive!!!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 04:58 AM
NO ID on the UK YET!!!

They do plan to bring one in, though we have much opposition!

Our Gov are expected to charge us around £80 for one that is mandatory, now i have a good salary though for people on the minimum wage in the UK thats a good tenth or more of your monthly salary after income tax, National Insurance........and if you don't pay up the courts are calling!

I'm happy to have an ID card, though im not happy paying £200 for all my family to be legal!!! and i bet you have to renew it evry ten years like our driving licence. Guess what that costs too!!!

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 09:04 AM
I wonder how much a national I.D. will cost us here in the U.S. I dont want too pay 200.00 dollars for an I.D. card I dont want........

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 09:12 AM
Don't worry, it will be painless. Taxes will be increased without your knowledge or consent and besides adding an I.D. card, the U.S. government will no doubt tie additional levels of intrusive surveillance measures into the device. To be polite about it, they won't bother telling us about those "add ons" until some wacko independent civilian group investigates and manages to get their information to the press before the NSA silences them.

No, this won't hurt a bit and I hear they come in prett colors, too.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 09:19 AM
when they say "machine readable", do they mean RFID? Because its going to be a great day for identity theft when there's all that sensitive data buzzing around the air. there is a multitude of software out there that already makes the dump, fuzz, and clone of any RFID (encrypted or not) very easy from a PDA or laptop.

if its not some sort of broadcasting medium (barcode instead) then it does't really matter because you all already have ID cards. you cant drive a car without a drivers license, or leave the country with out a passport or even borrow a book without a library card.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by the_sentinal
The question is this a NWO plot to gain further control over the population or a legitimate fight against terrorism??

Well thats an easy question to answer of course its to gain control over us ALL. They will succeed its just matter of time. Nothing, as big as taken over happens over night. This is been going on for decades.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 09:33 AM
What's the good in having everyones finger prints when the bad guys just use latex gloves whilst in the act of commiting their nefarious deeds, thus leaving none behind to be matched

It's just a way of having us all catalogued and recorded like cattle for our masters, something I object to most strongly. I would ask what right our governments have in imposing these things on us but I have to keep reminding myself they can do whatever the hell they like. If a law exists to prevent them then they'll interpret it differently to allow them to do what they like. If a law does not exist they'll rush one through, often attached to some innocuous bill to try and hide it.

We are all to be treated like suspects by our governments. Anybody speaking out will be a threat to National security and criminalised.
I work hard and (grudgingly) pay my taxes. I abide by the laws set down to protect society but will NOT submit to imposed tyranny by some police enforced nanny state.

The day our leaders (our employees) start allowing public scrutiny of their actions and spending, I may then mellow a little in my stance. Until that time I will continue with my deep distrust and remain cautious and continue to question their actions.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 09:34 AM
Oh, and as for the REAL ID..... wait until you have to start presenting it when crossing a state line

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
You bet it is.

For every bogus threat, will bring us closer to less freedom and implants and national ID cards, etc.

This is all planned, step by condition people that if they want to be "safe" they have to comply.

They will pass that National ID, come hell or high waters. Then, the implant, the mark of the beast.

It will all go through because WE CANT DO A THING ABOUT IT- err...WONT DO A THING ABOUT IT.

I dont see you out there doing alot about it? what do you expect? someone else to take up arms on your behalf?

the only thing you do is show up on these boards and whine about "orwellian" conspiracies....oh put the copy of 1984 down!

Im not saying im overly happy about it, but if it helps keep illegal immigration under control and prevents terrorist attacks. All the better.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
Im not saying im overly happy about it, but if it helps keep illegal immigration under control and prevents terrorist attacks. All the better.

Just like not having a social security card and photo ID keeps illegal immigrants from getting jobs now? And not having a valid, legal passport keeps terrorists off planes? A national ID card isn't going to do anything good that our current driver's licenses don't already do.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 10:50 AM
Hey DG, you should have been around when Social Security was implemented, people were saying the same stuff back then too…

It kills me to see otherwise smart people let their imaginations run wild and dictate their views. Look at what the poster who actually lives in a country with a National ID type system has to say about it, don’t buy into the Big Brother hype.

[edit on 14-8-2006 by WestPoint23]

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 10:55 AM
ID cards will be next to useless they wouldnt have stopped the 20 odd people who have just been arrested on terrorism charges, and the bio metric passports they are on about will be just as bad, i believe they have already been cracked by hackers.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 11:10 AM
WestPoint I agree with you to a point. I believe this awareness and diligence keeps the PTB in check. By voicing concerns, it shows the government that we are watching them. My big concern is the cost to the tax payer. How much do they think we should pay for a mandatory card?

Freedom or Safety? The big choice.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
Im not saying im overly happy about it, but if it helps keep illegal immigration under control and prevents terrorist attacks. All the better.

It didn't help Madrid. Changing your foreign policy will make you safer.

It won't help your immigration problem as I beleive your borders are some of the slackest about. Tighting your borders will help with your immigration woes.

They have already been hacked. If something can be made it can be un-made, this is a universal rule.

You guys also get these starting today I beleive, even though its a trial they will come in soon.

Any Christians/Catholics who insult people for being too orwillian are contradicting their very own holy writings. The mark of the Beast, you cannot travel, buy or sell without it. Is it not possible that these chips/tags/I.D could be the mark of the beast....? or is the bible basically a load of rubbish? which one is it?

For those who regard the bible as a storybook I understand why you may think people are being overley paranoid about RFID etc. For me its more the fact they can be hacked and having my personal I.D or RFID hacked so hackers have access to my DNA type or finger print doesn't fill me with joy.

The cost is also another factor. In the U.K these cards are being pitched at £80 and thats a cheap guess.

The next step will be to implant this I.D within you. When this is suggested lets see how many of you are willing to take your children down the hospital to be branded like cattle.
at least you will know where they are at all times! RFID TV!!!!

[edit on 14-8-2006 by 7th_Chakra]

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 11:56 AM
Ok, so the government tells us the cost, to each of us, for the card is going to be £80.

What they don't tell us is the cost of the systems to be put into place to issue and administer the system. Another doozy of a contract for the Governments favourite IT contractor (no names some Googling on past contracts).
If the Cards are to include RFID technology then it's a simple job to put into place the equipment necessary to read them from a distance. A lot of people already carry contactless ID cards to gain entry into their place of work each day. The same technology could be used to read the ID cards without you even knowing it. Simple and invisible tracking technology, along with all the road cameras and the little GPS units they want in all our cars.

Why don't they just get it over with and tattoo a freakin barcode on us and be done with it

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