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If this is true It's time to NUKE the Vatican

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posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 09:20 AM
The Illuminati, the Jesuits, the NWO, well I'm sick to my stomach. These following claims will infuriate everyone on the planet. I for one don't like being a slave.
check this link out. I've seen similar claims on other sites. We have to do something immediately.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Who Owns You?
Call to Decision

Last Updated: Saturday, July 22, 2006 02:00:51 PM

. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)

2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816)

3. The U.S. Has not had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654)

4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential Documents Volume 29-No.4 pg.113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288)

Oh yeah, there is another 36 points you can find on the link that will have you rioting in the streets.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 10:13 AM

40. Guess who owns the UN?

I do

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 10:23 AM
Hello Battle, this may support what you have posted.

Folks here is a post I wrote several months ago on another site.
I have added several not all updates.
The veil for me of western consciousness has been lifted and my thoughts now arrive daily.
For me there is no turning back…

So here is the picture I took in the Santa Catalina Monestario in Arequipa, Peru.
This was a Convent closed for 396 years, just reopened in 1970.

This symbol I contend is the source of the Nazis adopting the Swastika as the symbol of their 'movement'.

And was Aleister Crowley aware of this Catholic symbol? Crowley claimed to have given the Swastika symbol to the Nazis, this was either true or just more of Crowley's EGO shooting from the hip.
Hitler was however a Roman Catholic who believed in the occult.

And for those that thru the filters of Faith and Denial refuse to see, those who cannot see the symbol within the symbol...please view this image. ossandNaziSwastika1147849803.JPG

Now consider what I am about to say and this is very important. When viewing the above symbol we can visualize both a right and left handed swastika. As in many aspects of life, it depends on perspective. As I demonstrated using the 'inter-cardinal' directions, (i.e. ne, se, sw, and nw), the shaded areas become the right-handed adopted Nazi swastika, however if we view the above Catholic/Christian iconography using the cardinal directions (n,e,s and w) we can now visualize the left-handed Hindu svastika.

So what I am implying is that Hitler saw himself as a messenger with a mission statement, the three colors used in the Swastika are also the first 3 Horsemen of the Apocalypse appearing in Revelations, Bible 'Prophecy' .
White, red, black and pale was the order of the riders.
These 4 colors with great interest are also the 4 colors used in Alchemy.
However the process by which lead turns to gold is in this colorful order.
Black (lead) > red > white > yellow (gold and perhaps the pale rider?)
Another coincidence is that these were among the first dyes used and also in Hopi prophecy it refers to the 4 races of mankind.
So the alchemy suggests that the first race was black > red > white (current) > yellow
How accurate is this summation in ‘light’, in regards to today’s geo-politics?
Will the ‘yellow’ race march west with an army of 2,000,000 as prophesized?

And when you google "SS" in 'light' of the occult Nazi / Catholic connections you realize SS also means Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Did Hitler see these two Saints as his apostles as assisting him in his tasks, the mythical St. Peter, the first Pope, some claim?
The Schutzstaffel ("defense squadron"), or SS, was also a large paramilitary organization that was a principal component of the Nazi party.
And were these activities with or without the consent of the Vatican?
Does the Vatican have a cross to bear in regards to Jews?
The Buddhist swastika, the omote manji can be formed simply by using two S, crossed to form a swirling symbol.

Now to put us back on track, remember the Swastika is one of the symbols along with the Star of David that can spin, spiral or rotate in either direction, indicative of perhaps a right-hand or left-hand path both being Buddhist and Hindu concepts or simply the movements can be viewed as clockwise or counter-clockwise.

Andre Brissard, the most reliable of the French writers on the Nazis and the occult says that the left-handed swastika turns in the direction of the earth’s rotation: hence it symbolizes the solar wheel, the benefic fire of heaven, expansion, creation, evolution and fertility and is the ‘Wheel of the Golden Sun’.
The right-handed swastika is the ‘Wheel of the Black Sun’ representing the earthly fire recreated by man and the quest for political hegemony in opposition to the Fire of Heaven.

And it is no coincidence that the Star of David not unlike the Phoenix, was reborn in the ashes of the Swastika. It certainly marked an event ... domination by the FIRE Cults.
Witness the post war boom and the terrestrial resources consumed by the Fire Cult, resource depletion is a sure sign the Fire Cults have passed through.

But we must remember the Star of David is a symbol along with the Crucifix that represents the FIRE Cults, those that embraced and nurtured the gift of Fire, the seed of all technology.

The Star of David represents only 2 of the 4 elements, water and fire. It is comprised of two inter-laced triangles, and each triangle represents an element. In this case it would be masculine fire pointing upwards and feminine water pointing downwards. It is comprised of the north to south axis, the 'thermodynamic axis of interaction'. The same axis as the 7 chakras, the same axis where the condor or eagle encounters the snake or the serpent. This is the axis where we encounter and defeat our individual microcosmic demons.

The Cross or specifically the Crucifix could be said to represent all four elements with an obvious distortion, the crucifix is 'longer' in the south...herein lies its source of power, it's influence. It is essentially not as balanced as an equal-armed cross is and the four forces are also not contained within a circle, the monad, the Tao.
The Swastika embodies all 4 elements, especially if viewed as a Cross within a Circle, it is now seen as a whole, everything is connected. Or we can place the angular swastika and its mirror image, (indicative of left hand vs. right hand or clockwise vs. counterclockwise) over one another and form a square or a diamond, depending on your perspective.

Just a month after a call for a European-wide ban of the swastika, scientists have found that the symbol has new applications in optical communications and could have a role in quantum cryptography.

Dr Darren Bagnall from the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton has found that he can arrange tens of thousands of gold swastikas on a square millimetre to form new optical metamaterials that act to artificially change the polarisation of light, effectively “twisting” light in accordance with the rotation of the swastikas. By changing the degree of twist in a predictable way the chiral metamaterials can provide an alternative way to code information that is being transmitted using light.

According to Dr Bagnall, it is the special arrangement and squareness of the swastika which makes it the ideal geometry for their experiments. He comments: "The swastika has a number of special features, it is entirely made up of vertical and horizontal straight lines and it is square but can still provide the feeling of left-handed or right-handed rotation known as chirality. It is this chirality which causes our swastikas to twist light."

Dr Bagnall and his team are continuing to experiment with a wide range of other chiral geometries such as, spirals, triskella and some fractals and are very excited about the potential for use of these chiral metamaterials in technology.

Dr Bagnall comments: ‘While we are still at an early stage in our experiments, we can already anticipate applications in optoelectronics, laser physics and optical communications. This is especially true, as technologists are increasingly using polarisation state as a means of carrying information in applications such as quantum cryptography.’

And the Swastika, I will continue to show was the adopted symbol of the SOLAR, WATER and FERTILTIY Cults who have been displaced thru time by the FIRE cults who consume and devour primarily natural terrestrial resources, our elemental Mother Earth and as the saying goes "like there is no tomorrow".


It is now easy to understand why THEY connected the symbol, the swastika, to the heinous crime, the Holocaust. It was claimed 6 million perished. (Jews specifically, numbers on the others are neither readily available nor conclusive)
So may I profoundly ask why do we not associate the Crucifix with the 90 million that perished in the Americas alone, in the 150 years that followed the arrival of the Europeans? And why do we not make big blockbuster movies about these events showing the butchery?
Shall I mention the various Inquisitions or the Crusades?
All of these messengers, the Conquistadors, the Jesuits, all of the rabid Bible thumpers, the diplomats of the Church having a 'cross' to bear.
So why have they tried to etch into our consciousness a negative association with the Swastika, a profound pre-historic symbol? Why is it associated with a Holocaust that some people claim should have its HIStory revised?
And when people want to discuss it in an open forum ... they are whisked away.
All of history is open to revision, except the Holocaust.

Why do they marginalize in the western world only a symbol that has the potential to link humanities ancestry?


The answer lies in the question, in plain view; it was obscured by a manufactured consent taking place over the past 3500 years, THEY have had plenty of time to organize.
That is what humans tend to do.
Isn’t it?

It is the symbol and its profound meaning that they fear and it's ability to link mankind perhaps to a common ancestry. It is an ancestry of common thought and choice of lifestyle. However it is non-Judeao/Christian/Islamic.
But I do believe it has more to do with the symbol representing a certain way of thinking and living. And I mean it is a lifestyle born from those that saw it as a Solar Cross, adopted primarily by cultures that lived by the 'cyclical' movements of the cosmos.
This is what the 'swastika' basically implies ...cyclical, spiralling movement, capable of two directions.

Next step for me is linking this Catholic symbol to the Chakana, the Andean / Inca Cruz or Cross linked to the Shamanistic Medicine Wheel.
Update: I have made some interesting esoteric connections.

Would it be asking too much of FAITH to suggest the Catholic Church stole symbols after stealing the history of a culture, after building their churches atop of their conquered foe's sacred sites?

And here comes the rant

Have we been duped big time?
Who really resides in the Vatican? What omnipotent force has taken up residence there?
Does the hypocrisy of the extreme wealth of the Church make sense if we allow our imaginations to accept that the metaphorical 'Satan' was tossed from heaven so looong ago, so how would he organize and present himself after thousands of years, how would he attempt to fool us into following him?
Would he deceive us by pretending to be our friend providing comforts and security or by erecting and manufacturing enemies to be feared and thus protected from or both?
Desire and Fear.

And one more fact that keeps us collectively off the 'straight and narrow and off balance, non-centered and this is perhaps why we keep falling off that path either to the left or to the right....
The Church in its history has supported the military.
Today the Vatican supports the US War machine with money...ironically with energy stolen through the centuries from those they have oppressed.
So what has happened to separation of Church and State?

The Power and the Glory, the Left and Right have thus merged...but I would not call it reconciliation.
Would you?

And my contention that there is a conspiracy to follow scripture as a script gains profound insight when one realizes Hitler, not unlike Saddam, , Milosovic, Noriega, Marcos, the Shah of Iran and other Puppets have only been given enough rope with which to hang themselves.
Why do the FIRE Cults NOT embrace SOLAR and other alternative technologies? It becomes obvious.
Would we become more 'independent' of the matrix, a word that also has its root in 'mater', along with matter and mother? Those are the resources that come from within the abomination, Gaia our elemental Mom.
(if you are not on the Grid, you are not being 'metered')

So collectively we are not utilizing the SUN of God enough...SOLAR, Water and Fertilty which are tied to the cycles of the Cosmos. We have failed to find that magical balance between terrestrial and non-terrestrial resources.
I also use precession to support my contentions here, the movement of the earth’s axis relative to the macrocosmic and microcosmic northern constellations, the Big and Little Dipper, our galactic clock.

The prophecized pride of Man playing with the shunned gift of FIRE, our egos developing profitable, yet wasteful energies has been our downfall...and we have fallen, the momentum is undeniable.
Only the 'energetic' intervention of something huge, and I would suggest the triangular relationship of the Cosmic rays of the Father Sun and the Gravitational effects of the Moonchild will effect our Mother Earth with catastrophic results.

On 2005-11-20 11:59, Joemac wrote on another thread:
Mid-Atlantic Ridge. I forgot to mention the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is becoming a very significant player in global warming; from Iceland to Antarctica. This is because this area of the Earth’s thin crust is being stretched. Every other place on the Earth is being compressed, except for Africa and that part of the Indian and South Pacific Ocean which seperates Antarctica and Australia.

This sounds very much like the Greek myth of Chaos creating Gaea who in turn, through an immaculate conception gave birth to Uranus, born from her side.
Is the Earth’s heartbeat, the quickening of the frequency an indication that the Mother Earth is in labor?
Is this where the 'newborn son' vows to kill the Father and does the patriarchal domination thus end?
The balance known as the Trinity has been upset, The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (the feminine aspect was hidden as the Holy Spirit)

Why is this happening?
Read my signature below, we did not heed the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics.

And the 3rd Law possibly describes the punishment we are to receive.
And it has happened before; part of a growing, evolutionary cycle that the Mother Earth also passes through.

This perfection upon the earth is relative to the universal soul of the earth (i.e. as the macrocosm or greater world, so the microcosm or lesser world, which is man).
-The Kabbalah Unveiled

Back to Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato ... as it is in the macrocosm so it is in the microcosm. These guys sat around and actually had time to think, deeply, do we?
Look around you at the distractions, the graven images we have erected that stop us from achieving the discipline of merging our thinking with our feelings.
All of the low-brow infotainment that conspires to feed our lower natures.

We have become the 'human doings' kept very busy attending to detail; distractions erected by the Fire Cult Leaders (Bush is one), and by definition thus we are too busy attending to the detail, falsely lead by the microcosmic ego attending to self, we are too far removed from the big / macrocosmic picture to be the 'human beings' we are capable of being.

There is a very good reason the Swastika was forever 'linked' to a heinous crime. The truth will be revealed by science in TIME.
It is the key to a much deeper understanding of our roots.

The symbolism of the swastika can actually accommodate and be applied to an expanding and contracting universe. And most of hermetic philosophy was indeed focused on expansion and contraction.

Can anyone give an explanation of the specific symbolic significance of that Catholic Cross I found in the convent? What was it said to represent?
I should have hired a guide.


Here is perhaps the source of that Catholic iconography which brings us back to Buddhism, and I suspect a guide would NOT have known this anyway.
Compare the structure of the Santa Catalina Cross with this Buddhist mandala.

I then compare this structure to Plato's description of Atlantis, which also resembles in basic structure and dimension the shiva linga.
One of the oldest fertility symbols.
And that means we are getting very close to how it all began.
We have only heard to this point HIStory, it is time for HERStory.

i.e. HIStory + HERStory = a historical TRUTH

So the spinning, twisting and spiraling rotation and chirality manifest themselves into very popular toys like the Frisbee, the hula-hoop and twister.
There are no coincidences, I only experience intersection and convergence now as we are only recognizing and taping into the connections and patterns representing the consciousness of an architect, of the whole.

This universe is indeed the architecture of an energetic ‘god’.



ENERGY = GOD ... Share Him is the Message...
God can be neither created nor destroyed; he can only be transformed into other forms of God.
However there is a penalty for committing sin, for transforming God and it is called Entropy.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:17 PM
Well I'm actually interested in the legal aspect and how to protect my a$$ from not paying income tax.
How ever the more I research the law and the people that introduced the Bills of Parliament or ruled on important land mark decisions and authored legal dictionaries or headed important universities that educated lawyers etc, I continually run into esoteric symbolism which is all over the place and in the corporate world as well.
I was looking at an old bookstore website that contained numerous old books on demonolgy, Kabbalah, witchcraft and found that popes wrote some of these books, and important people like Prime Ministers, Presidents wives, Senators, authors of the British North American Act, prominant freemasons, etc were the owners of these books according to the store.
Anyways from your post I think you would really like this link to the following website:

This guy talks about the original society being run as a matriarchal society and that they ended up warring with a pedophile priest class that eventually broke off and created the Patriarchal society we are now under.
He talks about the HIStory vs. HERstory.
He claims to have broke the code so to speak and suggests things are a multi-layered level according to past & present events.
The site is long and will take awhile to read thru everything, how ever he will answer questions if you email him.
He also says the goal of the patriarchal elite is to create a hermaphrodite race of humanity to continue on with human slavery via cloning & artificial wombs and completely do away with the female to win the war against the Matriarchal group.

He could just be a paranoid schitzo as well.

[edit on 2-8-2006 by BattleofBatoche]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by BattleofBatoche
The Illuminati, the Jesuits, the NWO, well I'm sick to my stomach. These following claims will infuriate everyone on the planet. I for one don't like being a slave.
check this link out. I've seen similar claims on other sites. We have to do something immediately.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Who Owns You?
Call to Decision

Last Updated: Saturday, July 22, 2006 02:00:51 PM

. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)

2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816)

3. The U.S. Has not had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654)

4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential Documents Volume 29-No.4 pg.113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288)

Oh yeah, there is another 36 points you can find on the link that will have you rioting in the streets.

what an idea. i can see you are a homegrown american with out even asking because if you homegrowners dont like soomething you either leave it for someone else to fix or you just nuke it, doesnt matter to you if theres millions of people living around the target does it?

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:28 PM

whats wrong with you,that man can harldy stand up. an they put that heavy had on him,giving him back problems. they need to give him a bathrobe an a baseball cap. Then at least he might put a smile on his face for once

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by worksoftplayhard

Originally posted by BattleofBatoche
The Illuminati, the Jesuits, the NWO, well I'm sick to my stomach. These following claims will infuriate everyone on the planet. I for one don't like being a slave.
check this link out. I've seen similar claims on other sites. We have to do something immediately.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Who Owns You?
Call to Decision

Last Updated: Saturday, July 22, 2006 02:00:51 PM

. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)

2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816)

3. The U.S. Has not had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654)

4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential Documents Volume 29-No.4 pg.113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288)

Oh yeah, there is another 36 points you can find on the link that will have you rioting in the streets.

what an idea. i can see you are a homegrown american with out even asking because if you homegrowners dont like soomething you either leave it for someone else to fix or you just nuke it, doesnt matter to you if theres millions of people living around the target does it?

Um well if you read the link you would realize that the IMF controls almost every country in the world except the 'axis of evil'. Second I'm a Canadian who has dived head first into the 'rabbit hole' and can't believe what i'm finding.

Looks like the Jesuits (catholic) use the Rothchild Banking Houses (Talmudic Jews) to control the world through their agents, Rockefellars (Baptist), Kissenger, Council of 300, Club of Rome, Trilateral comission, Bildeberg Group, MI5&6, KGB, CIA, NSA, CSIS, MOSSAD, Freemasony, etc, etc.

Just do some research for yourself.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:56 PM
Here is that occult bookstore link I mentioned earlier, AND I am in no way affiliated with this website or store.

Look at pictures of these EVIL books of FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE.
Pure heeby Jeebies. Lots of familiar esoteric symbols that happen to appear on corporate logos as well.

posted on Aug, 6 2006 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by BattleofBatoche
Here is that occult bookstore link I mentioned earlier, AND I am in no way affiliated with this website or store.

Look at pictures of these EVIL books of FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE.
Pure heeby Jeebies. Lots of familiar esoteric symbols that happen to appear on corporate logos as well.

Thank you for the link...I believe I already possess much of that forbidden knowledge.
The Apocalypse I believe has been triggered.

On this thread I offer proof you will find nowhere else.
It is a true blue message I offer you.

The thread title is 'Apocalypse and The Blue Star'... my theory is based on comparative studies, no bias, thus all encompassing.'



posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 03:16 AM
this is all really old news, theres so much proof that the vatican has been raided by paganistic bodies/groups.

you just have to see it for yourself, you have tridents, hand symbols, pagan gods, relics that all have symbols engraved into them or designs that support pagan celebration.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 04:45 AM
Nuking the Vatican...

well, thats abit OTT

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by infinite
Nuking the Vatican...

well, thats abit OTT

No I am speaking more metaphorically, the TRUTH would achieve the same results.
I wish no harm upon people physically, but I do wish them to come crashing down, as the Tower Card suggests, with their false beliefs, to be reborn as the phoenix suggests.

But having said that, there are people who do in fact follow the script in scripture and are following it as laid out, a self-fulling desire toward fulfillment of a belief, the greatest sin exposed, pride and its shadow, ego.

We need to send a collective 'wave' of disagreement...



posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by topsecretombomb
this is all really old news, theres so much proof that the vatican has been raided by paganistic bodies/groups.

you just have to see it for yourself, you have tridents, hand symbols, pagan gods, relics that all have symbols engraved into them or designs that support pagan celebration.

I wasn't you have a few good links?

And this is all suggesting what then?
What to make of all the complex detail?
Is there a simpler, bigger picture to be seen if we take a step back?

Top Secret, how do you see this apparent relationship affecting our future, what will the pagans in the Vatican conspire to do, to achieve?



posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 09:56 AM

23. Britain is owned by the Vatican. (Treaty of 1213)

24. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States. (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol.1 53-54)

25. A 1040 form is for tribute paid to Britain. (IRS Publication 6209)

26. The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery. (Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493)

27. The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people. (Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493)

28. The Pope's laws are obligatory on everyone. (Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., c. vii., n. 4. Prati, 1844)(Syllabus, prop 28, 29, 44)

I think, its just a tiny feeling, that the site is extremely anti-Catholic lol The Catholic Church does have influence in the United Kingdom, but our Church is not headed by the Pope. Pope cannot abolish any American law, Church and State are not one in the United States.

Some crazy NWO theories are based on some theory that the British Empire still exists and the Pope is the head of it

Regarding the "treaty" between Britian and the Pope, are you reffering to the Magna Carta? if so, you might want to read it first

thats the only document i can find in English law that give has a treaty allowing freedom of the Church of England (which is no longer under control of the Vatican).

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 03:03 AM
kachina, it seems the old sculpters of the past are into deceiving the masses by sneaking in certain types of appreciations towards paganism/satanism who themselves might be satanic in origin.

you have to remember, the first people who made good sculptures and got into arts were somehow freemasons to begin with, not all, but some.

obvioulsy, the catholic religion has its own stems of problems within its own interior. all i have to say is good luck. im christian btw. with all do respect.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Kachina
And when you google "SS" in 'light' of the occult Nazi / Catholic connections you realize SS also means Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Did Hitler see these two Saints as his apostles as assisting him in his tasks, the mythical St. Peter, the first Pope, some claim?
The Schutzstaffel ("defense squadron"), or SS, was also a large paramilitary organization that was a principal component of the Nazi party.
And were these activities with or without the consent of the Vatican?
Does the Vatican have a cross to bear in regards to Jews?
The Buddhist swastika, the omote manji can be formed simply by using two S, crossed to form a swirling symbol.

NO you are wrong!!! The SS symbol came from the magic runes!! SS MEANS POWER!!

It's a symbol like a bolt. Sowilo: (S: The sun) Success, goals achieved, honor.

With that, Hiter and his fellow occultists would garanteed the power and victory of this intelligence and political unit.

LOL talk about research!!!!!

[edit on 12-8-2006 by Ultradream]

[edit on 12-8-2006 by Ultradream]

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 09:43 PM
If you LOOK at the symbol from the uniform that wear the SS you can see the two bolts of the Sowilo runes !!!

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 10:07 PM
With a small amount of research you can find that some of the court cases listed hear have been overturned in one way or another, some of the information also has been warped or misinturpreted. Similarly i've looked for info on many of the sources listed and found nothing, i refuse to believe any of it unless i actually read the court decision/executive decision/ect. You should look them up yourselves.

[edit on 12-8-2006 by Liquid Swords1]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by topsecretombomb
kachina, it seems the old sculpters of the past are into deceiving the masses by sneaking in certain types of appreciations towards paganism/satanism who themselves might be satanic in origin.

you have to remember, the first people who made good sculptures and got into arts were somehow freemasons to begin with, not all, but some.

obvioulsy, the catholic religion has its own stems of problems within its own interior. all i have to say is good luck. im christian btw. with all do respect.

I do not acknowledge Satan...he belongs to only Mesopotamian myth...and occult Christianity...

The first people who were artists were probably 'shamans' high on drugs...this can be proven...

The first masons were not 'artists' as we see them today...they were the mathematicians...and it follows they are connected to the 'Sacred Geometry' and the Square and Compass.

What exactly is a Christian topsecret?...I have encountered so many different interpretations.

Maybe your faith can embrace what I believe to be a truth...You and me are 1st and foremost human beings...all other descriptions are really unnecessary.

Your Christian faith is misleading you.

I really, truly cannot express all I am or what I morphs daily, and I am more introspective than most people.

So why label it?
That is unfortunately the mantra, the prevailing declaration of certain faiths.

You essentially are saying, I just joined an exclusive club...I am now among the chosen.
How does that make me feel?
Do you care?
And how will my exclusion affect me?
Iraq is a prime example of how we deal with other faiths…the leveling of the holy city of Fallujah.
So is the fact the crucifix is the symbol I connect with the 90 Million indigenous people who were slaughtered after the Conquistador set foot in the Americas bearing the symbol of the Vatican.

Do I really need to join that exclusive club?
Are you aware of the past behaviors of these Secret Men in the Vatican wearing the frocks they stole from the Priestess?



posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 10:07 AM
Well, BattleofBatoche what a lovely title you have decided to use for this thread.

If this is true It's time to NUKE the Vatican

Just so you are aware, the Vatican City is only 0.17 square miles.[1] Would it not be over-kill to use a Nuclear Weapon on this Nation, especially when the area of effect would kill tens of thousands if not millions if innocent people? After all, Rome has over 3million people [2] living there.

It is nice to know, within only months of joining this site, you miss-quoted the Qu’ran heavily here[3] and didn‘t even source. You then post a thread in the New World Order, that would kill millions of innocent people because of the actions of a few guilty parties? Very interesting doctrine you promote. However, sometimes it is wiser to check the sources that your links give. Otherwise, threads like this can be born.

Now, let us examine this post. We’ll take the first point made from your source [4] We’ll take the first part they mention:

The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)

Now, most people who have no understanding of the legal field tend to take sources as solid fact. However, luckily enough I do have a good understanding of how law works and it is made. The ruling [or obiter dictum] of the case: Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al was nothing of the sort. The case in question, was nothing to do with the Inland Revenue Service but it was actually brought against a Mr. Steve Morgan [T-Bow Company]. The actual ruling of this case was:

The Court finds that the federal tax lien was properly assessed, noticed and recorded, and that it takes priority over any competing claims. The Court further finds that T-Bow was the alter ego or-nominee of Steven Morgan, and the funds payable to it are in fact, Morgan's property, and subject to the lien. Finally, because an award of attorney's fees to Diversified would deplete the interpleaded funds prior to full satisfaction of the lien, the Court declines to award such fees and costs.

The ruling was in 1996, actually after the case they mention and this is the final verdict. No where, does it mention that the I.R.S. can not be sued or that it isn‘t part of the United State‘s Government. So where did the author of the article you quote get it from? At a guess, thin air as goes for the rest of the website. However, it does hold some fact with the statement:

The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF.

This isn’t true either. The I.R.S. doesn’t exist eo nomine. You actually sue the Department of the Treasury as the Inland Revenue Service is a department of it or contact them. So nor does it exist within the eyes of the law or any other group, however the Department of the Treasury does exist within the eyes of the law. So if the author had bothered to check his sources, do a little bit of research he’d have found out that the I.R.S is part of the Department of the Treasury and not the International Monetary Fund.

You can follow this trend thoughout the whole article. Most of what is mentioned, quoted and sourced is wrong. Anyone with a basic understanding of the law will see through it. It is what is known as Internet Shock Tactics. By using sources, quotes, etc, of books most people won't have people believe that it is true.


P.S: Ultradream, etc, SS is an abbreviation of Schutzstaffel. It means, protective squadron. They began to use the symbol in 1931 when Walter Heck drew two Sig Runes [Sôwilô] together and noticed it looked like the initials of the SS. The Nazi Party used the term, due to the fact that Guido Karl Anton List changed the meaning of the Sôwilô from sun [Sol: Elder Futhark meaning] to victory [German: Sieg.] The Schutzstaffel used it as the meaning of Victory just like most the Nazi groups used their symbols.

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